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Claire quivered, kicking as violently as she could as she was suddenly penetrated, her virgin sex and tight rosebud being forced open as Claire gagged hard on the three being pushed into her throat. As her first time was taken, the girl bucked violently, an almost gurgling sound leaving her lips as she struggled to both breathe and scream. The young girl's eyes rolled back in her head, her mind reeling from the pain from the uncomfortable penetrations -- and that was before more tendrils began to assault other orifices such as her urethra and her nose. The girl felt her bladder going slack as the tendril pushed up into her urethra, though the embarrassment of wetting the bed was completely ignored with the fear of dying, the painful penetrations, and the fact that she was already beginning to pass out from the lack of air.

The girl coughed when the tendrils finally left her throat, sucking in gulps of air greedily and allowing her vision to clear just momentarily... before her throat was once again penetrated deep, earning another gag as Claire continued her futile attempts at struggling.

Claire felt a sharp pain in her ear and then could hear the thing talking to her in her head, "Why struggle, I mean no harm, you will become one with us."

Her mind was flooded with sensations, one after another, as the Alien probed her head. Flashes of memories struck her rapidly: a boy she liked at school, a cock she had seen in an anatomy book, a pretty girl she was jealous of. All of the tendrils except the ones in her ears and the one in her urethra slipped slowly from her wracked body, and the creature slipped out from under her letting her numb body slump into the bed.

She was in a state of panic... and it was hard to tell if the creature suddenly speaking to her made her panic even more or calmed her down a touch. The girl's heart raced and her mind recoiled from the suddenly flashes of memories being played out behind her eyes. Thankfully, the tendrils were being pulled out from her body and the cool night air began to fill Claire's lungs again. The blonde-haired girl panted, too weak to resist any longer as she just lay on the bed, "Wh...What do you mean become one...? What do you mean us...?" She asked, her voice quivering. She then had a thought another question that she didn't ask aloud, but thought, "What do you want from me?"

""un-intelegible"...you are fragile...we will join you..you will be strong...happy...we want you to be at peace" More memories pounded through her head. the thing played a memory of her masturbating with a hairbrush handle over and over and over. Each time right before her orgasm starting the whole thing again. "What is this? we do not understand the purpose...you waste your energy and...un-intellegible...moisture" again the thing started over and the creature searched through her mind. Her whole life was flashing before her eyes but the creature seemed to focus on her bodily functions, the most vivid of them, her lusting over boys or grinding on pillows, her dirtiest moments, once slipping a finger into her ass in the shower while she tweaked her nipple. It always circled back to the hairbrush, and cut out right before she came.

The girl panted, trying her hardest to understand what was going on. Was "joining" the right word...? What was it trying to say? Claire then gasped, closing her eyes as she was played a memory of her masturbating, driving the handle of her hairbrush into her folds, over and over. "I... Stop it...! You don't need to show me...!" Claire insisted, clearly embarrassed over the memories of masturbation. The girl's cheeks burned red as she shook her head, suffering through the creature rummaging through her entire lifetime of memories... but it seemed so focused on sex. On her pleasuring herself. "It's... stress relief...!" Claire replied glibly. It was clear she didn't want to linger on the subject very long, in spite of the creature persisting upon it.

Once again the thing was in her mind. It started showing her visions of countless other worlds, other species subjugated by it's hive mind, remade to spread the Aliens unique DNA. "Look at how peaceful they are, they live such complicated lives before we find them" The tendril still piercing her between her legs was swelling and she could feel a dull pressure below her bellybutton. "You will lead the way for the rest of your kind, and in exchange I will grant you pleasures and contentment your species has never known." The thing pushed up into her bladder and knotted there swelling up to fill the whole organ, then it started pinching off right outside of her body, thinner and thinner until the creature broke it off and it wiggled up into her. The same thing happened outside of her ears and then with a little pop the Alien left a tiny bit of itself inside her head, wrapped around the stem of her brain. It would be forever linked to her now. It slipped off of the bed and left her there soaking wet and slimy, both of her holes gaped and dripping. She would be very sore when the feeling returned to her body.

Claire felt a shudder running up her spine as she was shown visions she'd never seen before -- landscapes that seemed impossible and otherworldly... Alien life. And they were all subjugated by the strange alien that was now buried inside her ears and her urethra. "Why... are you showing me this...?" Claire asked, afraid to know the answer before she let out a soft cry as she felt the thing inside of her bladder swelling. This was all a horrifying experience... but at the same time, Claire couldn't help but feel... intrigued. She was never wanted so much before... and truth be told, being remade to be an alien's bride was always one of her darkest fantasies... But that was all science fiction! This was... this was real...! The girl then sucked in a breath as she felt the creature beginning to pull out, leaving behind a few squirming pieces of itself, one burrowing deep inside of her bladder as the other pushed past the point of feeling into her head. Claire panted as she lay on the mattress, her body dripping with cold sweat. She was even more exhausted than before now... and really, she could hardly even curl her fingers after all the slime coated her. The girl panted, blinking twice. Maybe this was all a dream. Maybe she'd wake up in the morning... and everything would be normal.

That would be a relief, Claire thought, as she drifted back into unconsciousness.

Claire woke again after a very long time and it was dark. Her whole body felt strange and she could feel the creature. She knew what it was doing. It had taken up in her basement surrounding all of the warm pipes and started spreading like a rug of flesh across the floor and walls. her body was tender and her nipples still rock hard and her pussy still wet. She was desperately hungry. The Alien was asleep. A kind of cocoon was forming around its original body and it was starting to make the first of what would be many many conversion pods. Once this one was ready it would move on to the next, always trying to keep up with the new biological material Claire would be tasked with bringing back to her Lair. She needed a shower...

Claire groaned as she began to stir from her slumber. The bed felt warm... and she hardly wanted to move. She let out a soft moan as she glanced up at the window. ...It was still night time? A sigh left Claire's lips as she planted her face back against the pillow. She wanted to sleep some more... Just like the Alien down in her basement. Claire smiled as she nuzzled her face into the pillow.

...Wait a minute. Just like the alien inside the basement?!

The blonde-haired girl pulled herself up, wincing as she tried to move as quickly as she did. Her body felt sore and tender and she immediately realized that what she was dreaming about wasn't a dream. Claire furrowed her eyebrows as she became aware of all of her feelings at once -- she was starving, her body ached, and somehow... she knew where the creature was. She didn't know how she knew -- but she knew. It didn't even feel like a hunch or a feeling... she just knew.

The girl groaned as she rubbed her temples. She needed a shower, then maybe something to eat. Her body felt wrong, weak, tired, probably because she didn't get much sleep. Claire figured if it was still dark outside... The girl tossed aside the rags that were once her t-shirt and slipped off her panties. She shambled her way into the bathroom, stepping into the tub before turning on the shower-head to allow the water to flow over her.

The water tingled on her skin, her whole body felt like an exposed nerve. As she scrubbed she started to notice something strange, her hands on her body were getting the attention of the Alien, it was stirring downstairs inside its almost completed first pod. "You are aware again" is said simply, Claire was not sure if it was asking or just making a statement although it seemed more like the later.

Claire let out a sigh of relief as the warm water kissed her skin. It felt... heavenly. The girl began to run soap over her skin... scrubbing away what felt like days worth of grime before she blinked. She could feel the Alien stirring. Waking. Then... the words came into her head again. Claire felt shocked -- a tingle running up her spine as she was suddenly reminded that the creature had been in her head. But the more horrifying discovery was that... it was speaking to her and it didn't have a tendril pushed in her ear.

"I... am," Claire replied back cautiously, reaching down to shut the water as she stared into the house. This felt... surreal. She hadn't gone mad, had she? No... No, she was sure of it. The creature was in the basement. And she was speaking to it, in spite of the fact that she didn't speak a word and that she was on the second floor of the house.

"What are you doing? Does you kind absorb liquids the way we do? If so, we are not so dissimilar as I thought."

"Absorb...?" Claire repeated back, surprised at the question. Already Claire was beginning to towel off, stepping out of the shower as she replied back, "No... I'm just... taking a shower. I drink water, but I don't absorb it through my skin," Claire answers, taking a cup and filling it from the faucet before taking a gulp demonstratively.

"Oh how delightfully primitive" it sort of laughed in her head, but it was very patronizing, the way people think of a puppy who falls off a couch or wont stop licking itself. "Tell me more about your kind, from my examination you have all of the genetic material necessary to create more humans, do you reproduce by laying those tiny eggs you hold inside?"

Claire swallowed as she heard the patronizing laugh inside of her head. In truth, a twinge of annoyance flowed through her, but she had to hold her mental tongue for now. She didn't really know how much control the alien had over her... But, judging from the fact that it was asking her these questions at all made her think the control wasn't absolute. This seemed like a glorified walky-talky channel inside her head. "We reproduce sexually. When a sperm cell from a male meets a female's ovum, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall and grows into another person in a course of about nine months," Claire replies matter-of-factly and she exited the bathroom and made her way down the stairs.

"Yes those other types in your memories. Why then are you simulating the sexual act then? Would it not be easier to just go out and find a 'male' to perform it on you" again Claire had a masturbation flashback and again it cut off just as she was about to get off.

Claire stops mid-stride at the question, gripping the railing tightly as she grits her teeth. She never thought she'd have to explain her un-attractiveness to anyone. The girl closed her eyes, sucking in a deep breath as she watched the memory of her with the hairbrush handle. "It's... socially unacceptable to be so liberal with your sex... And I don't have a boyfriend," Claire replied, reaching the bottom of the stairs before making her way into the kitchen.

"Strange, I will need one of these 'boyfriends' to study." it replied, "Go bring one back here"

Claire blinked as she blushed at the memories she had of one of her childhood friends. It was embarrassing to admit that the alien knew how much she had a crush on someone when even her crush didn't know. The subject of her memories was a boy she grew up with named Jake... He was a good ol' boy, much like the rest of the residents of Podunk, but he never belittled her for having the nerdy interests she did. In fact, he was the one who encouraged her to apply to Saint Seiya's Academy for Girls when her parents passed. Claire always regretted not telling him how she felt. He was with another girl now -- Sarah, another of their mutual friends. They were happy and they seemed perfect for each other. Claire couldn't be mad or jealous. They're good together.

"Study...? What do you mean?" Claire asked quizzically as she entered the kitchen, starting to pour herself a bowl of cereal to eat.

"I would like to inspect your description of the male 'sperm cell' and also I will need some more genetic material. Go quickly, I am hungry, but first come down to the chamber below you, I have something you will need to take with you."

Claire felt her heart skip a beat as she heard the mention of the term "sperm cell" before feeling a tingle running up her spine. Just what was the creature planning? The girl huffed as she set down her bowl of cereal before standing up and making her way toward the basement. "Something you need me to take...?" Claire repeated as she raised an eyebrow quizzically. "And if you're hungry, I can just make you some food. Ah... I didn't feed Max last night, either. Hopefully he's doing okay."

When Claire got to the bottom of her stairs she pulled the cord for the lights and looked out on a very strange thing, the creature had at least doubled in size from the night before and two whole walls and almost the whole floor of her basement were covered with a fleshy mass that undulated and rippled, there was a huge thing like a cocoon in the corner. It was human sized, anchored to the floor and split open down the front. The outside was a dark purple color and the insides were pink and shiny. The whole place was slick with a shimmering layer of slime and the room smelled dank but not gross, more like a sauna. The creature was busy creating another cocoon next to the finished one, "In you go"

The young girl's eyes widened as light poured into the basement. "You made all this... in a single night?" Claire asked in disbelief, completely oblivious to the fact that after the creature's initial encounter with her, Claire had slept an entire three days. The girl stood at the bottom of the stairs for a long moment, trying to comprehend how the alien managed to... essentially terraform her entire basement into this fleshy... hive-like structure. She then cooed out as she stared at the human-sized cocoon anchored to the floor.

It looked like a pod. One that was designed for her. Claire blinked and then glanced over toward the creature before swallowing a gulp of saliva. Claire's pussy clenched as she wordlessly undid the towel wrapped around her body before gingerly slipping her foot inside of the cocoon. She trembled before hoisting herself up and lifting her other foot off the ground, climbing into the pod and turning around, pressing her back against the fleshy wall. "What... is this thing?" She'd asked in marvel as she admired the interior of the pod.

"It is a way for me to directly modify human genetics and adapt your bodies to our purpose. Now we will begin" Claire saw the creature outside of the slit and its 'arms' slipped into puckered holes in the side of the pod, the thing closed between them, with a clear membrane trapping her inside and began to fill with a cool liquid.

Claire sucked in a shaky breath as she watched the slit sliding shut, soon sealing her inside the before the cool liquid began to pour in. The sensation of the liquid made Claire shudder a bit before she exhaled softly and she glanced up toward the holes where the creature's tendrils had pushed into. "You know... Humans need to breathe oxygen, otherwise they die, right...?" Claire asked hesitantly, hoping that this wouldn't end with her drowning inside the cocoon.

The stuff was pouring from little fleshy puckered holes all around the inside of the pod, the sloshing milky liquid was warm and just a little viscous, it quickly rose past her knees. The squishy wall behind Claire shuddered and rippled against her bare back and ass and she felt herself sinking into it. The same feeling around her feet and between her toes.

"Yes you are a fragile creature, I felt your heart stop more than once when I first found you. Strange though, at times you seemed to enjoy my inspection of your body, we will have to make your body more 'resilient' Would you say you are a desirable mate for your species?"

Claire exhaled slowly, trying to keep herself calm as more and more liquid filled the pod. She then let out a gasp as she felt herself sinking into the cocoon's fleshy interior before she looked up at the observation. "My heart stopped?" Claire repeated, a bit surprised at the observation. "I don't... remember that at all," the blonde admited before she suddenly felt a rush of heat running through her face as her ears burned at the question of, 'if she felt she was a "desirable mate" for her species.' Claire bit her bottom lip before shaking her head. "I'm a bit... boyish." She replies flatly.

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you mean by that. Perhaps somewhere in your mind there is a form you envy." Again flashes before Claires eyes of her classmates, family, friends. People she had seen on tv, in magazines. After a short while it settled on a particular girl, an exchange student Claire had met briefly last year, a pretty blonde, tall and thin, Claire remembered a day in gym class where Illia had come to the pool late for swimming and Claire had stared at her in her tight one piece all the way to the pool. Her body was perfect. All the boys in glass just gaped, their mouths open. No one had ever looked at Claire like that. "Ahh this one then, it is very desirable yes?"

Claire felt a wave of embarrassment rush through her as the alien creature seemed to prod at exactly *how* Claire felt unattractive. It was something she had often thought long and hard about, but she never had to explain it to anyone. Why... She was a country bumpkin with a boyish build! How could she explain why boys didn't go after her and instead went after the slender, statuesque starlets that went to her school? The young blonde then felt her eyelids fluttering as the creature began to rummage through her memories again, a soft coo leaving her lips as the memories of the time Saint Seiya's Academy for Girls had hosted an cross-school function with a sister-school that consisted of an all boys academy. The foreign beauty Illia really did keep all the boys' eyes on her. Claire then exhaled as she returned back to the present, looking up at the interior of the pod before she nods slowly. "Y-Yeah... Illia is very popular with the boys..." Claire answers.

"Well then perhaps she will make a good model for your new form." The pool of cloudy fluid was waist deep now and Claire could see snake like things moving around in it beneath the surface. Her hands sunk into the walls of the constricting pod and the flesh pulled her arms up and out above her, heaving her chest forward. Again she felt the creature wrapping his many hot dog thick slippery tendrils around her legs and body, this time the Alien was very gentle when she felt the first of them slip into her vagina. A thick one with a plus shaped slit at the end dangled down in front of her face and opened up. Inside was a clear white tube. "Put this in your mouth, It will let you breath during the process" The thing pushed against her lips. The fluid reached her tits and more of the thin tendrils slithered over and around each of them sticking to her skin. She felt one press into her ass, like a pinky finger, it slowly pulsed there waiting for her tight muscles to relax.