Picture This


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Laurie watched as the blood drained out of Sammy's face.

"You read the comments?" His voice had the tiniest tremble in it.

"Of course I did." Laurie turned and walked back to refill her glass and retrieve another beer from the fridge.

She let the silence linger as she opened the beer and poured it into a glass for him. Turning to hand him the glass, she saw he wasn't there amd looking, she could see that he had stood and walked onto the deck. Walking outside, Laurie held out the glass and Sammy took it. In just a couple of big gulps, he emptied the glass before speaking. He started stammering again but Laurie shut him off.

"Sammy, I have a question."

Sammy nodded but didn't say a word.

"Did you like taking pictures of me?"

Sammy nodded again.

"Did it turn you on?"

Sammy looked down at his feet and nodded again.

"Are you convinced that I am not mad about it?"

He continued to nod.

"Then what is the problem?"

Laurie stood and smiled, waiting for an answer. Sammy raised his head, and in a quiet voice said, "I don't suppose there is one?"

Laurie held out her hand and pulled him close, hugging him.

"Right, there isn't one."

They embraced for along minute. As Laurie let him free, she added, "but you owe me now." Sammy froze and looked at her. Laurie didn't let him try to speak. "You, sir, have pictures of me, and I think you owe me. I think there should be some rules. "

Sammy chose to keep his mouth shut and nodded encouragement to her.

Laurie walked back in the house and finished off the bottle of wine while she thought of the best way to handle this, now that she was in complete control. Walking back onto the deck, she saw that Sammy had not moved an inch.

"From now on, if you want to take pictures of me under any circumstances, you have to let me know. None of the pictures of me can have my face clearly in them. I want to help you choose which pictures you submit. I mean, I want to put my best foot forward so to speak, plus, that website has some kind of a theme contest every month with some pretty good cash up for grabs. If by some miracle a picture of mine is chosen, I get the money, since you are about to be rich and all Mr. Law..."

Sammy finally spoke up. "I agree to your terms."

Laurie snapped around and looked at him.

"Oh those aren't all of my terms, Mister."

"Please go on." Sammy motioned for her to continue.

"You will use a real digital camera, not a crappy cell phone." Laurie placed a good digital camera on the deck table.

Sammy nodded once again as Laurie paused for her big finale.

"And last, but not least. . . "

"Yes?" Sammy asked expectantly.

"I get to take pictures of you if I want. It's only fair."

Laurie smiled broadly as Sammy began to blush a bright red. Laurie let him search for words while she picked up the camera and turned it on. Pointing at him, she could see him smile, nearly giggle, and turn slightly away.

"Well, I'm not so sure about that last thing, Laurie. I mean . . . well . . . I just don't know."

"Why not?" Laurie said as she snapped a picture of the squirming young man. "It's only fair!" She snapped another picture.

"It may be, but I am about to start out on my career. What if my Dad saw them, or a client?"

"Same rules will apply to me. No faces, nothing sneaky, and heck, I won't post yours. I just want you to see what it's like. Deal?"

Sammy had turned away from her as he stammered and struggled for an answer. A long moment fell between them as she waited for his answer.

"Deal?" Laurie asked again.

Sammy mumbled something.

"Speak up!" Laurie insisted.

Sammy cleared his throat. "Deal," is all he could say.

"Good!" Laurie smiled.

Sammy felt something soft strike his back and turned around. Laurie was leaned against the railing of the deck. Her tank top and shorts had struck Sammy in the back as she threw them at him. Sammy froze in place and stared at the naked woman standing only feet from him. Laurie broke his stare by holding out the camera for him to take. With shaking hands, he took the camera from her grasp.

"How's this?"

Laurie took down her ponytail and turned her head so that her hair fell to the left, obscuring her face. She stood still until she heard the electronic click of the camera. Turning her back to him, she arched her back; her hair tumbled between her shoulder blades, and she stood on her toes to tighten the muscles of her legs. Click again. Laurie walked past him and into the yard, standing in the one patch of sunshine that remained. She squatted and spread her knees wide. She looked at the ground so her hair would hide her face, waiting for the click once again. Standing, she turned and walked a few steps and heard Click, Click, Click.

Turning back to face him, Laurie smiled. "Now, it's my turn!"

Sammy was hesitant, to say the least. He handed her the camera with a shaking hand and just stood there. Laurie reached out and took him by the hand, leading him back onto the deck. She positioned him at the railing where she had been standing and held up the camera to take a picture.

"Well, show me what ya got!" Laurie insisted.

Sammy was fidgety and looked down.

"Laurie, I can't, I mean. . ."

"We had a deal." Laurie continued to look at him on the screen of the camera.

"I mean, maybe not right now . . ." Sammy was trying to wiggle out of the situation.

"My Dad is going to wonder where I have gotten off to; I had better be heading back soon."

"No, he won't. He knows you are here. He even said, 'You kids have fun,' when I talked to him. I, for one, am having fun. C'mon, at least take off your shirt?"

Sammy slowly, and reluctantly, peeled his shirt off. Laurie snapped away and thought, "Damn, washboard abs look good!"

"Keep going!" Laurie encouraged him.

"Laurie, I can't, not now at least." Sammy still had not looked up at her. "Not with you like that."

Laurie knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Well, I'm not going to go get dressed just to take your picture. And I am not going to put this camera down until I have."

Sammy dropped the t-shirt and seemed to gather his courage. "Well, ok, if you insist."

"I do," Laurie said as she watched him reach for the button of his shorts.

Laurie snapped away, watching intently as Sammy popped each button of his button-fly shorts. He had pulled his ball cap down low on his head, both to conceal himself and block his view of the naked woman standing in front of him. As the last one popped open, he froze.

"No turning back now!" Laurie said, and Sammy let the shorts fall to the deck.

Laurie snapped a picture of what she hoped, and knew, she would see. Sammy kept his head down as a rather sizeable erection sprung free. She watched through the LCD screen for a moment as it bobbed and dangled. Once the movement stopped, Laurie snapped a couple more pictures before letting him off the hook.

"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Sammy. You look damned good naked."

Not hearing anymore clicks, Sammy finally raised his head and looked at her. Laurie was smiling at him, trying her absolute best to keep eye contact. Sammy started to slip out of his shoes and socks.

"What's the old saying, in for a penny in for a pound?"

Laurie chuckled as he removed the last stitch of clothing from his body and stood completely upright for the first time since this had started. He stretched; his head back and his arms up right. Laurie stole the moment to check him out from head to toe, concentrating her eyes on his beautiful cock. Once through with his stretch, Sammy relaxed slightly. He looked at her once again, and Laurie couldn't help but notice his cock harden and rise a little more, even with its obvious weight.

"Now, ya see that wasn't that hard was it?" Laurie asked before realizing what she said.

Emboldened by her comments, Sammy lost all pretense of shyness. Wrapping his hand around his cock, he stroked it a couple of times and held it up before commenting, "Yes, it is that hard."

Laurie blushed and they both laughed.

She quickly snapped a picture of Sammy holding his cock before setting the camera down and picking up her wine glass. Sammy walked past her and grabbed another beer from the fridge. Laurie watched as he walked past, hypnotized by the sway of his manhood. As he walked back onto the deck, Laurie picked up the camera and handed it to him.

"So, what do you want to take a picture of now?"

Sammy smiled. "Why, you of course!"

Laurie moved to the lounge chair and stretched out. "Doing this?" she asked as she cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples. "Or how about this?" She ran one hand between her legs and feigned shyness as she covered herself up as best she could. "Or even this?" Laurie rolled over and lifted herself to her knees. She put her elbows on the lounger and jutted her behind up in the air.

All the while, Sammy was clicking away. Laurie relaxed and turned to sit on the edge of the lounger. She did so for two reasons, it was the most convenient place to sit at the moment, and it put her at nearly eye level with Sammy's now greatly engorged cock. Sammy was slightly more than an arms length away, and was staring at Laurie in the fading light.

"You know, there is another contest on that sight."

Laurie raised an eyebrow. "Oh, there is?"

"Yeah, it is in the part you have to subscribe to in order to see." Sammy put the camera back on the table. "Let me show you."

Sammy retrieved the laptop and came to sit beside Laurie on the lounger. Placing the laptop on his legs, Sammy typed in the user name and password, opening that section of the website. He handed Laurie a towel to put on her legs and placed the laptop on top of it. As Sammy stood, Laurie read the header at the top of the page.

"Each submission that they want considered for the contest has a star beside it on the list."

Laurie looked down the list and picked the first one she came to. The first thing she noticed was that the pay side was much more graphic, and the theme of this months contest was immediately obvious.

"How can people not be recognized on here?" Laurie was unfamiliar with porn technology.

"Oh, they just blur the eyes and parts of the face. It works really well." Sammy bent over and pointed to a particular submission. "Look at that one."

Laurie clicked it and saw a young woman having sex with a man. The man's face was clearly visible, but the woman's face was indeed blurry and out of focus just enough that no one would ever recognize her.

"They do that to faces, tattoos, and any kind of identifying mark, if you ask. Or you can submit them like that."

Laurie moved the computer to the side.

"So, what is the contest, and what are the prizes?"

Sammy stood back up and was only a couple of feet from Laurie.

"It's a blow job theme, and the top prize is twenty five hundred dollars." Sammy wasn't mincing words any longer.

Laurie thought a moment. "Wait right here."

She jumped up from the seat and went in the house. When she returned, she paused long enough to look Sammy up and down before returning to the lounger.

"This should work just as good as blurring." Laurie reached up and put on a pair of Wayfarer sunglasses. "Let's see if we can win?"

Laurie reached out and took Sammy's cock in her hand, pulling him towards her. He gingerly stepped up to her as she opened her mouth and took it in. She licked its length before taking it back into her mouth, sucking in as much of it as she could fit. Sliding back up its length, she let the now shiny monster pop from her lips.

"It will be hard to win if you don't pick up that camera. Don't you think?"

Sammy snapped out of it long enough to pick up the camera once again. Laurie picked up his cock and stuck out her tongue as far as she could. Laying his cock on it, she waited for him to snap the shot. She closed her mouth around the head and began slowly sucking it in. Sammy clicked away as she did until she buried her nose in his pubic hair, shuddering as his cock hit the back of her throat. He took what pictures he could while being stunned at the fact that Laurie was sucking his cock. When he felt the urges welling up inside him he warned her.

"I'm going to come if you keep that up!"

Laurie slowed and freed his manhood from her lips.

"That's the point!" she said before diving back to her efforts.

Laurie would stop occasionally and let Sammy snap a picture or two. She would stop so the shots wouldn't be blurry, but the occasional pause wasn't enough to keep the inevitable from happening. Feeling the first splash of his orgasm on the roof of her mouth, she immediately pulled it free, pumping the massive member as it exploded onto her face and glasses.

Sammy was still clicking away in between spasms, andwhen the last wave crashed onto her, he relaxed. Laurie picked up his still hard cock and again extended her tongue. He clicked away a few more times as she licked the head clean, and caught a couple shots of her open mouth with his come dripping from her upper lip to her tongue, and down onto her bare breasts. Sammy stepped back slightly, and Laurie posed with a big smile on her face. He was sure to catch a close enough shot to see his come clinging to her glasses, face, and chest.

Putting the camera down, he leaned back against the railing of the deck to catch his breath. Laurie, without missing a beat, picked it up and clicked off a couple of shots of him standing there in the faded light, his cock hard but drooping. His chest and stomach glinted with sweat, and his cock shone with her saliva. She smiled as she put the camera down and grabbed the towel from under the laptop to wipe her face.

Once as cleaned up as she could get without a shower, Laurie stood and walked over to Sammy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself up against him, being careful of his still sensitive cock. Kissing him deeply, she took a secret kick out of the fact that her tongue was still covered in his come.

"That was fun. I need a drink."

Sammy agreed and watched as she walked into the kitchen before starting to follow her. Laurie opened a new bottle of wine before speaking. "I hope next moths contest involves fucking!"

Sammy almost spit beer all over the kitchen at her comment before running onto the deck while she laughed.

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TonyMA70TonyMA709 months ago

Great story keep up the good work 5 stars

Photo_GWPhoto_GWabout 1 year ago

fabulously fun story! Please write some more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great Story

Well written with good descriptive writing - turned me on - just popping round to visit my neighbour !

oldergentleman69oldergentleman69over 12 years ago
Great Story..........

Can't wait to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Can't wait for more...

Loved the story, looking forward to reading the next part. Keep up the good work!

JENnRASPJENnRASPalmost 13 years ago
Nice story!

Pls write more.....


Firmhands5Firmhands5almost 13 years ago
Any follow up?

You have more to write. Damn good!

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