Poly - Swinger - Wife


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Ray sighed, tried to force a smile, and said, "I prefer men to women. I'm married to a woman and crave men. I want sex a lot more than I let on. I often want sex with Amber, but I don't tell her. I often feel I don't really deserve sex with Amber."

Ray explained, "My mother wasn't into sex and saw it as nasty. She pretty much raised me to feel guilty for wanting to have sex. She actually told me that a man wanting to have sex with a woman is bad. She told me that when a man puts his cock in a woman that he is abusing her. So, I grew up with a lot of guilt and a mother who was very good at guilt tripping."

Ray continued, "Before Amber, I mostly only had sex with guys. And then she had sex with another guy on our wedding night. What that told me was that she liked and wanted sex but, I felt that she needed sex from men who were suppose to have sex with women. I felt that the other guys could be the bad guys. By not wanting or asking Amber for sex, that made me a better person."

I intervened, "And I hate that. There's times when I want sex with Ray, but I'm not sure if he wants me or sex at all. Guilt can be worse then jealousy. Trust me."

I added, "Although I have boyfriends and lovers, I still sometimes want sex with Ray. And because of his guilt, I don't say anything. And because he doesn't ask for sex, I often feel that he doesn't want me. And it's important to me for Ray to want me and to want to have sex with me. Even if we don't have sex, it's nice to know that he wants it with me."

Mary told me, "It sounds like you have a complicated life and marriage."

I smiled and asked, "What relationship isn't complicated?"

Mary asked me if I had the opportunity to go back in time, would I change anything? Would I possibly be monogamous?

I looked at Ray, then I told Mary, "Monogamy would never have worked for us, not with Ray's guilt and him being bi and me liking and wanting sex with other men."

Mary then asked, "Do you think that poly or swinging is good for other people?"

I smiled and told Mary, "If you fall in-love with another man, you don't have to leave Dan, especially if you are both in the lifestyle, and if the other guy is in the lifestyle. What you have to watch out for is people who want to marry you or take over your marriage. You can't get involved with someone that wants you to just be with them."

Mary then turned her gaze to Greg and asked, "So, how many people in poly, or swingers, divorce? I mean, is the percentage of people in the lifestyle . . .I mean."

Greg could see that Mary was struggling to put words to her inquiry. So, he got out a notebook and read, 'Multiple studies have shown an increase in marital happiness in open marriages. In one research piece by Bergham and Strand of 1092 people - who were in swinging open marriages - showed 80 to 90 percent of the people were happier after they started to engage in the swinging lifestyle. Even 50% of those who reported were "very happy" before swinging, felt themselves to be even happier after engaging in the lifestyle. Another study by Timothy Wolf showed 76% of the open marriages as having a better than average or outstanding marriage.'

Greg gave his personal opinion, "I've been in this lifestyle a long time, maybe not as long as Amber and Ray, but a long time. And, in the time that I've been in the lifestyle, I have only known of two other couples, other than me and my ex, who divorced because of the lifestyle."

Randal told Mary, "I'm involved with two other couples. They're both married. And they both have told me that their relationship has improved since I got involved with them."

I told Mary that my marriage improved when he came into our life.

Just then, a very large woman stood up. She seemed either angry or pissed off or something. She said, "All I've heard tonight is sex, sex, sex. I thought this was a poly meet-up." This woman looked at me and said, "It seems you go to bed with anyone that has a big enough cock, especially if they're black." Then she looked at Ray, "You're a little dick fag who gets off on the fact that your wife is a complete slut." Then this woman looked at Greg and said, "And it seems that you're our resident expert because you're wife left you for some other guy, or girl."

We were all caught off guard. And the woman continued, "For nine years I was part of a poly quad. Me and my husband were handfasted to another couple. I helped raised their kids. We all loved each other. It wasn't a sexual thing. Yes, my husband had sex with the other woman, but it wasn't just a sexual thing. We were handfasted. Poly is about love and commitment, trust and honesty. When it becomes sexual, that's when it's no longer poly. It's just sex."

This woman wasn't too belligerent, so we let her continue. She added, "If you want to be a slut, then be a slut. But don't call yourself poly just because you might have feelings for a guy that fucks you. And don't think that just because a guy wants to go to bed with you that it means he cares about you. Most likely, he doesn't. And it doesn't even sound like you're really swingers, either. To me, you're just out for a good time, to get laid or get your dick wet. And that's not the way it's supposed to be."

Greg asked this woman if she was still part of a quad. She told him, "No. My husband started seeing his ex-girlfriend, and having sex with her, behind my back and secretly. The other wife was secretly having sex with another couple without telling any of us. And my other husband was secretly having sex with my best friend. It turned out that I was the only poly person in our quad. Everyone else was just out for sex."

Greg told this woman, "It sounds to me that what may have broke up your quad was dishonesty, not sex."

The woman retorted, "My husband wasn't just seeing his ex. He was also sleeping with my best friend. My other husband wasn't just sleeping with my best friend. He was also getting with the wife of the man that his wife was fucking. We also had another couple that were close friends. And the wife of the other couple, I found out, was also sleeping with my tertiary. Her husband was a lot like Ray. He had a little dick, too. I tried to get him to sleep with me, and it almost happened, but he couldn't get hard."

I asked this woman, "Had your husband told you that he wanted to include his ex in your quad, would that have made a difference?"

The woman stated, "I hated his ex. I still do. She's this little thing. She struts around in her tight little outfits. He says that he loves that she is so flexible. My tertiary had to have sex with my best friend and our other friend. No. I wish I never knew."

Randal put in his two cents, "It sounds to me that there was a breakdown in honesty and communication, as well as feelings of betrayal. It doesn't sound to me that sex was the real issue."

I told this woman, "Ray knows about all my boyfriends. All my boyfriends know that I have sex with other men. Ray is usually there when I have sex with whomever. And when Ray has sex with someone else, I know about it. That's what being in an open marriage is all about, trust, honesty, communication and not keeping secrets. And it seems that none of that was followed in your case."

This woman replied to me, loudly, "You think?"

Ray joined in saying, "You mentioned that you tried to get the one guy to have sex with you, but he couldn't get hard. So, it appears that you wanted sex, too."

The woman sighed, then said, "Of course I wanted sex. Everyone else was having it. My husband had his little sex fiend, my husband and my tertiary were both doing my friend, the other wife was getting her thrills. And where was I? Alone. We were supposed to be poly, in-love, and that wasn't there."

I told this woman, "Here's the thing. I love Ray. He's my husband. And I love Randal. He's not only an incredible lover, he's also one of my best friends. My other boyfriend, Scott, is also a really great lover and a great friend. And I am in-love with him, too. Mike is my wild man. He's kinky. He loves to get me gang banged. And I love him for that. Yes. I have sex with a lot of men, but I love them all. I may not be in-love with every man I have sex with, but I love them on some level because they make me feel loved. And I think that's what you're wanting."

The woman started crying and said to me, "You probably have sex with more men in one day than I have in my entire life. It's not fair. And they probably love you, at least Ray and Randal and Scott and Mike do. And you've even had Greg. I give and I give and I give, but probably not like you do. You're a slut. And you're proud of it. I got into poly for love, and I got nothing but pain. You spread your legs and you get men that all they want to do is pleasure you. I don't think I'm asking a lot."

I told her, "When I get with a man, I'm not looking for love. If it happens, great. I don't consider myself a slut. I prefer slutty wench. I get men because I make myself available. Men get sex with me because they make their wants known to me. It's all about putting yourself out there without expectations and being happy when things happen."

The woman responded, "I'm not sure I want as much sex as you get, but feeling loved is important to me. And I haven't felt loved in a very long time."

Mary asked me, "Do you feel loved when you get gang banged?"

I told Mary, "I feel loved anytime I have sex. I even feel loved when a man lets me go down on him."

I finally asked the woman from the quad, who was hurt and angry, what her name was. She told me her name was Tamsen.

Then Tamsen asked me, "So, you even feel loved when a stranger just wants to fuck you?"

I told Tamsen, "I don't think guys just want to fuck me. They want to be in me. They want to cum inside of me, to become a part of me. That's what makes me feel loved. I don't compartmentalize. Sex involves love and love involves sex. To me, they're intertwined. The way I see it is that you can't help but feel some love for a man who wants to pleasure you."

I further explained, "Swingers often try to compartmentalize. Poly people look to have love in their relationships. I combine the two. I'm always open to sex, with most guys, because I know I'm going to feel loved by them. My love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. And sex fulfills both of those for me."

Then Tamsen asked Ray, "How do you feel loved by Amber when she's got some other guy's cock in her?"

Ray told Tamsen, "I love Amber. I love seeing her happy. And there's a lot of guys out there that have made her really happy. I prefer thinner women with smaller breasts, as Amber says, "You like boys with tits." And Amber prefers to be with men who are tall, dark and handsome. I love seeing Amber happy. And when she has sex with other men, and they make her happy, that makes me happy. And she knows that I love seeing her with other men. So, she shows me that she loves me by having sex with other men."

Tamsen thought for a moment, then asked Ray, "So, you like men, or skinny women, but you prefer to watch Amber have sex with other men?"

Ray told Tamsen, "I've tried to be with other women, but it's never worked out. And, luckily, I have a boyfriend, or I'd mostly have to go without. And I really respect men that get with Amber. They have the right tool for the job, they have stamina, and I love seeing them naked."

"So," Tamsen said, "You feel loved by Amber because she lets you see her with naked men that turn you on."

Ray answered Tamsen, "I'll admit that there is something special about seeing her suck another guy's cock. And I do love seeing another guy's cocks sliding in and out of her. I love watching. So, both Amber and the guys make me feel special, even though all I'm doing is watching."

Tamsen interjected, "But you're compersive."

Ray nodded, "Yes. I am. But seeing how happy the guys are when they're with Amber is awesome. And when they make her cum, that's the cherry on top. I have always lived by the phrase "The gifts we give to others are the gifts we give ourselves, because the joy you receive in giving is the ultimate reward."

Tamsen then asked me, "I know you feel loved when you have sex with other men but, since you and Ray rarely have sex, how does he make you feel loved by him?"

I looked at Ray and smiled. Then I told Tamsen, "I feel loved by Ray because he doesn't say no to me. I don't think he even knows how. I feel loved by Ray everytime I'm with another guy, especially a black guy. Ray doesn't have to let me be with other guys, or let them be with me. He does so because he loves me."

I added, "If I didn't feel loved by Ray, I wouldn't have stayed with him for all these years."

Greg told everyone that if there were no more questions that we should all pay our bills. And he invited everyone to go to a karaoke bar.

While, and after, everyone paid their checks, Tamsen asked for my number and asked if we could talk again. I said yes. Dan talked to Ray, and he and Ray exchanged numbers. And a bunch of us went to the karaoke bar.

We didn't expect things to go the way they did, but that's how things go. I was happy that me, Ray, Randal and Greg were able to share our experience with others. And we actually made some new friends.

A lot of people get hung up on labels, or preconceived notions. You can't do that. Just because a married woman has sex with a lot of other men, that doesn't make her a bad person. And it doesn't make a man bad if he wants sex.

I'm poly because I am in-love with more than one man. I'm a swinger because I like having sex for the sake of having sex. And I am a wife because I am married to a man who truly wants the best for me.

Each of us are unique and special in our own ways. And that's what makes life interesting and worth living.

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Sabine4U2Sabine4U28 months ago

Thank you for writing this. I'm in a poly marriage, and I know that some people can't understand how I can be with two men, and how I can love them both. Poly is not for everyone, but it is for those who are committed to the relationship that it forms. The questions asked of you were great as were your answers.

AchtungNightAchtungNightabout 1 year ago

This story… thank you. Your words have taught me a lot about swinging and polyamory. In particular, after reading your words, I now know what “compersive” is (my phone spell check AI doesn’t recognize the word) and that I am compersive! Wow. So much about my own difficulties with sex & relationships are now better explained via that word. This story also explains well a lot about swinging, polyamory, bisexuality, communication, honesty, and managing these issues. It is interesting and in my case, others’ also, necessary. I last wrote about swinging over a decade ago and I wish I had been able to read this story way back then. Wow. Thanks again for writing this and sharing it. Great work!

SexecclecticSexecclecticover 1 year ago

It’s amazing to me, that on a website which is really geared to people who enjoy sex and exploring their own interests, just how judgmental so many people are. If it isn’t your thing, why do people read stories that piss you off? You just cannot avoid the haters in this world. Live and let live people. Not everyone has to experience life only as you do.

wife_cuxu_withmewife_cuxu_withmealmost 3 years ago

Respectfully recommend rewriting in conjunction with commonly accepted patterns of English composition.

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGalmost 3 years ago

This was a fun.. entertaining.. and educational story.. I truly enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Grammatical errors ruin the story if there us one. Any word processing software could check Grammer. Author might do well to get one!

unMisTakenIdentityunMisTakenIdentityabout 3 years ago

From reading this, another of your essays, and your introduction...well into your 50s now you are basically here sharing and writing all of this to justify having spent your entire adult life as a thrill seeking whore. Married to a gay dude for 30 years.

If it seems like I am being judgemental? I am. You are putting it all out here for everyone to see and get feedback on. Ypu got it.

Congratulations on spreading your legs for hundreds (or thousands) of dudes "that you are in love with" having unprotected sex over the past 3 decades.

Yuck. You must be a veritible petri dish for the STD laboratories.

Look. Nothing wrong with living a carefree SINGLE life and having all kinds of fun. Safely. I did. For a while. Then like most others...I matured and got tired of all of the meaningless hookups and emotionless sex. It took me 3 or 4 years. You've never gotten there have you? Instead you cover it all in the trappings of "love" and continue on 30 plus years into your rationalizations for fucking men who you simply use as human dildos.

Trying to justify and pass off what you and Ray have as some kind of great model for happy marriages to be widely accepted and followed? Just comes off like crazy rationalizations from the used up neighborhood slut that everyone laughs about. Every town has one it seems like.

Here is what I see. Two people got married who never should have. Circumstances dictated it. Like your families, church, or culture expected you to marry. You were probably a good church girl virgin. Ray is gay. Also has issues with sex imprinted on him by his parents. Didn't probably want to marry a woman. But back then didn't have a choice. Kept his sexuality a secret. Did not want to have sex with you period. So was more than willing to let another man fuck you on your wedding night. And you not only accepted that...but embraced it. And now...by your own admissions you treat each other like comfortable shoes?! Wow. What a love story. While you both slut around. You with whoever you "fall in love with" who has a big dick, and him in whatever situation will get him fucked in the ass at the end of the night. I simply see two people well into their middle age who were too lazy 20 years ago to put an end to their farce of a marriage and move on with having better and more fulfilling lives. What you all have is not healthy and would never work functionally with more than a hundredth of 1 percent of the population. Ever. There is a reason why divorce statistics are what they are for the swinger lifestyle. Let alone the mish mash of 3 or 4 different lifestyles you all have going on.

I comment on stories occasionally. But I read lots of thing on here and just keep going. Normally. But every once in a while something strikes me as just batshit crazy and I have to make a comment. Your story. This. Yup. Some fucked up kind of crazy.

And I am just saying what most people here are thinking. But hey. You shouldn't care about the opinions of anonymous people on the internet. Since you guys are so happy.

PolySwingerWifePolySwingerWifeabout 3 years agoAuthor


I have never watched Ray with more than one woman, yet I have seen him with a woman and a man. I enjoy watching, too.

I have never known a man who killed himself, because he was cuckolded or for any reason. I do know several men who are willingly cucked, though. And they are some of the happiest men I have ever known. Each of the husbands knows Randal, and Randal has been with each of their wives. Randal is my main boyfriend. And Ray has loved seeing each of the wives with Randal.

You can not force a man to be a cuckold. You can cuck him without his knowledge, but that isn't forcing him to be a cuckold. Just because a wife has sex with another man, that doesn't make the husband a cuck. It makes him the husband of a cheatng wife. And there is a difference.

You can no more force a man to be a cuckold than you can force submission. Each is a choice. Submission is a gift.

What possesses my husband to accept me having sex with other men? It's what makes him feel most loved by me. He wants me to have sex with other men as much as I do. It's what thrills him, turns him on, and best of all, makes him feel most loved by me.

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198about 3 years ago


You said your "husband" likes to sit there while you get pounded flat by other guys, have you ever just sat there while he pounds out a couple of girls? Have you ever arranged something like that for him? Also one other thing i've been thinking about, if he is a willing cuckold, do you know any guys that have been turned into forced cuckolds? And if you do, how many of them, or do you know of any that have killed themselves because of their situation? Also, i would find another man wearing my "comfy slippers" almost as disgusting as him expecting me to wear his underwear. Life humiliates us all, what posses your husband to accept it from you?

PolySwingerWifePolySwingerWifeabout 3 years agoAuthor


Ray and I are each other's comfy slippers. We're each other's constants. We've been together so long that it would feel weird if the other weren't there. I have sex with other men for two reasons. I like having sex with multiple men, and Ray feels loved by me when he can watch me have sex with other men.

Ray has been dating Amy and her brother, Chuck, for just over six months now. And I'm glad he found people he could enjoy being with. Yes, Amy has been with Randal, and a lot of other men I get with, but I think Amy and Chuck actually love Ray. And I know he loves them.

Any is the kind of woman that Ray has always been attracted to, but when I see him with Chuck, that's when I see him happiest. If Chuck wasn't Gay, I'd go for him. But at least he loves Ray and treats him well.

We may not have a traditional marriage, Ray and I, but we're both happy.

SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198about 3 years ago

I've asked this question before and never received a satisfactory answer, Why get married at all? Why drag a man down to your level and make him clean up guy? Stay single and fuck whom ever you want or at least until your triple cock tail forces you to stop. I really do find you all sorts of disgusting, but not because you are promiscuous almost beyond belief, but because you are married doing this. Even a un-married (and never will) guy like myself recognizes the commitment, you obviously do not and never have. Just a side question if you care to answer, Does your husband have to ability to step out and get some strange or are you the only one with that privilege?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I call bullshit on this

And if it’s not, then I feel sorry for both Ray and PSW. Ray, because he was emasculated on his wedding day. PSW because she doesn’t understand what a husband is all about. She says she loves him(I read doubt it), but she sure as hell doesn’t respect him! If he does have Bi tendencies, she’s certainly reinforced her disrespect towards him. Ray might not realize this,but it’s true...he’s beyond a beta male...he’s a true omega. They should have gotten married, because there is no equality in their relationship. She uses him. He allows himself to be used. Just unfortunate and sad!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I thank you for the time and effort to give a look inside your life. The only flaw is that the level of acceptance and TOTAL lack of friction seems, to me, to have been glossed over.

I can't imagine a life such as this without some raised voices and tears at the start.

Still, gave you a 5 for telling your truth and "lifting the curtain".

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
the stories we tell ourselves

I'm probably more sympathetic than not to the 'lifestyle' choices. However, what comes across here is a struggle to come to grips with an inner turmoil (as another comment noticed).

This, for example:

"I'm a swinger because I like having sex for the sake of having sex."

This reminds me of Robbie Williams' comment on having sex with a groupie: 'It's like masturbating with someone else there.' Judging by the stories/ comments I read about swinging, at least some of the participants de-fang the experience emotionally. They neuter it, describe it as 'playing'. At that level, it would be too barren an experience for me. But, if some people are content with that, I wonder about the purpose of the rationalizations.

Which brings us to the emotional involvement dimension, which the author hyphenates as in-love (I'm not sure about what this is supposed to mean). The author writes:

"And I am a wife because I am married to a man who truly wants the best for me."

Interesting .. best for 'me'. Me. Me. He gives me what I want, therefore he is good.

All of it tucked behind the final rationalization about being unique and special. A serial murderer is no doubt unique and special. I don't know what that is supposed to justify.

So, while I don't have a moral issue with the life-style choice, the rationale look like more of a cover-up than a nail-the-truth explanation. The author needs to dig deeper.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you!

These are the conversations the everybody SHOULD be having. I know that monogamy is the societal norm, but I can't help feeling that it's unnatural.

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