Pleasure Giver


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"I thought you said everything would change when we left the empty zone," I said. "We've been sitting on the surface of Ekton for nearly a week now and nothing has happened. The captain shouldn't have that much energy and tension to spare at night, atomizer or no atomizer. This was just my first night, and I don't know if I'll even be able to walk straight when I have to return tonight. I don't know how Lucius was able to endure it."

"It's the number one assignment," PS said. "Men will endure a lot to have the number one assignment. Besides, the captain has obviously grown bored with Lucius and finds you irresistibly stimulating in contrast. He may mellow when your scent no longer drives him mad. And I've heard there are a couple of factors responsible for the doldrums in the mission. First, the death of Julian has set the diplomatic mission back. Before meeting with the Ektians, they have to download and analyze a lot of data now that had existed in his head for instantaneous retrieval. And then there are the Awsks."

"The Awsks?" I asked.

"Yes, the Ektians warned us that there are a couple of bands of renegade synthetic hominoids in this sector using their Nonaxes to mine uranium illegally. We are keeping close to the ship to avoid them, I'm told, even though the atmosphere here is perfectly safe other than the oxygen content being thin enough to make humans somewhat sluggish in their movements. In the interior chambers, the mix is fine."

"Nonaxes? What are . . .?"

"You don't want to ask, I'm sure. Monster synthetic hominoids. The Awsks use them to move vast amounts of weight in the mines. They apparently can only be kept in top working form by being mated periodically with an augmented human male—they were designed to be controlled that way, not to be able to function without augmented human mating. It keeps the control in human hands, or at least that was the design concept. But now that the Awsks have a set of Nonaxes, there's not telling how—or if—they are keeping them in working order. This is all rumor, of course. There may be neither Awsks or Nonaxes about—it may all be an Ektian scheme to keep us close to the ship."

"Thanks for the room reservation," I said, as the PS programmed my hand print into the security system for sleep room number six. I turned to go to that room and almost bumped right into two heavy lifters from the corridor patrol.

"Jeremy?" One asked. "Are you Jeremy?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Come with us, please."

"Excuse me?"

"You have been assigned to the next ground patrol."

"There must be some mistake," the PS and I spoke almost in unison. And then I let the PS continue: "Jeremy isn't a Patrol Officer; his assignment is as a Pleasure Giver. In fact . . ."

"All we know is what is authorized on this paper by the Escort Commander," one of the heavy lifters said. "We just make sure that men are where they are assigned to be."

The PS and I continued to object, but the heavy lifters did their heavy lifting, and I was bundled out into the corridor, with the PS declaring in our wake that he'd certainly get to the bottom of this.

I didn't need to get to the bottom of this. I'd seen Lucius's eyes when I left the captain's chambers. I knew who was at the bottom of this.

The patrol had barely gotten beyond the sight of the Universe Explorer 132, when we were surrounded by an overpowering party of seven-foot, muscle-bound hominoids with nasty-looking weapons. What appeared to be their leader entered the circle the patrol party had been herded into, as the others swirled about us, snatching at us and pulling away anything we could use in our defense. They seemed particularly adept in discerning what we should be divested of.

The band leader was snuffling at each of us in turn and, in the end, with me not missing the alarming tenting at his crotch when he had isolated the source of the scent he sought to me, he nudged me in one direction with a four-hominoid escort, and the others of my party were pushed off in another direction. On the other side of a sand dune, my escorts stopped and I was pushed to the ground and my trousers ripped away and each escort, in turn, fucked me with a sturdy cock.

They made all sorts of satisfied clucking noises among themselves as they were taking me, especially when I set my channel muscles undulating on their cocks in a desperate attempt to make them want to keep me alive, and I got the impression that I passed some sort of test, because when they were finished, one of them took me and slung me over his shoulder. And moving to a cleverly concealed entrance in the side of a hill, they took me with them down into the underground.

* * * *

I was laying on a padded table, very much like the operating table I had been strapped to for my augmentation operations, with my feet in stirrups that spread and raised my legs. My buttocks were hanging over the bottom edge of the table, and my arms were strapped at my side.

The subterranean complex of chambers I'd been brought to had skylights in each chamber, so I could keep some sort of track on the change from day to night, the time cycle of Ekton being about three-quarters that of Earth because of the smaller mass and greater rate of spin of Ekton.

I figured I'd been in captivity now for three Ekton days. Until now I'd been kept in a very comfortable chamber, luxuriously appointed considering where we were, and with good food provided as well as a scanner, purloined, certainly, from some earthlings, as it ran entertainment and provided mechanical, but deceptively intelligent synthetic scanner characters to converse with me in my own language on topics of my choosing.

None of the hominoids, which all seemed to be male and to have been created using the most handsome and hunkiest of human models, talked to me. But they weren't cruel either—unless you can call demanding sex by overbuilt bodies cruel. Their construction had included a quite healthy sex drive, the capability of arousal and pleasurable release, and huge cocks, which brought back to mind Julian's statement on the convergence between human and hominoid that the scientific community seemed determined to effect. The sexual arousal enhancements I'd been bred with were quite enough to maintain their interest. My instincts for survival made me eternally grateful that I had been augmented.

For two days and nights I had been visited in this chamber every four hours or so by a hominoid, an Awsk, I figured, which fucked me in a variety of positions. I had the impression they were testing me—trying out my limits and my suitability for something beyond what they were doing to me. And I also got the impression that I was passing their tests.

Now, at the start of the fourth Ekton day, something else, something apparently far more involved and serious was afoot. I was strapped to this platform table in a room with walls that were alive in color—swirling waves of color were going around the wall. Blues and greens now. It had been running bland beiges and white when I was first brought in here. It was apparent that it sensed and reacted to the presence of human or hominoid presence and mood.

When I was secured to the table, I was given an injection, which almost immediately was having a strange—and somewhat terrifying—effect on my body. The first thing I noticed was that my nipples were puffing up and growing larger, as were the aureoles around them. And then, slowly, but more shocking, I began to feel an internal change. My channel was loosening and widening, pushing against my other internal organs. It was unmistakingly widening—I had already been operated on for this enhancement earlier in life to take newly enhanced three-inch-wide cocks and double cocking as the First and Second Engineers had recently given me, so I knew what channel expansion felt like—and the entrance was expanding as well. And every part of my body was growing more sensitive—in a pleasurably tingling way. I could feel the merest breeze cross the room, brushing my body, making me sigh at the touch.

My arms were turned palms up, and two hominoids were standing at either side of me. I felt the pinch of needles in the crook of each arm, and I was set up with some sort of IV on each side.

I looked up at the skylight. It was midday.

And when I looked back down, I was met with a great shock and immediately was frightened out of my wits—but only for a few seconds, because something in how I was now hooked up to the IVs sensed my change in emotion, and I felt something warm being pumped into my veins, something calming, something that had me feeling more like a spectator than a participant for those moments that I was being medicated.

The shock was that, standing between my legs now was another form of hominoid altogether. Still in human form, at least in much of the detail, and still built on the model of a monstrously muscular and handsome man, but of a size—everywhere—to put the hominoids who had captured me to shame. This one, which in my mind I decided must be one of the feared Nonaxes the PS had told me about, was bulging with muscle, and overbuilt in every aspect. Its cock was draped on top of my thigh and was a good three and a half inches across in repose and much longer than a foot. I couldn't see its balls, but to be in proportion they must have approached the size of a basketball.

Its hands had four fingers and a middle digit with a big sucker at the tip. The most noticeable anatomical oddity I could see was a cylinder sheath-like appendage jutting out from its lower belly. A thin tube extended out from the interior of this sheath and seemed to have a life of its own; it was waving around like a snake.

I quickly found out what that was for. The IVs had to pump fresh calming medication into my veins as one of the regular hominoids moved the sheath up to the head of my cock and the small, animated tube reached for the head, found my piss slit, and started to slither into my urethra. Despite the medication, I panted and moaned as it worked its way all the way down into my ball sack. The fleshy sheath followed along behind, covering my cock and lapping down to wrap its lip around my balls.

I was moaning now, knowing that voicing any objection was out of the question, and the Nonax itself began a humming noise that I sensed was a sound of pleasure for it. The regular hominoid attendants backed out of the chamber and the lights dimmed, which caused the luminescence of the walls to increase. The colors were tending more to the blue now and were of a darker shade, the waves of the swirling deeper troughed.

I was breathing heavily and trying to hold back my moans. The Nonax's hands moved to my chest and the suckers latched on to my nipples. An electric current of pleasure coursed through my body, a tingling, arousing feeling such as I'd never felt before. The Nonax's fleshy sheath that was covering my cock began to pulsate, and I was going hard. I also was beginning to writhe and moaning more deeply than I could ever remember doing before. The tube tongue of the sheath was moving from one ball sack to the other, teasing the rise of my flow.

I looked down. The Nonax's cock no longer was resting on my thigh. It was in erection now. Both thicker and longer than it had been in repose. I watched as the Nonax moved its hips back and the cock moved down to my hole.

I cried out and tensed and then relaxed a bit as the medication was pumped into my veins. The head of the cock was at my entrance—and I now knew why they had had to give me something to slacken my channel. And I was glad they did, as, despite the medication, I cried out in pain and taking as the cock worked its way into my channel.

When it was in as far as I, mere human despite the channel enhancement, could take it, the cock stopped and pulsated, in coordination with the pulsating of the sheath on my cock and the tube running up my urethra and into my ball sack. The lip of the sheath was making love to my balls, teasing out of me what I began to sense was the oil that kept the Nonax going in top form.

The finger suckers slurped off my sensitized and swollen nipples and the Nonax's hands roamed my torso, sending the electrifying pleasure sensations it had at its disposal throughout my body. The hands moved down along my spread and elevated legs and then back up to my torso and as my moans increased, so did the humming of the Nonax.

I, in turn, set my channel muscles in motion on the monster cock buried inside me, and the humming of the Nonax increased noticeably, and I could sense its body trembling with pleasure.

And then it started to pump me with its cock and I was crying out in pleasure and writhing within my bindings. The colors on the wall changed to purples and the walls began to pulsate in rhythm with the fuck, with the movement of its electrifying hands on my body, with the pulsating of the sheath on my cock, with the pulsating of the tube inside my ball sack.

The colors on the wall changed to yellows and oranges, and the cock pumped faster, and the colors swirled in greater waves, and the Nonax's hum rose in decibel and pitch, and the sheath gripped harder, more insistent, and the suckers went to my nipples and sent a stronger current through my body that arched my back and forced my mouth open in a long, plaintive howl, and the cock pumped faster yet, and the swirling colors on the wall turned to flaming red, and the pulsating of the wall turned into a drum beat, and the Nonax was singing in a loud, off-tone sound . . . and I ejaculated . . . and the Nonax let out a blood curdling scream . . . and filled my channel with its cum.

The walls stopped pulsating, and the colors turned back to green and blue with a languid swirl, and the Nonax went dormant. I felt its cock soften inside me. But it remained, softly pulsing, inside me, and no one came to release me.

An hour or two passed, and I dozed. The Nonax was now running its hands over me in slow motion, sending waves of pleasure through my body that calmed me without the help of the medication.

At length, though, I felt the Nonax's cock stirring again inside me, and its ravishing of my body started all over again. The wall color was a dark blue, turning to purple, and it was pulsating. And the Nonax was beginning to hum and was latching on to my nipples with its suckers and increasing the current of pleasure through my body. The sheath was tightening on my cock, which was reengorging, and the tube inside my urethra was beginning to pulse again.

The colors on the wall changed to yellows and oranges, and the cock pumped faster, and the colors swirled in greater waves, and the Nonax's hum rose in decibel and pitch, and the sheath gripped harder, more insistent, and the suckers went to my nipples and sent a stronger current through my body that arched my back and forced my mouth open to a long, plaintive howl, and the cock pumped faster yet, and the swirling colors on the wall turned to flaming red, and the pulsating of the wall turned into a drum beat, and the Nonax was singing in a loud, off-tone sound . . . and I ejaculated . . . and the Nonax let out a blood curdling scream . . . and filled my channel with its cum.

It was night now. The skylights were dark. The pattern had gone on for hours. Twenty minutes by my sense of time of high fuck, separated by an hour or two of rest and recuperation. I wasn't hungry or thirsty; the tubes in my arms must have taken care of that. I had no need to defecate or urinate; the tubes must have balanced that out as well. I was able to harden and ejaculate under the teasing of the tongue tube inside my ball sack every couple of hours without problem, which meant the IVs must also have provided something to heighten my augmented capabilities. The Nonax's cum was overflowing in my channel. I could feel it drip out of my hole, and I could hear the drippings hit in a metal pan below the table.

I became convinced my own cum was taken away inside the Nonax and was, in some way, part of the pleasure it was receiving from the fuck. My ejaculation obviously was what set off the Nonax's spouting each time, so my own release was vitally important to the whole process. This alone made this form of pleasure giving more sensitive to me, and my receiving of pleasure, than what I had to provide on the earth ship. There, the Pleasure Giver's satisfaction was secondary or of no importance. Here the relationship was symbiotic, and I was cheered at the hope that they had to keep me alive and producing human semen for the Nonaxes and the fortunes of the Awsks to thrive.

It hadn't taken me long to figure out that I had traded the position for Pleasure Giver on the Universe Explorer 132 for being a Pleasure Giver for the miner Nonaxes and for their renegade Awsks masters. But here, oddly enough, considering these were only hominoids, I felt more important to the sexual union than I did on the Universe Explorer 132. I had been fortunate. Something in the snuffling of the leader of the band that had captured my scouting party discerned that I had been bred for this. I had to believe that it had worked to my advantage—that the other members of my party most likely had been disposed of on the spot—especially if they had been put to the sexual test. They would not have been able to endure even the Awsks' cocks; they would have been split asunder.

I could not think on this further at that point, however, as I felt the Nonax's cock stirring inside me again and I could only moan at wondering how long one of these monsters mated before they had had enough and could be sent back to the mines.

Three Ekton days. That was my answer. I watched the skylights change illumination through three Ekton day cycles before the Nonax was satiated.

Its final act when we were being parted, though, made all of the difference to me. The Nonax stood by in the corner of the room as I was being freed from the tubes and the sheath and the bindings. It then lifted me off the table, sat on the floor in the corner of the room, brought my channel down into its lap onto its cock one last time and enveloped me in its body. It rocked me back and forth and cooed and hummed to me as its magic electrifying hands encased my cock and gave me one last, prolonged, glorious ejaculation—a thank you gift just for me.

I learned that the Awsk-Nonax world operated in a pattern of three Ekton days. When I was carried away from the first pleasure servicing of a Nonax, I was returned to the luxurious chamber I had been taken from. And I enjoyed three days of rejuvenation with only the occasional sexual visit by one of the Awsk hominoids. Then I was taken back to the pleasure giving chamber for a three-day fuck by another, different Nonax, followed by three days among the Awsks.

I have no idea if I was the only Pleasure Giver in this system, nor how many Nonaxes there were in line for the favor.

Each Nonax had a slightly different technique, so I can't say I got bored. And all of them took three days to fully satisfy themselves. All of them also showed their appreciation to me with a final cuddle fuck and electrifying hand job.

I was on the second day of an Awsk cycle when the forces of the Universe Explorer 132 attacked. Whether it was knowing I was here and trying to rescue me or just an at-last agreement with the Ektians to combine forces to wipe out the Awsk renegades and their illegal mining operations, I don't know.

All I know is that when I heard them fighting in the corridor beyond my chamber, I ran into another corridor as they were breaching the door to where I was. And I hid in a cabinet in a remote corner until they were beaten back.

And then I worried through the next day concerning whether the assault had disrupted the three-day pattern and rejoiced on the morning of the fourth day when the Awsks came for me and escorted me to the pleasure chamber, where a new Nonax was already waiting for me and where I already was beginning to moan for its attention.

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Sassybutterfly99Sassybutterfly99over 1 year ago

Noooooo!! Keep going. I love this.

Belongs2BethBelongs2Bethover 11 years ago

My imagination and cock are on fire! Great read!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
A 10

Always the man with the golden imagination.

Mistress_CanadaMistress_Canadaalmost 13 years ago
Always so good

I love how unique your stories are. You never use the "gay romance" tropes but instead create interesting (and HOT) situations for your characters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Loved it!

What a great read! Hope there's a continuation for this!

sr71pltsr71pltalmost 13 years agoAuthor

Houston, we have a problem. I don't text.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
in need

Text me 832-928- 9893

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