Playing with Barbie Doll Pt. 12


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"Oh, honey. I'm sorry."

He nodded. "Me too." He grumbled. "I'm one month into the last quarter, and still no closer. In fact, I'm falling further behind. This fucking sucks!" he growled and thumped the table, making our plates and silverware jump a bit.

When he got like this, I would usually seclude myself in our den with a book until he calmed down, but I had no place to retreat to here. I just sat there in silence, hoping he could talk himself down.

He looked up at me with those pained eyes again. "And that's not all." He grumbled. "Because I missed my goal for the quarter, I also lost the bet."

I could tell he was really struggling, but I waited for him to get the words out.

"And... I bet you." He added at last.

I blinked at him again. "Excuse me?"

"Not like I lost you sort of thing." He huffed a little. "I lost you... for a night... as in overnight. A two day escort engagement, and... I won't be there. Well, I'll be there, just not with you."

"You won't?" I felt a little lightheaded. "Why not?"

"That was the wager. They bet me five grand each, and I was so sure I was well on track to not only thirty, but more like thirty-three or thirty-four. Then the Kroger deal fell through, and..."

I felt a little panic well up in me. It was still a challenge for me, emotionally, to have sex with someone when Steve wasn't with me. I've done it, but not often, and he was always close. "Oh. I see." I tried to take a calming breath. "Okay. Umm... I guess I can handle a night with one of your colleagues... if you want me to."

"Not one." He groaned. "Three."

"What? Three junior partners?"

He nodded. "And three clients... and they won't be alone."

My head was starting to spin. "This is insane!" I squeaked. "I can't do... that! It's a fucking gangbang!" I shouted in a whisper.

"No, they're all competitors, so you won't have them all at once."

"Oh, well. That's fine then!" I said sarcastically. "How many in total?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe... a junior partner, the client, and an assistant. So, nine all told. Ten when you count Larry."

"Larry will be there?" I asked. I wasn't sure if that made it any better or worse.

He nodded. "Yeah, and maybe Young or Dewey."

I frowned at him. "Or both?"

He shrugged. "Possibly?"

"Where are you going to be?"

He shrugged again. "We're all attending a sort of conference. I'll be part of the firm's representation in the meetings. Same hotel just... not together."

I did some quick math in my head. If I could get Larry to count this as one job and apply the rules of my latest agreement, I was potentially going to earn almost seven thousand dollars! Even if he didn't, I was still looking at a little over five thousand! It still wouldn't solve our financial problems, but it would help.

"I can't believe you did this." I hissed quietly.

"It's still your choice." He added. "If you refuse, I can just pay them what they wagered."

"Five thousand each?!" I gasped. "So, if I do this, we get five to seven thousand, and if I don't, we lose fifteen?"

He nodded.

He makes a bet, and I have to pay for it. That didn't seem fair. I know we agreed to be partners in everything, and when I agreed to play Escort for him and Larry, it started as a sort of favor... but now things have gone way out of hand! I enjoyed swinging with Steve. It was mutual, and we kept it fun. But being used like a whore to sweeten a deal felt degrading and wrong. It needed to end before it ruined us.

I breathed out a slow sigh. "Okay. I'll do it one more time. But this is the last. After this, I'm done."

He stared across the table at me, and I felt like I was looking at a stone sculpture of my husband. Cold, hard, and unfeeling. He looked angry, disappointed, depressed. But I felt I knew him well enough to say it wasn't directed at me. He was punishing himself for his screw-ups and holding it back.

We went home, and I failed to get him to join me in bed. He went back to work, and I cried into my pillow. I think this was the very first moment when I regretted getting married. If I were still just his girlfriend, I could have walked away from all this. Maybe I would have stayed anyway, but I didn't really have that choice. I just had to find a way to live with it.

The conference wasn't for another month, which just meant I was thinking about it all that time, getting more and more nervous as the date approached. Meanwhile, my escort work was picking up momentum. By that point, I was working pretty consistently three nights a week, and nearly all ended in sex. Sometimes I had to force myself to enjoy it, but most of the time I wanted it. Steve and I weren't having sex any other time. If I wasn't with him and a client, he was working to get another client.

The hardest times were when he was just a chaperone rather than the negotiating partner. He tended to be rougher, more cruel with me, almost like my embarrassment and humiliation made him feel better in some way. It was very odd, and a little scary.

As soon as I showed any reluctance, he'd use every turn-on he knew I had to get me all sexed up until I gave in, and sometimes that meant some pretty crazy situations, especially when the client offered to pay extra to fulfill some fantasy or another.

I got fucked by a client sitting on his lap at a baseball game. It was risky, but that just made it extra exciting to him. My skirt was just long enough to hide what I was doing, and we took seats all the way up at the top of the stadium, but we still got caught by security. They made us stop, but one of the guys who escorted us to the exit passed me a note with his phone number. Steve had a laugh over that.

I let another client finger fuck me on a crowded subway car during rush hour. If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything. He told me I couldn't get off until I got off. In other words, he was going to keep fingering me in that subway car until I came. I was so nervous and had to keep stopping him when people got on and off (which happens a lot on a local). All the way from 96th street to Wall Street, changed trains and got back up to Canal before I finally came.

One junior partner and his client took me behind the Egypt exhibit in the Museum to spit roast me. Then Steve and Larry did the same at the Medieval exhibit.

Needless to say, my adventures were becoming too many and too wild to easily keep up with. I begged Paula for a night to just be girls and watch terrible movies. I needed to confide in someone!

We got together at her apartment, and I told her what I'd been up to for the past months. She knew I was working as an escort now and then, but she didn't know how often I was doing it, or how kinky it had become. We ended up eating ice cream, watching some terrible movies I'd never heard of, making out, and she gave me some of her wonderful oral talents. God, getting my pussy licked by an ice-cold tongue was very interesting!

I spent the night with her, just being held in her arms, and it really helped. That morning I made her another promise. I told her I would go down on her like she did with me... but next time. I'd have to find someone to teach me.

The dreaded conference arrived, and I spent the night before pacing the floor of our bedroom while Steve made the final arrangements with Larry. Afterwards, Larry tried to get me to have sex with him again, but I refused. We'd be having plenty of sex at his conference, so he'd just have to wait. Thankfully, Steve backed me up, and I went to bed worried about the weekend, and wishing my honey would just give me some good sex to get me through. We went to bed, and still nothing.

The next morning we drove to the conference center, and Larry met me right in the main lobby. Steve got his marching orders; where to be, with whom, and when. Then he met with three other junior partners working the conference with him, as well as Larry's secretary who was there to help get everyone where they needed to be on time, and with whatever they needed for their meetings. I gave Steve a rather long goodbye kiss, and was bundled off to the elevators.

The room Larry got for us was another of those enormous suites. The floor was in the low teens. High enough to be away from most of the noise in the streets, low enough for a good view, and two walls were mostly windows overlooking Times Square.

"We have about ninety minutes before our first guests arrive." Larry informed me. "Why don't you get freshened up."

I got my things and secluded myself in the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup, applied some perfume, and got my phone out. My chosen outfit was a micro dress that was too tight on the bottom where it showed every curve and valley of my hips and upper thighs, just barely covering my ass. The top was loose enough that if I leaned forward, my breasts threatened to escape. The two thin straps over my shoulders were all that held it up and left the back completely bare. I thought it was a little too slutty, but Larry gave me a list of which outfits he wanted me in, so I had little choice.

Once I was all dolled up, I snapped a couple pics in the mirror and sent the best to Steve with a little love note. Miss you already. Wish you were with me.

I heard the door to the suite open, and a booming voice I recognized. Oh no! Not Dickie!

I went back out to the living room, and Mister Dewey swept me up with both hands on my ass as he lifted me right off the floor in a hug. Surprisingly, he didn't smell of tobacco.

"Hello, Mister Dewey." I chirped as he squeezed me.

"Hello there, Barbie Doll!" he roared in his boisterous voice. "Ha! That's funny. Grown men playing with a Barbie Doll!" he spun me around and set me down. "But if Barbie Dolls were as hot as you, all the boys would play with them."

Larry and Dick got comfortable, hanging their jackets and taking a seat. They had me pour us some coffee, and I sat between them on the couch as they explained what the next two days would be like.

"We have clients from several countries attending," Larry began, "and there's going to be a lot of meetings outside this room. When nobody else is here, enjoy yourself any way you want."

"Order room service, take a bath, watch porn." Dickie grinned wickedly at me, "Whatever you want."

"This is our hospitality suite. So, if we come back with a client, you're going to take care of them. Make them feel at ease, get them a drink, sit with them, make them drop their guard, understand." He smiled. "Just be your charming self."

"And basically, let them do whatever they want to you." Dickie added, another of his lecherous smiles.

Larry glared at him but nodded. "More or less but within reason." He said. "Did you bring all the outfits I asked for?"

I nodded. There were seven more of my skimpiest micro dresses in my suitcase, along with a little nighty, several pairs of FMPs and strappy shoes, my makeup, and four bottles of my new favorite sex lube we discovered at the Montauk Club. That was one of the most humiliating things. Bringing several bottles of sex lube for strangers to use while fucking me! They had me put one in each bedroom, one in the living room, and a spare in a dresser drawer. God, how did I get into this?

"Good. You met Don and Kevin already?" he asked.

I nodded. "Kevin at the Christmas Party, and Don I've... worked for once before already."

He grinned. "Oh, right. Umm... something for an Australian client, right?"

I nodded. I'd never look at the Egyptian display the same ever again.

"Great. And we have a new guy. Valerian. We call him Val. You're going to like him." He snickered along with Dick who waggled a brow at me. "You won't meet him until tonight though. So, I expect Kevin will be here with his first client soon."

"First client?" I said a little nervously. "Umm... how many...?"

Dewey cackled and grabbed my hip. "How many?" he grinned. "Well, let's see. I think Kevin has two clients today, and one tomorrow. Don has one tonight, and one tomorrow. And the new ace got himself two today and two tomorrow."

I felt my heart racing again. This wasn't at all what I expected. I'm sure Steve didn't know either. "It was three." I croaked.

"What's that?" Dick leaned closer to hear my barely whispered voice.

"Steve thought it was just three." I said shyly.

Larry nodded. "Yes. Three. Three JP's and their clients."

"But I thought it was just three clients? One each?"

They both laughed. "Oh Barbie Doll. Don't worry your pretty little head about it too much. The odds of them all getting every client is very low. Possible, I guess, but not likely."

Three, Three and Four! That's ten! Ten clients, and probably an aid! And the three partners! And Larry and Dick! I heard a card swipe, the door opened, and in walked Mister Young! Oh my god! That's... that's... "T-t-t-t-twenty six?" I whimpered.

"What did she say?" Dewey frowned.

"L-L-Larry?" I was shaking, and I could feel my heart racing like a scared rabbit. "I can't have sex with twenty-six men in one weekend!" I pleaded. "Please, don't make me do that."

He scowled for a moment, then shrugged. "Fine. We'll call it off." He gave my hip a pat and nodded to the bedroom. "Why don't you get into something more comfortable before you go home."

I didn't move right away. I needed to process this. He was letting me off the hook? No escort work? Really?

"It's actually sort of a relief." He smiled. "I mean, if you were to land all those clients, it would cost me a bloody fortune."

A fortune? "How much is a fortune?" I croaked under my breath.

He shrugged. "Doesn't matter. We'll have to muddle on without you."

"How much!" I shrieked, feeling tears well up even as I asked... knowing I was already considering doing it.

"You sure you want to know?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Well... okay." He heaved a sigh. "For starters, I know it's not twenty six. You're assuming they all have someone with them, but I know for certain they don't. I'd say it would probably end up... umm, ten, three, three more, and... maybe twenty at most. Probably less."

"Twenty." I said with more than a little tremble in my voice. Twenty. Not twenty-six. Not twelve either, but not twenty-six. It was still bad, but not as bad as I thought. I still didn't know if I could go through with it.

"And... how much would that be?" I asked and heard Dewey snicker when I did. I glared so sharply at him, he shut right up. I rounded on Larry again. "How much, damn it!"

He lifted a brow. "Easy there, Barbie Doll."

"Fuck easy!" I seethed back at him, the tears already blurring my vision. "How much?"

He sighed again, gave a shrug, and took out his phone, tapped at the calculator for a minute, then turned it so I could see.

"Twenty-Five Thousand!" I gasped. Seven thousand wouldn't solve our financial troubles, but twenty-five thousand might! If not fully, it would be a hell of a start! Shit! I was doing it again! I was considering being a whore to help my husband's career. Selling myself like a prostitute!

"If all ten get this far, and you manage to land all ten deals, then yes." Larry grinned, and he knew he got me.

"I need a minute." I got up and rushed back to the larger bedroom and into the bathroom. I paced in front of the mirror, going over all the options left to me, few as they were. Back out and pay fifteen thousand. Not acceptable. Stay, and possibly end up having sex with twenty guys! Not ideal. Maybe just stay for the ones I could cope with (meaning the more attractive ones) and leave for the rest. Not twenty-five thousand if I do that, but maybe a little shred of dignity to hold onto?

I picked up my phone off the counter and opened a text to Steve. I started typing.

Babe, it's not ten to twelve. It's probably twenty! I'm so sca...

I stopped typing and froze. If I tell him, and he says 'no, don't do it' because he's worried about me, we hit rock bottom. Then what? Would he resent me for not helping him again? Would I resent myself? What if this could be it, the end of the Escort work, and back to a loving relationship with Steve, free of financial strain and happy together. Was it worth degrading myself for two days?

I deleted the text, and just stared at the screen for a moment. A long moment. Then I typed.

Babe. Just remember I love you. Call you when I can.

I felt awful, but I didn't want to make this any harder for him than it needed to be.

I wiped the tears from my face, fixed my makeup again, and went back out there. The three partners were talking quietly together, and I'm pretty sure I heard Larry say 'don't worry. She'll do it.'

"I will." I said and managed to keep my voice even and clear. "I'll do it."

A little after noon, there was a knock at the door. In came Kevin first, leading a pair of men in suits. They both looked like they stepped out of a scene from The Godfather. Black suits, very expensive everything from their clothes to their Rolex watches, and I was sure the second one had a suspicious bulge under his jacket where a gun would be.

There was some shaking of hands, a couple remarks about the quality of the conference, then Larry walked them toward me.

"Gentlemen." He proudly proclaimed. "Please make yourselves comfortable and enjoy our hospitality suite. We've got a small buffet, coffee, drinks, and of course, our entertainment, Barbie Doll."

Entertainment? He really just referred to me as 'the entertainment'!

At first, it all seemed like a typical business gathering. A lot of talk about deals, money, plans and payments. Then the client they called Al, sat in a lounge chair, motioned me closer, and pulled me down onto his lap. I was doing my usual 'escort' thing. Giggling, laughing at their attempts at humor, and letting him paw at me as I wiggled coyly on his lap.

It took a while, but eventually he got comfortable enough to indulge in a feel, cupping my ass and giving me a firm squeeze. My tight skirt kept sliding up, and whenever I tried to pull it back down, he'd lift it up again.

This went on for a while until Larry mentioned that I was not only the wife of a junior partner, and their sexiest escort girl, but also a professional burlesque dancer.

This got the expected reaction from the client. "Dancer! Really. You look like a dancer."

"How about you give us a dance?" Kevin grinned eagerly at me. "Like at the Christmas Party!"

"What happened at the Christmas Party?" the client's aid asked.

"Well, our little Barbie Doll joined the strippers and put on a show for us." Dick grinned. "Girl's got the tightest ass and nicest tits you'd ever imagine!"

I felt like crawling under a rock.

Music started playing, and I found Larry had programmed some app on his phone that connected to a wireless speaker. Some very sexy music started to play, and they all kept urging me to get up and give them a show. Larry knew what my weaknesses were, and performing was way up on that list. I was absolutely sure he planned this from the start. Get me dancing, get me some drinks, get me hot and sexed up, and get me naked.

I felt almost angry when I got up and started my dance. Being drawn here thinking I'd be with a dozen men. Larry knew all along how many it would be. He kept that information from Steve and me so I wouldn't back out. Then the threat of financial ruin at the last moment under the maximum stress. It was a cunning use of manipulation. But it worked, because there I was, dancing to that slow, sexy beat while six men urged me on.

I wriggled my hips out of my dress and kicked it over to the young aid. He caught it, and sniffed it, which I thought was hilarious. The music changed, but not the beat, so I kept going, performing a lap dance on the client that ended with me gyrating on his lap while he grabbed and fondled my breasts. I did the same with Larry, Dick, and I finally learned Mister Young's name was Kenji! Apparently, his grandfather was Japanese, and he was named for him. He liked to be called Ken! When I learned this, I laughed a lot. Barbie and Ken? Oh no!