Pictures of You Ch. 06

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Vanessa rescues her boyfriend and gets a reward redux.
8.1k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/18/2021
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There are times to press rewind and start again. Thanks to Jessy19's significant contributions, here is a new and improved version of the sixth chapter in the saga of a boyfriend and brother with the same first name as Vanessa completes her quest:

I didn't know it at the time, but our pre-dawn wonderland changed my outlook and my future. Letting my guard down allowed me to ask for help and trust my inner circle. Both Kate and Fury had been critical of my reliance on Quinn, yet they supported me. Those few minutes marked my conversion into a self-confident trailblazer not a passive follower.

We had come a long way to find Quinn. Little did I know locating him would put my newfound confidence to the test. As the Jeep crossed the crest of the mountaintop, we plunged into a world of chaos, like one of those rides at Disneyland. The storm that came through had ravaged the valley, trees stripped naked, power lines down, and traffic lights not even flashing red. The University Campus was in sight, but how would we get there? The road littered with fallen branches, made our decent slow and cautious. Nick Fury would stop, push away a hazard blocking our way, only to repeat after a hundred yards. As windows rolled down to clear condensation, an eerie silence foreshadowed misfortune.

We turned into a pitch-black motel parking lot, empty except for cars covered in snow. The old three-story old building had seen better days with weathered paint and missing stucco, the appearance of extensive water damage. Part of the third floor boarded up for renovation did not reveal any sign of habitation. The lights were out, the lobby door locked and there no response upon knocking. We climbed the stairs to a single room on the third floor and waited outside for an answer.

My attention diverted to a small figure, dark against white, coming toward us and resolving into a man, carrying a small backpack in his arms filled with snow. Why would he need snow in this weather? He introduced himself as Jason and asked if we knew the boy inside. Through the open door I got my first glimpse of Nick Quinn, lying on a sofa when his head propped up. Jason exchanged the backpack posing as an ice bag. I shook Nick but there was no response. Placing my compact mirror under his nose, faint fog proved he was breathing. "Is this what you call medical care?" I cried. My eyes welled up, but I held my composure, knowing I would be of no use if I started blubbering.

A gasp signaled Kate's late appearance after a delay from trying to coax Nicky to come up. Fatigue taking him at last, falling into a deep sleep, leaning back in the driver's seat. The place was dark inside and the moldy wet carpet smelled dank. Not wishing anyone to see my gallery, I signaled Kate to take pictures on her phone. Jason apologized for the accommodations. "I've been with him all night. We had no power and no phone coverage, but I have been able to keep the room warm by stoking the fireplace."

"Where is everybody? I demanded.

Jason responded, "I volunteered to stay. Last night's wind looked like it was tearing the building apart. I volunteered to stay in the only place of safety, a converted banquet room with double thick walls. I have been watching closely and waking him every four hours from an alarm on my watch. I snuck out to refill the ice bag to make a soft pillow when you showed up."

"Thank you, Jason, but why you and why here? Doesn't the university have medical staff?" I said perplexed with the state of the room.

Jason explained, "I'm trained as a medic. The wind was pulling up trees and debris was flying so we bunkered down. Last night was like the black and white beginning of The Wizard of Oz. Everybody ran for cover to avoid the maelstrom. I know this doesn't look like an infirmary, but he has everything he needs."

What did he say? I had been worried what shape he would be in when I found him, but nothing could have prepared me for seeing Quinn in this condition. His complexion was ghostly pale and his there were black and blue circles around his eyes, resembling a racoon. His face was swollen and puffy, signs of punches to the face.

Kate messengered a picture to mom who she explained "probably a basilar skull fracture at the very least. His face is not damaged. But how did he get this if he was wearing his helmet?" Let me talk to this Jason." Kate handed over the phone.

Listening to one side of the conversation I heard "the helmet came off when he was hit from two sides. I checked his pupils with my flashlight four hours ago but have had to preserve the batteries. Yes, we should hear from people after the 8:00 am Sunday Church Service. I can imagine there are a lot of concerned townspeople with their own problems after last night's tumult."

I couldn't take it anymore, grabbing Jason's phone and looking through his contacts. I found "University Dean, Mr. Lucas" and punched in the number. "Good morning, you're in trouble" Silence. "I'm at the old Travel Lodge where you dumped the incapacitated quarterback." While I was speaking, Kate texted him the damning pictures. "I don't care if you are in church, wearing your pajamas or nothing at all. Be here in 15 minutes with an ambulance."

Once he realized what was happening, he replied "Okay, Okay, I need some time to put together the proper medical crew."

"You are out of time. You should have thought of that 10 hours ago. Last night's game was nationally televised, and my next call will be to the CBS reporter who interviewed me before the game. The photos alone will make the front page. Your university is about to suffer a major scandal. Shame on you!" was my retort.

I heard the siren even as I hung up. The ambulance crew arrived in four minutes but without the Dean. Coward! Instead, a distinguished man with unkept salt and pepper hair in a flannel robe came along with a woman and an EMT crew. We moved away for privacy, and he offered me a chair. Kneeling before me, he spoke softly but clearly, "I can relate to your feelings and your rage is justified but let loose of your anger. It will eat you up. I'm here to help and we need to work together. I don't know how you got here in the storm. You are a brave woman who may have saved his life."

"I know he looks bad, but I have seen worse. The bigger problem is what is going on with his brain, I'm Dr Nelson Walker, Chief of Neurosurgery from Baylor University.

Although I was in town for the game, I will be taking over care until he stabilizes. Meet my sister Nora, a PhD and member of the Traumatic Brain Injury Team here ... yes, that may sound alarming, but we will take care to safeguard him. Now if you will excuse me, there is much to do, and we can't spare a moment. Please step out of the way so we can get him secured on a gurney. We have to be careful to avoid a neck injury. You can ride along in the ambulance. Ask your friends to follow."

When we arrived in the emergency room, they took Quinn away through double doors, leaving me behind. Nora took my hand and lead me to the cafeteria.

We sat down as she explained "the first step is a series of brain scans to see if he is bleeding inside his skull. His condition is stable, and they are monitoring him closely. The only thing to do now was wait. Don't expect any quick answers."

"We are going to do everything to make you feel at home. I have to disappear now to arrange for you to stay here.

"What about my friends? We all have driven a long way without a break," I asked for assistance.

I'll try to find a vacant room at the dorm close to the facility for your friends, here is a 24-hour card but we can only allow one friend at a time into the ward. This cafeteria stays open until midnight and opens at six. You all will have the same passes we have and won't have to pay. I have left word to explain this to your friend Kate."

After 30 minutes, Nora showed me my quarters, a repurposed doctors on-call room with a full/twin bunk bed opposite a wall unit with a straight back chair, mini fridge, and small table in the corner, Two doors were set in the back, the right for a private bathroom. "The entrance to the public shower is through the left door, keep going through the opening and turn right. The cabinet has towels and scrubs for you here. I have to go now"

My room for the next several weeks would be dull and drab, slightly antiseptic odor, plaster walls desperately needing repainting and overhead fluorescent lights without a dimmer. Exploring the shower revealed flexible shower heads against one wall within a rectangular space with another entrance to the rear. Poking my head through the back I could see a bench and row of lockers.

Now that the crisis passed and I was alone without any distractions, everything settled in. I didn't know how I felt about Nick. On one hand I accomplished half of the task - to find him, but I was not certain I would ever have my Nick back. Cracks appeared in the thin walls I threw up to avoid needing to face the truth and allow me to look the

other way. I had no evidence to confirm my suspicion he may have cheated, but I didn't deserve how he dissed me in front of the cheerleaders. My antipathy had focused on them, but he was an active participant. I was his girlfriend, not his whore. Resentment wrestled with forgiveness.

All of this adrenaline was still flowing through my blood, heart racing with no way to work off the energy. I decided to take a shower to wash off the grime and guilt. After a thorough cleaning, I noticed I could move the showerhead. Masturbation was a secret way to burn energy and quiet the mind. I turned up the water to form a blanket of steam to create a secret place, then adjusted the spray and temperature. Placing the wand strategically, I closed my eyes, clutched the personal ring chain-let between my breasts and allowed the pulsing jet to transport me away. Starting with tiny tremors, my body released energy, like a private volcano erupting. My climax came quickly with a shutter, I stayed in place for as long as I could, until I turned off the shower knob.

Stepping away from the shower row, I noticed that I was not alone. A light skinned black girl was two stalls over. Looking her up and down I noticed her petite body, slim curves, and bright smile. "Haven't seen you before, jilling is an occupational hazard of working long shifts in a stressful environment. I'm Angie."

Angie departed through the rear exit as I dried off and put on a clean nurse uniform. I was fortunately dressed, when Doctor Walker and Nora walked in without knocking to debrief me. "Because of slow bleeding and swelling, we have lowered the level of brain activity and put him into a deep sleep."

"You mean he is in a coma?" I exclaimed louder than I had wished.

"This is a little different. We put him in this state and should be able to wake him when it is appropriate. We do not normally know the period of unconsciousness with a coma patient. We can control his condition, bringing him back when appropriate"

"But you will wake him?" I asked with anticipation.

"He will awake, but to what condition cannot be known at this time. Better to let nature take its course. Meanwhile, we will watch him closely. It will take time, probably days," he warned. "I have to go now to find more results of the brain scans and tests." Doctor Walker walked out with Nora on his heels.

"Follow me and you can see him," Nora called over her shoulder.

The energy boost from sexual apogee was wearing off. Seeing I was dog-tired Nora shepherded me into a Critical Care Unit room where Nick was located. Even though there was a glass partition, I had to perform a ritual that I would repeat on each visit: scrub hands and arms up to the elbows with antiseptic soap, put on disposable blue booties, gown, mask, and cap. The lights were low and pleasant music was playing to the beat of monitors' steady beep.

Two therapists were lifting arms and legs, pulling to stretch muscles. Because he was unconscious, Nick couldn't do these things for himself. Because he was powerful, the staff was applying considerable leverage. The drill was difficult to watch, and I made a mental note not to return at this time of the day.

Instantly turning to leave, I discarded the paper outfit, retraced steps to my room and collapsed on the bed crying. I don't remember falling asleep.

Deep in slumber I had a strange dream. Unlike stories in movies, time is not linear in mine and settings often change, along with the circumstances, Events are less important than feelings. I must have missed Kate, because she was the vassal of fancy, Throughout the changing scenes, Kate's hold on me lingered. The predominate theme was that we belonged together. I was sweet golden honey, and she was vanilla, light and creamy. I sensed more than felt the gossamer creature.

I awoke to find Kate snuggled against me sleeping soundly. Laying arms around her, I hugged her intimately, burying my face into her red locks. Curiosity trumped caution as hands roamed over Kate breasts and caressed the insides of her thighs, two fingers crossed a social barrier and entered her personal space without permission. Craving her kisses, I pressed lips to hers and that is when she stirred. It must have been quite a surprise for her to awaken to a friendly face and then realize what was really going on. Too far along to stop, I squeezed her tits, and continued finger motion into her wet pussy without resistance. After allowing me to have my way with her, Kate finally questioned, "OK, what exactly is going on here?"

"Oh Kate, I'm such a slut!" I cried out. " I should be worrying about Nick, doing something to help him." Instead, everything has been about me. I told her about self-gratification. The details of the dream, and pawing her body spewed out, incoherently and entirety out of order. Even with a Hispanic complexion she could see I was blushing with embarrassment. "Have I been disloyal?"

"To whom? Nick? Nicky? Me? " Kate genuinely seemed amused " I have been getting weird vibes from you lately. Under the circumstances though you have been a loyal girlfriend, but a bad girl. You know I love you and can come to me for anything, anytime, I will take care of you"

"I'm not coming out if that is what you think." I announced. "And since when have you wanted me? I love you too and have been afraid to express certain sentiments, not wishing to lose you. Do you like girls, in that way?"

"I like boys and girls, so I guess I would call me bisexual", Kate declared. "Did you think we wore signs? I sensed the allure when we hugged at my place. Remember our special bond, magnet, and iron. We promised to always be there for each other, as friends or... "

Kate didn't finish the sentence, pausing silently. When I didn't take the bait, she changed the subject. "Let's keep this to ourselves as Nicky will be here any minute. Then the three of us will form a plan."

Speaking of Nicky, he walked into a room of hormones hanging in the atmosphere. "What?" was all he needed to say to break the tension.

Kate redirected Nicky's mind, "It took you long enough. You reek of stale clammy... Jeep, get yourself cleaned up," she said as she led him away, "I'll join you." Both quickly shed their clothes as a nude Kate practically tackled my brother, horny from our recent conversation. I could not see them but could hear their frolicking as though we were in the same room. Nicky sang in the shower to lighten the mood, replaced by a different tune of grunts and sighs, shifting from play-acting to the sounds of lovemaking as they settled down to business., Ooh, La, La's were real. Here were my two closest intimates having fun without me, and I had a sudden urge to join them.

"It's now or never" stripping off clothes, stepping across the threshold into the shower to fuck my brother and best friend unapologetically. I could see Nicky pumping Kate from behind, his left hand clutching her skinny wrists, the other mauling her chest. "Nick Fury, I have never properly thanked you for all that you have done,"

The startled couple split apart at the intrusion, my dramatic entrance spoiled when both feet slipped out and I crashed on my butt. Nick stood facing me blocking my view of Kate. With the hot water running off his muscular body, I moved forward on hands and knees, tenacity and lust growing stronger as I closed the distance with each movement. Forbidden fruit magnified the drama with every nerve standing on edge.

As my silhouette resolved through the mist, I could see his eyes register the import of the moment, his fantasy come true. He turned off the shower to focus on a long-awaited pleasure, relaxing and letting me do the work. Grasping his cock, I began to suck on his balls. He flinched from the unfamiliar feeling, alternation between flailing his arms and grabbing my hair. Clearly Nicky wasn't ready to this intensity of sensation, so! released his nuts and placed by mouth over the head of this penis. Flaccid from the jolt on my colossal, failed entry, a thickening erection became solid to touch.

Kate broke the silence, "you look like you're eating an ice cream cone. Can you taste anything?"

My head shook no, as I slid my hand downward, followed by my lips. Now past the thick head, I knew I could swallow the whole banana. But when my nose met his public hair, my eyes shot open. The Kate's musky scent and sweet taste of overwhelmed me as I shot a glance at a smiling Kate.

Kate turned to Nicky, "come on boy, you know Vanessa loves dirty talk,"

"Vanessa, I'm close now, faster, all the way down, suck it baby, that's it ...Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah, Oh! Shit I'm almost there!" he announced

I picked up the cadence while bottoming out at the damp forest, going even further to swallow him whole. Fury didn't last long, and my throat felt his spurting orgasm, one, two three.

Kate pulled me away to French kiss me, her long tongue licking cum inside my mouth and over my face like a cat lapping cream. " I love your thick succulent lips" she managed to get out between servings.

Nicky exclaimed, "that is so hot, the two of you swapping spit."

Kate pulled Nicky into a three-way kiss, pushing more than saliva into his mouth. Nick's brows raised as he tried to get away, put Kate and I held him firmly. He was feigning disapproval as he could have easily outmatched our strength. Kate purred "isn't this what you always wanted? What are you waiting for?"

Seizing my hand, Fury pulled me up as easily as a window shade. Reinvigorated and ready to push inside me, the aim was true; my pussy saturated with juices an easy target for a smooth entry. With legs wrapped around his torso, our bodies bonded as Nick hammered into me with a death metal beat tempo.

Kate drew in a long breath as she joined the coupling, her small but flawless breasts pressed against my back. Her right hand reached around to squeeze the base of his cock, while her left diddled my clit. We were a love sandwich. Hips swayed in rhythm, sometimes shifting the point of contact slightly on the return beat, while erratically raking Kate's nipples against shoulder blades.

"Touch me right there, feels so good." I could barely get the words out.

"You're so wet, it's hard to hold on," answered Kate.

"Clutch me with your fingers, hard, leave my clit exposed," I instructed her, hold me tight, I can feel your erect nubs on my back.

"Keep moving, lean back and push, my nipples are sizzling," Kate whispered. She then asked loudly, "Vanessa, what are you doing with Nicky?"

"What do you mean, doing?" I didn't understand, "we're making love."

"No, you're fucking," Kate quipped.

"OK, we're fucking." I played along.

"Who are you fucking? Say it", demanded Kate.

"I'm fucking my brother," I shouted, "I'm fucking my little brother."