Payback - Ten Fold Ch. 02


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I was dying to know what Maria was saying on the other end of that phone. But if I snuck into the other room I wouldn't be able to see my wife -- the cord wouldn't reach -- and I wanted to watch this! But again my curiosity was too much. I crawled along the floor like a soldier sneaking across enemy lines into the computer room. I felt ridiculous sneaking around my own house.

I reached the phone and very carefully lifted the receiver, trying my best not to make any noise.

"That's it sweetie, don't take that cock out of your mouth. Are your eyes still closed?"

"Mmmm Hmmm."

"Just imagine him, Lexi. He's tall and muscular with tan skin, and you only just met him, but here you are with his big beautiful cock in your mouth. You're such a naughty girl, aren't you?"

"Uh Hmmm."

"Play with your pussy while you suck that cock. It's all wet, isn't it?"

"Mmmmmmmmm," Lexi purred into the phone.

"I know you love sucking that cock, but you really need him to fuck you now. Tell him you need to be fucked."

"Mmmmm, I want to be fucked," Lexi moaned.

"No, Lexi, you NEED to be fucked."

"I neeeed to be fucked!" My wife whimpered.

"Put it in you the way he would put it in you. He's not gentle is he?"


"No, he's not. He sees what a naughty little girl you are. He's going to be rough with you. But you like it that way. Shove that big, hard cock in there!"


I could hear Lexi moaning both in the phone and from the adjacent room. My cock was hard as a rock and I had unconsciously unzipped my pants already. And strangely, I felt jealous! Not so much of her toy, but of Maria! In a weird way, it was like she was fucking my wife!

"He's fucking you soooo hard! He's looking you in your eyes. He knows that pussy is his right now. He's fucking you like he owns you. He's not going to show you any mercy, he's pounding your tight little hole as hard as he wants to!"

"Ohhhh yeeeeaaaaah! It's soooooo goooood!!" Lexi's loud moans echoed through the house.

"Put the phone down there Lexi. I want to hear how hard he's fucking you."

In the phone I could hear the sloshing and smacking sounds of her soaking wet cunt being hammered by her toy. And she was fucking herself so hard that at the same time, I could hear the bed squeaking!

I almost dropped the phone, but managed to catch it before it clunked down on the hardwood floor, and set it down carefully. I had to see this. I shuffled out into the hallway on my knees, my hard-on hanging out of my pants, bouncing in front of me. I peered into the room.

Lexi put the phone back to her ear but didn't slow down with the hard fuck she was giving herself. "Yes! Oh god yes! Yeah, I'm a naughty girl! Yes I love his big cock in my pussy! Oh Maria, he's fucking me so hard! Oh my god! Oh my god! Mariaaaaa!"

I'd been absently playing with dick the whole time I was watching this, but as soon as she yelled out Maria's name, I felt compelled to stop. Control yourself man, I told myself. Remember who is getting her off on the other end of the phone -- my arch nemesis!

Silence. My wife had made herself cum. She slid down from her upright position onto her back, and her legs straightened out and collapsed flat on the bed. The dildo was still half-way lodged in her pussy.

"Oh my god, Maria, that was so wrong," she panted.

I shuffled back into the computer room to pick up the phone.

"Why was it wrong?" Maria asked.

"What do you mean why? I just had phone sex with you! Like, eeewwww!"

"Well at least it was straight sex!" Maria joked. "You know that was good."

"I was just kidding...well...kind of. I admit, that was amazing! It was so much better than masturbating by myself. Why didn't we ever do that before?"

"I just wanted to make you feel good. And I knew that would do the trick. See how well I know you?"

"I know. I'm so glad I have you as a friend right now. I don't know what I'd do if I had to go through this by myself. You're the only one I can talk to."

Lexi's words made me sick to my stomach. If Maria was the only one who she felt like she could talk to, I knew I was in big trouble.

"Maria knows best, right?"

"Yes, Maria," Lexi sarcastically droned, then laughed.

"So, divorce Tony. I know what's best."

"Maria, don't ruin the moment, please?"

Maria let out a very fake laugh. "Oh, I'm just kidding. If I wanted you to leave him so bad I wouldn't have given you all that good advice on how to fix things, right?"

"I know," Lexi said.

Wow. Maria was slick. I had to hand it to her. She'd just slipped that right in there. I don't hit women, but I would have punched her through the phone if I could have.

"But seriously, I want you to do something for me right now. For yourself, actually."

"What is that?"

"That little fantasy we just played out?"


"Get up and go make it real."

"You mean, like...literally, right now?"

"Lexi, it's Friday night, you're a sexy girl, you're horny, and you need something to make you feel good. Go put my advice into action. Put on something sexy, maybe slutty, and get laid girl! There's no reason not to. It's either that or sit around feeling sad, right?"


"Don't even try to argue, just go do it, you know you want to," Maria interrupted.

"I wasn't going to argue. I was just going say I love you. Thank you for being here for me."

"Aww, I love you too. Now go get fucked ya little slut!"

"Maria!" Lexi giggled.

"Talk to you soon, sweetie. Remember everything I told you."

"Oh, I will, don't worry. Bye hun," Lexi hung up the phone.

Before I could even hang up the phone myself, I heard Lexi get out of the bed and put her feet on the floor. She walked out into the hallway nude, her inner thighs wet with her juices, and strolled right past the dark computer room without noticing me. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. A moment later, I could hear the shower running.

I hoped she was just washing up to get ready for bed, and not seriously going to do what Maria said. How could she actually listen to that bullshit? Dr. Phil would have bitch slapped Maria for giving that kind of advice, and Lexi was a huge Dr. Phil fan. My wife HAD to be smarter than that.

I went down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I'd been starving when I got home, but now I had no appetite.

I closed the fridge.

I was trembling, and slightly dizzy. Every minute Lexi spent in the bathroom felt like an hour. I started to pace back and forth in the dining room, praying that Lexi wasn't going to put me through another ordeal like the previous Saturday night. I felt like I was going to cry.

Almost forty-five minutes later I heard the bathroom door open, and I was exhausted from pacing the entire time. I hurried upstairs to see what she doing. My heart sank when I saw my wife wrapped in a towel, with her hair and make-up done. I knew she was going out.

"'s Maria?" I spoke with a dry throat.

Lexi looked at me funny. "Since when do you care how Maria's doing? Sorry to disappoint you but she's still alive and well."

"What did you guys talk about?" I cringed as soon as I asked the question, knowing I was being too forward.

Lexi started pulling out dresses from her closet and holding them up to herself in the full length mirror on the closet door. "You're a smart guy, figure it out. When a girls husband cheats on her...with a WHORE, what do you suppose she talks to her friends about?"

"You know, she's not really a good person to be talking to about that. I mean, she hates me. All she's going to do is try to get you to leave me. You don't want her to make a decision like that for you."

"Oh, don't worry. If I leave you, it won't be her decision. What do you think, I'm stupid?"

"No, that's not what I was saying."

"Of course she told me to divorce you, and I told her I'd decide that for myself. But she had other good advice."

"Like what? Continue to act like a slut!" My anger unleashed itself.

"How dare you!" Lexi shouted. "You've been more of a slut than any woman I know! Where do you get off calling me that!"

"I wasn't calling you... I mean, I didn't mean it like that. I meant...damn it, Lexi. I can't think right now. I'm so upset, I hate that you talk to her about us!"

"Too bad," she said, casually dropping her towel to the floor. "She's the only one I can really talk to right now."

I was quiet for a moment, taking in the sight of her naked body. I'd seen a lot of it that week, and it never got old. My thought at that moment was how some other man was going to be enjoying all of those beautiful curves tonight. I had half a mind to tie her to the bed to keep her from going anywhere.

Lexi pulled a short, low cut, red dress off of a hanger, and pulled it over her head. She reached inside of it and adjusted her big boobs to sit properly inside of it. As big as they were, gravity put a little bit of sag to them, so I was surprised she wasn't putting on a bra. But the dress was so tight at the top that it did an ok job of propping them up. In fact, her tits looked fantastic in that dress. The bottom half was looser and the flowing material didn't quite reach the middle of her thigh.

"No bra?" I inquired.

"Or panties," she smiled devilishly. "I'm feeling naughty."

My pulse was racing. "Where are you going like that?"



"Out," she repeated, matter-of-factly. As she stepped into her 5 inch red heels, the phone rang.

I reached over and grabbed it. "Hello?"

"Yellow Taxi. I'm outside," a man said.

"I didn't order a cab," I said, then hung up on him.

"Tony!" Lexi protested. "Damn it, now I have to run in these damn shoes to catch him before he leaves!"

Lexi bolted down the stairs as fast as she could in her heels, which wasn't very fast. I followed, and grabbed her arm before she could get out the door.

"Lexi, I love you. I really do, with all my heart. I want you to think about that before you do anything crazy."

"Crazy? What's crazy is you cheating on a woman like me." Lexi shook her head. "I know what you're thinking, and you're right. I'm going out to get laid. At least you don't have to wonder."

"That hurts, Lexi. It really does," I said, feeling my eyes water.

"I don't care how you feel about it right now. What matters is how I feel! I'm the victim here!" Lexi pulled away from me and scurried out the door, waving to the cab.

The fact that she had just parroted the words right out of Maria's mouth left no question that she had bought her friends advice hook, line, and sinker.

I stood in the doorway watching her leave through teary eyes. A little gust of wind blew by as she was opening the back door of the cab and it sent her little dress all the way up to her waist, exposing her naked ass and her partially shaved pussy. I wondered how many times that would happen over the course of the night, and how many men would get to see that. She shouldn't be going out alone like that; she could get into a situation she couldn't get out of!

I spent the next thirty minutes pacing some more. My stomach ached from a combination of jealousy, worry, and hunger but I still couldn't eat. My feet were tired from pacing; I'd probably walked a mile over the dining room floor.

I thought about trying to make myself feel better by getting some action of my own. Maybe I'd call up an escort agency. No, my dick was what got me here in the first place. I was wishing like hell that I had a bottle of booze to get myself drunk off my ass and pass out.

Too exhausted to keep pacing, I laid down on the couch. But I couldn't stay still.

I got up and looked out the window, stared at my empty driveway for a while, then laid back down on the couch.

I stared at the ceiling for a while, constantly shifting and stirring.

I got up and stared out the window again. The lawn needed mowing.

I laid back down on the couch, counting the dots on the ceiling. After an indeterminate amount of time, I dozed off.

I was awakened by a beeping sound. As soon as my vision came into focus I looked at the clock on the cable box, it was 2:17a.m. I'd been asleep for almost four hours.

I got up and looked out the window again, hoping that at any moment I'd see a cab pulling up with my wife inside of it. The bars closed at 2 a.m. I heard the beeping sound again and realized it was my cell phone.

I looked all over the place for my cell phone, still not fully awake. I couldn't remember where I put it. When the beeping sound started again, I followed the sound to find my phone had fallen out of my pocket in the computer room.

I had three unread text messages. I clicked on the first one and an image popped up. My hand began shaking so hard that I dropped my phone on the floor, causing the battery to fall out.

I sank down to the floor, holding my chest. It took me a minute to get my breathing under control. I grabbed the battery and popped it back in my cell phone then turned it back on.

I pulled up my text messages and was about to click on the second one, then paused. Did I really want to see it? Chances were, it was another picture message.

The first one had been of my wife, naked except for her fuck-me heels, spread eagle on a pool table.

My curiosity ate at me until I had to open the next message. Another image popped up. It was a side view of Lexi's face, with some lucky man's very thick cock in her stretched mouth. Either drool, or cum, was dangling from her chin, I couldn't tell.

"There is really something wrong with me," I shook my head as I realized my dick was getting hard.

I clicked on the third message. My wife's face was dripping with cum. She was smiling...and flicking me off.

It was too much for me. I jumped up and began pacing again, cursing her and spewing nonsensical venom about the man that had used her that way.

For a moment I forgot my own guilt, and took a selfish opportunity to just be mad at her, to feel betrayed. I clicked send. I was going to give her a piece of my mind, the fucking whore!

"What's up, buddy!" A man answered with a thick, New York accent.

I hung up. Who the fuck was that? I checked the number and realized it wasn't even my wife's cell phone that the pictures had come from.

"Damn it, Lexi! How could you be so stupid!" I yelled. Some strange guy now had dirty pictures of my wife and there was no telling what he might do with them!

My phone rang. It was the same number. I couldn't decide if I wanted to answer or not, and in my indecision it went to voicemail. A moment later, it called back.

"Who is this," I finally got the courage to answer.

"The guy who's got his dick in your slutty little wife," The man with the New York accent replied. "And she loves this dick, don't you slut!"

"Oh fuck yeeeeah! Fuck me harder baby! Oh fuck I love your big cock in my pussy!" I heard Lexi scream.

"I'm fuckin' this little bitch real good. Fucking whore can't get enough of my cock! Who's pussy is this, slut!"

"Ohhhhhh fuuuuuck!" Lexi wailed. "Fuck me like you own me! This is your pussy! Fuck me hard!"

"You want more, bitch? You like that? Huh? You fucking like that!"

"Oh my god, you fuck me so good!"

"Better than this fucking loser on the phone ever did, ain't that right!"

"Yeeeeeees! Hang up on that asshole and fuck your pussy!"

"I'm going to fucking kill you motherfuker! You hear me! I'm going to...hello? Hello!" The bastard had hung up. I tried calling back but it went straight to voicemail.

I spent the next hour or so pacing the floor, crying at random intervals. For some reason I couldn't stop pulling up those pictures from the text messages. They mad me angry, and they made me sad. They also made me hard.

I eventually ended up on the living room couch, jerking off to the one of my wife looking like a cheap whore with cum splattered all over face. I felt guiltier jerking off to that picture than I ever had while fucking Michelle. I didn't know why. When I finally came, I started crying again. Then I fell asleep.

The bright lights from the taxi came right through the living room window when it pulled up, and woke me from my slumber. I felt hugely relieved to know my wife was home, so much so, that I all but forgot about being mad.

I didn't know I how I felt anymore. There was such a strange mix of emotions - sadness, anger, guilt, and remorse, amongst others. Thinking about what my wife was doing, and what I had done to cause it, only made me dizzy.

I wasn't in good enough shape at that moment to have any kind of confrontation, so I feigned sleep as she entered the house.

She was a mess. Her make up was gone completely and her hair looked a little damp. I knew she must have showered at some point. Evidence of her slutty antics was all over her red dress in the form of little white stains.

I remembered she'd been naked in the photos, so I wondered how many times she'd been fucked that night...and by how many. I felt sick.

"Are you sleeping?" she asked, nudging my shoulder. I could smell a lot of liquor on her breath.

I shut my eyes completely and didn't move.

"Do you know what you've done, Tony? Do you have any idea?" Her voice sounded shaky. I recognized her tone and when a teardrop landed on my cheek it confirmed she was crying. "I'm turning into something really bad, Tony. Really bad! And I don't know what to do!"

I waited for her to continue, still pretending to be asleep, but I soon heard her footsteps going up the stairs.

Part of me felt guilty for not getting up and talking to her in an obvious moment of emotional conflict. But I also knew she was impossible to talk to when she was drunk. She'd ramble on and on, talking in circles all night long. It was better to wait until she was sober to try and have a serious discussion with her.

But at least I could tell she felt remorse for what she was doing. That was a good sign, and it helped me sleep a little better that night. But only a little.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Guy is a Fucking wimp

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Characters are totally unlikeable and uninteresting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really sorry ending

Nato_Nato_almost 2 years ago

Beta cuck writing about betas that are more beta than beta 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Stupidest damn story I’ve ever read here, no man would put up with this “puta shit” and he would have had terrible things happen to Marie

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a pathetic duo... I hope they are not able to reproduce... the world would not survive.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This guy is completely unbelievable. I doubt anyone like this"man" could exist! How did he have the balls to cheat?! What a disgusting character.

lee5456lee5456almost 4 years ago
How fucking stupid can you get

They both cheated. Divorce each other and get the fuck on with your life

hobie1010hobie1010almost 4 years ago

This story is pathetic -- he needs to grow a pair and BTB

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This asshole is not a man but a piece of fucking shit who needs to crawl into a hole and die.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Well since you've not written for a while

How about as per your intro...

you're a "gay, fag, sissy, wimp, dickless panty wearing piece of pig shit" ...

There you go, some motivation, time for you to write another chapter of this crap story.

Thing is since you are a self acclaimed bitch for your wife, half of the comments are true.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Too far over the top

She just goes crazy. Nothing sexy or erotic about that. And then she compounds her stupidity by sending him pictures? Pictures are never a good idea. What happens when all her family and friends get their own copy of the pictures? Her life will be ruined and she'll have to move far away and start over. Really poorly thought out. The biggest mistake is that this story was left unfinished. Impossible to give it a good score as it sits.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

time for a divorice and get the hell out leave the slut she can have as many as she wants

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Not believable

Story is just too farfetched. A bunch of assholes making a lot of noise about nothing. No chap three after nine years. George R.R. Martin writes faster.

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