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The decision was made for him when a warm, sleepy body pressed up behind him and an elegant hand brushed his hand aside. "Allow me."

Cam smiled, and braced his hands against the wall, as Frankie reached around and caressed him to full hardness. All the while pressing sweet kisses to his back and shoulders.

"Turn around."

Taking a deep breath, Cam did as instructed. His heart pounding at the sight of Frankie sinking to his knees on the hard tiles.

"No, we go in the bedroom."

"It's okay," Frankie told him. "You're close."

Cam shuddered in a breath as he watched Frankie's beautiful lips enclose his cock. Taking him deep into the heat and wet. Yes, he was close.

He stroked a shaking hand over Frankie's jaw, gently. Then cupped the back of his head and thrust slightly.

Frankie hummed and moaned encouragement, and moments later Cam was releasing into his throat.

With a slightly filthy plopping sound, Frankie pulled back and licked his lips. His smile satisfied. "Told ya!"

Cam laughed a little and ran a hand over his face. Pushing his sopping hair back, before hauling Frankie to his feet.

"You want?" he wondered. Confused when Frankie shook his head and grabbed the shower head to rinse them both down.

"Just did, when you did."

Cam smiled, sleepy and satisfied as they dried each other and fell in a tangle of naked limbs onto the bed.

Pushing his face into Frankie's neck, he slept.


The next day Cam was taken by surprise as they approached the rooms where the ballroom dance classes took place.

He had been basking in Frankie's pleasure at the old maze of buildings, when suddenly Frankie gasped and pulled him into a narrow dark alleyway.

"Shit. Shit." Frankie exclaimed, his eyes full of panic.

"What's wrong?" Cam had no idea what had freaked him out. Looking around the small courtyard for a clue.

Frankie held up his left hand, light glinting from his ring. "Should we take off our rings?"

Cam's heart seemed to fall through his stomach and deep underground. "You want to?" he asked in a whisper, ridiculously hurt.

"No," Frankie admitted, but he looked unsure, his eyes full of concern, "But I don't want to upset your friend."

Cam forced his feelings down and took Frankie's shoulders. Holding his gaze. "If you are ashamed, or frightened?"

"Of course not," the protest died as Cam glared.

"Then of course you should take off your ring. But I am not ashamed. I am proud." His heavy heart lightened when Frankie's smiled flashed.

"Me too," he replied, gripping their hands. "But Sister Maria won't be angry? I know it's a complicated thing here."

"She won't be angry," Cam insisted, relaxing when Frankie did. "I will keep my hands off you, of course. But also I will not hide. I show them respect, I expect it back."

Frankie squeezed his hands and stood back a little. Obviously remembering that they were already on convent grounds, and Cam had banned PDA's. "You make me so proud."

Absurdly pleased, Cam grinned. "Sister Maria will be happy for me, I promise. Let's go teach class."

Frankie nodded and they continued across the courtyard and into the small hall.

Sister Maria was waiting for him. She was as beautiful as Bella, inside and out, and Cam adored her. He grinned as she smiled at them. His heart almost too full of love and thankfulness, plus the deep regret that he could not hug her like he did Bella.

He had not touched Sister Maria since he was sixteen years old. Before then it had been a rare occurrence. Usually when she cleaned up a minor injury from the scrapes he would get into. Or a cuddle when he had a nightmare.

The final hug when he left, almost a man, to live with Bella. To sleep on her sofa in the tiny house, where four of them shared one bathroom.

Frankie had been amazed and saddened to hear that Bella only saw her sister once a year. They were allowed to exchange letters, and did, but only one visit.

Cam, on the other hand, taught a class whenever he was in Naples, so saw Sister Maria at least three times a year, often more.

He had warned Frankie that they would have only a few moments to exchange news, and as requested Frankie stood in their little group. Nodding and smiling as if they were having a slow, stunted conversation and being introduced. When in fact Cam was updating Sister Maria with news and fun family stories in low, rapid, Italian.

When Sister Maria's superior made an uneasy motion, they all stepped back casually and Sister Maria sent Frankie a grateful smile.

"We will talk," she promised as she walked them into the room. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. It's nice to meet you," Frankie mumbled back. Gazing around as if he were commenting on the building.

About twenty teenagers, mostly girls, only three boys, stood waiting and watching with excitement.

Cam suspected they understood a lot more about who he and Frankie were than the nuns did.

They split into two groups and were soon busy. The morning flying by. It was important that every one of the girls got to dance once with Frankie or Cam. Having professional male dancers on site, anyone who got missed would be devastated. Cam was grateful for having Frankie to share the load.

He enlisted Sister Maria and one of her colleagues to monitor this.

They also spent some time on the boys. Improving their frame and leading skills. There were a few in the group who Cam and Frankie thought would be a good pairing. The convent liked to send teams into competition, as they had with Cam, and always took his advice on talent.

After the main class, and then an extra hour with four teenagers that he and Frankie had picked out. Cam was satisfied that it had been a good morning's work.

He emerged from a dark corridor where the bathroom was tucked away, and headed towards Frankie and Sister Maria, who were stood talking quietly. Frowning and slowing as he passed a pillar. The strange acoustics in the old building throwing the sound randomly at him.

"It was such a relief," Sister Maria was saying. "The thought of leaving here would have broken my heart. And for some of the older nuns it would have been devastating. The donation not only saved the roof, but will allow us to secure the building for another hundred years."

"That's great," Frankie said. Cam immediately recognizing guilt and discomfort in the fake bright tone.

"It is," Sister Maria agreed. Sending Frankie the same deceivingly bland smile she used to send Cam, when he was in trouble and she was giving him just enough rope to prove it. "Hmmmm."

Cam stepped out to rescue Frankie. "That went well, I think. You have some talented dancers."

"Yes. Thank you so much for the class. They always learn so much. And thank you for helping, Frankie. I hope you will come again."

"You're welcome, and I would love to," Frankie replied, his voice genuine now.

Sister Maria turned slightly to Cam, slipping into Italian. "He is good for you. I'm so happy for you. He has released your smile."

Cam cocked his head, puzzled, and shrugged slightly.

"Your smile was a rare gift, Cam. You were always so guarded and careful. But now it's free and like the sun." She laughed a little when Cam grinned and ducked his head, feeling embarrassed.

He lifted his gaze when she continued. "He thinks that he needs you more than you need him. But that's not true is it? Will you tell him?"

Cam's grin widened, as he saw beside her Frankie's frown of concentration turn to wide eyed shock, his head snapping up.

"I think you just did, Sister Maria." Cam laughed when she spun to Frankie and then back to Cam with a look of apology. "It's okay, you are right. And Frankie speaks Spanish, so he tends to pick up a few things."

"I'm sorry," she said to include both of them.

"I'm not," Cam insisted, holding Frankie's gaze in a challenge.

After they had said their goodbyes, and been handed hot flatbreads filled with cheese and grilled vegetables as a thank you. They wandered into the busy streets.

Cam brought some chilled water and led them to a bench, where they finished their late lunch and fended off pigeons.

Frankie was quiet, seemingly lost in thought. Cam understood that his husband was not always as confident as he liked people to think, and would be obsessing on what Sister Maria had said. He wasn't worried. They would talk about that in time.


"Why did you not tell me about the donation?" Cam kept his voice gentle. But he was confused as to why Frankie would keep this from him.

Frankie winced and looked uncomfortable.

Cam reached for his hand. "It's okay. I'm just curious. It's your business of course, what you do with your money but," he stopped when Frankie straightened.

"It's our money now. There's no mine and yours. I'm serious," he insisted when Cam just raised an eyebrow. "And there. That look on your face is why. It makes you uncomfortable and I didn't want that, or for you to feel like I was trying to buy your affection or something."

He turned fully to Cam on the bench, his expression earnest. "You told me what Sister Maria had said about the building needing urgent work. She didn't know you had access to funds, and you didn't ask me, not that you need to ask me, but I decided just to sort it out. It was doable from the charity account, and now their home is secure. I don't know how she knew it was me though," he frowned, perplexed.

Cam nodded as Frankie spoke. The first time he had been in what was now their home, he had wondered why Frankie needed an office, as a professional dancer.

But Frankie was also an artist and a financial whizz. He worked hard, increasing his fortune and re-directing it into charitable causes. Apart from travelling in style, he mostly lived off the income from dance, teaching and art.

Now their income was joined, that had become easier, and Cam was enjoying learning how the charity fund worked, and increased, and how wonderful it felt to be able to help.

"I did intend to speak with you about the convent repairs, but I wanted to find out more from Sister Maria first."

"Oh. Oh well. That's okay then." Frankie bit his lip and looked sheepish.

"And she knew, because when she told me earlier they had an anonymous benefactor I knew immediately it was you. She knows me well enough to have read my expression."

Cam watched as Frankie gazed across the pretty square they were sat in. Waiting for him to say whatever was on his mind.

Eventually, "I think we're both uncomfortable with the money thing, aren't we?"

"Si. But we will be less uncomfortable as time passes. We just need to keep talking."

"Yes. Okay. I love you."

"I love you," Cam leaned in to Frankie, "and I will show you my appreciation for your generosity later tonight."

He smirked when Frankie let loose an exasperated sigh. "See, that's just it. I don't need or want your appreciation. We're married. It's your money as much as mine."

"Are you sure?" Cam whispered into Frankie's ear. "I thought that kissing every inch of you and then riding your dick would be a good way to demonstrate how much I appreciate you."

"Okay, yea that's good. I can accept that," Frankie said over-brightly, making Cam crack up. When he added, "Is it bedtime yet?" Cam laughed so hard his belly hurt.

"No, it's Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli time," Cam confirmed at speed, and pulled a smiling Frankie to his feet.


Later that night, once the pizza (it had been Tonio's turn to provide food) had been devoured and the kitchen put to rights, Cam crawled onto the bed, approaching a grinning Frankie.

He lowered himself down, rotating his hips gently as their cocks rubbed together, sending delicious friction through him, and smiled as Frankie reached up to grip his hair and tug him down for a kiss.

"Are you sure about this?" Frankie asked in between kisses. "It's your birthday and you want to do all the work?"

Cam pressed Frankie a little harder into the mattress, thrilled at his gasp. "Si," he confirmed, enjoying the taste of the skin at his jaw and neck. "I want to be able to see all of you. I want to control you inside me. And I want to watch your face when it does this."

Feeling mischievous, Cam pulled back a little and shut his eyes, opened his mouth like a fish gasping for oxygen and made a little grunty-gasping noise in the back of his throat.

He was unsurprised, when he opened his eyes, to see Frankie's lips pursed, and his eyes narrowed in a hard glare. He sniggered and collapsed full weight.

"I do not look like that when I cum," Frankie insisted. Lightly swatting the back of his head with each exaggerated word.

Cam sniggered again, "Where is your phone? I will film you and prove to you."

Another swat, "Shut up!"

Still grinning, Cam gripped Frankie's face and kissed him until he was babbling nonsense and breathless. He felt Frankie's hands slip from his shoulders and eased back. Pleased to see a gazed, dreamy look in his lover's eyes.

"I'm going to ride you so fucking hard," Cam promised. Kissing his way down chest, abs, and hips. Before licking a wet line up Frankie's already leaking cock. Smirking as his hips lifted in an involuntary plea.

"Keep yourself hard for me," he ordered, as he reached for the lube, and coating his fingers twisted himself and reached around.

Frankie's dark eyes were locked on his, as he stroked his cock slowly. "Gonna get yourself ready for me?"

"Won't take long. Will only need one finger," Cam teased, then grinned as Frankie's smile flashed.

"Ha, bloody ha!" he drawled, sarcastically.

Cam sniggered, and then gasped as he added a second finger.

"I wanna see," Frankie pouted, and pulled himself to kneel beside Cam. "Can I help?"

"Si. Yes, okay then," Cam agreed.

"God, you look so hot doing this," Frankie drizzled more lube over Cam's busy fingers, and his own. Before gently covering Cam's hand and sliding his own finger alongside. "Can you take it?"

"Yes." Cam's eyes were closed now. He concentrated on the stretch and burn. Grateful when he felt Frankie press close, his left hand slid over and caress his balls, tugging slightly, even as his finger slid deep into Cam, who was now impaled on both of them.

When he opened his eyes, it was with a flash of shock to see them displayed in the mirror. Frankie was already watching their reflection.

"Better?" Frankie asked, with another soft tug.

Cam nodded, keeping his eyes on Frankie's as he waited for the discomfort to ease. Then with a sigh, "Yes. Good. Lie down."

"Oh. Yes, Sir," Frankie quipped, as he lay across the bed. "I want to watch," he explained the odd angle.

Cam knee walked up Frankie's body until he was straddling his hips. Yes, this was hot, being able to see themselves in the mirror.

He quickly added extra lube to Frankie's throbbing cock. His own twitching in reaction. He rose on his knees and guided Frankie's cock into himself. They were both darting their gaze between each other and the mirror.

He could feel Frankie's hands gripping his thighs as he lowered down, his blunt nails digging in slightly.

"You feel so good, ti amo" Frankie murmured he was enclosed. Cam beamed, his smile taking over his face. He didn't care.

"Ti amo," he replied. Leaning down, balancing on Frankie's chest, to take his lips.

Even as he sank into the kiss, he let himself relax down, and they both gasped as they kissed.

Cam lifted himself and sank again slowly, before he broke the kiss. "I always forget," he admitted. "How much you fill me."

"Do it again," Frankie begged, his eyes on Cam's ass in the mirror. Cam rose and fell again, enjoying the lust in Frankie's eyes.

"Look at you inside me," Cam moaned, repeating the move, as he strained his neck a little to see.

Frankie's hands gripped his hips and he thrust a couple of times. Cam allowed it, because it felt fucking amazing, before he gripped Frankie's wrists and moved them back to his own abs.

"No. I am in charge today," he reminded a flushed Frankie.

"Ride my fucking dick, Cam," Frankie begged.

With a laugh, Cam obliged. He balanced on Frankie's flexing hard abs, as he started to bounce. Feeling the shuddering spike of every fall, deep in his ass and stomach, before he lifted again with the mixed sense of loss and relief.

Then the deep craving that made him fall again and again.

Frankie's hands were busy. Stroking his chest and stomach and cock. Murmuring praise and demands in an intriguing mix of English, Spanish, and Italian. Obviously the Italian was a bit basic, and the accent was plain weird.

"What are you laughing at?" Frankie gasped when Cam started to chuckle.

"Nothing," Cam tapped his head quickly. "Brain. Crazy. Cazzo. I'm cumming," he grunted. Pushing Frankie's hand away from his cock and starting to jack himself hard, while still bouncing.

"Yea. Cover me," Frankie moaned when Cam did just that, his cum streaking across Frankie's chest and stomach. Even some on his neck.

"Fuck, Yes," Frankie gripped Cam's hips now and thrust hard several times, Cam feeling the heat and wet, flood into him.

"Urghh," was his only comment as they both went limp and he collapsed on top of Frankie's heaving chest.

When he felt Frankie's hand lift and trail down his damp back, he opened his eyes. Immediately seeing in the mirror that Frankie was splayed and crushed under him, but looking pretty happy about it.

"Hey," Frankie smiled at him.

Cam just smiled lazily and somehow went limper. He could feel Frankie gradually softening inside him. His ass was still vibrating.

They watched each other for a few more moments until Frankie's expression turned confused, and then sheepish.

"Er, Cam? I can feel my cum leaking out of your ass and all over my legs."

"Don't care," Cam slurred, as he lazily watched Frankie's hand move up and down his back, in the mirror.

"That would be my legs, and Bella's sheets," Frankie pointed out.

Cam sighed, and turned his head for a kiss, before reluctantly moving.


The following morning, Cam languidly packed his case. And Frankie's.

As Frankie had disappeared on 'an errand' with Tonio first thing and begged for Cam to sort his stuff out. Confirming he would pick up their hire car on the way back.

Cam wasn't sure about being abandoned on his birthday-next-day, as Frankie was calling it, but it was pretty clear to him that Frankie was up to something.

No sooner had Cam finished zipping the small cases shut, than Frankie strolled in. Sunglasses perched on his head, with a sunny smile and a wink.

He disappeared into the bathroom. Cam waited for the flush and sounds of running water. Grabbing Frankie as he came back out.

"What have you been up to? You look like the creamy cat."

Frankie laughed with delight. "There might have been a pastry or three. I got some for the drive."

"Cannoli?" Cam asked, hopefully.


Cam narrowed his eyes and pulled Frankie closer. His hands sliding around Franke's slim waist and gripping his ass. "Come on," he demanded, his pelvis rubbing against Frankie. "Tell me what else you have done. I can see you have a secret."

Frankie slid his hands up Cam's arms, to his shoulders, his eyes amused. "I won't tell. You won't break me."

"Are you sure?" Cam slid one hand into Frankie's jeans, and cupped the warm, smooth skin of his ass. Smiling in satisfaction as Frankie shuddered and let out a low growl, eyes fluttering closed.

"That's cheating," he complained.

"Is it?" Cam wondered and lowered his lips to Frankie's neck. Kissing, then biting, as his hands gripped tighter.

At which point the door crashed open and Tonio barged in. "Are you coming?" he asked.

Frankie pressed his face into Cam's shoulder and let out a snorted laugh.

"What the fuck, asshole. Can't you knock? Don't just barge in here," Cam let rip in rapid, furious Italian as Tonio just leaned casually on the door frame and observed them.