Perfect Enemy - Final Chapter


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I kept trying to work my problem out, but it kept coming back to the same thing. My wife had had sex with other men and had enjoyed it more than having sex with me. I was still working on that thought when Gwen popped her head in.

"Need anything from me before I go home?" she asked cheerily.

On an impulse, I asked, "What are you doing for dinner?"

A smile lit up her face. "Just leftovers. What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know, you pick the restaurant. I'm just tired of eating alone."

We had a fun dinner. However, I learned more about Gwen than I ever wanted to. She had been married three times already. Of course, Gwen didn't consider the first one as a real marriage since she had only been sixteen and thought she was pregnant. It had been a false alarm, and the marriage ended about the same time she had her period. She got married while she was in college, but both of them were, in her words, too immature. They cheated shamelessly on each other. But her husband divorced her when he caught her sleeping with one of his professors. Gwen's third marriage actually lasted a little over a year, but she left him because he was terrible in bed. So, I guess it wasn't just me.

I kept calling Melissa, and she would go from really pissed at me to talking about how much she missed the way our marriage had been. I learned that she had dated some, but it had been pretty much a disaster each time according to her mother. That brought back memories of the wife swapping club. Even though the sex had been great for Melissa, she had been very uncomfortable with the three men she slept with. Denise also offered, unsolicited, that she didn't think Melissa had slept with any of the guys. That was none of my business at this point. Despite all of our problems, the one constant in all of it was that I wanted Melissa to be happy. And right now, being married to me wasn't making her happy. In truth, it wasn't making me happy either.

I went on several more dates with Gwen, and we had fun going to the movies, dinners, and we even went to an amusement park. After our fifth date, which was to the amusement park, I asked Gwen where she wanted to eat. Without a thought, she said at my apartment. I figured that was as good as any, we were both tired, and takeout would be easy.

I picked up Chinese on the way home but ended up throwing it out three days later when I found it in the refrigerator. I had only just put the food on the table when Gwen pulled me into a hug, kissing me while unbuttoning my shirt. Then it was a race to get all our clothes off. As I was trying to tear the condom wrapper open, Gwen grabbed it and threw it in the corner.

"I'm on the pill," she said breathlessly.

The first time, I came after only about two minutes. I was so horny that I couldn't hold it and blew my load. Still, as my cum splattered Gwen's insides, I felt her vagina clamp down on my dick and her back arch. She let out a moan that grew in intensity until it was a shriek. I had never felt or heard anything like that from Melissa.

I took my time, the second go-around, putting some of Melissa's cue card suggestions into play. Gwen alternated, panting and shrieking with pleasure. She came three times before I was able to blow my second load. We lay there for about five minutes, basking in our own individual glows.

"You are amazing," Gwen said finally. "It's been a long time since I came like that. Do you have a third in you?"

I picked up my limp dick and wiggled it a few times. "I don't know. The mind is willing by the flesh is weak."

"I can fix that," she said with a giggle and quickly took me in her mouth. What she was doing was unbelievable. Gwen started by licking all the cum off my cock and then sucked me up and down, alternating slow and fast strokes, sometimes rotating her mouth around my cock. In no time at all, I was hard as a rock.

Gwen climbed on me reverse cowboy, and I began to spank her ass hard. She squealed in delight each time. Then as Gwen was bouncing up and down, I pushed two of my fingers in her ass. She sounded like a banshee and came as hard as Melissa ever did. I blew my third load seconds later. Then Gwen collapsed next to me and just lay there with her eyes fluttering. After a few seconds, they finally focused.

I took Gwen home, and she wanted me to spend the night. I declined, claiming I had to be in the office early for an overseas call, which was true. But the real truth was that I didn't want to spend the night because I was exhausted.

Over the next two weeks, we had more than a dozen sexual sessions. Sometimes we actually went out to dinner, but most times, we simply went to my apartment or her apartment and had sex. Along the way, Gwen taught me quite a few things that she liked me to do to please her sexually. For instance, she taught me how to use my hand to push my cock in and out, making sure to hit her most sensitive spots. She loved it when I sucked one of her tits and shoved a finger up her ass. And then one morning, Gwen asked me if I could give her a ride to work. I learned after the fact that there was nothing wrong with her car. She just wanted me to fuck her. But it really turned me on.

When Gwen let me into her apartment, she said she'd be ready in a second and asked me to get her purse from the dining room table. When I reached the table and was about to grab the purse, Gwen pushed me to one side. She smiled and hiked up are skirt, revealing that she didn't have any panties on. Then she lay down on the table while I dropped my pants as fast as I could. Gwen lifted her legs onto my shoulders, and I pounded her pussy. She came twice before I finally came. Then Gwen reached down for her bag. She took out her panties and a sanitary napkin. Gwen put the napkin on and then her panties.

"That's so all day, I can touch between my legs and remember what we did. And I can hope to get more of the same tonight."

That night, Gwen, indeed, did get more.

But after three weeks, I began to grow tired of Gwen. At work, she was all professional, but in private, Gwen was a drama queen. Every little thing that didn't go her way was a tragedy. It was very exhausting being with her. Still, I didn't want to end things badly, but I didn't know how to back out without hurting her feelings. And I was worried that our breakup would harm the unity of our office. We had no company policy about employees dating, but I knew my bosses wouldn't be happy if Gwen kicked up a stink.

I pondered it for a bit and was just about ready to bite the bullet and tell Gwen we needed to cool it when she provided me with an out. It was a Wednesday, and we didn't have plans. But I decided to go over to her apartment and give her the news in person.

When I rang her bell, no one answered. I believed she was home because I had seen her car in the parking lot. But then I realized that Gwen didn't need her car if someone else took her out. If that was the case, this was my perfect opportunity. I waited until I saw a car pull up, and Gwen got out. A guy I didn't know got out also and headed with Gwen to her apartment.

As they headed up the walk, I called out, "Hey, Gwen, how's it going."

Gwen's head snapped around, and her eyes got large. "Dave, what are you doing here?"

"I was in the neighborhood," I lied, "and I thought I'd just pop in and say hello. But I can see you're busy. I should have called first. Sorry."

I just turned around and walked back to my car as Gwen sputtered. The next morning, I was still a little nervous when Gwen showed up in my office.

"Can we talk?" she asked with her head down.

"Sure," I said, motioning toward a chair.

"I'm sorry about last night," she apologized, "but we aren't exclusive. I really like you, Dave, but I also like Frank."

"Hey, it's no problem," I said with a sympathetic smile. "And you're absolutely right; we're not exclusive."

"So, we're good?" Gwen asked timidly.

Suddenly, I saw how the pieces of my shattered world could come back together. At least I hoped that was the case. Anyway, I smiled at the beautiful woman across from me. "We're absolutely fine, Gwen. Here at work, we're rock solid. I think you are a fabulous employee. But I think our personal life is over. I've decided to see if Melissa and I can get back together."

"Does this mean that we won't be having sex anymore?" Gwen asked with some trepidation.

"If I go back with my wife," I said, staring directly at Gwen, "I won't cheat."

"Okay, I understand," Gwen said and began to leave. However, when she got to the door, she stopped. "I just want you to know that you're one of the best lovers I've ever had. If you change your mind, I'm available."

After work, I headed over to what used to be Melissa and my home. The question at that moment, was is it still my home? I let myself in and could hear my wife in the kitchen. I called out to let her know it was just me.

When I got to the kitchen doorway, Melissa turned briefly to look at me. The look wasn't friendly, and then she turned back to the sink.

"What do you want?" she said coldly over her shoulder.

I moved up behind her and circled my arms around her waist, kissing her on the neck. "I've really missed you."

"Yeah, right," she snarled and tried to bump me away with her rear end as her hands were wet. But I held her tighter to me and nuzzled her neck.

"I really have missed you," I repeated. "I thought maybe we could try to put our marriage back together if you're willing."

Melissa didn't say anything. She just stood completely still. I guess I had my answer.

I sighed. "Oh well, I can see that you're less than thrilled to see me. I'll leave."

I released Melissa and turned to head home. This felt worse than anything I'd felt to date. I was almost to the kitchen door when Melissa spoke. "Are you serious about getting back together again?"

"Absolutely," I said, turning around. "In fact, I'm so committed to us getting back together that I'm even willing to go to marriage counseling."

For a long time, Melissa just stood there looking at me with no expression. Then a single tear slid down her left cheek. With three strides, she ran into my arms, and we melted together. I kissed her and held her tight.

"I love you so much," she said, kissing me again. "And I've missed you terribly. It's been killing me that it was my dumb idea that drove you away. I only wanted to do it because I was so afraid that you'd lose interest and get tired of me. That's why I wanted to find ways to make it more exciting, so that wouldn't happen. It was such a dumb idea."

"Yeah, it was a dumb idea, but we both went for it. One thing for sure. I don't ever want to share you with anyone else ever again. As for the cue cards, I finally figured out that it was just my frigging ego. I'll do whatever I can to please you sexually, and I don't care if it came from some other partner. You are the only one that matters to me."

I moved back in that night, and the sex was fabulous. And when I used one or two of the things I'd learned from Gwen, Melissa moaned like a banshee on steroids.

We did go to a marriage counselor, Barry Stubbins, who was very helpful. He was also well acquainted with Dr. Hunter and minced no words in expressing his disgust for her. Barry also informed us that she was now defending herself against charges of unethical behavior. It seems that she owned a part interest in the Mixon Matching Club. We also learned that her husband was divorcing her - score one for the good guys.

When things were bad, our sex had dwindled to one or two times a week. When I returned home, we ratcheted it up to two or three times a week. What can I say, we're not as young as we used to be. Anyway, five months later, Melissa announced that she was pregnant. I can't explain it, but there is something about a pregnant lady I find very sexy.

As I look back over our sad journey to improve our sex lives, I realized that anyone who willingly lets their spouse sleep with someone else is a fucking idiot. That's a mistake I will never make again. We both learned a couple of things from our experience. The first thing is that nothing stays the same. As we age, life changes us, and we have to accept it. And the other thing we learned was that If you don't want to create the perfect enemy, don't try to fix something that isn't broke.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Seriously, he went back to that whore! Just because his next piece of ass was also a whore?! Stupid whore can't even admit she's the one that fucked everything up! What a stupid ending

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Love the comment section that seems to think that people are born masters of sex. Shocking fact, most men are terribly inadequate at it and could do with hours of intensive study.

The French mastered this problem centuries ago, sadly elsewhere puritanical numbnuts didn't like it as they felt sex should be boring and for reproduction only.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So difficult to comprehend how anyone can be like this in today's age of the Internet. I could understand it being like this in the 50/60/70s when people didn't even understand what and where the clitoris is. But post 2000 you've got to be joking. The problem today is people wanting to follow trends that aren't necessarily enjoyable for one or both partners, and of course the increasingly corrupting presence of fomo and yolo.


The single and only relevant point made in this story is the way the ego can stop one partner from following suggestions from the other as to how to provide maximum enjoyment.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos5 months ago

Good story. I think a lot of the comments are really insane. It just goes to show how little people understand of human nature. You like to think that people have enough intelligence to be able to summon some empathy for people who are not themselves, at least intellectually so that they can understand what they're going through. Like, it's obvious in this story that Melissa being angry at Dave is a self defense mechanism because she is insecure and jealous. She thinks Dave blames her for the destruction of their marriage (and in a way he does, so she's not wrong) and she realizes that he's all but gone, but she wants, no NEED for him to fight for the marriage and for her, because she's so insecure. It's the old "push, pull" vicious cycle that people with massive insecurities can't get away from.

Generally, the only real complaint I have about the story is that I felt it was a bit short and could have spent more time exploring the irony that in the pursuit of "better sex" they destroyed the emotional intimacy of the act.

Martyr2002Martyr20026 months ago

No, reconciliation doesn't work for this one. He should DNA test the offspring as well IMO. You do better in your own stories Stoney, even if your political feelings bleed through a bit on times. It's OK they're not like another author you might know, who's ideals color every story to the point of spoiling them.

Schwanze1Schwanze19 months ago

Thinking about it, it’s not like they weren’t both at fault. Good ending

Bham487Bham4879 months ago

I read the original when it was up. I feel this was a good ending. The couple received horrible advice from a truly awful therapist.

MarkT63MarkT6310 months ago

He exhibits cuck like behavior. He was stupid for ever agreeing to swap.

Pjam1968Pjam196811 months ago

Going to a swing club? Seriously?!!!

WargamerWargamer11 months ago

I normally like your tales, but not this one. This one was just plain awful

Scores 2/5, l normally give u a lot higher score for your stories.

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