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Then he lowered himself in, leaning against the padded back rest, before again bracing Frankie again, as he knelt carefully in the water between Cam's legs.

Frankie breathed out a kind of, 'Whoaooooooo!' sound and closed his eyes. Looking a bit pained, as his butt sank below the surface.

"Are you alright?" Cam asked, a little concerned. There were still tremors running through Frankie, and he seemed uncomfortable.

"One sec."

"Is the water too hot?"

"Just one sec," Frankie let go his death grip of Cam's hands and rested his palms against his chest instead, balancing and resting for a moment. "The water's fine, I just need a moment."

Watching closely, Cam waited the few minutes until Frankie finally relaxed. Letting out a whoosh of air as the tension left him.

"Okaayyyy," Frankie opened his eyes and smiled as he sank half onto his side and curled against Cam. One arm slipping under the water in the gap between his back and the rest. The other resting on his abs. "That feels really good now. The water," he clarified.

Cam pressed a kiss to his hair and snuggled him close. His right hand slipping around Frankie's left wrist. His thumb gently caressing the strap mark.

They just lay quietly for a while, and Cam felt Frankie relax even further as he dozed a little.

When his eyes blinked open, Cam was still stroking his wrist, and he snuffed quietly through his nose. "Weirdo!" he teased and Cam chuckled.

Frankie shifted again and Cam's balls tingled at the slight scrape across his flat stomach. "You need a shave," he told Frankie. Who just fluttered his lashes in reply, shifting slightly against Cam's sudden semi.

"Behave," Cam warned, and smiled as he felt Frankie shake with silent laughter.

Frankie dozed again and Cam lost track of time. The bath had a temperature control that kept the water warm, so they could stay here all day if they wanted. He lay and allowed his mind to remember and store all the gasps, cries and sexy noises that Frankie had made while he was pounding him.

A deep breath and he knew Frankie was awake again.

"Is there much pain?" he asked.

"Not now," Frankie said. "My butt was kinda cramping when I first got in the bath, but it's relaxed now."

Cam nodded and allowed his free hand to stroke down Frankie's back and gently over his bum.

"You know, once when I was a kid I scrubbed my skin so hard that I made myself bleed."

Cam jerked at this unexpected claim, "What? What do you mean?"

Frankie was gazing at Cam's thumb still moving in an absent gesture over his wrist.

"I was seven. The kids at school had been bullying me. It started off with the older kids, name calling and stuff. Then the kids my age. Then shoving around. I was in the bath one night and I guess I just got overwhelmed. I was trying to scrub the black off coz they told me I was dirty."

"Frankie!" Cam shifted to pull him closer, truly shocked. "That's? God, I don't know what that is."

"Mum was so upset. She came in and found I had literally grazed myself from scrubbing so hard. She didn't know what to say to me. What to do with me. I remember her just crying. Then she went to the school the next day, I remember it was a Friday, and when she came back she was spitting mad. Told me I wasn't going back to that school. I would have to wait until after the summer."

"They didn't help?"

"I had already asked a teacher for help. She just told me to ignore them. They weren't bothered when Mum went to see them. Actually, about five years later there was a huge incident and enquiry and press and everything, at that school. But I was well out of it by then."

Cam gently tipped Frankie's chin, reassured when he looked up with a gentle smile. "It was about four weeks before the end of term. I was so relieved when she said I didn't have to go back. We were due to go to Cuba in about five weeks anyway."

"Why didn't you tell your Mum about the bullying, before it got so bad?"

"How do you know I didn't?" Cam just raised an eyebrow and Frankie laughed a little. "Yea, okay. There was a lot going on with her family in Spain at the time. I didn't want to worry her. I mean, that's what she told me I said. I don't remember it all. I don't remember what set me off so badly that particular day."

Cam huffed frustrated, "You are terrible for not talking to each other."

"We're better now," Frankie objected, and Cam let out another humourless laugh. Because they really weren't very good at asking for help. He had never met three such mutually-protective people in his life, as Frankie and his parents.

"Anyway," Frankie continued. "The next day, the Friday night, I was snuggled in bed with Mum reading a bedtime story and there was a knock at the door. I remember it was quite loud, it made us both jump. Mum told me to settle down, we would finish the story the next night. I remember listening and imagining her walking to the door and looking through the peep hole, which she always, always did. But then she let out this cry. This strange sound. It scared me."

Cam felt his tummy shiver as Frankie spoke.

"I thought my bullies had come to hurt Mum, so I ran out of bed and into the room as she opened the door, and skidded to a stop because it was my Dad. My Dad was there. He took Mum's face and gave her a very quick but really tender kiss. I've never forgotten it. Then he strode across the room and just lifted me. Squeezing me so hard." Frankie beamed at him. "It was one of the best moments of my life."

Cam just nodded. He had only met Frankie's dad on a couple of occasions, but liked him very much. He had no doubt the guy had jumped straight on a plane.

"The weird thing is," Frankie shifted so he could look up at Cam without straining his neck. "Dad stayed three weeks. But two weeks in, I had this really grown up moment and realized that he just didn't get it. He was supportive and we had been talking and everything, but no matter how hard he tried, Dad just couldn't understand me hating myself that way."

"The bullies made you feel bad about yourself, but your Dad. He is a very confident man," Cam considered. "So how did that help you?" he asked, looking back at Frankie.

"I suppose by example. My Dad had never doubted himself, or felt bad about who he was. So neither would I. I mean, he's experienced racism, obviously, but he's always treated that almost like 'they are idiot's, what can you do'. I think he pities people. I don't have a good hard shell like he does, but I've never felt bad about who I am. Never again. I like who I am."

"So do I," Cam grinned. Taking the opportunity to steal a kiss, but kept hold of Frankie's chin when he lifted his head. "Why is this on your mind today?"

"I don't know really. Because we're in the bath? It's not like we can tell each other everything all at once. Looking at the tan line? I guess it just came into my head." Frankie raised his own wrist now and examined it curiously.

Cam just lowered his cheek to Frankie's head and gave himself a moment. That might be it, but he suspected he had also made Frankie feel a little vulnerable this morning.

"Did I scare you?" he asked. Wincing at his own bluntness.

Frankie reached up and placed his hand on Cam's cheek. Which was actually really irritating, because his hand was wet, and tickly water ran down his neck. "No. I always feel safe with you. And wanted. It was exciting and sexy, and you absolutely did not scare me," he said clearly.

Cam nodded, and then gave up and wiped the water away with a huff, making Frankie grin.

"You know what was my favourite part in that story?"

"The part when my dad walks through the door, obviously!" Frankie responded in a tone of 'well duh!'


"What? That's totally the best part," Frankie looked so pissed off that Cam laughed and just had to kiss those pouty lips.

When he pulled back he laughed again, because the lips were even more pouty.

"My favourite part was the part when seven year old Frankie goes running out of his bed to save his Mum from the bullies." He smiled in satisfaction as Frankie's mouth fell open with a look of astonishment. "Seven year old Frankie was very brave, I think. Very amazing."

"Gosh. I've never really thought about it like that," Frankie admitted.

"Also, I have seen pictures. You were adorably gorgeous when you were a little boy. Beautiful."

"Well, I know that now!" Frankie quipped and made Cam laugh again.

"Come, let's get out," Cam suggested, and watched nervously for any sign of discomfort as Frankie climbed out of the bath and stood dripping.

He followed, and after loosely wrapping a towel around his waist, he wrapped another around Frankie's body, trapping his arms and claiming a kiss while walking him backwards.

"Where are we going?" Frankie asked, smiling.

"To the bed," Cam advised, and snorted out a laugh when Frankie's eyes popped wide, a pained expression on his face. "Not for that, you crazy man."

"Well," Frankie let out a half laugh. "I'm not sure I could!"

Cam grinned and after rubbing most of the moisture from his skin, told Frankie to lie on his side. "I want to talk to you." He resisted the urge to slap Frankie's ass again, as he crawled onto the bed, butt in the air.

Frankie draped himself like Cleopatra awaiting grapes, and kept his eyes on Cam as he gave himself a cursory swipe with the towel.

"What are we talking about?" he asked as Cam joined him.

Cam settled next to Frankie. Their knees were touching, bodies close. He couldn't stop himself from reaching to touch Frankie's skin, and idly circling his thumb around and over one dark nipple.

After barely a moment, Frankie's resting cock fidgeted a little and then seemed to lurch lazily to life. Hardening, and effectively sneaking towards Cam across the sheet.

"Now look what you've done," Frankie admonished, raising an eyebrow as he watched his naughty member.

Cam sniggered, unrepentant.

"People very often do not understand demi-sexuality," he told Frankie.

Frankie's hurt eyes snapped to his. "I do," he said quietly.

"Yes, better than most." Cam leaned in and gave Frankie a soft kiss. "Don't look so worried, this is not a bad conversation. You understand it better than I do," he reminded Frankie.

Frankie's instant support and unwavering belief that Cam's demi-sexuality was totally normal, just less common, had completely changed the way Cam thought about himself.

Even so.

"Some people would think that I do not recognize beauty, but I do. And I can be attracted to someone, even a stranger. I just. Urgh," he broke off, frustrated that English was letting him down again.

So many useless and unnecessary words in the English language, and yet he couldn't find the one's he needed.

Frankie lifted a hand to his chest. "I think being demi is slightly different for everyone. But knowing you, I believe you could experience sexual attraction to a person. I just don't think you would be driven inside, to do anything about it, unless you knew and liked them. Does that sound right?"

Cam closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, before lifting Frankie's hand and pressing his lips to the palm. "Thank you. I say it before, but you really do understand me better than I understand myself."

"As long as you are not about to explain how you are attracted to someone who isn't me!"

"Well," Cam drew out, and grinned when Frankie pulled his hand free and lightly slapped his chest. "Of course not. But from what you told me about when you were younger, the bullies. I wanted to explain why, even though it was many years before I learned I liked you and could not resist. The first time I saw you, I thought, I knew, that you were stunning."

He smiled as Frankie's mouth dropped open in astonishment. For once there was no sound coming out.

Reaching up and running his fingers gently over Frankie's bottom lip, he continued. "The most perfect creature I had ever seen."

"But, you didn't even like me?" Frankie wondered. His eyes searching Cam's, as Cam shifted uncomfortably.

"I think, I didn't want to like you. I didn't dare to like you. I was so scared of you."

"What?" Frankie squeaked, totally shocked. "No one had ever been scared of me!"

"I was scared because I had never felt so strongly for a person before. Whether I knew them or not. It was so overwhelming. Terrifying. I thought I was completely broken, and I blamed you."

Frankie's expression softened, and he eased closer. Pressing his aching cock against Cam, whose own cock was now looking to join the conversation. Sliding his hand into Cam's hair, and pulling him down for a long kiss.

"You've never been broken," he reminded Cam when their lips parted. "And you're one of the strongest people I've ever known. Are you still scared of me?"

"Si," Cam chased the kiss. Pressing Frankie slightly into the sheets. "But now I also know that I am safe with you," he said when he pulled back.

Frankie kissed his fingertips and pressed them to Cam's heart. "Always. We'll always keep each other safe."


"And take care of each other."

"Of course."

"And share with each other all of our dreams and ideas for dance so we can achieve our dreams together."



"Yes, I will share my ideas for dance with you. And with everyone, when I perform them with Beth."

"Dammit, I thought I had managed to sneak that one past you."

"No," Cam stated bluntly, before they both started giggling.

"You are a worm," Cam chuckled.

"Excuse me!"

"Or a bird?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Frankie asked, with a bemused chuckle.

"There is a saying. About being too slow and not clever enough. An English phrase," he huffed, frustrated.

Frankie, who had been mouthing 'Bird? Worm?' suddenly brightened. "Do you mean, the early bird catches the worm?" he asked, and then collapsed back laughing.

"Yes," Cam was laughing too. "I was too fast. You were too slow. So I am the clever bird."

"That makes no sense," Frankie gasped out.

"It does," Cam insisted, thinking Frankie looked positively lickable, with tears of laughter on his cheeks. "And I eat the worm," he added with a mischievous grin, before bending down.

Frankie's laugh transformed into a strangled gasp as Cam sucked him deep. "Fuck, shit, wait."

Cam lifted his head as Frankie's hips bucked. "Why wait?"

"I want you. I want you," Frankie made grabby hands motions towards Cam's body. "Turn around."

Cam's smile was huge when he realized what Frankie was suggesting. He grinned and moved around, allowing Frankie to grab his hips and haul him close. Moaning when Frankie nuzzled his balls.

Cam shuddered head to foot when Frankie gave him a long succulent lick, before asking, "Have you done this before?"

"What do you think?" Cam growled, shaking his head and wrapping his hands around Frankie's thighs.

"I think, no."

"Well done."

"It's probably not as sexy as you think it's going to be," Frankie warned him.

Cam rolled his eyes on a flare of annoyance, "Are you even going to stop talking when my cock is in your mouth?"

"Maybe?" was the cheeky reply, and Cam snorted out a laugh. "Bet I can make you cum first," Frankie added, and took him deep.

"Fuck! What?" Cam practically saw stars, and then had to fight back Frankie's thighs that were in danger of clamping around his head. Competitive little shit.

Trying to concentrate through the devastating sensations flying from his cock to his brain, Cam lowered his head and took Frankie in.

It only took a few moments for Cam to realize that this.

This was.

Really fucking hard!

He was trying to take Frankie as deep as he could, and control his own thrusting so he didn't gag. All while holding him steady and not getting distracted by the absolutely wonderful things that Frankie's tongue was doing to his cock.

Every now and then he would thrust, and Frankie would pull back and cough, before dragging him deep again.

And he kept forgetting to breathe.

Still. Cam took a firmer grip on Frankie's thighs and ass, trying to stop him squirming so much, and decided just to go for it. Going for major suck-fest in an all out attempt to win.

Until Frankie did that thing when he flicked the tip of his tongue into Cam's slit, and then gently used his teeth on the underside of Cam's head, and he lost it.

Frankie's cock fell from his mouth as he groaned out a shattered, "Fuuuccckkkkk!" and flooded into Frankie's eager mouth.

"Urghh," Cam thrust and shuddered without control as Frankie drained him. A wave of weakness washed over him, and he couldn't resist when a grinning Frankie flipped him on to his back.

"I win," Frankie crowed.

"Do you have to win everything?" Cam complained, his chest heaving.

"Yep!" Frankie declared cheerfully as he crawled up Cam's body and straddled his chest. "Open up, Baby. Here's your worm," he waved his leaking cock in Cam's face.

Cam cracked up. Closely followed by Frankie.

"How can that even be sexy?" he wondered out loud.

"Everything I do is sexy," Frankie declared.

"Of course. Come here." Cam reached up for his hips and pulled Frankie closer. Lifting his head to take him in. His eyes locked on, as Frankie slipped his cock between his lips.

He guided Frankie's rolling hips for a few moments, but then pulled back.

"You okay?" Frankie asked.

"Yes," Cam reached and griped the headboard behind him. "Fuck my mouth, Frankie. Use me."

Frankie's eyes flared and stayed locked in his, even as he leaned forward and covered one of Cam's hands with his.

"With pleasure," he gasped as Cam felt his mouth fill with the salty and silky hardness that was Frankie.

"My absolute pleasure."


Despite their depraved morning, they actually made it to the dining room in time for breakfast. For the first time, on their last day.

Before following the track back through the woods, on another lazy walk.

This time they veered left, instead of right, and wandered into the town and small harbour.

The pretty little town, almost a village, was a delight. Cam enjoyed being able to wander around and hold hands with Frankie, wrap an arm around his waist, without looking over his shoulder. That is, when Frankie wasn't taking one of about fifty-thousand photographs.

"I'm feeling my 'Italian Phase' coming on," Frankie stated dramatically, unable to tear his eyes away from a scene in the market where a small boy was sneaking scraps to a dog, while his father sold produce on his stall.

"Am I not your 'Italian Phase'?" Cam asked and made him laugh.

"Different series," Frankie leered at him. "All nudes." Then in a typically abrupt change of topic, "Ohhh, pastries."

Cam smirked as Frankie dashed off to flirt with the elderly lady selling sweets and pastries. Before turning and beckoning his equivalent of SOS. Translation needed. STAT!

Neither of them having any doubt that they would be back to visit again, they had lunch in the town before walking back and arriving at the hotel at the perfect time for cocktails.

Or mocktails, as Cam didn't want to risk alcohol this close to a migraine. One was enough, thank you very much.

They sat and looked out over the ocean. Cam felt he was more relaxed than he had ever been in his life. With a drink next to him and Frankie curled into him.


The hesitant call pulled him from a day-dream involving a naked Frankie, whipped cream and strawberry flavoured lube. It also put him on alert.


"I wanted to talk to you about what Sister Maria said. You know what she said about, well."

"She said I need you more than you need me." Cam felt resigned and tried to stay calm. After all, he had known this was coming.

"Yes. That." Frankie was staring out to sea. His expression impossible to read.

"She was wrong," Cam stated bluntly, and felt Frankie relax against him.