Pawn Enters the House

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It's all fun and games until the wife gets home...
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Nikki pulled up on the curb. It seemed a little forward to just park on the driveway. Besides, from what she could gauge from the neighborhood it was a nice place. Good neighbors. The kind that can get nosy about matters they have no business with.

She liked being a dirty little secret. Best to keep it that way.

Walking along the sidewalk to his front door, a sense of trepidation washed over her. The garage was closed - she would need to be forward despite his invite. Hopefully she had the right house. It looked proper enough, not unlike how he described it to her.

She rang the doorbell and waited. A sense of silliness crept over her - standing outside a house in her work uniform. Blue pleated pants and a dark green polo shirt. Remarkably comfortable and functional to wear while moving around and cleaning a house. The satchel slung over her shoulder probably made her look like a sales lady or something. A passerby would probably think of her as dopey.

Footsteps and a jostle. Ryan opened the door. His eyes matched the warm smile that greeted her. "Why hello."

Nicole replied in kind, inviting herself in. She took in the decor of his home. It screamed busy. Game controllers scattered by the television. A pile of books by the recliner. The dinner table was visible in another room. It wasn't cluttered but clearly left in a hurry.

The curse of being in the cleaning industry, she reflected of her thoughts. Her designs for this moment of free time with her squeeze already being sidetracked by her work mindset.

"I apologize for not tidying up a bit. I only got home a few minutes ago myself."

"Not a problem. Sorry I'm still in these duds," Nicole replied, gesturing to her work clothes. "Would you mind if I used the bathroom quick?"

Closing the door behind her, Nikki quickly disrobed. Opening her satchel bag, she pulled out her little surprise. It was a bit crinkled, given to how it had been stashed all day. But she doubted he'd care. Besides, there wasn't much to wrinkle.

She found him in the kitchen. Stepping into full view, her eyes watched as he looked up from his phone and took in the sight of her. Ryan was quickly entranced by the little French maid standing in the archway. Nikki set down her satchel and made her way over to the man of the house.

"'Ello monsiuer," Nikki said, in a maligned French accent. "I am your servant, here to help you clean. I am to understand you have a dirty mind, oui? I will help take care of that, no? I promise I will do a thorough job."

The slapping sounds of her feather duster meeting her hand filled the kitchen. Nicole sauntered toward him as she spoke. A tinge of embarrassment swelled within her. She reminded herself that while this may be silly, their whole affair was silly. There was nothing correct about it. That's why she was loving it so much.

"Well, my little French missy," Ryan said with a chuckle, before placing his hands on her shoulders. "You're looking absolutely ravishing. You really know how to keep your bosses happy. Looking like you do. I, uh, would hate to make a bigger mess of things in trying to show my appreciation."

Her hands placed themselves on his chest. God, how she wanted to feel him again. As much as she enjoyed a good tease, she knew from their conversations that they only had so much time before they had to get back to their lives. She had every excuse to speed things along. Her fingers made their way to the buttons of his shirt. Slowly she began unbuttoning them, trying to maintain composure as her fingers slipped and struggled with her grip owing to her gloves.

With half the buttons removed, she leaned in and began kissing his chest. There was still an undershirt to contend with, but she was impatient. Her lips greeted each part of him tenderly. Each peck she left was slow and deliberate. It gave Nicole time to soak in his warmth. To simply enjoy being back so close to Ryan.

She gave a deep inhale and a little moan as a hand came to rest on her hair. At first Ryan seemed to be careful about her little maid cap adorning her head. But he soon ignored it, mussing it with his wrists as his fingers coaxed her strands.

Being against his chest afforded Nikki the joy of hearing Ryan's breath deepening. She imagined the same swell of lust building within her likewise consuming him. She sensed it in his hands and how they played with her hair. The temptation to reach down and feel his swelling member made itself known. The wetness between her legs cried for more. But she wanted to milk her play a little longer. Pressed for time or not.

"Oh! Monsieur! I do apologize. We ditzy maids, we sometimes get carried away. Here, let me dust ze countertops for you." Breaking from Ryan, Nikki wielded her feather duster and turned to the counter.

Nikki leaned over deliberately to pronounce her ass. She made a couple of quick, feeble attempts to dust. "It is so difficult. Perhaps if I pull down my skirt." Grabbing the waist of her skirt, she quickly shimmied it to the floor. Brushing the garments aside with her feet, Nikki again leaned over, giving Ryan as delectable a view as she could.

"There, that is better. It is accessible now."

She playfully wiggled her ass for him. Feeling his eyes following the curves of her cheeks excited her. The wetness between her legs begged to be satisfied. Watching him stand up and walk behind her instinctively cued her body. Nikki wiggled once more. She was ready to be taken.

"You're doing a fine job, my little French maid. Come with me to the couch. I have a special task for you."

"Oui? Tre bien. What task would my master have for me there?" Nikki was tantalized that his imagination was at work. What perverted thing was he playing at?

"I'm going to fuck you there, my little maid."

Nikki felt her face contort with a puzzled expression. Pushing up off the counter, she turned to face the man of the house. She dropped her poor French accent. "Wait, Ryan ... why not fuck me right here?"

"Well," he stammered. Apparently he was caught off-guard by Nikki's forwardness. "My thought was we could have more room. I could get a towel..."

"Oh honey," she interjected. Leaning in, she locked eyes with him. Her bosom pressed against his chest. "I clean houses for a living. We'll be fine. Besides, haven't you ever fucked in the kitchen before?"

"Uh, no. Can't say I have."

Nikki's leg lifted against him. Wanting to be closer. The feel of her pussy slowly grinding against his thigh buying a moment of satisfaction. She found herself smiling at him. Softly. She already knew the answer to her next question. Still, she was compelled to ask.

"Have you two done it in any rooms other than the bedroom?"

Ryan stammered as he typically did. "We, uh, moved in after our first kid, so..."

Nikki lifted a hand to Ryan's cheek. "Then, we're just going to have to christen every room in the house. I'm going to take you here. The dinner table. Sofa. Laundry room. Shower, tub, wherever we can. And once we've done it everywhere - I'm going to fuck you in the bedroom."

"But first, we're going to start right here. I want you to fuck me in my little maid outfit. Take me. Bend me over the counter. Slap my ass with a spoon. Plow me. Treat me like the little fuck doll you want so badly. Give it to me. Here. In your home."

Her pussy was pressing hard against his leg. Nikki could feel the dampness of her juices on her thighs as she rubbed. The need was overpowering. Raising her head she parted her lips. A kiss from her lover and they would begin.

It was the loud groan of the garage door opening that gave them both pause. Not even an inch from his face, they broke apart.

"Shit. Oh, shit, she's home early," Ryan exclaimed.

A flood of emotion washed over Nikki. Like a kid getting caught with a hand in the cookie jar. They were sitting ducks. Ryan with his shirt half-unbuttoned. Her juices on his slacks. She only half-dressed, in a slutty maid outfit.

Only, not quite yet. The car was still pulling up. They hadn't been found just yet. Nikki grabbed her feather duster and held it dearly with both hands. For the first time in what felt like forever she felt like a child. Helpless. Scared. Not sure what to do next. What action should she take?

What about Ryan? Their relationship? His marriage? All control she once held had vaporized. Now everything she had planned and crafted threatened to crumble.

"Head to the hall bath again," he said after a brief moment. He turned to Nikki, a measured look in his eyes. "Grab your stuff, head there and wait. She usually uses the master bathroom after she's settled in. You can get out then."

Nikki nodded. A plan. Anything. She caught the skirt on the floor and picked it up. Her satchel by the archway was next. Scurrying, she made her way back to the bathroom and pushed the door mostly closed behind her.

Dabbing off her dampness, Nikki made to change. She couldn't leave any evidence. Everything would have to go in her satchel. Quickly she pulled her work pants back on. Her maid top came off easily - 'Thank God for that,' she thought. She would have to go braless with the polo shirt. No time to fuss with her bra.

She hated how she felt like a little girl. Like she just upset her parents or something. Now she was stuck with this narrow window of escape.

'There's no need to be afraid. No need for shame. Your game and your move coming up. You got this. Just put on your work clothes, look presentable, and you can own it.'

The voice was calm and familiar. That same voice that guided her this far with Ryan. Nikki took a deep breath, quietly as she could. She grabbed a scrunchie out of her bag and fixed her hair. Ryan had done a fair job messing it up. His wife's voice was now audible. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying. It wouldn't matter in a minute, anyhow.

Nikki emerged from the bathroom. She had a clipboard in hand, a generic worksheet her cleaning company used for clients and a business card attached. A couple of checked boxes and a splash of generic notes made it look passable. At least for now. She held it over her chest. The moment of passion coupled with the chaffing of her shirt left her breasts more pointy than she would prefer.

The two were still in the kitchen, discussing their days from the sounds of it. Nikki entered her friendly workplace mindset and approached the archway.

Her first impression of Ryan's wife was that she was a fairly haughty woman. Not that she couldn't have an air of delicacy, she supposed. Her work attire wasn't doing her any favors though. Her thick stature, owing to having children no doubt, only complimented this impression. The curly hairstyle she sported likewise screamed a short fuse.

Maybe she had cleared her throat as she settled into her position at the doorway. Perhaps they caught her out of the corners of their eyes. Whatever the reason, they both turned toward Nikki. Ryan's own expression hardly changed, save for his eyes which glazed over in fright.

His wife on the other hand, saved no face. Her eyebrows drooped and her shoulders squared. A menace flared behind her eyes, which now held Nikki's attention. The queen made a straight line for Nikki. Purposely placing herself between Ryan and Nikki, his wife erupted.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Ryan, who is this young woman?"

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Nicole from Delilah's Cleaning Service. I've been doing an appraisal for potential service to your home."

Ryan's wife wasn't sold. She moved in face to face with Nikki. "Cleaning? What cleaning? We don't need cleaning. What's a girl like you doing here alone with my husband?"

"Now, Sherri, calm down," Ryan said. His voice was subduing and calm. Just hearing it took a world of pressure off Nikki. The wife, just inches from her face, had unsettled her. She was maintaining a professional poise, but was internally flustered as how to respond to the lady of the house.

Sherri turned to face her husband. "What is the meaning of all this? What's going on?"

Ryan remained composed at the situation before him. He slowly walked towards his wife. "Remember how we had been talking about how we need to find a way to free up more time to pursue our goals? And how no matter what we do, the house always seems in disarray?"

He placed both hands on Sherri's shoulders as she drew herself towards him. "I had the thought that if we utilized a cleaning service, well, then you could use the time you would spend organizing and cleaning each day working towards that promotion."

Sherri paused. Nikki could only stare and watch as the two hashed out the issue.

"The promotion was just an idea..."

"An idea you should pursue. I remember when we were dating. You had such lofty goals. You've put them on the back burner for our family. It's long overdue that you chase your ambitions. I can pick up the slack. Get the kids to their afterschool stuff. Stay on top of their screen times and such. You do what you need to do. As far as having someone over to clean the house - let's face it, it's probably better for everyone."

Ryan and Sherri chuckled. Nikki could only stand there. She had made her play and now life would move on around her. She didn't like it. Being the odd one out of Ryan's time, when it was supposed to be her time. To a crash and boorish shell of a woman. A shrill housewife who nonetheless held Ryan's heart.

The realization that it was this woman that wore away at Ryan's lust for life gnawed at Nikki's own zeal. Yet she mustn't act out of turn. Ryan was at the helm and working his way through so that everyone could come through unscathed. She had to follow his lead.

"Ok," Sherri said after a moment. "We can start this up as, like, a weekly thing or something and go from there."

"Atta girl."

Nikki watched as Sherri leaned in against her husband. Their lips met. His hands caressed his wife as they shared an intimate kiss. A kiss stolen from her. A kiss Ryan and her should have shared until his bitch wife interrupted their affair.

"Aww, that's so cute," Nikki chimed.

The couple broke their embrace. They both turned their attention to Nikki. Ryan chuckled warmly. Sherri still gave off chills, but no longer seemed to be holding her in contempt. She eyed Nikki up and down. "What have you been doing here, then?"

Nikki shot a sideways glance, drawing up dimensions of the house in her mind. "I've looked over most of the key areas for a standard visit. Main floor, bathrooms, kitchen. I put together a summary for my boss - the owner. She'll can give a call either today or tomorrow with a quote. Depending on how heavy her own workload is today."

"A smaller operation?"

"We're a tight knit group."

Sherri held her gaze at Nikki for a moment. Whereas a moment before she wanted to tear into her, the wife now backed down. The impression that something was off still lingered. Nikki wasn't sure if it was her own doubt, or if she was trying to make Nikki crack. Trying to be professional, she held her position.

"Well, I'll leave you to sign off on it then, hub. I'm going to head up and change."

"It was nice meeting you, ma'am."

Nikki slowly sauntered to the front door. As she heard Sherri's footsteps leading upstairs she gave her hips a little action. Ryan was following up behind. Words may still be dangerous, but she could afford the poor married soul a view of her ass to remember.

When they had stepped through and closed the door behind them, Nicole swirled around. Her grin and wide-eyed expression finally manifested after being pent up. "Smooth talking, mister. You saved the day back there."

"That was... unexpected. We may want to lay low for a while."

"Fuck that. I'm still horny as hell." She wanted to run her hand over his chest. Caress his face. Claim the kiss she was denied. But the potential for prying eyes held her back. She had carved out and held her position. She didn't need outside forces unsettling her. "I'm going to be sending you so many pictures of myself getting off tonight. What you're missing out on, mister."

Ryan chuckled. He seemed to want to say something, but couldn't find the words.

"I'll send this off to Delilah then. Oh my God, can you imagine... me, being able to visit every week? So much potential..."

With a lick of her lips and a fit of giggles, Nikki made her way back to the car. She knew Ryan's eyes were still on her. Her frame, her hair. His mind was unconsciously comparing his wife with the beauty walking down the street. The notion was making Nikki giddy.

Moving a few pieces and pulling a few strings, she and Ryan could have days and afternoons to themselves together. Her heart raced at the possibilities. Lingerie. Restraints. Toys. Candles. And that was just the start.

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