'Pixie' Pt. 04


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"We didn't have time for another session in the morning as we had to go to work but I noticed that the two of them were looking and smiling at each other all day, which made me happy" Ania finished so we returned to speaking English and kissed goodnight before going to sleep.

Chapter 41.

Friday was our last day of our five weeks of work experience and we would be sad at leaving although we had made some friends and I had been offered a job (provisionally) at the engineering company. I still had to work, at tea break in the afternoon the Manager joined us and thanked me for my efforts and gave me my pay packet.

I shook hands with everyone, and we went back to work. I didn't open the envelope until I was in the car in Ania's car park, waiting for her and found a personal 'thank you' from the 'Boss' with a hundred-pound bonus.

Ania had trouble prying Angie and Jack apart to have a talk with him.

"Go pee Angie, I talk with Jack!" she said firmly, and the girl took the hint and left them alone.

"Now Jack, you have nice big cock but are scared to use it, yes?"

"Uhh, yes... none of my previous girlfriends have allowed me to do more than just lie there and let them work slowly because they were frightened that they would be hurt if I was more active" he replied sadly, "You two are the exceptions."

"That because we prepare well and help each other, you do much more with us, but you must still be careful with Angie. When you do anal with her you be much more careful, yes."

"But she said no!"

"She said "No" for that night, she have work next day but maybe on another Friday night she do it with you, she do it with Jamie and enjoy it, he not hurt her like ex, you be patient. Jamie buy me toys from special website, you look, maybe buy her nice vibrator for pussy and one for ass to help" Ania explained and smiled, passing him a slip of paper.

He read, www.strap-on_specials.com, ',For the usual and unusual toys, for all occasions' and there were two part numbers that he could look up.

"Thank you Ani, I'll check this website out when I get home."

Just then Angie came back and the three finished their break talking together.

"What are you two planning?" Angie asked when they went back to work.

"Maybe nice surprise for you, our idea, we have same as I show Jack but you not ask, see how good he is at keeping secret, you let me know."

"Okay Ani."

At the end of the day Ania was paid and given a big bunch of flowers from everyone (including the nasty Michael), she too had a bonus and was presented with a framed design that she had made and signed by everyone. She hugged and kissed then all and even Michael was hugged which surprised him and the rest.

They went home and showered ready to go out with Angela and Jack; they were going out for an early dinner but decided to forego the club to have a longer time at Angela's apartment.

Half an hour before we were due to leave Ania's phone rang, which was unusual, she thought it might be one of her family ringing to tell her the latest updates from Poland but there was no talking in Polish, only silence. Then she asked some short questions before she hung up and turned to me looking very pale.

"That Angie, we not go tonight... Jack go to her apartment early but have car crash, he call her to say he going to hospital" she said and ran into my arms sobbing.

"Oh shit!!" I swore as I hugged her.

"What's the matter?" Mum asked so I told her. "You should go and comfort your friend; I'll plate you two a meal that you can heat up when you come home."

"Thanks Mum, we'll see you later or in the morning" I replied, fetching our jackets and shoes.

We arrived at the hospital A&E to find Angela already there.

"How is he Angie?" I asked as we hugged her.

"They think he as broken both legs and both thumbs were dislocated, maybe some internal injuries too, he's gone for a scan of some sort."

"How it happen?" Ania asked her.

"He was driving over to see me before you arrived and was sat in his car at a 'T' junction and a truck ran into him from behind, pushing him across the road and into a brick wall" Angela explained, "He was trapped in his car but called me and told me what had happened, he was more concerned that his car was a right off than his injuries."

Just then Jack was wheeled back into the bay, wearing a surgical collar and with both lower legs plastered, his dislocated thumbs had been reset and taped, heart and other monitors were reconnected by the nurses, then they left.

"Hi Ani, hi Jamie, I've had a bit of a bump in my car. I couldn't wait to see Angela and thought we might have a nice kiss and cuddle before you turned up... sorry for messing up our evening" he said, smiling sadly.

Angela sat holding his hand and we sat next to her, I laughed and said.

"Well you've certainly done it in style, but it doesn't matter as long as you are all right."

"My neck is sore, I expect that is whiplash from the initial impact from the truck, hence this collar. Both legs are broken but I can wiggle my toes although that hurts, so no paralysis, but I don't think I will be walking or driving for a few weeks, even if the garage can repair my car."

"How you get about when you get out of hospital Jack?" Ania asked.

"I'll have to use a wheelchair, fortunately there is a lift in my apartment block but it will be too far to go to work in that and I cannot afford an electric one and there is no lift at work anyway" he explained.

"Could you work from home" I offered.

"Now that's a thought, I'll have to call the boss on Monday morning, so I'll ask him then."

"What about the domestic side of things Jack, bathing, dressing, using the facilities..." I added, grinning.

"Now that could be a bit more of a problem, I do have a pair of tracksuit bottoms that have poppers all down the outside of the legs, once I can get them in place. I won't be able to wear boxers or socks so my toes will get cold..."

"No, they won't Jack because I will be there to help you do all those things before and after work... if you want me too that is?" Angela offered.

"Oh Angie, thank you but I couldn't put you to so much trouble..."

"Ooooo, just you listen to me, you... you... Mmmm, I don't know what to call you but that wasn't an offer, that was an order Jack!!! If you weren't driving to see me, it would never have happened!" she snapped.

"Okay Angie, you can come and play nursemaid to the poor invalid, I'm sure we can work out some sort of routine" he replied with a happy smile, then she kissed him and he smiled even more.

Ania and I stayed for another hour, then we said our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch.

"Maybe we can have our evening together at Christmas" he said grinning and Angie looked embarrassed but said,

"If I can keep him in one piece, I would love to continue where we left off."

We returned to my parent's home and explained what had happened, while we ate our re-heated dinners.

The next day, we helped around the house like we usually did on Sundays, but as we were going back to Loughborough the next day after lunch, we did it a day early. We had a late morning update on Jack, from Angela to say that he would be staying in the hospital until Tuesday afternoon.

He would be taken home by ambulance, and a loaned NHS wheelchair would be delivered to Angela on early evening Monday, which he could use until he was able to walk with the use of crutches. He had made a statement to a police officer about the incident and contacted his car and medical insurance companies. He still had the collar around his neck because it was so painful when the nurses tried to remove it. A CT scan showed no broken vertebrae, so it was probably whiplash.

On Monday afternoon, she would go to his flat, straight from work and get him organised, as well as cooking them dinner. She wasn't sure if she would stay the night with him or go home and go back to see him before she went to work the next morning.

Sunday morning after breakfast, we packed out cases and bags, then helped prepare and then ate the usual roast dinner, before saying goodbye with hugs and kisses and driving back to our apartment in Loughborough. We dumped our bags in the flat and went shopping for a few basics, then removed the big bedspread which had a five-week layer of dust on it, shook it outside and put it in the washing machine.

We sorted out our college books and equipment, ready for the morning, made some sandwiches and went through the small mountain of mail that had accumulated in our absence, most of which were companies looking for trade or take away menus.

We had been keeping up with the news from Poland while we were in Bath, but it was mostly the same sort of things, Nadia and Amelia's love life and the education of Bruno by Katarina. Amelia was working for an accountant and was taking courses that would improve her qualifications so that she could move up the accountancy ladder.

Katarina had one more year of her college course to complete before hopefully going to veterinary college for five and a half years to become a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine or a veterinary surgeon.

We called Angela and asked how she and Jack were doing and were told that he would be going home on schedule. A wheelchair would be delivered to her flat after work, the day before and she would take it to his flat to be waiting for him when he was delivered home.

I suggested that they both set up Skype on their laptops to link with ours, which would make communication much easier between the four of us. They agreed and would set it up later, then we went to bed and made lazy love and slept.

Monday morning was bright and sunny, although a little cooler, we walked to college then separated to go to our respective classes. We met in the cafeteria for lunch with Sarah, Karen and Linda, Sarah was quite friendly and talkative but the other two did not speak.

The week went by quite normally, studying with a midweek update from Ania's family in Poland, and two updates from Angela on Jack's recovery, all on Skype.

"Jack and I send our love; he hates being housebound but the weather is wet so he can't go out. We can only make love on our sides and I have to do most of the work but the oral is excellent" she explained with a giggle, "He peels potatoes, carrots etc. in a bowl on his lap while I'm at work to feel he is not putting everything on me and even does the vacuuming in the wheelchair, I'm really quite proud of him."

"Thank you, my beautiful, loving nursemaid" Jack added with a laugh.

"When will he be able to walk again?" I asked.

"Normally for a broken leg it would be six weeks but because he's broken both, it will be another two before he can use crutches. Then I will drive him to work, help him up the stairs and back down again..."

"...if she can put up with me for that length of time" Jack interrupted.

Friday night clubbing resumed as before, except for the absence of Karen and Linda. Ania had explained that since the after-club party in Sarah's room at the end of last semester, they hadn't spoken on the phone to Sarah at all. Even in class this week, they ignored both of their former friends.

We four met in the club at nine pm to get a good table, we laughed and danced with each other and described what we had done during the holidays. Ania asked Sarah if she tried anal with her fiancé during the holidays and was met with sudden tears.

"I was very careful about bringing the subject up so left it to after we had made love in his bed" she replied after she regained her composure and was cuddled by Ania on one side and Rosie on the other.

"He was shocked to start with, then horrified... called me a dirty slut and a whore for thinking that he would do such a disgusting thing. He ranted and raved for about two minutes, not letting me get a word in edgewise, then told me to get out" Sarah continued,

"Now I was shocked so he dragged me out of the bed, threw my clothes at me and pulled me towards the door, luckily I managed to grab my handbag off the table before he opened the apartment door and pushed me out onto the landing, both of us naked but while he was still shouting and swearing at me, the draught from the open bedroom window blew the door shut and he was locked out."

It took a few seconds for us to envision the scenario, then we burst out laughing. Sarah was laughing too, which was good to see after such a traumatic scene.

"I ran to the stairs and quickly dressed in case he grabbed something of mine to cover himself, then ran down to my car and escaped, barefooted. My parents were not amused at how he had treated me (I didn't tell them the cause) but laughed at him being lock out naked. They found a shopping bag with all my things on the doorstep a couple of days later so that's the end of that relationship!"

"Better to find out that about him now, than after you were married Sarah" I explained, "He could have just told you that he would not do that and left it to you but his loss of temper and the following violence was unforgivable, you're better off without him."

"I suppose so, but I did love him..."

"There plenty more cabbages in field, if one rotten, you cut another one!" Ania stated and we all stared at her, then realised what she meant and laughed.

While Sarah and Rosie went to the restroom, I asked Ania a question that concerned me.

"Does she blame us for introducing anal love to her?" I asked, concerned.

"I ask her that, she say "No" but she glad she find this out before they married" she replied, then grinned, "I think she like to try it again with you."

"Only if it is with us Honey and maybe Rosie as well..."

Later, in Sarah's room after some very nice oral and vaginal with all three, I was presented with three beautiful asses, all begging to be filled with eager cock. I didn't disappoint them, moving along the line and then back but finally cumming in Sarah as recompense for her trauma.

Chapter 42.

Over the next few weeks Ania and I followed a weekly routine of studying, skyping her family and Angie, keeping up with all the news. We went clubbing on Fridays with Rosie and Sarah but didn't always go to the house to make love with them. We often just sat together on the settee and talked about our future, once we had qualified, work, getting married, buying a house and eventually having children.

The Christmas break was looming closer, we were going to Bath for two weeks first this year but no work (except helping my parents about the house). Then we would fly to Poland to spend the following two weeks with Ania's family.

Mum asked us to invite Angela and Jack to come for Christmas Day as they were not going to visit hers until Boxing Day and his parents until New Year. They readily accepted, staying overnight in one of the spare bedrooms.

Jack's broken legs had healed well but needed a lot of physiotherapy, that was finished but he was advised to do a lot of walking to build up his muscles so of course Angela joined him. They both owned their apartments (with mortgages), so spent some time in each and decided that should their relationship become permanent; they would live together and lease one of them out for extra income.

We drove to Bath as soon as our last class finished, having left our cases and presents in the college car park. We arrived by six thirty, Mum and Dad greeted us warmly and we had to tell them all our news up to and during dinner, even Sarah's escapade (but not the cause of it of course).

Saturday night we partied with Angela and Jack in her apartment, they cooked a delicious meal, while we brought the wine. Afterwards they asked us to stay the night, we were surprised as it would be a bit of a squeeze for four in her double bed.

We needn't have worried as Angela had bought a super king size bed to replace her old one, the new one was six feet six long and the same wide. Her single bedroom was large so there was plenty of room for it and she laughed at our surprised expressions.

"We both have double beds so like to spread ourselves out" Angela explained, then added with a grin, "There is also plenty of room for four to sleep or....."

"Ahhh, you do this to make good promise from summer?" Ania asked.

"That was part of it, we had planned a fun session and due to my sudden incapacity, we were not able to carry out our plan but now we can, if you still want to do it of course" Jack replied, grinning.

"We would certainly not want you to not break your promise, so we will gratefully accept your offer" I said.

"Then let's get ready for bed!" Angela cried.

Ania and I used the bathroom first and were waiting in bed for the other two to join us, Angela walked around the bed and got in next to me, while Jack slid in next to Ania. He and I were very nervous of each other as neither of us had been naked in a bed with another man, although we had become friends.

The girls didn't take the piss out of us as we thought they might, then Angie crawled on top of me and rubbed her pussy forwards and back on my cock as Ani did the same on Jack. I was slightly suspicious of this, but it felt so good and I was already rock hard and guessed that he was too.

Suddenly both girls sat up and scooted backwards, taking the covers with them, leaving us men totally exposed, we looked at each other and were impressed with what we saw, then laughed, all nervousness gone.

"A devious little 'Pixie' and a naughty 'Amazon'" I said.

"Totally different but of one mischievous mind!" Jack replied.

"But it work!" Ania cried with glee, "You not nervous now, too busy laughing!"

"Tell me Jack" I asked him, "What would say to grabbing a certain little imp and giving her a good licking and maybe give her little ass a slap or two before stuffing her full of cock."

"Hmm... it is a small ass; I wouldn't want to hurt it... Are you sure you can manage that big booty over there, I wouldn't want you to be suffocated by it?" Jack replied, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.

"HA! It may be small but it take anything you can do!" Ani snapped back and jumped on him, bouncing up and down on his belly like riding a horse.

"You tell him girl!" Angie drawled in her best American accent, "Think you can handle this toned booty, sunshine?"

"Ahh thank ahh can soon lick that phat ass into shape, then give it a good ol' slap an' ride the ripples..."

Angela stared, tried to look angry but failed as much as Jack had done and burst out laughing, diving on me and kissing be passionately before looking into my eyes and said quietly,

"I've missed both of you so much but there has been some compensation..."

"You mean Jack's ten inches pounding your hot pussy?"

"Mmm... he is good with that monster."

"So, Ani explained in great detail" I replied, watching Ania trying to get as much cock in her mouth as possible while he probed her pussy with his fingers.

"I bet if I fetched a tape measure, you would be less than an inch shorter."

I shrugged, it didn't bother me that he was bigger, I was very happy with what I had.

"Now get that gorgeous ass up here and let me pay homage to its lusciousness" I snapped, and she giggled cutely and turned around, sliding her ass back until my mouth could and did access her smooth pussy.

We sixty-nine'd for a while, then the two women faced each other to hug and kiss while Jack and I filled their pussies from behind, timing it to push them together in a black and white sandwich.

Jack suggested a new position, so Ania lay on her back with him in the missionary while Angela hovered over her giving her mouth access to her swinging titties. I got up behind her and slipped into her pussy in the doggy position then slapped her ass as I had promised and rode the small ripples that created.