Possessing Bella Ch. 04


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He took a step toward her, "What do you think he would have thought of your subterfuge today? I did not say at any time that Dorothea cold not stay in a part-time capacity. In fact, I said just that this morning; that she would remain to help you, just not as your full time PA." His voice had become gruff showing his anger and disappointment. He was satisfied by the blush creeping into her cheeks and the look of disappointment on her face.

"Yet you still came in here and tried to get your own way by being cute and sweet, when it was nothing more than subterfuge designed to get your own way," he stared hard at her. "The Bella I know and more importantly, the girl Mel loved and began to train would never have been such a brat. You ask for what you want; I will tell you if you can have it." His voice had risen angrily, "I will not negotiate with you, nor will I put up with another bratty stunt like today. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Master," Bella said wide-eyed at this different side of Kurt. "I am so sorry, Master, you are right." She didn't bother trying to explain her behaviour, she knew he was right, and Mel would not have liked the way she went about getting what she wanted.

"I am the managing director here; even Rhys does me the courtesy of running his plans by me, and I trust him to manage his department autonomously," he let out a long hissing breath. "Your plan has merit and I would like to help you see it to fruition but know that if you step over the line one more time and forget who I am here, it can and will be taken away." He shook his head disappointedly, "I knew Mel and what he wanted for you, which was not being a bratty little slut, using her submission, or her beauty as a weapon to get her own way and you will assist someone that I choose to take it over. You are a beautiful and strong young woman. Your submission is a gift not a bartering chip to be used as a means to an end. If you want indulgence go to Rob, he seems to enjoy your new found brattiness, but the girl I know and love, the girl who captured Mel's heart and changed all our worlds here, would never act like that."

Kurt had almost relented in his scolding of her as the tears came and slowly ran down her face. "Remember who you truly are and were meant to be," he said in a softer tone. He walked toward her and bent down and lifted her to her feet before him. He ran a hand around the chain that encircled her neck, "You are not just any ordinary girl. You are special and important to a lot of people. You are not just an intern here; you are a partner and an executive in your own right. You need to find a balance and live up to the expectations of Mel, because of all of us, he knew your true potential best and gave you this opportunity to shine."

He wrapped her in his arms. "I have asked Rob to back off from your training in the business, and though I have concerns I will back off from your need to explore this lifestyle and its different facets. I know who you are," he pulled her away from his body and looked into her eyes, "and that is not one of Charles or Sire's little brats. So let's put that behind us." He kissed her forehead. "If you want something you come to me with a well thought out proposal. Show me the designs and costs for this office interior you are planning and I will okay the budget, but I will not just give you an open-ended budget, to play with as you so eloquently put it."

"Yes Master," Bella said in an unsteady voice.

"Good," Kurt looked down at her, "I don't want to make you late for the dinner you have planned for this evening so you may go, but..." he let a small smile cross his face as he delivered his own, he hoped, surprising twist, as she had done earlier. "... as per your training agreement with the Masters who care for you, Stephen will discipline you for your inappropriate behaviour today." Bella gasped looking into his eyes to see if he was joking, but there was no lie in his eyes.

"He has been informed, and as Mel was his friend and mentor," Kurt's smile widened and he began walking her towards the door of his office, "He too was very disappointed in your behaviour."

"Oh no," Bella dropped her head and felt a shiver of expectation run up her spine.

"I will see you in the morning, little one. I want you to check in with me every day when you leave from now on," Kurt said as she stepped through into the anteroom. "Come in Dianne please." Kurt said, and Dianne leapt up and closed the door behind her, leaving Bella with only her own thoughts as she walked slowly to the elevators. Kurt had no intention of giving Bella a shoulder to cry on, he needed her to think about what he had just said.

"What had she been thinking?" she berated herself. Kurt was the managing director, the boss, of course she had to do things his way; she had been a brat, and now Stephen knew. Stephen with all his chivalry and sense of justice, she had disappointed both of them and worst of all, now it had been made clear, she was disappointed in herself. She admitted that everything Kurt had said was true. Mel would never have let her be a brat in any way shape or form. She blinked rapidly forcing the tears back from her eyes as she walked through the foyer and out to the waiting car.

Lincoln smiled opening the door for her and murmuring, "Everything okay, Miss Biancotti?"

""Please call me Bella, I ... I'm fine," she gave a half smile and disappeared into the car.


Unnoticed a tall man had watched as Bella exited the building. He noted the distressed look on her face, as if she had been crying. He stepped onto his motorbike, pulling out into the traffic following the black car that held her, after seeing them disappear into the parking garage below the club, he roared off. It was enough that he knew she was back, and he knew where to find her. For now...


Bella knelt on a cushion in the managers den her eyes on the floor She should have discussed it, gone to Kurt with a plan, realised that there was more to him than the goofy smart-alecky man that had flirted with her mother once. He was the CEO of one of the richest companies in the country and she had treated him with disrespect, thinking she was so clever with that stunt she pulled in order to keep Dorothea close by. Her mind went between being happy that Dorothea would stay and sadness at how Kurt, her friend and guardian, had looked at her with such disappointment.

Stephen sat in a chair directly in front of Bella enjoying the moment. Since the dangerous liaisons, she had encouraged while, at the beach house, he had worried that the other Masters had been indulging her whims excessively. He had been glad when she had shown some responsibility for her own life until she found another who would cherish her submission and was even happier that he would be the one to ensure her safety. Her return with this type of attitude though had not been expected, and he intended to make sure she knew it was most undesirable.

Unlike the other friends of Mel, he had no residual feeling of indulgence towards her grief. She had come to them with her plan to move on, and she had shown herself ready to do so. He had no doubt that Mel and the lessons he taught her would stay with her forever, but if she was ever to find her place again it was time to move on and explore the possibilities surrounding her. He kept the disappointed look on his face as he addressed her.

"What's next? Will you start having tantrums if the Masters do not give you your own way?" He said in a harsh voice. "Throw yourself on floor and kick your feet?"

"No, Sir Stephen," she said softly risking a peek up at him to show the sincerity she hoped shone in her eyes. "I just.." she stopped herself from making excuses.

"You just what?" Stephen growled. "Decided to work Dorothea into an early grave? Decided to ignore the fact that Kurt had said she would be there to help, but you needed another PA due to all the travel? Did it even occur to you that this was not about you, but rather something Dorothea requested?" Stephen knew Dorothea did not want to travel and hated planes; he knew that Kurt had asked her to stay as a favour to Bella. He was angry that the girl at his feet had not even considered these things but rather manipulated people who cared about her to get her own way.

"Dorothea would never deny you what you asked at this point in time," he spoke to her surprised and confused expression. "You are spoilt by the very people who love you and that, little one, has made you into a selfish self-centred brat," he shook his head.

"I just didn't... I mean.." she gulped holding back her tears, "I am so very sorry, Sir Stephen. You are right. I was acting dreadfully to the people who care about me." She felt dreadful that Dorothea had not felt she could tell her how she felt directly and that she had not heard her when she had said several times that she was much happier working part-time. The good day turned from bad to worse and now she just felt guilt.

Stephen said no more; he bent and picked her up placing her over his lap. Bella did not resist; she hung her head down over his legs and accepted the spanking she was about to get. Stephen took his time appreciating the soft skin on the perfectly rounded upturned ass that presented itself as he lifted her skirt. His hand descended in a heavy stroke, and the sound of his palm striking the flesh echoed musically around the room.

Losing himself in the pleasurable sounds of his hand striking her flesh and her answering gasps, whimpers and panting cries, he spanked her until they both lost count, and his hardening cock could no longer be put off by sheer will power. He caressed the swollen red flesh feeling the heat emanate from it before sliding a hand between her legs feeling the wetness and listen to her whimpers of need.

Bella squirmed, the heat of the spanking had travelled into her and long gone past the point of pain into inner warmth feeding her need to be treated just like this. She rolled her hips as he caressed her hot stinging ass and whimpered in pleasure as his hand delved between her legs. She widened her thighs willingly to his gentle caresses and her breathing sped up again.

Suddenly feeling the punishment himself, he picked her up again, carrying her to a corner of the room and placing her facing the juncture of two walls. "Face the wall, do not make another sound or I will gag you. This is a punishment little brat, and not a time to satiate your need." He growled and left her kneeling there while he returned to his desk.

Bella could have cried again and begged him to use her so great was her need at that moment but she made not a sound blinking her teary eyes. She knelt for a long time as people came in and out of the office, some voices she knew, others she did not. Her humiliation warred with the fact that she knew she deserved to be punished.

By the time she finally felt Stephens's hands pulling her upright, her knees were beyond painful and her thighs almost numb with the strain of staying in that position rather than sitting back on her heels. She did not complain as he cleaned her face and walked very carefully beside him as he guided her out of his office to the dining room, and a table populated by people she counted as friends.

"I am so sorry if I held you up," Bella said quietly looking around the table. Rob and Jake looked at her with smiles adding that they were in no hurry, the kitchen was always open late. Andrew, on the other hand, looked perplexed at the difference between the vibrant young woman he had left at work this evening and the demure, quiet young woman who joined his table for dinner.

Stephen joined them, and two pretty waitresses brought them their entrée's straight from the kitchen. Jake seemed to be watching Bella as she tasted the small wrapped parcels and saw the wonder cross over her face giving her a grin. She looked up at him, and he winked making her laugh softly and remember the night he had visited her at the kava tavern.

"They're amazing; I can't believe Anna gave you the recipe," Bella mumbled around a mouthful still uncertain of how to address Jake, he did not seem as stiff and formal as Sir Steven yet she did not view him as a Master either she wondered how long she could go without addressing him by name before someone noticed.

As the meal went on, Bella shared some of the stories she had about visiting secluded natural wonders and hoped she would be able to see some of the photo's Sire had taken there. Stephen and Andrew found they had a common interest in mediaeval history and discussed some of the events on the local calendar like the Abbey Church festival. Jake left to tend to some small crisis in the kitchen and Rob reached out to take Bella's hand.

"You look tired, little one," she smiled at her, his affection clear in his voice and touch.

"It's been a big day; I have a lot to learn and a lot to do," she returned his smile, "and a large apology to make tomorrow." She realised Stephen and Andrew had stopped talking and turned to face her. "A lot of that work I need to do tonight before my meeting tomorrow, so if it's all the same to you gentlemen, would it be all right if I went upstairs now?"

"Of course," Rob said.

Bella hesitated, "I umm... I was wondering if someone could walk me to the elevators." She swallowed, "I just feel a bit, vulnerable walking through this place alone, despite this." She touched the heavy gold chain around her neck. Since living in the building, she held the key to the lifts but she still felt uneasy about walking around alone during the evenings. She had stopped at the front desk on her way down tonight and called down so that Stephen would meet her at the elevators.

"I'll walk with you," Andrew offered, "My new boss is a woman, and I better get my beauty rest before she realising hiring me on my pretty boy good looks was not such a good idea." He winked at her and chuckled.

"There are quite a few who come and go this time of night," Stephen said in understanding, "I will take you up to your apartment."

"Come have breakfast with me tomorrow, little one," Rob kissed her forehead as he too stood.

"Sure, Master," she smiled up at him. He was an anchor in her world right now, and she needed that more than she had realised and impulsively, uncharacteristically hugged him. "Thank you, for everything," she burst and turned walking away with Stephen and Andrew. As they walked through the salon bar Stephen reached out and wrapped a hand around the back of her neck the way, Mel used to here in this place. Unable to help herself she flinched and shivered as if his ghost had been there, startling Stephen, who looked down her with concern.

Andrew got out at the ground floor and farewelled them, and Stephen and Bella rose up the added levels to her apartment in silence. Getting out with her and opening her door for her Stephen said softly, "Something was wrong when we left, was it something someone did?"

"It was just... I mean Mel always... or used to always wrap his hand around the back of my neck like that when we were down in the club," she said quietly. Where Stephen was concerned honesty was the only answer to his questions, he would not let her pass it off as just a shiver.

"You will get used to it," he nodded. "Sleep well little one, do not stay up too late working."

"Yes Sir Stephen," she said startled by his reply. Maybe he and Kurt were right. Maybe she had become spoilt. She had expected an apology of sorts rather than the statement that she would get used to it.

She went into her room and stripped off her clothes before settling onto her bed with her briefcase to read the amended business proposal over again, before going to sleep. Her mind still full of the feeling of Stephens hands on her, she dipped her hand down between her legs.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

How can Bella be a manager when her own boss does not take her serieus and talk to her as a manager instead of a sub. She was trying to learn things and find her way. Instead she is pushed and talked to as if she is a teenager.

Shysub412Shysub412about 10 years ago
Double the excitement!

Two chapters at once, I'm a very happy camper!

Love this story, well written and engaging.

Thank you..I'm being greedy after 2 chapters and await the next eagerly.

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 10 years agoAuthor

Yes really although I am unsure why chapter 5 is not showing on my page yet, you can fine it in the new stories on the front page of the fetish category :) The two chapters went together to set up the next event.

Thank you so much everyone for all your lovely comments.

Ellienora35Ellienora35about 10 years ago

Yay! Two chapters at once! Woohoo!

small_town_girlsmall_town_girlabout 10 years ago
i love this series so much

really beautifully written.

...and who was that mystery man on the motorcycle???

i'm still holding out for Sir Stephan. and liking this new guy Andrew very much already, too!

thank you for another beautiful chapter.

MasterfuljimMasterfuljimabout 10 years ago
A lovely series

It is fascinating to watch them all try to negotiate the new minefield

Very well written thank you

HeyjessHeyjessabout 10 years ago

You and your writings are amazing!

xelliebabexxelliebabexabout 10 years agoAuthor
Hi EllieNora

Hey Ellienora, I tried to reply to your thoughtful feedback but teh email address gievn must have been wrong, thank you so much I hope you enjoy chapter 5 which went up at the same time xox

Ellienora35Ellienora35about 10 years ago
Amazing once more

I am really loving this.

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