PM Coffee


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"You still have doubts about what's happening?" Margo asked.

"Not about what," he commented. "Just that it's happening at all," he replied.

"You don't like it?" Margo asked.

"I love it," Chuck said. "I can't believe I get to have sex with two other beautiful women and DeDe is agreeing," he said.

"Don't forget, DeDe's having sex with two other men at the same time," reminded Margo.

"I know," he said. "And that is the part that surprises me. Knowing she's fucking someone else is arousing. It makes sex with you and Sally even more intense."

"You evidently know about sex with Sally but you and I haven't fucked yet. How do you know it will be intense?

Chuck pointed to his erection. "He knows," he said.

"How about with DeDe?" Margo asked.

"Margo," said Chuck. "I don't think this is the last round of seven minutes I'll be playing tonight and I think round three will be the most intense."

Margo laughed. "It can't get better than that," she commented

She took his erection in one hand. "What surprises do you have in store for me tonight?" she asked.

In response, Chuck stepped forward, kissed Margo and palmed her breast. Margo put one arm around Chuck's neck, pulled him closer, returned his kiss with dividends and squeezed his erection. She backed against the bed and fell on it. Chuck fell on top of her.

"Fuck," exclaimed Margo.

"What?" asked a concerned Chuck.

"That spot is cold," explained Margo.

"Need to move?" Chuck asked.

"Too late for that. Anyway, it's warming up."

She spread her legs and pulled Chuck's erection close. "Fuck me," she said.

Chuck didn't need another invitation. His conversation and experience with Sally had him prepared for almost anything. He only hoped that fucking Margo for the first time wouldn't end with the same precipitous result.

He shouldn't have been concerned. He slid into Margo with ease, she wrapped her legs around his waist and gyrated beneath him as best she could with his weight on her. Sally had prepared him well. He was in it for the long haul. He leaned forward, kissed Margo again and gyrated himself against her.

They fucked for a long time in almost every position imaginable. Chuck was positive that Margo had cum more than once but he was still in the embryonic phase of arousal. When Margo got on her knees, put her head and shoulders on a pillow and raised her ass high in front of him, he set out to increase the intensity as far as he could. Margo was squeezing his erection with her pelvic muscles. Movement inside her was difficult and was having the desired effect. Every push into her, sent tiny ripples through his erection that settled in his prostate. He was amazed at how long she could hold the pressure before taking a short break to rest and try again.

Eventually, Margo won, if you don't count her four orgasms. Chuck pumped a half dozen pulses of semen deep into her.

A short time later, they cleaned up and returned to the living room. Everyone else was already there. They got glasses of water and joined the others.

"Well," said Sally, "looks like everyone survived."

"Everyone nodded.

"Does anybody have any suggestions for the rest of the evening?" Sally asked.

"I still have one more seven-minute stint to complete," said Margo. "But I think that's better handled at home."

Everyone agreed, found enough of their clothing to be socially acceptable and legal and said their goodbyes. Sally and Mark waved to them, naked, from their front door as they left.

When Chuck and DeDe got home, the kids were asleep and the babysitter was crashed on the sofa. DeDe covered her with a blanket and met Chuck in their bedroom. "Got seven minutes?" he asked.

"If I last that long," responded DeDe.

They lasted much longer than seven minutes. Chuck was accurate. It was the most intense seven minutes of the evening. DeDe was impressed and fell asleep smiling and hoping she wouldn't be too sore in the morning.

Late Sunday morning, DeDe got a phone call from Sally. When they were finished talking, she made another phone call and went looking for Chuck. She found him in the den with his feet up and preparing to watch sports of the television. "Chuck," she said. "Sally wants you to help her with a couple of things around her house. Can you go over there and help her?"

"That sounds like something Mark should do?" Chuck observed.

"Mark is playing golf," said DeDe. "Sally said it should only take seven minutes."

"Whoa," said Chuck. "You're telling me Sally wants to have sex with me while Chuck is out of the house?"

"I think that's correct," said DeDe.

"And you're okay with that?" Chuck asked.

"Why shouldn't I be," said DeDe. "Sally's a good friend. You know her well. Why shouldn't we help her if she wants it?"

"And what will you do while I'm having sex with Sally?" asked Chuck.

"Margo says that Dennis can spare seven minutes today," informed DeDe.

"Damn," said Chuck. "It almost seems that the three of you women have this all worked out."

DeDe merely smiled.

"Wait, you do have it all worked out, don't you?" realized Chuck. "You gals get together almost every afternoon for coffee and you've managed everything, even the parties over the last several weeks."

"Is that a problem for you?" asked DeDe.

"Only that I feel used somehow," explained Chuck.

"That wasn't our intent," stated DeDe.

"Sit down and tell me what your intent was," said Chuck.

DeDe sat. "We just wanted to spice up our relationships a little," she told him.

"Spice up your relationships?" Chuck repeated. "Just what does that mean?"

"We thought that sex with our husbands was losing its magic. It just wasn't as frequent or as powerful as it used to be," explained DeDe.

"Are you dissatisfied?" asked Chuck.

"Not at all. I love you. I know it changes as we get older. We're not as spry or flexible as we used to be. We just wanted to be as good as it could possibility be," explained DeDe. "We realized we were seeking variation. Variation that led to more intimacy."

"That doesn't seem like to much to ask," said Chuck. "What led you to swapping husbands as a solution?"

"We're not swapping husbands, we're sharing them," insisted DeDe.

"A distinction without a difference it seems to me," observed Chuck.

"A huge difference," defended DeDe. "Swapping is two couples getting together and exchanging partners. Sharing is just that. We share our spouses. It's more flexible. We're not necessarily all involved at the same time."

"Okay," agreed Chuck. "I think I get that. Tell me how you decided on sharing spouses. There must have been other options."

"There was," admitted DeDe. "We quickly eliminated cheating. Too many secrets, too much guilt and only half of us benefited. We also didn't think much of group sex, orgies or one-night stands. We felt we all had someone important to us and sharing our husbands would have the benefit of variety that would increase all our sexual experiences, especially at home."

"So, the three of you conspired to make it happen," Chuck stated.

"We didn't expect things to evolve the way they did," equivocated DeDe.

"How did you think things would evolve?" asked Chuck.

"We were agreed but we didn't want to just spring it on you," DeDe explained.

"Really? What other possibility was there?"

"We wanted you to think it was your idea," said DeDe.

"And that way you, Margo, Sally and you, could just go along. No responsibility. Just willing participants in something your husbands wanted to do," asserted Chuck.

"You make is sound unsavory," DeDe asserted.

"It is," reaffirmed Chuck.

"What are you going to do about it?" asked a concerned DeDe.

"Nothing," said Chuck. "If you had just asked, I might have gone along with it. It might have taken some convincing but I think I'd get on board."


"Yeah, I might have," agreed Chuck. "After thinking about it, I agree with your analysis and your solution, if not with the approach. Otherwise, it's a reasonable reaction to a reasonable concern."

DeDe jumped in Chuck's lap and kissed him. "You had me worried," she said.

"Not my intention," commented Chuck. "It's funny how that can happen."

"I get it," admitted DeDe. "Only straight talk and honesty from now on."

"Great," said Chuck. He kissed his wife and palmed her breast. "What time does Sally expect me?"

DeDe pressed her hand against Chuck's hand on her breast. "Mark leaves for golf about eleven," she said.

Mark looked at his watch. "Do we have seven minutes?" he asked.

"If we don't linger and you take a shower before going to Sally's," DeDe confirmed.

An hour and a shower later, Chuck kissed DeDe and left for Sally's house. He passed Mark leaving for the golf club and they waved at each other. Sally was waiting for him. She opened the door before he could ring the bell. She was barefoot, her hair was down and she was wearing a loosely tied terry robe.

Sally hugged him before he could kick the door closed and kissed him. "Thank you for helping me," she said.

"Glad I could be of help," replied Chuck. "Do you have something specific in mind?" he asked.

"I do," Sally replied. "I want to repeat what we did Friday night."

"Not my finest moment," responded Chuck.

"Mine either, but until now, it was all we had. Come with me."

Sally turned and headed for the stairs. Along the way she lost the robe. Chuck followed her, closely watching the cheeks of her ass move as she walked upstairs. Sally led him to the master bedroom. By the time they got there, he was bedroom ready.

"Here?" questioned Chuck.

"This is the best place," said Sally.

"But," questioned Chuck, "Mark and you ..."

"We do, and now so will we," Sally asserted.

She rubbed his erection through his trousers. "This is perfect," she commented. "Do you need help getting those clothes off?"

"No," Chuck said. "I'm pretty good at getting them off myself."

"Well get started then," Sally ordered as she pulled down the covers and crawled onto the bed.

She watched Chuck undress and patted the bed next to her. Chuck understood and crawled up alongside her. Sally wasted no time. She slid on top of him and kissed him. "Ready?" she asked.

"I am," said Chuck although he was ambivalent about the result.

Sally rolled on her back and spread her legs. Chuck positioned himself between her legs and rubbed the tip of his erection between her labia several times.

"No time to procrastinate. Just do it," she insisted.

He slid into her and immediately felt the same stimulation as Friday night. He managed to contain the feelings for about thirty seconds before he was certain he was about to lose control. "Sally," he moaned.

"I'm there too," said Sally. "Fuck," she yelled as she climaxed. Chuck followed with his own orgasm while she was still shaking.

They lay alongside each other. "Why does that happen?" asked Chuck.

"It happens because it's such a wonderful feeling," answered Sally. "The question is, 'Why does it happen so quickly.'

"However," she continued. "This is what I wanted to confirm.

She took his erection in his hand. "This is what I thought. You haven't lost your erection. It was the same Friday night."

"What does that mean?" asked Chuck.

"It means that, in spite of our mutual orgasms, we aren't finished."

"Not finished?"

"Yep. Not finished," she repeated. She rolled on her back and spread her legs again. "So, get that big, beautiful cock back inside me."

Chuck did as Sally requested and the tingling began again.

"This time," explained Sally. "Don't stop when you have your orgasm. Neither will I. It won't be easy but no matter what, don't stop."

"Don't stop?"

"Don't stop. No matter how much it stimulates you, no matter how much it hurts, push through. Don't stop. Scream if you have to but don't stop," Sally insisted.

Chuck put his mind to the task and began moving intently within her. He felt Sally pushing forward with him. His impending orgasm grew like a monster within him. He bit his lip and pushed on. His orgasm overwhelmed him. He screamed and he heard Sally screaming beneath him.

Suddenly, the pressure, stress and strain evaporated. It was like moving from a tornado to a gentle breeze, hot lava to cool spring water or the eye of a hurricane. One second, he was blinded by burning red lights behind his tightly closed eyes and then surrounded by a field of spring wildflowers of bright hues and colors. His whole body shed the tension and he relaxed into a warm, loving nest within Sally. He could feel Sally soften beneath him and accept his presence inside her and encourage him to please both of them.

"Damn," voiced Chuck.

"Incredible, isn't it?" said Sally.

Together, they rode the incredible, emotionally stunning, sexual connection to mutually powerful orgasms. They lay together, gasping for breath and holding each other, unwilling to separate. Eventually, Chuck softened and slipped out of her. Still unwilling to part, Sally kissed him, tenderly, without ferocity. Just a simple, everything's wonderful, kiss.

"Damn," echoed Chuck.

"Damn straight," expanded Sally and she kissed him again.

"Where do we go from here?" asked Chuck.

"Back to our spouses with a new understanding of the incredible power of sex," pronounced Sally.

"And us?" asked Chuck.

"We have an agreement," reminded Sally. "We all have an agreement. We share, we learn and we enhance our relationships with our spouses. To me, that means we have multiple significant others in our lives and there's no barrier, no limit to us spending time together and enhance our relationship at the same time."

"When Mark's playing golf?"

"Not only then. We we're all together. When we're alone. When you're not with DeDe or Margo and when I'm not with Mark or Dennis. But, not just for more sex. Better sex. That's the objective. Better sex for all six of us."

They spent a tender half hour together and, after another quick pair of orgasms, dressed and Chuck headed home. On the way, he called DeDe to insure that Dennis had left before he got there.

Over the next several years, the three couples learned that their relationships weren't unusual. Marriage rates had declined but sexual relationships had increased. Relationships, sex and family were no longer defined by marriage and no longer confined to couples.

That suited them just fine. Society accepted and endorsed their multiple partner relationship and that allowed them to relax their concerns about maintaining the secrecy of their arrangement. They could discuss their arrangement with others with similar arrangements. That led to occasional, but not frequent, exchanges between them and other groups.

The screams and orgasms have continued into their retirements.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Some commenters are upset that three couples are having consensual sex in a fiction story on a porn website. Amazing and hypocritical. Somehow I don't think they would have complained about two couples swinging. What gives? Perhaps two couple swinging is sexy and stimulating, especially if the men would initiate it. But then three-couple sharing is taboo, perhaps because it was the women who were actually initiating and taking charge. I wonder if the negative comments would have happened if the same three-couple arrangement had been written as 100% initiated by the husbands, who had to convince their reluctant wives, perhaps by getting them drunk on their asses and then taking advantage of them. Would that have been more acceptable? That way everybody still gets fucked, but the hubbies preserve their wives' innocence. Sort of. What I wish the story had included was the three wives conspiring and working out some way to test all six for STDs first.

goodshoes2goodshoes2over 1 year ago

5 stars. I have read the following comments, most of which are negative towards the story. Hell, I liked the story for the shear reading enjoyment. Lighten up folks! This is fiction/fantasy land. That's all the stories on Literotica. There is nor a real true-life story here folks. If some of them are modeled after a real-life experience, so what?

We will never know what is real and what is fiction.

ManoBlueManoBlueover 1 year ago

Jigglyzgroups nobody's hating you cuck, they just despicable women

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 1 year ago

First, I'll give it a five, because nobody is getting burned or destroyed by it. It's a happy fairytale ending story.

The story is unlikely to happen, because the wives decide to set up the three husbands for the swap fest relationship. BUT all it would take was one husband to refuse out of jealousy that first evening (very likely), and his subsequent suspicions would have all three wives eventually found out for their prior affairs.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So the women are all conniving, rehearsed cheaters and Men indeed do only think with their little head.

JigglyzgroupsJigglyzgroupsover 1 year ago

Haters gonna hate, but too embarrassed to comment with their user names, and probably because they all got dumped because they were losers. I think your story is awesome, and I loved it! Keep up the good work!

26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

Cheating bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Women wanted to slut around & after having other men, decided on their husbands. The hubby's all went for it, showing their ability to be faithful to their wives- even if it's all friend's wives. I kept waiting for the husbands to realize what's happening & explode. Didn't happen. Agree that this's in the wrong category. And to answer a question from early on about cheating on their husbands is sleezy, that's because it is. Just like this story. 2 stars Bob

miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

I really tried but, I couldn't finish this.

The concept was hard enough to stomach. If they had wanted to swap partners. Ok, to each their own. Not my cup of tea but, I know some people go for that. But, to propose swapping as a way for all of the wives to quit cheating. And then for two of the wives to be upset about the idea of their husbands getting to have sex with other women. You lost me there.

I still tried to finish but, the writing style was just too difficult for me to deal with.

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