Pony Tales - Clover - Day 07

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Say hello to the world Clover! Or don't. Ponies don't speak.
1.7k words

Part 12 of the 44 part series

Updated 06/22/2024
Created 07/15/2021
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Sophie had taken pleasure in watching Clover squirm nervously as she laid out each piece of tack in front of her on the table. Each piece, sealing her fate in a little more and letting Clover sink deeper into that almost trance-like state washing over her. She leaned down and offered a grin, "Each piece. Let go of a piece of yourself. Become the ponygirl, Clover." She spoke assuringly as she picked up the obvious first piece of tack. The black leather armbinder with Silver eyelets. She also picked up a roll of forest green corded lacing. She moved around behind Clover, eyeing the red marks she'd left on her backside from before and patting them reassuringly.

She unclipped the cuffs from the hanging leather leash. Before she undid the cuffs though she spoke, "This will be a little uncomfortable at first, but relax your shoulders as much as you can and you should get used to it fairly easily. Your forms say you listed yourself as flexible, let's prove you're not a liar, pony." She unclipped the carabiner from between the cuffs and undid them, hanging them over the steel bar of the rack for now.

Sophie carefully guided Clover's hands together, pressing them palm-to-palm before she slid the leather mono-glove over when. She took a few minutes getting it to the right position before she measured out a length of the forest green cord, snipping off the ends and using a lighter from her pocket to seal the ends. The smell of burning plastic made Clover shuffle a little as she turned to look over her shoulder. All she found was the glare of Sophie, "Eyes forward Pony." Clover hurriedly turned her gaze back to the tack in front of her.

The lacing of the armbinder was a fairly intricate process, lacing each eyelet and pulling it as tight as it could safely go. She wanted the binder tight and snug, but not cutting off any sort of circulation. But Sophie had done this a hundred times and it didn't take her long to cinch the binder up to just above Clover's elbows. Clover grunted slightly, testing the strength of the binder a little as Sophie tied off the cord at the top with a cute bow, "Oh, test it all you want pony. That's not coming off without help. I promise." She tugged a set of leather straps hanging from the binder up and around Clover's shoulders and down the center of her back, almost like a backpack. This helped to share the weight of her arms in the binder and not completely destroy her shoulders as they were pulled back in such a harsh position for hours on end.

Sophie reached forward, grabbing one of the straps and pulling clover until she was standing upright, "Stay." She said, walking around to grab the forest green bodysuit. Clover's eyes followed it, eyeing a curious hole in the back of the bodysuit. Sophie noticed the stare and giggled, "Oh don't worry about that for now Pony. It doesn't really matter to you during your trial period. Perhaps at a later time, it will be prudent. Surely you've seen the tails on the other ponies..." She let the words hang in the air as she moved around behind Clover, unzipping the bodysuit until it split open neatly, the zipper was completely silent.

Of course, she'd seen the tails on the other pony's. She knew what the hole was for and she knew what Sophie was implying. It brought an extremely bright blush to her face, partially thankful she could avoid that temporarily.

She lifted her arms a bit as Sophie undid her left foot from its tether and slid the bodysuit up one leg. It settled neatly around her crotch, leaving very little to the imagination but being modest all the same. It was brought up and around her shoulder, the armbinder straps being undone temporarily so the bodysuit could be zipped up properly right up to the high collar which sat about halfway up Clover's neck. Sophie fixed the straps on the armbinder and re-secured Clover's ankle to the rack.

The rest of their interaction was mostly silent, Sophie was content with the dazed look on Clover's face as she cinched the intricate leather straps of the body harness around her, snugging them up. The polished silver clasps and the deep forest green of her tack looked quite lovely in the bright light of the room.

Then came the hard part.

Sophie nudged Clover forwards against the padded bar of the rack again, attaching the leash from above to the ring on the end of the armbinder, "Now. I need you to lean onto the rack as much as you need while we get your boots on, the rack will support your weight fully, try not to balance too much on the boots, for now, that's why that bar you're on is padded." She said this as she picked up the pair of boots and a small jar of white powder. Settling down onto a stool next to Clover's feet after unlocking them both and removing the leather cuffs.

She took a few minutes to coat Clover's legs in the white powder, which would make getting the boots on a whole lot easier, and then without further ado, she lifted Clover's left foot and began the process of snugging the boot up smoothly over her leg. The smooth leather encapsulated her leg perfectly. The base in which her foot rested was solid and well padded. Sophie had chosen this particular style because the interior of the boot was heavily padded, it'd help make walking with sore feet at least a little easier.

Once each of the boots was properly positioned she took her time, lacing them up much like the armbinder and making they were nice and snug. She leaned back to admire her handiwork. The boots looked good and well seated. Sophie was happy with that. She moved around behind Clover to a wall full of what looked like strips of hair. She tugged a few blonde ones off the wall, hair bundled into a tight clip.

She walked back to Clover, holding up a few beside her head and just out of her line of sight until she found a blonde very close to the hair on Clover's head. She moves back to the wall, hanging them up and leaning down to clip the 'tail' into the special slot on the leather harness. Clover would seem something soft brush at her legs, a foreign feeling for someone who had never had a tail before.

The second last step was a curious and unofficial one. Sophie took a hairbrush and brushed out Clover's thick, silky locks of blonde hair until it was no longer knotted. She bundled it atop her head, wrapping a length of green ribbon out of the case of lace and ribbon around her hair and securing it neatly, "It's funny, it's not even an official thing. Ponytails just kind of became part of the official look, unofficially." Clover groaned softly in response, words would no longer even come to her as she leaned against the bar.

This was her new reality. She had done as Sophie said. Letting a piece of herself go each time and getting lost in those overflowing emotions and feelings in her head. Her head hung a little bit and she was only brought back by the hand tugging her ponytail and lifting her head. She stared at Sophie with her green eyes as the woman spoke.

"Well Clover, I'm afraid we're getting towards the end of your tack-up. We've only one very important piece left." She lifted up the intricate head harness and dangled it in front of Clover's eyes. She mumbled softly and squirmed a bit in the tight bindings currently encasing her body. She was lost in her emotions and so she barely moved as the harness was cinched around her head neatly. It looked good against her peachy skin and blonde hair, the dark green doing well to contrast.

Sophie reached down, grabbing a thick black silicone bit, and held it up, "Now Clover. This is the true final step. If I strap this in place, You're ours for as long as your papers determine. If you consent, please open your mouth. Though keep in mind, your jaw is going to be very sore, we will take it out periodically through the day to make sure we don't ruin your jaw." She held it up and waited to see if Clover would truly accept her role as a pony, or be hesitant.

Clover hung there on the rack, staring at the bit Sophie was holding in front of her face, her eyes were dazy and her head was swimming slightly. It was her own fantasy coming to fruition. Her own submissive side being brought to the front of her person. She stared at the bit for a few seconds as Sophie waited patiently and then very slowly and gradually eased her mouth open. Sophie didn't hesitate, leaning in to wedge the bit between Clover's teeth and clip it securely to each side of her bridle. She patted Clover's cheek, "You look beautiful pony. Would you like to see?"

Clover stomped her hoof once, the hollow sound as the rubber stomped the ground brought a bit of a tingle to her spine.

Sophie turned and disappeared behind Clover, the creaky wheels of something being pulled over could be heard. Then there was nothing for a moment. Not until Clover felt her armbinder being unhooked and strong steady hands helping her to stand up. She wobbled visibly in the strict hooves on her feet. Sophie held her steady, "Easy girl. Those are going to take some genuine practice. Just lean on me for now." She wrapped an arm around Clover's shoulders and helped her take tiny little steps until she'd turned around fully.

Waiting for Clover was a large full-body mirror. Clover stared into the mirror, not recognizing the woman staring back at her. Actually, she smiled around the bit. Not a woman. A pony. Clover. She shivered slightly. Sophia ran her fingers through the high ponytail to smooth it out and smiled, "Quite pretty if I do say so myself. Take a good long look in that mirror Clover. This is who you are now." She gave Clover a soft pat on her flank, still holding her with one arm to help her balance.

"Now what do you say, we get you a stall and get you some breakfast? I bet you're absolutely starving by now."

As if on cue, Clover's stomach growled very loudly. She blushed.

"Breakfast it is." Sophie said with a smile.

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fun2wearfun2wear8 months ago

Excellently written! I love the transformation

mul717ud35mul717ud35about 3 years ago

This was really powerful writing. Goosebumps.

Firefly_WritingFirefly_Writingabout 3 years agoAuthor

Very kind of you! I wanted to highlight those reactions, those feelings. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very nicely done Clover. Good intgeraction between Soph and Clover with subspace being entered and highlighted. Excellent color choices - extremely visual. Head shake, whinny and foot stomp.

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