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What will she do to thank him?
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It was a perfect day to sit at one of the outside tables at Starbucks. A middle- aged man surveyed the tables and picked one next to two women, one older than the other, both professionally dressed. The younger of the two grabbed his attention. She was beautiful, and all the parts of her slender body were close to what he thought were ideal for a woman. He was not into big breasts or big bottoms. The only flaw he could see was the redness in her eyes apparently from crying. He sat down at the table next to them and adjusted the amplifier in his ear. Their conversation came through loud and clear.

The younger one was speaking. "I can't believe I have to have someone pay for a cup of coffee for me." Gentle sobbing followed.

Her older friend responded, "Don't worry about the coffee, Nat. Have you had any luck getting money?"

"No. We've wiped out our savings, maxed out our credit cards, sold everything we could in yard sales, hit up every family member, friends, and agency that might help. Neither of us is vested in our retirement plan so we can't withdraw even the little pension we have built up. We were so foolish when he got his great job and it seemed like we had plenty of money, but we had to go and buy too big a house, too nice of cars, and too many toys. After three months of no paycheck for Justin, we were broke. It looks like we'll be going to bankruptcy, but we can't even pay the $750 up-front money to talk to a bankruptcy attorney." The sobbing became more pronounced.

"I'm sorry I can't help more. But with two in college . . ."

"I know. You and your husband have been a big help. Thank you for your support. Today I just needed someone to talk to besides Justin. He is even more depressed than I am."

"What are the chances he will be called back to work soon?"

"All he hears from the company is 'Eventually' but no timelines. He could get a low wage job temporarily, but that would be wiped out by the cost of child care. At least his staying home has saved us that expense."

"Nat, I'm sorry but I have to get back to work. Don't you have to get back to school?"

"No, I have my planning period after lunch. I'm going to stay here and try to get myself together. This may be the last Starbucks coffee I will ever have." The crying began again.

"Don't say that Natalie. Pray for a miracle. At least you can do that." The older lady reluctantly left. A distraught Natalie searched in her purse for a tissue to replace the napkins she had made soggy with her tears.

The gentleman from the next table leaned over and handed her a handkerchief. He was handsome, well-dressed and about 15 years older than her. Natalie was surprised and didn't know what to do.

He noted her reluctance. "Please take it. You need it more than I do."

Despite her hesitation, she took it and immediately tried to dry her tears.

"May I join you?" he asked.

The look of suspicion returned to her face. "I'm sorry. I'm married. I need to be leaving soon."

"You have every right to not trust a man you don't know. I assume a lot of men make passes. You are an attractive woman, you know."

She made a move to get up and leave. He put his hand gently on hers and said, "Please stay a moment. I may be able to help you."

"Help me? I don't understand. I don't even know you."

"Forgive my bad manners, but I could not help but overhear your conversation with your friend. I may be able to help you with your money problems."

"I don't see how that is any of your business. I need to go."

He could tell her defenses were on full alert. "Please give me two minutes. If you are not interested in what I have to say after that, then I will leave you alone."

Part of Natalie wanted to hear what seemed to be a new line from a guy hitting on her and part wanted to hope he really might be able to help. "Okay, two minutes."

"My name is James Ellison Townsend. My sister and I are philanthropists. We inherited some considerable wealth and an obligation to help others. We especially enjoy helping young couples with financial problems get back on their feet." He waited for her reaction.

The grim look on her face made him suspect she was unsure if he was just a dirty old man who was hoping to scam a young woman out of her clothes. He continued, "Does your phone have internet?" She nodded affirmatively. "Google my name, James Ellison Townsend." She complied.

"James E. Townsend," she read, "and his sister Ellen inherited over $3 billion dollars from their father, coal and energy baron, James "Big Jim" Townsend. Their JET Foundation spends most of its funds each year in projects in West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky where the bulk of the family's fortune originated. They seem to have a special interest in giving money to families who have fallen on hard times and help them until they can make it on their own. No applications are accepted by the Foundation and it is unsure how the heirs choose the people they help." The picture of James Townsend matched the face of the man sitting across from her. Natalie now had a look of astonishment on her face.

Mr. Townsend pulled out a checkbook. "I am writing a check for $5000, postdated for this Friday. This will be a gift, not a loan. Before I give you the check, I need to tell you the conditions for accepting it."

"I knew there would be a catch," she thought. Again, the idea of a dirty old man crossed her mind.

"One, you and your husband both have to agree to accept the money. Two, you both have to pass a background check. Three, you must use the money for debt payment. Finally, you cannot tell anyone where you got the money." A puzzled look came over her face. "Let me explain. Most of our philanthropic work is impersonal. The money is given to agencies who help various people in need.

We are interested in more personal philanthropy. By helping one family at a time, we get to see and, more importantly, feel the results of our efforts. As far as doing a background investigation, my lawyers have a Private Investigator firm on retainer. They are the ones who assure me that the people we choose to help are legitimate in their need for the funds. You would be surprised the lengths people have gone to scam us. If they applied their smarts to a legitimate business, they would probably be successful. But, I digress.

Here is my card and the check. Talk to your husband and call me before Friday. If you accept, I would like to talk to you and your husband over dinner. If you pass the background check and accept, I will not stop payment. Over dinner, we will discuss future support. I gather that $5000 will only keep the wolves from the door and you will need help beyond that."

Natalie responded, "I'm speechless. Surely there's more to this than it appears. Are you sure you don't have other requirements you're not telling me about?"

"Well, it's not really a requirement, but we would like you two to consider this: Once you get back to where you two can support your family and begin to build your own wealth, we would like you to agree that if you have the chance to help someone in the same or similar circumstance as you are now, you will help them. Of course, we couldn't require you actually do something like that, but by then we hope we can trust you."

"I don't know what to say. My friend said to pray for a miracle, but I've never expected an answer so quickly. Thank you. I will talk to my husband and we'll call you."

"You're welcome. I'm sure your husband will have lots of questions. Just have him call me. If you decide not to do it, don't call but realize the check will not be able to be cashed any day but Friday. Good day."

Natalie sat in shock. "Did this really happen? Could it really be that easy?" After looking at her phone for the time, she hurried off so as not to be late for her two last period classes.

That night she talked excitedly to her husband after dinner and the boys were put to bed. Justin did have lots of questions and they agreed he would call Mr. Townsend before deciding. The call lasted a good hour before Justin was satisfied. They even talked football, especially the hometown Philadelphia Eagles. Justin used to go to home games with one of the other men who was laid off. Next came the arrangement for dinner. Justin mentioned that he doubted he and his wife would feel comfortable going to a restaurant Mr. Townsend usually went to. After a short laugh, Mr. Townsend asked Justin to name their favorite restaurant when they went celebrate anniversaries and birthdays. The Olive Garden was chosen, and the time set.

At the dinner, Mr. Townsend went over the conditions for receiving more funds. Several times, James noticed that Natalie talked a lot with her hands and would touch his arm to emphasize a point. Looking at Justin, James seemed positive that it did not bother him and that was just Natalie's nature. The conversation was going well until their young waiter spilled wine on James' white shirt. Profuse apologies came from the waiter and the manager came quickly to the scene. In the process of adding apologies, the manager stopped and stared at James. "You're James Townsend! My God, I am so sorry." Turning to the waiter who was trying to wipe up the mess, "You're fired. Get your things and leave immediately."

Mr. Townsend smiled and rose from his seat. "Stay here young man. I need to talk to the manager a second." He led the manager to a fairly private but visible area. Natalie noticed that James took a hundred dollar bill from his pocket and gave it to the manager. They both came back to the table.

The manager spoke, "Darren, you are very lucky that Mr. Townsend is so understanding. You will be forgiven this mistake but don't ever let it happen again."

James said with a smile, "I'm sure he won't. Edgar, we were young once and somehow people forgave us our mistakes along the way."

"Nonetheless, the meal is on the house."

"That's not necessary."

"I insist, Mr. Townsend."

"Well, Edgar, I will remember your generosity the next time we choose to cater one of our parties."

"Thank you, Sir. Thank you."

After things had calmed down, Natalie couldn't help but speak. "Mr. Townsend, that was very generous of you. I saw you give money to the manager. And then you saved the waiter's job."

"Well, I kind of like a purple shirt instead of white anyway." He chuckled. "No, I remember when I was a waiter and . . ."

"You were a waiter?" Justin remarked.

"My father was a wise man, and not just in business. He knew he was going to leave my sister and me a lot of money. He told us that inherited wealth was a huge burden. The hardest thing, according to him, was humility. 'Never forget that the people, sometimes called common folk, are who made us rich. They do the hard work, they use the energy, they pay for the energy we sell. You two have no reason to believe you are any better than any one of them just because you have plenty of money.' He made us work while we went to school and college. Waiting tables was just one of the jobs I had. I feel sorry for the young man. I had the same problem he had tonight only many years ago."

As the evening was winding down, Natalie noticed that James left a huge tip for the waiter and a note that said, "Hang in there. Everyone makes mistakes." She took the arms of both men she was with, the one she loved and was married to and the older man she was rapidly becoming very fond of. As they parted to go to their respective cars, both Justin and Natalie hugged James.

The $5000 did more than pay off some overdue bills. It changed the perspective of two very thankful people. Even their young sons noticed mommy and daddy were happier. As a result, they were happier. Natalie was surprised when one day one of her students asked what had happened. He said that day was the first day he had seen her smile. The other students nodded in agreement. Other people noticed and when they asked Justin and Natalie what had happened, the answer was always "It's a miracle."

Almost a month later, James called and told the young couple that he wanted to take them to a restaurant of his choice this time. As they were protesting that they would not know how to act or have the clothes to wear, he told them to call his secretary and give her their clothing measurements. She would buy some appropriate clothes. James assured them she had excellent tastes. Once the clothes arrived and were tried on, Justin and Natalie were pleasantly surprised how "high class" they looked. Although somewhat scared, they looked forward to the meal.

The Thursday before their Sunday dinner date, Natalie answered a call from James. She was a little disappointed he asked to speak to her husband instead of her. Natalie stayed near the phone to overhear as much as she could.

She heard her husband say, "What? Are you shitting me? Club house? Oh my God! Of course, I want to go. No, I'm not sure I can take any more good news. Starting when? Two weeks?" Justin was crying, and Natalie was going out of her mind trying to figure out what was going on. Justin continued, "No, don't cancel the dinner. I'm sure Natalie still wants to go." He turned to Natalie and asked, "You want to go to dinner with James even if I can't go, don't you?" Natalie couldn't figure out what was going on and just stood there. Justin didn't hesitate long, "She'd be honored to go. You'll pick her up at 6:30? Great."

Justin put down the phone and started dancing around. Natalie was about to burst. "What the hell is going on, Justin? Tell me before I have a stroke!"

"Another miracle. Two miracles. First, me and the other two guys laid off are going to be in the club house box at the Eagles football game Sunday! The freakin club house box! Can you believe it?"

"You're that excited about a football game? Good grief! Wait a minute, we are supposed to go to dinner with James that night."

"You can still go. I asked you. You need to go and let him know how much we appreciate what he has done for us."

Natalie was disappointed then she remembered, "What is the second miracle or is seeing your precious Eagles two miracles in one?"

Justin smiled as widely as his mouth would permit. "We will be the guest of Samuel Ferguson in the box."

"Ferguson? Isn't that the boss of your company?"


"Why would he be taking you and the other ex-employees to the game?"

"Well, in two weeks we will no longer by ex-employees."

"What? You have your job back? Oh, Justin that's fantastic." Hugging and kissing and crying were shared back and forth. Natalie broke the celebration long enough to ask, "How did this all come about?"

"It seems that Mr. Townsend is a good friend of Mr. Ferguson. Somehow, he was able to convince Mr. Ferguson that it would be profitable to re-employ us now as he had information of an imminent increase of business. He suggested to Mr. Ferguson that it would be a good gesture on his part to treat the laid off employees who had remained loyal during the layoff in spite of the financial difficulties it caused their families."

More celebration ensued. Finally, Natalie mentioned she was disappointed Justin could not go because she was looking forward to both of them dining at a five-star restaurant. Justin reasoned, "Natalie, I think I would feel out of place. You, however, look so good in your new dress, I bet you will knock the eyeballs of any of those snobs. Don't worry about me. I'll be having a far better time than you will. Do you know what kind of food and drinks they have in the box? I'll probably have better food than the escargot shit they serve at that fancy restaurant. You need to go and look your best, so James will be proud. You have to show him our appreciation. I don't care if you have to fuck him in public. He has saved our family."

"Justin! How could you say such a nasty thing? I would never betray you with another man, not even a wonderful man like James. I'm sure he will have his wife or sister with him. Not that he would even consider having sex with someone like me." In spite of her denial, the thought of sex with James was now planted in her mind. She quickly dismissed the thought.

"I know, Natalie. I trust you. I just want you to know we owe him so much. At least consider kissing him." He smiled.

Natalie punched him in the arm and smiled back. "It would serve you right if I did have sex with him." They both laughed.

The night of the dinner came, and James knocked on the door of Justin and Natalie's house. Justin was already gone to the game. When Natalie opened the door, she saw James dressed smartly in a tux. He looked like he was about to say something and then he just stood there staring. "What?" Natalie said. "You don't like the way I look?"

"No, no, just the opposite. I was thinking you may be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I feel inadequate as an escort to such a glamorous woman. Natalie, you are dazzling!"

Natalie was blushing. "Mr. Townsend don't say such nonsense. You probably have a beautiful wife and have seen hundreds of women prettier than me."

James smiled and said, "Name three."

They both laughed, and Natalie took the arm he offered, and they walked to the awaiting Mercedes. After James opened the door for her, she looked in but did not see a wife or sister. "James, isn't your wife or sister coming with us? The pleasant look that had been on his face vanished. "Unfortunately, my wife is an invalid. My sister, who was and is her best friend, and I take care of her. This is my night for taking our latest couple to dinner. If you do not feel comfortable going with just me, I won't make you go."

Natalie was at a temporary loss of what to do. She remembered what her husband had said about showing appreciation. "I feel perfectly comfortable with you. She scooted across the seat, so she was next to James as he drove. She tried to break the awkwardness by asking, "James, why do you drive your own car? I would think you could afford a chauffeur."

"I do have a chauffeur and he drives whenever we need to do business in the car on the way to some meeting. Otherwise, I guess I'm a control freak. I feel safer when I drive even though I know I'm not a good a driver as I could hire. Does my driving bother you?"

"Oh no, everything you have done has pleased me." She was worried a little bit about what she had said and amended her statement to add, "and Justin." Natalie squeezed James' arm as an affectionate gesture.

The restaurant looked like a palace to Natalie. Everyone from the maire d' down seemed to recognize James and were happy he was there. James interacted with all levels of staff as if they were personal friends. Natalie quickly became self-conscious as many of the eyes of the patrons and staff seemed to be focused on her. She grabbed James' arm and confessed, "I feel like everyone is looking at me and realizing I don't belong here."

James smiled. "They are looking at you and me. They are thinking you are a stunning beauty and they are thinking I am the luckiest man here. You not only belong here, you OWN this place."

Natalie was not used to such praise. "Then screw it. I'm probably never going to be back here the rest of my life so I'm going to enjoy it." Suddenly she pretended she was royalty and allowed James to escort her to their table. The six-course dinner was superb although she did not know half of what she was eating. It was all delicious and several glasses of wine gave her continuing courage. She was feeling very good and her touches to James arm and hand became more frequent and more affectionate.

After the dessert she allowed to melt in her mouth, the band started playing. Natalie was pleased when James asked, "Natalie, would you do me the honor of a dance?"

"Yes, but I don't know if it really an honor for you."

"First, it would definitely be my honor, however, you will have to sign a waiver to promise not to sue if I injure your feet."