Penny the Conqueror Ch. 16

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Penny goes back to Grandfort to find a new bodyguard.
8.5k words

Part 16 of the 25 part series

Updated 03/17/2024
Created 03/22/2022
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"You know what? FINE!" Penny stomped out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel. She was still wet from her shower. "I'm not here to make you feel better about quitting your job! YOU fuckin' did that!"

Vitala sat on the bed, seething. "Penny Leighton, once again I have made sacrifices for you, and you are not appreciative!"

Penny put a thumb to her chest. "Hey, I was the one who went into space and saved your ass!"

"You cannot use that every time to win an argument!" Vitala hopped up and folded her arms, turning away from Penny.

Penny stared and seethed, then went back into the bathroom. She whipped the towel off and dried herself a bit, then threw on a robe. She marched out and looked back at Vitala. "I have to go to Grandfort, then I have a planetary tour to take."

Vitala scoffed. "Who will be falling at your feet more--the people of this planet, or the loose women of Grandfort?"

"I'm doing my job," Penny hissed. "We need to find a replacement for Oola, and Grandfort has some of the best soldiers out there."

"Yes, I am sure that is your fascination with the place," Vitala shot back.

"You know what? I want you out!" Penny folded her arms and turned away herself. She heard the automated doors to her room slide open and close again. Vitala was out.

Penny angrily threw off her robe and got herself dressed. Penny and Vitala were not getting the same romance that they had a while back. Things were strained between them, and Vitala would sometimes sleep in a spare bedroom.

Penny went down to the parlour, where Tannis was meeting with Groovi and Oola about the final preparations for the wedding banquet. They were sitting by the fine wood table, with several plates of fine cake in different flavours.

Groovi had reached over and took a pinch of a white cake, then put it in her mouth. "I believe this is too sweet."

Tannis wrote something on her tablet. "We can look at changing the recipe." She looked up from her tablet. "'re not eating the entire slice, are you?"

Oola sat there and munched on a large wedge of pink pastry. "I like cake!"

Tannis did a gentle titter. "Oh, you must be having cravings, what with the pregnancy."

Groovi sighed. "No, she always eats that much cake."

Penny came in and chuckled. "How's the cake selection going?" She stopped and gazed at a large brown slice, with glistening frosting. "Is that chocolate?"

Tannis glanced at the slice, then pointed to the cake. "You mean this? It is banubu, from the beans of the same name. It is not a popular flavour with our people, but you are free to try it."

Penny grabbed the whole slice and took a huge bite. Her face resembled sexual ecstasy. "This is better than chocolate! God, I need more of this!"

"We will have a special dessert prepared for her excellency," Tannis said as she tapped away on her tablet.

"Guys," Penny managed with a full mouth. "We're going to Grandfort for a bit. We have to settle a dispute between Lolo and Girtan."

"I thought Lolo was going to move here," said Groovi.

"She changed her mind," Penny said with a shrug. "Now she wants Girtan gone instead. I can't lose my sergeant-at-arms out there."

"The means of settling disputes is codified in such circumstances, excellency," Tannis cautioned.

"No, no duking out to the death," Penny replied. "I'm trying to drag this planet into the fifteenth century. We can think of something more civilized."

Oola licked her fingers. "That is dumb! We need proper entertainment. If there is combat, so be it!"

"Oola, I could have killed you," Penny reminded her. "I got the crown because I spared your life." She shook her head. "Anyway, we'll get packed up and head over, then we come back and have the wedding. After that, I leave you two to have your honeymoon, and I go tour the planet for the next thirty days."

"Excellency!" Oola went for another piece of cake. "Will you require my assistance?"

Penny laughed. "No, dear, you just focus on making that baby. Actually, we're going to Grandfort to pick out a replacement for you. I think one of the soldiers there can do the bodyguard thing until you're ready to come back to me."

Penny went up to get her bag packed. Vitala was sitting at Penny's writing desk, tapping away at her computer. She did not acknowledge Penny's presence. "I'm going to Grandfort," Penny announced. Vitala did not turn to look. "Wanna come?"

Vitala typed away some more. "I have work to do."

Penny sighed hard. "You know, I'm trying, Vitala. I get it—it's a little boring on a desert planet. I'm not responsible for your feeling like your life is fulfilling or anything."

Penny zipped up her luggage and gave one final stare. "Maybe some time away from each other might help us get some focus." Penny left, leaving the bags for the servants to load in the shuttle. She had that sinking feeling in her stomach, like the relationship she had invested her time and emotions into was dying.

Penny had more enthusiasm once she, Groovi, and Oola loaded into the shuttle. Oola flew, while Penny and Groovi talked about the final details of the wedding. Penny felt grounded again, and getting out to Grandfort again felt like she could properly unwind.

The shuttle landed at the pad inside Grandfort's walls. They were greeted by one of the domestic servants.

"Excellency, welcome back," the servant said. She helped the women with their bags, then noticed Oola's slightly protruded belly. "Are you with child, madam?"

Oola smiled widely. "I am!"

"Oh, that is wonderful," the servant gushed. "We do not get to see many pregnant women, as you can well imagine."

Penny was taken to her usual large bedroom, while Oola and Groovi were taken off to another room. Just as Penny was getting herself settled in, the wall communicator beeped. Penny ran over and pushed the button. "Yes?"

"Your excellency, I apologize for the disturbance," the voice came back. "We have someone who would like to meet you. She has just started her training. She is quite insistent."

Penny was feeling tired, but figured she could have a quick visit. "Okay, send her in."

After a minute, there was a chime at the door, then the young woman entered. "Excellency!"

The woman was slim and beautiful. Her skin was red like most Boccans, only she seemed to have a lovely glow to her. Her hair was silver and braided up on both sides into pigtails. Her body was both curvy and athletic, and she had on a tight t-shirt showing her lovely flat stomach. Her thighs looked thick and toned.

"Queen Penelope! Oh, I am so happy to get to meet you! I was telling the sergeant-at-arms that I must meet the queen, or else I would being more disrespectful! I watched your coronation on the vid, and you looked so graceful and commanding! Ooh, I just hope that I can serve you well. I have come all the way from the Voltan province just to serve, and I was so glad to be accepted into the Majestic Guard. I hope--"

Penny held up her hands. "Whoa, whoa!" She giggled as the young woman looked ready to burst. "What's your name, darling?"

"It is Jaz," she replied. "I was named after my great-grandmother. She served in the old Provincial Defence Force before the separatists started to consolidate. You know, I think she was actually my favourite relative, other than my mother, of course. I only knew my great grandmother from when I was little, but she always told me--"

Penny held up her hands again. "Jaz, what's your role here at Grandfort?"

Jaz looked excited to get to explain. "Oh! I am training for bare-handed fighting. I will still study other means of fighting. I was captain of our local security force even for my Day of Ascension! No other female was given such an honour."

Penny smiled, then went over to put a hand on Jaz's shoulder. "I'm really glad you stopped by, dear. Listen, I have to have a dinner with my associates tonight, but maybe you and I can spend some time chatting over breakfast tomorrow, okay?"

Jaz looked elated. "Thank you, excellency! Oh, I'm so relieved that you wish to get to talk with me. You know, I get told that I get a little chatty sometimes, but I do not think that it has been an impetus to making friends, or--" Penny gave Jaz a gentle shove out the doors, which mercifully closed in between the two women. Penny sighed with relief.

Penny joined Groovi and Oola for dinner in their exclusive alcove reserved for the queen. Penny told them about the new plans for three cruiser vessels to be completed in eighteen months, as well as the new space station that would be completed over five years.

"Guys, I need your advice," Penny said. "Lolo doesn't want to leave after all. She says she wants Girtan to leave now, and Girtan wants Lolo gone. I can't deal with this!"

Oola sat and thought. "We will confront Girtan, your excellency. Perhaps I can persuade her."

Later in the evening, Girtan was out by the weapons locker down on the greens. Oola stomped up to her with Groovi trailing behind. "Girtan! I wish to speak with you."

Girtan turned to look, and Oola did not slow down a bit. Oola grabbed Girtan by the collar with one arm, then stuck her forearm under Girtan's chin, seizing her in place.

"You have betrayed Lolo!" Oola sneered. "You have caused disruption to the order of Grandfort!"

Girtan sputtered and choked. "Oola! I do not wish to do battle! You are with child!"

"Oho!" Oola gave a half-smile. "So you fear that you are outnumbered!"

Girtan gave a shocked look. "What? No, I mean...I do not wish to..." She gagged and struggled. "Please let me go! I can explain!"

Oola glanced at Groovi, who nodded. She let go of Girtan, who rubbed at her throat. "Very well. Explain."

"Thank you," Girtan said. "Now, I was merely asking Lolo one night if she ever wished to partake in the physical pleasures of another woman. She assumed I meant for me to be able to do so."

Oola stood with her hands on her hips. "Why would you ask this of her?"

"It was not a request," Girtan explained. "I was asking if she felt this way. She left in a huff and refused to speak to me."

"Hmm. This sounds to be a misunderstanding." Oola turned to Groovi. "Perhaps there is room to reconcile."

Groovi got nervous. "Um...Girtan? I am afraid that Lolo was with me at my batcha larat party. I believe she had her way with two of the dancers." She put a hand over her mouth. "I am sorry."

Girtan looked sullen. "Then perhaps it is too late."

"But you are both such fine workers here!" Oola put a hand on Girtan's shoulder. "You are a most excellent sergeant-at-arms. Lolo is wonderful at the tea drinking. To make one leave for the other will leave this place feeling like it has lost its magic."

"I cannot bear the idea that Lolo found comfort in another woman's arms!" Girtan looked ready to cry. "I gave up the fraternization for her! I was still true to her, even when she abandoned me!"

"Oh, do not weep, Girtan," Groovi said comfortingly. "Can we not convince you to let Lolo stay?"

Girtan stuck out her lower lip. "I have been wronged. Would you be so forgiving if it happened to you?"

Girtan looked at Oola, then down at her pregnant belly. She was still not sure what to think about Oola's seemingly miraculous conception. "You would be surprised what I can tolerate," Groovi grumbled. "Relationships are all about working together." She suddenly got an inspiration. She grabbed Oola by the hand. "Love, we must go now."

Oola stood there as Groovi strained to move her. "What is the rush?"

Groovi looked Oola in the eyes. "It is...the time." She flicked her eyebrows. "You know...the time."

"Ohhhh!" Oola relented and followed her love. She turned to Girtan as she was dragged away. "Trust in Groovi—she has bright ideas!"

Groovi and Oola made it up to the guest room. "Come, Groovi!" Oola extended her arms. "Let us make the sex!"

Groovi sighed and turned to her affianced. "I only said that to pull you away from Girtan. My plan is that Girtan and Lolo shall switch roles."

Oola sputtered. "I do not care for the issues of these silly women! Come, and make your mama feel like a woman!"

"Our first duty should be to the queen," Groovi commented. She slyly was alluding to her own claim to the crown as well.

Oola pondered Groovi's plan. "It sounds foolish! The security of Grandfort might be compromised."

"It is already disrupted with the lover's quarrel," Groovi mentioned as she pushed her hair back. She undid her dress and let it fall to the floor, standing there in her underwear. "Her excellency is already on the grounds, and will keep discipline tight." She rubbed at her shoulder. "My shoulder is also tight, dear. May I trouble you for a rub?"

Oola sat on the bed and invited Groovi over, who sat down right in front of Oola. Oola proceeded to give Groovi's shoulders a rub. Groovi groaned and sighed with satisfaction. "Are you uncomfortable sitting like that?" asked Groovi.

"It is fine," Oola replied as she kneaded Groovi's shoulders. "The little one is growing every day." She let one hand wander down to Groovi's belly, then kissed the back of Groovi's neck.

Groovi let out a gasp as she put her own hand on Oola's. "I would much like to make the beast." She spun around and kissed Oola. Oola held onto Groovi's waist at they wrestled tongues.

Groovi stood up and took off her bra. Oola leaned in and licked Groovi's pink nipples, then ran her index finger in between Groovi's labia. Groovi rested her hands on Oola's large shoulders as she enjoyed getting some attention.

Oola slid down off of the bed and sat on the floor, then ate Groovi out. Groovi gasped and held onto Oola's head as she got her tongue-lashing. Groovi held her eyes shut as she listened to the lapping sounds.

A few minutes later and Groovi was ready to return the favour. She had Oola stand up and get naked, then lie down on the bed. Oola's tummy was only starting to show, but she still looked glorious. Groovi was on the bed on her knees, admiring Oola's body with pride.

Groovi got down and licked away. Oola grunted and wiggled as she got her servicing. Groovi held onto Oola's thick thighs as best as she could as she enjoyed giving her lover oral.

Groovi puled away, then moved up so that she and Oola could kiss. Groovi ran her hand along Oola's chest. Oola's breasts were already starting to grow, and her nipples were protruding. "You are so lovely, darling," Groovi whispered.

Oola twisted her lips. "Perhaps your idea will have merit, dear. We will see if Lolo and Girtan will agree."

Groovi put her fingertip to Oola's lips. "No more talk of any other woman tonight." They kissed again, and continued their fun.

The next morning, Groovi relayed her idea to Penny. Penny was exhausted from thinking about it already, so she reluctantly agreed. The soldiers of Grandfort were all requested to meet at the third hour on the training grounds for the announcement.

All of the soldiers were there in a large circle, with Lolo and Girtan in the middle, reluctant to look at each other. Penny, Oola, and Groovi all came a bit later, with Penny going into the centre of the circle between Lolo and Girtan. Jaz was in the circle, and smiled widely and waved at Penny, who shot her a look to settle down but also let a small smile slip.

Penny raised her arms to quiet everyone down. "I understand there have been some disturbances here at Grandfort. While I expect nothing but the best from you all, I understand that not everything can run smoothly. I have taken the advice of one of my associates, and decided we should rotate duties once in a while, to help others gain appreciation for the important work we all do. I am hereby making Lolo the sergeant at arms, and Girtan here will be the archivist and deportment coach."

The other soldiers looked at each other confused. Jaz was still smiling at the queen.

"We will have Lolo do the training for today," Penny continued. "Girtan will be in Lolo's office if you wish to talk with her. Good luck." She went out of the circle, with Groovi and Oola following behind.

As Oola was heading toward the main hall, she was confronted by several of the servants. "You are the pregnant one," one of the servants said with glee. The others giggled and took Oola by the hands. They pulled her over by one of the lounge chairs and got her to sit down.

"Why are you all doing this?" asked Oola. The women simply giggled and got Oola relaxed in the chair. One of them brought over a squirt bottle with oil, and another got down by Oola's feet and started massaging.

Groovi stared at the spectacle, fuming. "We want to show our appreciation for motherhood," said one of the servants. The others giggled as they waited hand on foot on Oola.

"Groovi, love, please do not be worried," Oola assured her. One of the servants fed berries into Oola's mouth. "They are concerned for my well-being."

One of the servants looked over her shoulder, then turned to the others. "It is Crele!" The servants all arose and straightened out their long dresses. Oola tried to sit up and see what was happening.

Groovi's eyes got wide as she saw the woman approach. She put her hands over her mouth. "Oh, my."

The woman walked up to the lounge chair and stood there. She was an imposing figure, perhaps two inches taller than Oola. She had impressive muscles, and a series of tiger-stripe tattoos that covered her sturdy arms. Her skin was just as dark as Groovi's. She had the fiercest eyes on her, the light blue that was so rare to the planet. Her silver hair was trimmed near to the scalp. She had her duffel bag slung over her shoulder, and it made her arm muscles strain enough to give her bicep a good flex. In her other hand was a document.

One of the servants made her way forward and extended her hands. "May I take your baggage, madam?"

Stone-faced, Crele brought her bag off of her shoulder and let the servant take it. The servant appeared to strain with how heavy the bag was. "I am here to assume my position." She held up her paper. "I must report to the sergeant at arms."

Another servant came forward and did a curtsy. "That will be Lolo. I can take you to her."

Crele looked confused. "I was told that the warrior Girtan was the head of the Majestic Guard. I came all the way from K'Tuhul province just for this?"

The servant took Crele's hand. "Please, madam. We will explain as we go." The servant walked for a bit, then stopped cold when Crele's hand tugged her back.

Crele was gazing down at Groovi, who was standing there in a simple tunic. "Hello, little one," she said with more of a conciliatory tune. "I hope to see more of you here at Grandfort."

"Oh, I am not a soldier," Groovi replied, crossing her arms over her breasts. "You will be quite mighty, I am sure."

Crele looked past Groovi at Oola, who was sprawled out on her lounge. "It looks as if you have made yourself comfortable. Are you not the queen's bodyguard?"

"I am," Oola said, sounding meek.

"Perhaps you should be with the queen," Crele said icily. "By the looks of you, you appear to make lapses in judgment. Your commitment to the queen should be higher than...whatever got you in this condition."

Oola sneered and made a fist. "You do not have the right to comment on my child! I will pulverize you into ground flaska for such talk!"

Crele looked unafraid. "I combat true warriors, not pregnant layabouts." She smiled at Groovi. "I hope to see much more of you later." She finally relented and let the servant take her away.

Groovi did a deep breath and sighed as she felt her arms break out in a sweat.

The servant brought Crele up to the training field, then did a curtsy and left. Lolo was there with three other warriors, trying in vain to get them to swing the laser halberd.