Petal's Unfurling


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I gasped, remembering my Paris visit. "I've JUST thought of the GREATEST thing! Have you ever been to Paris? Anywhere in France?" He shook his head, with eyes like a deer in a brothel- "Would you like me to describe it to you? You know what they wear, don't you? They wear just like what I was wearing... when..." I pinch my lips, feeling my cheeks blush. I lean into his ear. "You do remember... don't you? You will... dare to forget that, will you not? Please? Pretty please... for me...?" I stroke his big boy tummy with my toes and pet up his chest gently, swinging with arms around his neck to coil into him, my breath in his ear, my body really so very small compared to his... "Your mother would be awful cross..."

I slip my hand to his chest, pressing against it, looking into his eyes, asking. I feel my hair slip over my eye again. I swear I could feel his heart skip the beat he so very didn't need to have working.

I look at my nails as they trace up the light hairs confirming his masculine possibilities... I painted them all pink... gently pink... just varnish...

I want him to add a shade of white... "Jackson... will you kiss me...? Before I leave?" He parts his lips... he smells SO so good...!

My nose settles in to his neck, his jaw, nuzzling up. I bite it a little, nodding and feeling him nod too, his head turns to mine. "Jackson I think I love you just a little do you know that-"

I hear her walk in and jump gently from his lap, taking my seat beside, turning it with silence as I eye him as she walks in.

"Jackson and I were just talking about his studies! Very fascinating..." He stammered in a way that made me impressed, and what he said made me feel very good indeed. He was on my side, hiding us.

And then... saying some very awfully detailed story about what we had certainly NOT just been talking about. I just nodded to her. "It really IS fascinating..." She held wine. I suppressed a sigh and gently got up to get my own.

And then we were drunk. Some is... hazy...

But let's just say a little meal for us girls across from a potential man of standing makes us pleasantly aroused... brings to mind something about being filled...

As she talked, I eyed him. I eyed him when she talked of people she admired, I eyed him when she was critical. I eyed him when she wasn't looking. He eyed back, playfully against me, then playfully mocking me for my forward type...

Every eye made me want more... I felt we were going somewhere... somewhere I wanted to go...

I don't know what came over me, but I channeled it all the same. I did so unashamed. Well... a little ashamed. The shame of someone who knows what can happen... but the fear of someone who hopes it will... I gently lifted my left leg, letting it bounce a little closer. I pawed with my foot, at nothing, closer and closer up to his pant leg, until I would feel the fabric move gently as a curtain in lonesome summer. What would I do? I wondered. I felt the fabric tease and go. I sipped at my wine with the elegance of fingers I had always hoped for in a man, though along with his strength and roughness, poise and deadliness enough to break the fucking glass.

I brought it up to my plush dark pink lips. I stained them red. Stained my tongue red, felt it sour my teeth. I held it a moment, a mouth full of juice to make my legs absently water. I felt my lips push against the glass, longing for a hot sweaty muscle underneath, even panting inside at the thought of the gentle skin touching my nose... my top lip... the ridge in the skin beneath being gently tugged on by my lower lip as I gagged and held my mouth onto his cock, as though hoping to impress him.

And I gulped it down, all the wine left in the glass. I longed for another. One to use as a prop for my seduction. This time I would gaze unflinchingly when his mother's back was turned, seductively... hopefully... honestly. Who could I be honest with, beyond a young man who could have the most power over me of all the men in my life? For I cared not for any other man's opinion, for their mothers were no dear friends of mine. But this one's was...

And I was his. I longed to reach out and touch him, tell him it would be alright... I wanted a boy of my own, I wanted an adoptive I could fuck to my will. I wanted him to look so so handsome and tell him he would be alright... I wanted to tend to my boy and take him to balls of my own making. To meet women of my choosing. To lead them off with a knowing look into bathrooms... I was drunk.

I was agag with lust.

I gently placed the glass with my fingers where they shouldn't be, touching my thumb over the rim where my lips had just been.

And I did it. I knocked his leg with my foot, the toe of my heel slipping up the shin and gently around to the calf, preparing my look of brows up and hoping into his eyes, as he cleared his throat and glanced worriedly off to his mother's back.

And I waited. And when he noticed... my pants got even wetter... I saw his eyes widen and his lips part. I saw myself a woman a tease... I stroked my toe up gently and felt the calf tense and relax, I pictured his cock and ran it up to behind his knee, resting to pat against the bottom of his thigh.

I tilted my head, smouldering a fire of a girly glare in his eyes. Were I his mother a glare would be scolding him. As it was, I was reprimanding him for being such a bad boy. Such a bad son.

I kicked a little and felt my shoe drop, uncaring about the clatter on the stone. He flinched and held it, glaring up at me. I smirked. I tilted my head, pinching my lips again and raising my brows. 'What's wrong, my dear boy? Whatever is the matter...?' He kept glaring at me like he could do anything. I wanted to remind him that if I so wished I could announce my shoe's parting, have him lift it up and gently place it on my foot, only for me to drop it again to keep him in his hell of my making.

But I wanted to be a good mother... so I played nice...

I gently ran my toes up the bottom of his leg, slipping it around to run up the side of his thigh, feeling how strong it was, resting it for a moment under my foot, pressing and patting his trouser leg. I ran it on the inside and tickled my toes on the groin...

He grabbed it. I smirked again. I ran my fingers through my hair and put myself on my elbows and smiled at him, feeling a lock of my magnificent hair falling over my right eye.

He must've fallen in love from that. He gulped again. I shook my head. He moved it away. I slipped it back... then up, straight into his manhood. I nudged it. He grew still. He cleared his throat, then breathed on his own. His strong hands and arms went to the table, gripping so much! He must've been in quite some pain...

I gently nudged my toes against it, feeling it individually with each.

It was big. And growing bigger. A gentle soft-hard

I opened my mouth as if to gasp, covering it gently for him. 'Is that you?! Is that your enormous cock underneath my toes?!' He wriggled and writhed... I tapped his leg again, running it up the bottom of his waist. I slipped my foot up his stomach, patting it and working his muscles with my toes. He took my foot and gently placed it down, moving it away. I put it back on his thigh. He took it... then held in, not moving it, realising the amount of trouble he really was in. I rubbed gently on his thigh, patting it twice. That was so he'd look at me.

He did.

I mouthed it.

Whispered... "Rub my feet."

I stared him down. I blinked prettily. I didn't repeat myself. I was frightened like a girl he hadn't understood, but I couldn't afford to lose this woman I had become. I wanted to keep her, to keep her all to myself and only share her with him when he had been good.

He gulped. And my smile could have lit up this house all fine on it's own. I wish there had been a man to tell me so. I intended to groom my own man. If I had to take him from his mother myself.

He parted my little toes with gentleness... taking the littlest and largest and pulling them slightly apart... leaving the rest to be leaning on his other fingers. With both indexes and thumbs he began to work, gently rubbing on top and below, weight focusing on the bottom part of both my more sensitive. He tickled absently at the middle ones, causing an involuntary giggle and stifling into choke of my throat, forcing my hand to rest quickly on my collarbone, a woman grown who's had too much to drink. I apologised to her, smiling and gripping my toes into his magnificent fingers, feeling them desperately try to keep me entertained and begin to rub down to my more sensitive sole and rub his thumbs up and down it, working all the pain away...

I intended to have this man after dinner.

I lifted the other foot so they were crossed on his seat between his legs. He rubbed the first until I was done with him, growing sufficiently wet and flustered and calm. He took the other one without asking, understanding his duties as my 'Masseur jeune'...

And when he was done I left them there. He looked at me. I tilted my head. I looked slowly down to his manhood. I slipped my behind closer on the big chair, so that I could be close enough to rub both of them comfortably, legs curled up under the table. He shook his head. I nodded. He moved back and stopped. I ran my feet both over it, feeling it bump larger and more intrusive. Naughty young man...

And then I gently slipped my toes from his fingers, kneading them into his hand as they slipped away... making him long for what most men would feel depraved to...

"I'm going to bed."

It's called SEDUCTION. All women think they can.

Few women truly know it.

And as I depart, ensuring he hears every little foot tap... and sees my behind gently wave back and forth...

I am the only one who truly does.

------The NIGHT, her BEDROOM-----

He hadn't hesitated to knock at my door. Why would he? He was a gentleman who wanted to know the truth and demanded satisfaction. Wanted to fuck the woman and demanded he see her naked.

The door was opened, to reveal my blouse was also, my legs, my fucking pussy lips, the fucking HOLE. My mouth. My fingers. Open open open open open and come inside, by all MEANS come inside! It's right where I want you! Best place for it, fuck me fuck me fuck me- mon DIEU Monsieur, fuck me...!

I pretended for a moment in my shut eyes and middling climax that I couldn't see him- but of course I fucking could. I was opening him up also, his mouth agape at my wet heated, sweating fucking form.

The sweat made my blouse sheer, I could feel it sticking to the ever-intruding softness of my breast, betraying me again as it had so often. But with every other man before this boy... it had been... lewd. Simple. Catcalls, moments of fear and worry, horror and not at all excitement. Difficulty, angst, hatred for my body, hatred for the men, for the whole Mother nature's deciding to 'bless' me so.

But with this boy...

He was of age. He stared at me of age. I felt my sex dripping... betwixt my legs could have been sweat or juice I knew not. I cared not.

I dripped. I felt a pulsing... I couldn't have stopped it if I wanted to. And I... didn't want to. Which excited me more? The woman I was...? Or the girl I had become...

I GASPED as I furled my fingers from my sex, feeling it still very much open, but clasping my legs to me and my knees to my chest, but in waiting it was clear that I had been enraptured by our previous encounters, and he knew exactly what the fuck I was thinking about.

I waited a moment, clinging one hand on the sheet. Scandalous!

And then... I slipped from the bed, darting to him like a joyful fox.

I mean- like a woman who's about to be stern and mature...

I breathed and became aware of singular breaths. I watched him as he glared and felt an evil come upon me. I breathed more, flicking my eyes down and back up to his, heaving my chest with each and bringing my chin up in defiance.

Young men like defiance. It makes their manhood tight. I hoped his was. I was going to need it if I was to treat him the way all men deserved.

"Well go on Jackson, be a good boy." I leaned in, my arms between us, the way he liked. "Go to your room..."

He PUSHED me against the bedframe, I couldn't stifle the gasp, barely holding on to the HARD wood of the frame as I stood my ground. I wanted him to push me. I was so close to the edge anyway... I wanted to tip ever so slightly over...

"Jackson what did you just do that for!" I tutted, "You shouldn't push me around you know..."

He replied that what I was doing was wrong, and that he would be going and would not see me for the rest of the night.

I nodded. I pushed my fingers up gently against his chest.

"Jackson do you think you could withstand it if I kissed you just a little? Just a goodnight kiss? Will you give me a goodnight kiss Jackson? Just a goodnight kiss? Just the one? Just to help me sleep? Just to give me good dreams? Just to give me sweet sweet little dreams of you as I bed down?"

I lean in with my pressed hand and feel him stay. I pinch my lips and smile looking at his hard man chest. I finger where his abs meet his magnificent chest.

"Jackson... will you be a good boy for me... please?"

I look up into his eyes with my own uncut gemstones.

"Jackson will you kiss me?"

He looked at me hard. His frown severe, eyes dark and cold. His body looked as though it should feel cold, but with my hand so close I would have been the only woman in his life ever to tell... he was hot. So so hot. So so very very hot he required cooling down... or at least... the room to give him more of a complimenting temperature.

"Jackson... you're not moving away..."

I lean in, tiptoeing on his socks. He growls at me a little, turning his head away, taking a step back- or trying. I shift my weight on him. I win. I ate more at dinner. I pat his stomach. I grip his shirt from top and bottom both, and pull them both to me.

"Jackson you're being a very naughty boy you do realise that by now don't you? So if you don't want to kiss me..."

I whisper to his lowering lips.

"Then you need to be punished..."

And with that, and a final thought for Lutecia, and a poor thought for Harry, I kiss him.

And the TASTE.

And he holds back. And then he kisses. And then he holds back again. And I keep kissing. My tongue is a servant of good... licking like a good girl as I pull on his shirt and turn him close to the bed, leaning him back and pushing him the way he should have pushed me all that time ago... when we first fucking met, really. I lean in as he sits on the frame and tickle my fingers up his hand, up his arm...

"Jackson... I need fire in my life, you know that don't you? I'm a young woman..."

I giggle at that, showing I know my age. He stammers, I shake my head and put my finger to his lips.

"Sshhh...! It's alright. I'm a young woman... but I know my age. Jackson women need boys in their lives. And I need one in mine. Jackson you're going to have to tell me if you're a man or a boy because a real man of propriety wouldn't have just kissed like THAT, because he'd already have a woman. Not to be insulting- but if you're living with your mother and you really truly want to be nice, then all you have to do is push me away. I won't fight. I won't scream, I want you to know that, look!"

I turn away, letting go of one hand, letting the way open free. He looks to the door. And I let go completely, leaning in beside him, slipping on the bed and kneeling, curling up with my head on his shoulder...

"But if you stay I'll treat you... well I'll treat you. Don't you want a treat?" I giggled, "Don't you want a treat from me, Jackson? Don't you want to be treated? Like a good little boy?"

"Oh no... you're a gentleman aren't you! Well go on gentleman, go back to your room and relieve yourself to me. Only I'd want full details of such a venture tomorrow, in my room, while you're here, pleasuring yourself again, to me. While I blow in your ear the whole time."

I blow in his ear now. A vixen. GOD I feel so YOUNG!

"Jackson... Jackson... you need me. Admit it. We need each other... and you have masturbated to me at least once while I was... well... moaning... and moaning..." I blew and blew... "Where I shouldn't be. So just be quick. Just take me quickly and well say nothing more about it..."

I lean in.

"Push me again..."

I kiss him on the cheek, the way I presume his mother never has. He replies through stammers and gulps that make me kiss his throat that he wouldn't do so without-

"Without what? Permission? But I'm giving you permission... look."

I take his hand... I move it close to my leg. I gently move mine over it... I gently tickle his crotch with my fingers.

"See? Permission. Permissible... tell them you were seduced..." I kiss his ear and cheek, slowly. "Because you were..."

"Jackson... why is it you won't ravish me right now? It's a comfy enough bed... look...!" I smooth it out with my hand... I tease my cords... just a shirt and undergarments now... I'm sweating, I am so sweating... panting...

"Jackson..." Both my hands rise to his neck, either side gently tickling and running. I move my face up and down his cheek, gently breathing on his cheek, ear, hair, neck, mouth... "What is it? Don't you like treats...?"

He replies that he does in fact like treats, and that this is improper and that a woman of my beauty- "THANK you Jackson!"

He replies that I'm welcome, and that a woman of my beauty should not feel as though she needs to... treat him to be fair or kind or sweet. For she already is without any of that.

"What if I wanted to be unkind...?" I kissed. "What if I wanted to be cruel? What if I wanted to be... SAVOURY...?"

And with that... his kiss enters mine. We're tongues fighting now, I'm on top but he turns and rips his shirt from him, mine from me. I moan and try to be quiet, remembering his mother is downstairs.

"Jackson we're going to have to be a little quiet darling-"

He THRUSTS his hand between my legs, patting them up and all over, without expertise, but DESPERATELY and just adding to the fantasy and confirming my suspicions. He's taken no woman in the manner I intend to give.

"Jackson you don't need to be rough with me it's perfectly alright... just need as you like there's a good boy-"

I MOAN with his grips of my glorious behind, his amateur-ish kisses of my breast feeling them grow less and less so with every peck to kiss to loving caress... teasingly improving before my very touch, I feel so good as though he's practicing on me, I his instrument before he-

P-Plays me!

"J-J-JACKSON! Are you sucking on your mother's friend's nipple?"

I moan and look down at him. I gently caress that glorious hair... looking into his eyes.

"Jackson... you can never take this back you do know that don't you?" He nods. "Good boy. Suck HARDER-" He does.

Take me...! Make me YEARN for it...!

He has me up against the headboard and wall faster than I've ever felt. The PASSION! I try to breathe and wonder how long before he wears me out- and I just gently help him enough and enjoy being taken as he-

"Jackson this is so very WET don't you know that? Make me wet! Make me make NOISES!" I MOAN like a WOMAN where she's supposed to be and feel myself begin to be pushed back against the soft sheets and hard HARD bedframe as he pushes his delectable heated cock into mine and I feel sweat and muscle and feel the most GORGEOUS boy's cock SHOVE it's way inside of my wet warm welcoming-

I gasped, "Do you- do you like how welcoming I am, my love...?" I MOANED, "Do you- not wish to be more courteous-?"

His thrust answers that.

And the next one.

And the next four.

And when he begins his rhythm- something about a young man taking your cunt and feeling it spread and weaken your insides WHILE it is inside of you that doubles a pleasure. I reach my fingers down and gently take his hand, moving it to my clitoris hood and gently press my fingers on his to- triple it!