Penny's Promiscuity Ch. 41-42


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"I knew you'd call," he smiled. "I didn't think it would be so soon, but I'm so pleased you did."

I could barely remember making the call myself, but there we were, in his flat, the curtains drawn, winter darkness outside, warm sensuality inside.

We kissed again, lips open, tongues entwined, his mouth tasting of rich red wine. I shivered at the memory and felt the heat between my thighs building as his warm hands explored my body from my shoulders to the base of my buttocks.

A single finger was drawn along the crease of my buttocks. I pressed myself forward towards his groin, feeling the thick bulge of his hardening cock against the large bulge of my belly.

The moving fingers rose up my back and I felt the clasp of my bra being unfastened. It fell forwards along my arms before I swept it away to stand bare breasted before the man who first drew me away from the path of fidelity.

"I love your breasts," Tony hissed as his fingers gently cupped their smooth globes, traced along the crease on their underside then toyed with their dark, hard, proud nipples. "They are so much bigger now."

Indeed, they were bigger. I had grown three cup sizes over the last few months but even now my boobs were still far short of any normal woman's endowment.

"You men are all the same," I grinned, my arms at his waist, enjoying the kneading of my newly sensitised glands in his large, strong palms. "You tell us you want us for our intellect but when it comes down to it, the bigger the tits, the better the girl."

Tony pulled a face in protest, then laughed.

"I admit it! And I apologise on behalf of my sex." I laughed too. "But you're not quite right about all of us."

I raised an eyebrow in mock disbelief.

"When it comes to a woman's body, there's one part I love best of all."

So saying, Tony released my boobs, slid his hand down my tummy then slipped it smoothly underneath the elastic and into the front of my panties. A moment later he was cupping my mound, his fingertips exploring the soft smooth, sensitive skin then diving deeper to play with the soft collection of flesh within my slit -- a slit that immediately wept at his touch.

"You shaved yourself?" he said, surprised but pleased.

I nodded.

"Just for me?"

I nodded again.

"I know you like it that way."

"Oh God, Penny. There really isn't anyone like you!"

And with those words, Tony began to finger me with a skill and dexterity I had forgotten he possessed. My entire vulva came alive to his touch, my clitoris swelling and standing proud, my inner lips parting to provide free access to the moist entrance to my eager vagina.

My chest went tight, my knees went weak and I leaned heavily against him as my arousal mounted exponentially. Within a minute I was panting, my legs opening to give more space for his hand, my face and chest burned with heat and a moment later I could feel a jet of fluid burst from my vulva and onto his active hand.

The noises emanating from between my thighs became so wet it was almost primeval. Tony finger-fucked my vagina and scraped the underside of my clitoris with a vigour that gave me no time to recover. The heat inside me grew and grew until a mighty climax struck my entire body full-on.


I sank my teeth into Tony's neck as I came helplessly on his hand and arm, holding onto his shoulders for dear life. Again and again the climaxes hit; again and again I wailed and moaned, my teeth now drawing blood.

Eventually his movements slowed to a halt. I collapsed against him, feeling his strong arms taking my weight as he lowered me to the familiar sofa -- a place he and I had fucked so many times before and on which relationship was about to recommence.

I lay on my back, letting him strip the panties from me without hesitation or resistance, leaving me completely naked. In an instant, he had lowered his trousers and underwear, once again releasing the monstrously thick cock that had provided so much pain and pleasure in the past and which was now the sole focus of my life.

All I wanted in the world was to feel that half-deformed organ in my vagina; my pussy; my cunt again. But even in this depraved state of arousal, my maternal instincts did not abandon me. I looked up into his eyes.

"Be careful, Tony," I begged. "Please! The baby..."

With a broad smile, the man who had been my first lover covered my supine body with his, his short but monstrously thick cock in his hand. I looked up at him, my heart thumping, my legs turning to jelly, my vulva alive with expectation.

"You want me Penny, don't you?" he growled as he came closer. "You've never had a cock as good as this, before or since. Admit it, Penny. You're mine and always will be mine."

I stared at his handsome face, at his powerful physique, at his tight buttocks, strong legs, broad chest and muscular arms. No matter what he had done to me -- or perhaps to my shame because of it, he was right.

I wanted him; I wanted him badly. I was his.

"I can see it in your eyes, Penny Barker," he smiled triumphantly, moving closer and closer to my pregnant body. "You never forget your first unfaithful fuck and I was yours."

My whole body was opening despite myself, my legs weakening, my vagina lubricating for all it was worth.

"You'll never be free of me! Whatever you do, whoever you fuck, your cunt belongs to me! You know it! I know it! Your body needs mine like your lungs need air!""

The harshness of his words struck like a slap in the face. Their crudeness hurt, their thoughtlessness hurt too but most of all, the truth behind them hurt.

Tony was right; I did still want him. I desperately wanted to be with him again; to touch him, to kiss him, to have that extraordinarily thick, ugly cock thrust so hard into my body again that my oversized vagina was stretched tight as a wire.

"Say it, Penny," he growled, moving closer.

My eyes flicked from his handsome face to his ugly cock and back.

"Say it; you know it's the truth!"

It was the truth. My conscious mind knew it. My subconscious had always known it but most of all, my painfully aroused body knew it.

"Fuck me!" I croaked as he approached, my knees rising, my legs parting instinctively, exposing my vulva as obscenely as I could to the man who had first fucked the fidelity out of my marriage.

"What was that?" he snarled with a leer, his cock now thicker than I could ever remember it before.

"Fuck me Tony! You're right; my cunt is yours. It has always been yours!"

"Again Penny Barker!"

"Fuck me Tony. Fuck my cunt like you always did. Make it hurt! Make me cum as hard as you did before!"

"What about your husband? You're a married woman!"

"I don't care. He's a cuckold. I'm yours, not his. I just want to be fucked by you!"

"What about the baby, Penny?"

"My baby should have been yours. Fuck me! Fuck me now! Make another baby in me! Make me yours again!"

His body loomed over me as he mounted, blocking out the light. I felt hot; very hot underneath him. I felt my inner thighs burning; I felt his hands on my knees, forcing my legs wider and wider apart until my hips were in pain. I felt the heat of his body over mine. I felt his huge, horribly deformed cock against my tingling entrance, parting my lips, pausing before entering my body, slowly stretching me tightly as it worked its way into the mouth of my vagina.

Oh my fucking God! How long had it been since this monster had forced its way into me? Too, too long!

I couldn't see the expression on Tony's face in the darkness, but I could feel his whole body tense and his muscles bunch and coil ready for the single monstrous thrust that would impale me fully on his erect cock and destroy any illusion I might have had of ever being anything but his fuck doll.

He drew himself back, placed his head against my weeping entrance and...


The sharp stabbing pain that seemed to pulse through my entire body made me cry out in surprise and fear.

Something was wrong.

Surely his cock hadn't been this big a year ago? Okay it had stretched me terribly; but he and I had fucked dozens of times; I couldn't remember him hurting me this badly.

He thrust again, harder this time.


"Tony please! Be careful! The baby!"

The pain became stronger.

"Ooowwww! Tony please..."

"Penn? What's the matter?"



That wasn't Tony's voice! The pain grew more intense.

"Penny! Wake up! Penny!"

What was Pete doing there? Had he come to watch Tony fuck me?


As the pain faded, Pete's anxious voice broke though the daze as I slowly regained consciousness, the extraordinarily vivid dream that had haunted my sleep still dizzyingly fresh in my mind.

I was in bed; in my bed; in the bed I shared with my husband. There was no Tony; I was not being fucked.

But the pain had been real. It still was, though not as intense.

It was dark; Pete was alongside me, concerned. It was Saturday morning, still very early. I panted as the pain eased a little more and reality dawned on me. Pete turned on the bedside light and looked at me anxiously.

'What's the matter?" he asked, clearly worried.

"I... I'm not sure," I mumbled in reply.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his hand on my arm. "Do you feel ill?"

"I don't know..."

I struggled to make sense of what was going on. All I knew was that I had a terrible pain in my lower stomach which wasn't fading like the last remnants of the dream were fading.

"Oh God!" I mumbled, feeling very unwell indeed.

"Are you going to be sick?" he asked. "Can I help you to the bathroom?"

"I'm not sure. Jesus, that hurt!"

The pain was gone; I tried to get back to sleep but a short while later, another powerful pulse of pain passed through my lower belly again. My hands flew instinctively to the source of the discomfort; the large, very distinctive shape of my baby bump under my night dress.

To my horror, I found the hem sticky and very wet.

Pete and I had been out to dinner with friends the night before. The evening had ended very late; we had been too tired even to consider having sex on our return, so I knew it wasn't my usual post-copulation leak.

"Oh my God!" I gasped, thrusting my hand between my thighs and bringing it back to my face as Pete turned on the bedside light.

"What's the matter?"

I blinked and stared at my fingers. They were covered in fluid.

"My waters must have broken," I gasped. "She's coming now!"

"But you're not due for over a month!"

"Tell her that," I croaked as the contraction grew even stronger.

"Can you pull on some clothes?"

Pete had already leapt from the bed and was hurriedly pulling on a pair of old jeans and a sweat shirt.

"I bloody hope so," I gasped, throwing off the duvet and with some difficulty swinging my legs over the side of the mattress. "Call the hospital and tell them we're coming."


I sometimes wonder why I ever bother making plans. Something always happens to drive a coach and horses through anything I decide should happen in any particular way.

Given the pressures and responsibilities of my job, I had intended to keep working until only two weeks before my due date -- as long as my blood pressure and other things allowed. I had planned to spend the remaining time getting the last few things ready for the new arrival and resting up for the ordeal ahead.

At my age, I knew I would need all the strength I could muster, both during the birth and for the next eighteen years. Being medical ourselves, Pete and I had done everything they had told us in ante-natal classes; put together a birth plan; what to take, what position to use, what pain relief to accept.

Now all that planning went out of the window as my husband drove at breakneck speed through the empty city streets towards the hospital, my wet bottom on a folded towel, my body periodically racked by horrifyingly familiar spasms I had not felt for over twenty years.

Pete pulled the car to a halt in one of the emergency parking spaces outside the Maternity Unit then helped me stagger through the entrance. Being November, I had pulled a heavy overcoat on top of my night gown, was wearing trainers and had absolutely no make-up on so despite my pains, I silently prayed that no-one I knew would see me.

The arrivals nurse recognised an emergency when she saw it and within minutes Pete and I were in one of the more private birthing suites, walking slowly up and down, me leaning heavily on his arm while the midwives went through the registration process painfully slowly.

Because of my age I had been red-flagged so an on-call consultant was being woken in case things went awry -- which given my baby was coming more than a full month early, had already happened. There was talk of assistance, talk of spinal blocks; there was even talk of an emergency c-section but I was coherent enough to insist everything should go as naturally as possible.

As I lay on my back, legs apart with a young female head only inches from my vulva, it soon became clear that whether things went naturally or not, they were going to go quickly. I was already three-quarters dilated.

What was also clear was that an important part of my preparations had been missed. I had planned to allow my pubic hair to regrow somewhat before the birth to save embarrassment, but the unexpected early confinement had caught me by surprise.

The look of shock on her face when the young midwife discovered that a woman old enough to be her mother was lying there in the final stages of pregnancy with a fully shaven vulva might have made me hysterical with shame had it not been for the increasingly frequent and agonising bolts of pain that gripped me.

When the girl called in two of her colleagues, my embarrassment multiplied but to give them all credit, whatever they thought about the middle-aged slut on the bed in front of them, they showed no sign of it.

Fortunately, gas-and-air helped dull my self-consciousness and three hours later when the baby really began to come, all of my concentration was on my belly.

I do not propose to detail all that happened during the birth; some things aren't suitable even for erotic stories. Suffice to say that it was probably the most painful, exhausting, humiliating and terrifying few hours of my entire life.

In the twenty years since I had given birth to Isobel, my body had grown older, stiffer, less flexible and less able to withstand pain. There were moments when it seemed everything was going wrong; that an emergency operation would be needed. There were other times when it looked like a natural birth would take place of its own accord.

In the end I did need help but the final pushes that brought my newest, least expected child into the world were my own.

As soon as her head was out of my body, a tall, slim woman in a white coat entered the room and began to inspect my baby. I felt her being lifted, heard her cry, felt the drag of the cord across my inner thighs. Someone told me to push again. I did and felt the gooey mass of the placenta leaving my body.

I heard words being spoken, indistinct and serious but then a smiling Doctor placed my brand-new daughter back on my belly.

"She's perfect," the woman whispered. "A bit small and premature but I'm not worried. I'll stand down the theatre; we're not going to need that c-section after all. Well done Mrs. Barker; you did really well. I'm so happy for you all."

I opened my eyes. The room was still spinning but the wonderful weight of my baby was there on my battered belly, warm and sweet-smelling, her head close to mine. I could see her deep brown eyes, a shock of dark, curly hair...

And her father's distinctive, unmissable, olive-gold skin!

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Jlyn1Jlyn1over 1 year ago

Sorry but I have trouble with Tony.I can't believe Penny is still enamored with him.He is disgusting.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 3 years ago
Was Penny's hubby/cuckold (Pete) at the birth?

Great story, very well written as we have come to expect from JG. The only part that was missing for me was Pete at the birth. It would have been quite touching if he held Penny's hand as she gave birth to another man's child.

patilliepatillieover 4 years ago
You wont understand this term, Jenny, but this

"jumped the shark" a while ago. Google the term. I started skimming about 5 installments ago, just doesnt hold the dramatic tension like the earlier bits did. Time to move on to other characters and stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thank fuck for that!

I am so glad that Penny's return to Tony's bed was a dream. It says a lot about the quality of the writing of this series that I have stuck with it (and enjoyed it immensley) despite not liking Tony's character at all.

So now the baby's been born. Is this the end of Penny's hotwife career, or will she return to it in due course? Time, and Ms Gently alone, will tell!

diver1000diver1000over 4 years ago

Love this story and its characters. The saga is sometimes frustrating and perplexing but always interesting and thoughtful. Thank you Jenny, please hurry with the next installment ( especially if it involves the painful emasculation of Tony.)

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago
to: legsfeettoes

When a woman cheats on her husband like Penny has, and he finds out and takes her back, she has no respect for him as a man. In fact she never did to begin with. And definitely after he took her back. This story is a window in to the mind and world of woman who clearly believes she is entitled to sexual gratification at the expense of her husband. But the writing is stellar.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 4 years ago
to: amadeuserotic

Stick your politics up your ass, or arse. We don't come here to read your shit.

tennesseeredtennesseeredover 4 years ago
Amusing comments...

Jenny Gently is an accomplished wordsmith but she can't get no respect from the virtue signaling, LW tough guys. Actually, their scorn is a backhanded compliment because in spite of their professed dislike, they keep coming back for more...and leaving comments, too! That's understandable because JG writes original, engaging stories, and that's rare. Kudos to Dr. Gently and her awesome legs.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 4 years ago
Ah, the narrow-minded!

So unable to grasp that there is more to life, more complexity than their closed minds can fathom! I find Penny's story fascinating. Jenny, you describe the conflicts so well. Life is a complicated mess for Penny and Pete. There is no reason he cannot still love her and her love child. Some men have much more compassion and love and bigger hearts than those of the writers of the condemning comments I just read. But the bigotted can never get that through their thick skulls. Thick skull enclosing narrow minds! I voted 5 stars because the story is deep and meaningful for those with open minds.

amadeuseroticamadeuseroticover 4 years ago
Thanks for hanging in there

The negative comments are expected and in some way even deserved. But the struggle must go on, and I still want to give you moral support.

Penny tries so hard to stay away from what's bad for her, and yet she is drawn to Tony like a fly is drawn to shit. If readers find this unrealistic, consider that the British voted for Brexit twice, fully knowing that it will tank the economy. They didn't listen to the advice of a real life Tony (former PM Tony Blair that is), having no respect for him since he has been Bush's poodle. Now they have Boris Johnson, Trump's bitch. Hey, if we can have a birth scene in an erotic story, why not some semi-inappropriate political commentary.

No, a description of giving birth does not belong in an erotic story. Even if there was a fetish for it, it would be inadmissible since it involves newborn minors. Kind of makes you wonder why a pregnancy fetish is legit, as it involves - gasp - unborn children.

But this is not your typical erotica story. It exposes the the whole messy reality, and babies - wanted or unwanted - are one of the consequences of sex. Soldier on, Penny. Don't lose your sex drive over breastfeeding, diaper changing, sleepless nights etc.

On a lighter note, I find it hilarious that a nurse is shocked by a shaved vulva. Only in England! ☺

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
No longer

No longer well written. You've apparently gotten bored and just spitting out common garbage, just like most of the hack LW writers recently. Will giving birth to a little bastard slow this whore down?

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 4 years ago
Why is she with Pete?

She doesn’t love him, she barely tolerated him and if her dream is any indication, she doesn’t even want him.

So why stay married?

At this point, shit or get off the pot.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 4 years ago
Penny might be

Most unlikable character on this site

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