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"Thank you," Cam said seriously.

"For taking care of Beth? Of course, I adore her. It wasn't a problem." Frankie grinned when Cam's tummy rumbled. "Dinner's ready when you are. Maybe put some clothes on!"

Cam smiled and pulled on his shorts before joining Frankie in the small kitchen.

"Chicken salad and some cold pasta thing. That super cute waiter, Marco? His sister has migraines. He said this should be okay for you."

"It's wonderful," Cam grabbed a forkful of chicken, even before Frankie finished setting it out. "You know that super cute waiter is straight, and has a new baby?"

"I'm allowed to look," Frankie explained patiently. Then perched on the seat next to Cam and picked up his own fork, winking at Cam. "It's touching that's not allowed."

Cam just smiled and concentrated on his food.

Less than two hours later he was back in bed, somehow feeling exhausted despite doing nothing but sleeping all day, and a short post-dinner walk on the beach.

He felt bad, but Frankie had reassured him that he had been out of the room, arranging food and chatting with the staff, and had also done some yoga and meditation.

"I actually feel quite chilled," he claimed when they returned from their sunset walk.

Cam appreciated it, even if he wasn't fully convinced, as he slipped back to sleep.


The following morning found them, after a lazy late start, hiking a wooded and coolly shadowed trail to a nearby cove.

Cam walked steadily, feeling well, but still a little tired. Watching Frankie dart from one side of the path to the other, taking photographs and occasionally pulling out his sketchbook and rapidly creating rough scenes before quickly shading in some colours, to remind him of what he wanted to re-create on canvas.

Even his quick 'sketchlings' Frankie's term for the part sketch, part scribbled notes that he created, were incredible art to Cam. Especially the speed at which Frankie did them.

He paused to take some water and allow Frankie to finish, grunting when his phone rang.

"David?" he answered, slightly concerned at the unexpected call from their friend. I mean, they were basically on their honeymoon at this point. "Is everything okay?" he asked, unable to keep the concern from his voice.

"Hi Cam. That's what I was going to ask you."

"What?" Cam frowned back at where Frankie was crouched, fingers still flying over the paper, a rainbow of chalks fanned out on the ground in front of him.

"Are you feeling alright, after yesterday?" David asked.

Cam relaxed, as he cottoned on. "Frankie called you," he realized. "I'm sorry, David. It was only a migraine. He shouldn't have bothered you."

"He was quite shaken," David admitted. "Sounded like a bad one."

Cam watched Frankie feeling a little guilty, before looking out at the sparking blue ocean, visible through the trees. "They are severe, but it was my first in years. I hadn't even considered."

"Any other important health issues you 'forgot' to tell your husband about?" David asked dryly.

"No. Don't start, I feel bad already."

David chuckled. "I'm teasing. It just scared him a bit. He said you fell out of bed. Any damage?"

"No. Just a bruise on my thigh, Frankie called it a," Cam thought. "Whoopie?"

"A whopper," David suggested.

"Si. Yes, that's it."

"Nice. I think it was that, plus the passing out that freaked him out. No point having a mate who's a doctor if you don't use him. What was this medication you had?"

"Is called Zolmitriptan," Cam pronounced carefully.


"It was probably out of date," Cam admitted.

"Do you have more?"

"No. But I believe it was the wine I drank. Non organic wine has given me migraines before. I just was not careful."

"But you're okay today?"

"Yes, we are on a walk. I slept most of yesterday, but I am fine today." Cam turned from the view and found Frankie stood beside him. 'Is David," he mouthed, and Frankie nodded, then looked guilty.

"Okay. Text me your date of birth and I'll get Dad to issue a new prescription and get the pills. Six okay? I'll leave them with Robbie."

"You can do that?" Cam asked.

"I can't, or shouldn't for a friend, so I won't, but Dad can. Make a note of the expiry date this time."

"Thanks, David."

"No problem. Enjoy yourselves."

"We are. It's beautiful here. Frankie is just sending you a picture."

"I'll look forward to getting it. Take care, Cam."

"Yes. Thank you, Bye." Cam shoved his phone back in his backpack and waited while Frankie sent a couple of images and a quick message before slipping his phone into his back pocket and looking up.

"I'm sorry you were scared yesterday," Cam said before Frankie could speak.

Frankie let out a relieved sigh. "I probably over reacted. But you are quite important to me."

"Quite?" Cam queried with amusement.

Frankie slipped his arms around Cam's neck and slid closer. "Like the most important thing in my life," he said quietly, pleasing Cam with his words, and then with a sweet kiss.

Cam slipped his hands around Frankie's waist and yanked him closer still, deepening the kiss and raising both their temperatures. Grinning at Frankie's 'Whoa!', when he let him go.

"I love you," Cam said simply and grinned at Frankie's happy smile. "Show me?" he asked, gesturing for the sketchpad.

Frankie blinked. "Oh, sure," he agreed and handed the book over. Smiling again when Cam murmured in appreciation. "I'll have enough to keep me painting until I'm ninety!"

"And I can't even draw the men with sticks," Cam grumbled.

"That's not true," Frankie objected. "I liked the stick-man-Frankie digging in the big poop pile with a shovel, that you drew for me."

Cam glared for real now. Frankie was referring to the handmade birthday card he had attempted when he ran out of time (forgot) to go to the shops. "It was you eating your birthday cake," he said.

"Really?" Frankie asked, then danced backwards, giggling, when Cam grabbed for him.

"You are," Cam clicked his fingers as he searched for the word. "Bratty."

Frankie's eyes widened. "Who taught you that?"

Cam just smiled, smugly.

"Hmmm," Frankie muttered, as they started to walk again. He linked their fingers casually and Cam smiled again. "You are an artist as well."

"With dance you mean?"

"No. Well yes," Frankie amended at Cam's raised brow. "But more than that. I couldn't have refinished that chest of drawers you bought. All falling apart and covered in peeling paint. Now it's beautiful. That's art as well."

Cam smiled and squeezed Frankie's hand, pleased. Both with Frankie's praise, and the memory of the work he had done on the particular set of drawers that now sat in their bedroom.

"It just needed love and time," he said.

"And skill, and knowledge, and an artistic eye," Frankie told him as they walked out of the trees and onto the sand in the little sheltered cove. "Oh well. Yes, this is beautiful."

A couple of hours later, having swam and eaten their picnic. Cam finished smoothing sun cream over Frankie's tempting back as they idly watched a family playing together.

When the family's dad tumbled to the sand, having tried to copy his daughter's cartwheel, the whole family fell on him while laughing and Cam quickly wiped his hands on the towel and grabbed his phone, texting quickly.

"Who are you texting?" Frankie asked.

"No one. Myself," he clarified. "Shh, wait one moment," he requested when Frankie made to ask more. "An idea," he confirmed when he was done. "For a lift."

"What idea?" Frankie wondered, looking back at the family, then at Cam.

Cam laughed loudly. "I will not tell you. Why would I tell you?"

"What? You won't share?" Frankie looked affronted.

"You are the competition, No?"

"I'm your husband."

"Husband second. Competition first," Cam declared, then grinned when Frankie playfully pounced and wrestled him to the sand.

"That's so mean."

Cam grinned up at Frankie, now sitting on his waist. "Mean, maybe. But that is how I will win."

"So competitive," Frankie declared with an exaggerated sigh and rolled off to sprawl next to Cam on the towel.

They linked hands and half dozed for a while, before swimming again and then heading back to the hotel.

"This has been a lovely lazy day," Frankie sighed as they followed the track back. "But I'm going to have to hit the gym when we get back to the hotel."

"Does the sex and swim not count as a work-out?" Cam wondered, and grinned when Frankie snorted out a laugh. "No, you are right. I will join you."

"You should take it easy," Frankie suggested, looking concerned.

"I'm fine, Frankie. But yes, I will also take it easy."

They reached the hotel only to be invited to a yoga class, so had a more relaxing work-out than expected. Followed by a quick shower and a very slow blow job.

"Jesus, Frankie, please." Cam was too desperate to be concerned about begging.

Frankie had been edging him for hours. Days even.

He could feel his heartbeat, frantically scrambling, pulsating through his balls. His cock was like iron.

When Frankie pulled back to tease, he tried to grip his hair and force him down, but couldn't get purchase on the short cropped style.

"Frankie, I will kill you," he threatened instead. Falling back, weakened, when Frankie just laughed.

Frankie was still chuckling when he curled his tongue around Cam's quivering cock again. It was too much for Cam who just flooded out on a cry. Most of it running down Frankie's chin and chest as he was laughing too hard to be able to swallow.

Cam cursed steadily with a stream of gutter Italian that would have blown google translate's circuits, had it been eavesdropping.

Frankie wiped his chin with his forearm and scrambled up to straddle Cam's exhausted, heaving body.

"Didn't think it would take you much longer to loose it," he quipped as he grabbed himself and started jacking off frantically. "Let's see how much mess I can make!"

It was a pretty big mess.


Cam woke the next morning, cursing at the early morning sun casting too enthusiastic a glow across the room.

Groggy, he pushed out of the bed, yawning widely, to deal with his equally enthusiastic bladder, and then absently cleaned his teeth. Wandering out to peer at Frankie as the brush vibrated, to see if he was stirring.

As Frankie's head was buried under the pillow, the light hadn't woken him yet. He was sprawled face down across the fresh white sheets. The material gathered around his waist, all that smooth dark honey skin on display, tempting and sensuous.

Pausing, Cam frowned, and then moved back into the bathroom to rinse (despite Frankie telling him he should just spit), before returning for a closer look.

Sure enough Cam could see a mark from Frankie's watch strap on his left wrist. Curious, Cam gently tugged the sheet away, exposing his ass and legs. There again, faint marks from his shorts.

Cam pursed his lips, fast becoming aroused, and lifted himself over Frankie to straddle him. The movement on the bed and of the sheet had disturbed him and Frankie appeared from under the pillow, blearily blinking and shifting to look over his shoulder at Cam.

Cam chuckled as Frankie's eyes moved from his face to his cock and back, his gaze becoming more interested. "Someone's awake," he smirked. "I'm so glad I trained you out of wearing sleep shorts."

"I can't resist you," Cam admitted, sweeping his hands over Frankie's back and down to his hips, then back to his arm. "You have?"

"What? Hang on, shift a minute, will you?"

Cam lifted his weight to the side, as Frankie squirmed onto his back, freeing his semi from under his stomach. "What do I have?"

"Here, see?" Cam lifted Frankie's arm and ran his fingers over Frankie's wrist, then kissed it before nipping. "A mark. You have been catching the sun. No," mildly frustrated he looked at Frankie, "That's wrong."

"I've caught the sun," Frankie amended, turning his wrist. Cam nodded, pleased. Frankie didn't really like correcting him, but he liked to learn. "It's slang anyway, it doesn't really matter," Frankie added, proving he was fully awake after all.

"I didn't expect," Cam muttered.

"I do tan you know!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Okay," Cam said neutrality, because honestly, he had never thought about it. Frankie was a demon for moisturizing and sun protection, but Cam had never considered tanning.

He winced and felt his face flush when Frankie asked, "Does your skin stay the same colour 365 days a year?"

"No, of course not. I'm sorry," Cam's heartbeat kicked a little. Settling when Frankie rolled his eyes and dramatically pronounced, "Jesus! White people are so clueless!"

Cam grinned, knowing he was forgiven, and lowered his head. Feeling Frankie's hand slide lazily into his hair as he pressed an open, tasting, kiss to Frankie's chest. "Now I have to kiss every inch of you all over, to check the change."

"Why so? Not that I'm objecting," Frankie murmured, his hand caressing carelessly.

Feeling wicked, Cam licked, enjoying Frankie's slight gasp. "Because the honey now will taste perhaps more like chocolate. Ow!" He protested as Frankie flicked his head.

"Idiot! And I'm cleaning my teeth first," Cam tried to hold him, but Frankie flipped him to the side and wriggled out, dashing into the bathroom.

Cam huffed and stroked himself as he listened to the sounds of running water and Frankie's toothbrush.

Feeling unusually agitated and needy, he grabbed the lube and chucked it on the bed. Then he reconsidered and moved it to the end of the bed, next to a tall and wide chest with a padded top, that in his opinion was perfect for his current needs.

Could he?

Should he?

"Cam, I'm gonna grab a quick shower."

Fuck it!

Cam charged into the bathroom and gripped a surprised Frankie by the wrist. The one with the mark of course, as that was the one which was turning him all the way on.

"After. Stop fucking teasing me," Cam demanded as he dragged Frankie back into the bedroom.

"After what? I what? Cam!" Frankie squealed out the last, as Cam spun him and pushed him splayed over the large chest.

"Stay down." Cam gripped the back of Frankie's neck when he wriggled and leaned over him. Pushing his lower back into the top of the chest with his other hand. "Are you going to stay down?"

"Yes. Yes. Oh my fucking God," Frankie started to laugh. He gripped the sides of the box, and moved his feet to brace himself better, as Cam opened the lube and drizzled it over his fingers and Frankie's ass with a big, fat grin on his face.

"Whoa, fuck," Frankie gasped as a long finger slid deep inside him. "Jesus, Cam. What's gotten into you?" he chuckled.

In answer, Cam simply took Frankie's wrist again and expertly lifted and twisted, so his elbow bent and his wrist fit snug into the small of his back. Then he leaned down and nipped at the mark again.

"Seriously? Why?" Frankie wondered breathlessly. Then gritted his teeth and growled as a second finger spread him.

"I've no idea," Cam admitted. Ruthlessly spreading Frankie and feeling slightly amazed at himself.

When Frankie started to moan and pant a little, Cam swiped the excess lube over his cock and braced his feet.

"Can I just?"

"No!" Cam partnered this with a hefty slap of Frankie's ass. His cock giving an almost painful throb as Frankie yelped and flinched, the slap and his yelp reverberating around the room.

"Jesus, fuck!" Frankie gasped, a shudder ripping through him. Cam paused for a brief second of concern, but as this was followed by a low moan and Frankie seeming to melt under him, he pushed concern aside and pushed deep and hard.

The feel of the slick heat enclosing and squeezing him was insane. He could feel every tremor in Frankie's body, he was almost too tight.

Frankie gasp-sobbed under him, as Cam used his body to pleasure himself. Slipping out and then back in, leaning down when Frankie struggled a little.

"Do you want me to stop?" Cam snarled in Frankie's ear, at the same time gripping his captured wrist harder and pressing it more firmly into his back.

Cam's smile felt dangerous even to himself, when Frankie begged, "Please." He took an even firmer grip. His free hand pressing between Frankie's shoulder blades. That was no to stopping then. That 'please' never failed to send him wild.

Wild was what he felt as he started to thrust. Frankie's feet slipping on the carpet, his free hand desperately gripping the edge of the chest, as within a few thrusts Cam was jackhammering into him so hard it sounded like someone clapping.

Cam felt almost lightheaded and he shook his head to clear it. He could feel Frankie's body resisting him. His sphincter muscle desperately trying to protect his body from this harsh invasion.

He gripped even harder and somehow thrust deeper, Frankie letting out a scream. Looking down at Frankie helpless below him, made him think of the porn they enjoyed watching sometimes. Young men being used, and used hard.

"Fuck," Cam muttered, his heart pounding dangerously fast with excitement and exertion. He crushed Frankie under his body and sank his teeth into the back of his neck. Feeling Frankie writhe and jerk under him as he screamed again and came hard, before going limp.

Cam pushed back upright and followed. Coming hard into Frankie's body in several forceful thrusts, before he released Frankie's arm and collapsed back down again.

Frankie's arms and legs hung limp, his body wracked with sobs. After gasping some air in himself, Cam pushed up a little again, careful to stop Frankie from sliding to the floor.

"Frankie?" he queried.

"Fuck. I thought I was toppy!" Frankie managed on a shaky whisper.

"Did I hurt you?"

"A little."

"Do I apologize?" Cam nuzzled the slight mark from his teeth, deciding it would fade quickly enough.

Frankie's damp eyelashes fluttered, "Please don't."

Pushing down the urge (with surprising difficulty) to pound his chest, laugh, and dance around the room. Cam instead pressed a soft kiss to Frankie wet cheek. "Would you like a bath?"

"Oh fucking yes," Frankie breathed with longing.

"Come." Cam lifted him from the chest and onto the bed. Frankie flopping like a rag doll. "Just a few minutes," he promised.

"You're shaking," Frankie pointed out.

"So are you," Cam returned and left Frankie to catch his breath as he went to run the bath.

A part of him was numb, a small part concerned that he had been too rough, but mostly he was proud and when he caught sight of himself in the mirror, his grin was huge.

He heard the sound of Frankie blowing his nose, and peeked in, but was reassured at the sight of Frankie curled on his side. His arm was moving in the familiar way that Cam knew meant he was playing with balls. A post-sex routine. Well, post 'Frankie having been penetrated' sex habit, that Frankie didn't even know he did.

Cam assumed it was relaxing. He turned the taps off and tested the water. Chuffing out a half laugh. He had tried it, but his balls were always too sensitive and tickly after sex, so he left well alone.

When he walked back to the bed, Frankie was relaxed, his eyes closed, one hand gently caressing his balls, a grin to match Cam's on his face.

He hummed happily when Cam kissed him. Then held up an arm for Cam to lift him.

Cam tugged Frankie up, half concerned and half amused at his wince as he stood. With an arm around Frankie's waist he supported him to the bathroom.

"I would guess we will keep that for only the special occasions?" he suggested.

"Probably best," Frankie admitted, still a little breathless.

"Like the bank holidays."

Frankie grinned, "For sure, oh and birthdays."

"Who's birthday?" Cam wondered.

"Anyone's birthday," Frankie snapped impatiently and made Cam crack up with delight.

"Okay, take it slow." Cam stepped into the luxurious bath first and held both of Frankie's hands to balance him as he followed.