Poly at the Poly Pt. 02

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The sharing steps up as the couples' trip continues.
14.5k words

Part 2 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/30/2022
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"I think Emily should have to get naked," Mike said with a wicked grin.

We were standing near the port cochere of our hotel, the Disney's Polynesian Village Resort, and waiting for our bus to arrive to take us to Hollywood Studios. The shade from the nearby overhang wasn't nearly enough to keep us cool on yet another epically hot mid-August morning. We were all half-awake, a bit hungover, and still coming to grips with how the previous day had gone.

The four of us were on a couple's trip to Walt Disney World. My wife, Emily, and I had been invited to join Allison and her husband Mike on their summer vacation. Before this trip, we'd been perfectly normal, platonic married people. But something had happened at the happiest place on Earth, and we'd become something far less wholesome.

It had started when Mike ran into his old high school crush girl at the pool, the beautiful blonde Cassie. Then, we bumped into Cassie and her silver fox husband, Jack, over dinner. As if that wasn't enough coincidences, the six of us met up with each other again at the hot tub that night. Which is when things went from interesting to illicit.

We'd all played a drinking game together, each of us getting flirty with someone who was not our spouse: Mike with Cassie, Jack with Emily, and me with Allison. We didn't do anything crazy, just a little risque, but it felt dangerous all the same.

The next morning, Emily and I agreed what had happened was scary, but also kind of fun. We were both willing to let things happen, so long as things didn't escalate any further. Little kisses, quick gropes, and fast flashes. It all seemed safe enough.

But Mike wasn't teasing my wife because of what had happened the night before.

"This afternoon after we get back from the park," Mike said, "Emily could, like, get naked real quick. Even just take out a titty. It's only fair."

He was pretending at being playful, but I could tell that some part of him was serious. The tall, outgoing man with thinning blond hair had never shown much interest in my petite, brunette wife before. At least not like this. But everything that had happened so far was clearly conspiring to help him see Emily in a whole new way.

"You're going to have to let this go, Mike," Allison said, smiling. She gave her husband a playful push.

But that didn't slow Mike for a second. "Come on, Em," he continued, "Paul got the Full Monty, at least give me something to even things up. Like a Partial Mortimer?"

Mike grinned lewdly. Emily rolled her eyes. I looked over at Allison, but she glanced away.

That morning, I'd made an epic, embarrassing mistake. Somehow, I'd gotten confused about the bathrooms and walked in on Allison while she was getting out of the shower. Completely naked.

The athletic woman was standing in front of me without a stitch on her. Her strawberry blonde, poker straight hair hung wet over her broad shoulders. Her small breasts were round and perky, capped by sharp, coral nipples. A taut, tight tummy led down to her bare, hairless pink pussy. Allison's wide hips whispered of a full, muscular backside. She looked like a sculptor's vision of the goddess Athena.

Allison's hands immediately went to cover her most private places, but it didn't matter. She might as well have sent me a photograph for all that I'd been able to stare. She froze, shocked. Then she saw the look on my face and started to snicker.

"Jeez, Paul, if you wanted to see me naked you could have asked."

"Mike said you were in the first bathroom," I said, shocked out of my usual silence. My accent came out so thick, even I could barely understand me.

"That is the first bathroom," Mike called out from the bedroom. I could tell he was fighting through hysterical laughter. "From the front door. One. Two."

"From the bedroom," I yelled back, "One. Two."

Allison shook her head, ruefully. Regardless of how we agreed to assign bathrooms, the damage had been done. Careful to keep herself somewhat concealed, the tall blonde reached for a towel and wrapped it around herself.

I told her I was sorry.

"Don't worry about it, truly," Allison said. She touched my shoulder. "Something like this was bound to happen with all of us in such close quarters. It's no big deal." Then she left the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

It had been over an hour since my silly mistake. We were outside of our hotel, dressed, (all of us in shorts and t-shirts, except for Allison in her usual tank top), and ready for the day. But Mike wasn't ready to move on.

"Come on, Em, show us the goods." Mike said, giving my wife a playful slap on the shoulder. I glanced behind us, worried that someone could hear him. Fortunately, we were early enough that very few people were waiting, and those there were there were standing too far away. I hoped.

And yet, despite my embarrassment, an odd part of me was pleased that Mike was hitting on my wife. Emily was shy, geeky in a cute way, with tiny breasts and almost no butt -- she didn't see herself as the kind of girl guys got worked up over.

Emily's admission the night before, that I was the only man she'd ever had sex with, only added to my understanding of her unexpected enjoyment at being desired by other men. I just hoped that all the attention Emily had been getting on this trip would help her feel better about her lack of experience.

My wife shook her head at Mike's suggestion, smiling broadly. Her brown hair, up in her usual bun, shook with her. Emily wasn't agreeing to reveal anything (especially not in front of the hotel), but she wasn't exactly shutting the tall, thin man down either.

"Sorry buddy," Allison said, smirking at her husband, "You'll have to sneak in on her when she's in the shower like a normal person."

Allison was clearly enjoying all this teasing, as well. If anything, she seemed oddly pleased that I'd gotten a peek at her naked parts. This was all just flirty fun, right? As I said, Emily and I had agreed that it was OK to play around a bit. I got the sense that Allison and Mike had reached a similar settlement.

Right when Mike's teasing was starting to feel pushy instead of playful, our bus arrived. It rumbled up, loudly, then squealed and sighed as it settled, allowing us to board. The four of us walked all the way to the back and sat down on the bright, blue benches; each couple facing the other. The air conditioning was almost too cold, but I wasn't going to complain. It was nice to shiver after all that sweating.

As soon as our bus rolled off, Mike's phone announced that he'd gotten a text.

"It's Cassie," he said, acting surprised.

"I'm shocked," Allison said, "Is she sending you boobs, or has she graduated to full nudes?"

"It's not like that," Mike said, making it clear to all of us that it very much was. "She's just an old friend. But it is kind of funny that she keeps popping up everyplace. Disney is so huge, it's weird how we keep crossing paths."

"I can't imagine," Allison said. She rolled her eyes my way, and we shared a chuckle.

"She's wondering if she can come hang out with us," Mike said, "I guess Jack's busy with his kids."

"Sure," Allison said.

"I don't see why not," Emily said, though she seemed a little deflated.

I was sure that it was the lack of Jack that had her feeling down. I can't explain it, but the older man seemed to have cast some kind of spell on my cute wife. Emily was usually immune to the charms of guys like that. But something about Jack had her in his thrall. It was adorable, sort of, seeing her with this schoolgirl crush. A little worrisome though, too. As you can imagine, then, I was less upset that Jack wouldn't be joining us.

"Cassie's going to text us when she gets to the park," Mike said. I noticed he'd perked up now that his high school 'it' girl was going to join us for the day.

"Cassie fucking Summers," Allison said, shaking her head overdramatically. "That woman's stalking us, I swear."

"It's Cassie Wolffe now, remember?" Mike said.

"Oh yes, that's so much better," Allison said.


We arrived at Hollywood Studios, right when it was opening. We went through the aqua-colored, art deco entrance gate and joined the throngs of people getting ready to take on their day. Allison had said we needed to get to the park early to avoid all the crowds. The place was so busy, I couldn't imagine how many more guests were going to show up.

We strode down what looked like an old-timey street from the golden age of Hollywood. Everything around us was themed to that place and time. Even the traffic lights (for the non-existent cars) had those flipping stop and go signs.

With everything that had happened the day before, it felt like we'd already been at Disney for weeks. But in reality, this was our first real day at the park, and it was nicer than I'd anticipated. I hadn't expected the cheap look of a Six Flags, exactly, but this felt almost more like stepping onto a living movie set. I never thought I'd want to stroll around a theme park, but I could feel the urge to do so here.

Unfortunately, a lazy saunter was the last thing that Allison was going to let us do. Instead, she grabbed my hand (notice: my hand, not her husband's) and pulled me along the street. I half expected her to start knocking over old ladies and kicking small children as she surged toward the recreation of Grauman's Chinese Theater at the end of the street.

"We have to hurry if we want to do the good rides," Allison said, yanking me forward like a petulant pre-teen. I noticed Mike was dragging Emily along similarly. My wife gave me a sympathetic look as Mike pulled her past.

It was too early for this. My only breakfast had been a granola bar that Mike had unceremoniously tossed on my bed that morning. We passed a Starbucks on a grassy corner and Emily and I both eyed it longingly. The other couple did not relent. A Disney death march, that's what we were on.

"If you wanted coffee, you should have woken up earlier," Allison said.

"And not wasted all your time ogling my naked wife," Mike said.

I had to concede, I'd have traded quite a bit of coffee for more naked Allison time. Fortunately, my habit of keeping quiet kept me from making such comments aloud. Silence really did save me trouble most of the time.

We raced past Grauman's and went under an archway with pictures of Mickey and Minnie on it. Then we hung a sharp left past a theater for The Little Mermaid. Again, we saw a couple coffee carts and blew them by. Again, I felt my caffeine-craving soul crack at such callous treatment.

As we went, though, I couldn't help but be taken aback by what seemed like a very obvious revelation. This was Disney World. I know that sounds dumb -- I'd been in Disney World since the day before. But staying at a nice resort hotel was very different than passing bright images of mice and princesses. Now it was all very real, and it was captivating.

Finally, we came up to a bunch of giant statues of Toy Story characters. Behind the massive likenesses there was a bright red track, looping and diving dramatically. The music of the movies filled our ears. I was not a huge Disney guy, but even I recognized the songs immediately, like they'd been implanted in my brain.

"That's Slinky Dog Dash," Mike said, pointing at the red tracks. "Our first ride of the trip." He rubbed his hands together, eagerly.

This seemed like a great place to stop and take a photo (or a breath), but Allison wasn't having it. She dragged us around the oversized tinker toy fencing and queued right up for the ride. While it seemed like the majority of people had walked the same way we did, the crowds had thinned quite a bit. Perhaps, they were unable to keep pace with Allison.

The evidence around us agreed: a sign above us said the wait for the ride was only 10 minutes.

"That's really good if it's true," Allison said.

The line took a little longer, more like fifteen. We wandered through a tight labyrinth of oversized game boxes: Twister, dominoes, and the like. We kept a brisk pace, and it wasn't long before we were at the ride, itself. I climbed in next to my wife and Mike sat with his. Just two normal couples that hadn't been kissing other people the night before.

As I pushed down on the lap bar, Emily gave me a nervous look. My wife was no coward, she loved adventures, but she got motion sick fairly easily.

I pointed a few rows in front of us to where a clump of children no older than 6 was sitting. If the tykes could handle this, my wife could too.

"I hope so," Emily said, dubiously.

But then, whoosh, we were off. It was a cute little ride, swinging and twirling us around. The rails were much smoother than I was expecting, and it felt more like gliding. Slinky wasn't a thrill ride, but it was fun and a neat way to get started (for real) at Disney. It was certainly closer to what I'd anticipated doing on a trip to Orlando, rather than the rather different ride we'd been on so far.

After the giant, toy penguin serenaded us (seriously), we got off the coaster and raced to the other side of the Toy Story area, past a character meet with Woody, for a ride called Toy Story Mania. By now, the crowds were starting to catch up; the sign said it would take 20 minutes to get to the front.

I looked over at Emily as we queued up. She grinned back at me, but I'll be honest, she looked a little green.

Allison seemed to notice, and she grabbed her friend's skinny arm, convivially.

"You'll like this one," Allison told her, "It's more like a video game."

"I might need a break," Emily said, "That last ride was a lot."

"You're fine," Allison said, as if her dismissal of Emily's symptoms could simply set them aside. "Trust me, if you skip out of everything that seems scary, you won't have any fun."

Emily looked to me for help.

"We'll take a rest after this one," I said.

Mike agreed. "We'll probably hear from Cassie by then, anyway," he said.

Allison didn't seem thrilled about any of that, but I didn't care. I'd gotten what my wife wanted. Emily gave me a big smile. No matter what else might be going on, I was glad I could still act as her protector.

Allison was right about Toy Story Mania; Emily really did enjoy it. Despite all the spinning around in the cars, she got into shooting the virtual targets and racking up points. She made one fatal mistake, however: she scored higher than Allison.

"We're going again," the tall blonde said, authoritatively as we walked off the ride. We knew better than to argue. Fortunately, the line wasn't too long, and we were quickly past the talking Mr. Potato Head and back in our cars. This time, Allison topped all of us, easily.

"That's better," she said, striding forward as we exited the building for the second time.

Mike, Emily, and I all shared a knowing look.

"I intentionally messed up the one with all the balloons," Emily whispered, "I don't think I could do that thing a third time."

"I always tank it, just in case," Mike said. The three of us nodded. It was clearly the correct policy.

After the ride, Emily said she had to pee, so we walked around to the back of the land and the bathrooms. Mike went to his side, while Emily and Allison split off the other way. I didn't have to go, so I found a waist-high planter and leaned against it.

While I rested, I soaked in the atmosphere around me. The crowds had built up and everything looked busy. To my right was a small cafe, the line snaking almost as long as the rides. To my left was a giant Buzz Lightyear statue guarding a spinner ride. Beyond him there was a bit of an incline and then the road stopped at a tan, blank wall. Like they'd stopped making the park midway through.

"That's going to be the new Star Wars Land," Mike said, pointing at the empty wall. He'd come back from the bathroom when I wasn't looking. "It's supposed to open next week, actually. You can fly the Millennium Falcon and make your own lightsaber. It's too bad we missed it this time, but we're going to come back and see it next March. I can't wait."

A Star Wars Land sounded cool. I thought Emily, in particular, would be excited by that, with her love of all things far, far away. I pictured her eyes alight as she lifted a glowing, laser sword. Damn. We'd only been at Disney for a short time and already I was thinking about going back. That was not a good sign.

Mike sidled next to me and handed me his filtered water bottle. It was such an easy, friendly gesture but I appreciated it all the same. Maybe I read too much Heinlein, but I thought there was meaning in the idea of sharing water. Especially in Florida in August.

I knew I was supposed to like Mike. Our wives were beyond work besties -- they were almost more like siblings for how well they got along. And I could concede that Mike seemed like a legitimately good guy. He was easy going and always affable. Little gestures like the water bottle helped reinforce all that.

Seeing Allison naked that morning had been fun, yes. And Mike might have played it off as a big joke. But I could tell some part of him was truly upset by it. I realized I owed him an apology.

"Don't worry about it," Mike said, "After last night, I get the feeling that's going to be nothing in the grand scheme of things."

I cocked my head at him, curious. Mike grinned back at me.

"You talked to Emily this morning, right?" Mike said, he took a swig from the water bottle. "Look, I'm not saying anything is going to happen for sure. But Allison gave me the green light and I'm planning to take advantage. You should too."

Mike sure sounded eager for the chance to fool around with another woman, but I couldn't help but hesitate. What about our wives? Green lights apply to both sides of the road, after all.

"I love my Allie," Mike said, "She's great. But we've been married for six years and, I dunno, sometimes it's good to change things up a little. Do something different. Like we said last night, it's just a bit of fun. Besides, man, Cassie fucking Summers. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't take a shot at her. You can't tell me you wouldn't do the same."

Actually, I wasn't sure. Cassie was objectively gorgeous, of course, but I tended to prefer a different (tall and athletic) type. Not that I was going to mention that to Mike, even with his enthusiasm.

"Speaking of whom," Mike said, looking down at his phone. His face broke into a giddy grin. "The it-girl has arrived."

The girls returned from the bathroom, and the four of us headed back the way we came. The trip to the front of the park seemed so much shorter than I remembered, and I wondered if we'd skipped a whole section somehow.

While the entrance was busy, it wasn't nearly as crowded as when I'd seen it before. A few actors dressed in rainbow-bright suits engaged with guests, pretending to be local Angelinos. We walked over to a gift shop made to look like an old-timey gas station and waited while Mike went to find Cassie.

He returned about a minute later with the beautiful blonde hanging off his arm. Both of them smiling like they'd shared a private joke. I had no way of knowing for sure, but I'd swear that they'd just kissed. It seemed that Mike had already gotten started on his real plan for the day: messing around with his crush girl as much as possible.

Cassie was wearing a tight Minnie t-shirt and a matching Minnie ears headband. Her tan shorts weren't small enough to be scandalous, but on a body like hers, you could cover her completely in heavy tarp and it would still seem racy.

As I said before, I tended to be attracted more to cute geeks like my wife. And certainly, I found something wonderfully alluring about the athletic, tall Allison. But even I could admit that Cassie was straight up stunning. Her perfectly shaped body, heart-shaped face, and golden blonde hair. The glossy pink of her full lips, the prominent curves of her hips and chest -- she looked like a real movie star standing there in the fake Hollywood street.