Power Versus Submission Ch. 04: Casting Call


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I looked at Tahlia, Shandi was not the boss of me. Her face seethed with anger, it was hard to know if she was angrier with me for questioning her or Shandi for stealing her limelight. I handed Mel my card for her to process the transaction, she looked at me condescendingly. From the background I could hear Shandi again,

'Why don't you take a nice tip out of that for you and the girls Mel? Say $100 each? Are you allowed to do that?'

I nearly died at the suggestion and looked pleadingly at Tahlia to regain control of this situation.

Thankfully though Mel was shaking her head in front of us,

'Nah, I can't take a tip out like that electronically. Like I could obviously, overcharge, but I don't need to find myself explaining these things to the accountant at tax time, let's keep that part of it above board.'

'Okay' said Tahlia reasserting herself, 'here's what's going to happen;'

'Robin, Shandi and I have talked about this, your money no longer belongs to you. You are well aware that everything belongs to me now. You will pay what I tell you to pay and you will be gracious about helping out my friends in whatever way I choose. David is no longer your concern, Shandi will take care of him. I do think you owe Mel and the girls a tip for the wonderful jobs they have done with our hair and nails, if it can't be cash, well there are other ways to pay. While Shandi and I go and look for something cute to wear while she is out with your husband tonight you will stay here and learn the intricacies of pedicures and manicures as per Mel's suggestion. It will be my treat for the girls that have served us so well these past couple of hours to have you on your knees before them while they train you how to touch up their polish and to give a professional pedicure.'

Apparently the nail technicians, the two Asian girls that had tended to our feet and nails, had a free block of time behind us and would love to teach me how to paint their nails to such a high standard that Tahlia would be proud of me.

'Mel's the boss here. While Shandi and I are out shopping you will take your orders from her as any employee would and do as you are told. Mel, you are more than welcome to take liberties with her, she can do more than just paint nails while down on her knees so if anyone is comfortable to take her out back and use her face to get off you are more than welcome.'

Now it was Mel's turn to look a little shocked.

'Wow Tay, I know you like to be in charge of things but this is, just wow. Is she just going to let you talk to her like that?'

I decided to take things in hand, I had to own who I was and I didn't need Tahlia getting any more upset with me for questioning her.

'It's okay Mel. That is my wedding ring on Tahlia's toe. I will do as she says, I trust her implicitly and know she has a plan for me that involves my total submission to her. Sometimes it's hard to let go, like tonight for instance, I am that angry about Shandi going out with my Husband and that they are going to use my card to pay for it, but then I need to try and see it from its right perspective. I love my Husband very much and of course I'd love to know he is happy, Shandi can offer him things that I can't, so I should be grateful that they are both going to so much trouble for him.'

Shandi clapped loudly.

'Yay! There's my cuckquean finally understanding what's important in all this, we all want the same thing really and that is for David to be happy! And me of course, you want me to be happy too, don't you baby?'

I hated Shandi so much! Could she not understand that I was only putting on a show for Tahlia's benefit in front of Mel? I did not want her to be happy with my Husband.

'Yes Shandi' I lied without any enthusiasm reflected through my voice.

Tahlia stepped forward,

'There's a good puppy, now quickly pay Mel and give me your card so we can get shopping.'

I am a fast learner and it turns out the nail technicians here at the salon are good teachers. Of course I didn't share their skill when it came to painting patterns but they were both just very happy to have a white middle aged woman kneeling before them pandering to their Feet and nails. By the time I was finished with them both, Mel had made an inspection and decided she'd like one too. While I was on my knees painting her nails Mel told the girls that Tahlia had said they could use me for sexual pleasure and service too but they were both pretty shy thankfully and refused the offer.

To be honest I was more concerned about the money both Tay and Shandi were now taking from me. Even once Tahlia came back Tay said she told Shandi to keep my credit card and charge dinner to it since it was my husband that was being entertained. I honestly felt sick, today was literally costing me $1000s and when David finds out, well how was I going to hide my secret from him now? What's more Tahlia also bought a gift voucher to the same diner we had been at earlier which cost me another $300 as a reward for the girls in the salon to enjoy together one night after work.

I couldn't just keep on letting Tahlia take my money like this, so I waited until we had left the salon before confronting her as we headed back towards the car park,

'Tay, can we please talk for one minute?'

She looked sideways at me with a sly smirk on her face,

'Of course we can talk puppy. Would you like to get on your knees before me here now in this busy mall? Or would you rather wait until we are somewhere more private, like back at your house?'

This was the first I knew of Tay's plan to come back to my house that night.

'You're coming back to my place?'

The shock in my voice was surely evident. Before now the only times Tay would come back to my house were when I knew there'd be no one home but Carly and Denny would most likely be home tonight as well as David, providing he hadn't left yet to meet with Shandi.

'Tahlia, everyone's going to be home. They don't know about the relationship I have with you, it won't make sense to them if I am seeing you as my student on the weekend. Please don't do this to me?'

Tahlia just smiled that winning smile at me,

'I've just given you the week off Robbie. Now it's time for us all to move on to the next phase. You work for me now, we've got work to do and films to plan. Eventually everyone in your home is going to find out about this, about me, and how weak you are for me. How they react is up to them. David has Shandi now. Carly has her own decisions to make about who she wants to be, about her place in your life. Plus I think it's about time I met her in person, don't you?'

I was direct in my response,

'Tahlia please don't do this to me, I've done everything you asked and I've been your good puppy, haven't I? Please Tahlia, this isn't right. Please? We can leave my family out of this, they don't need to know. Carly is the same age as you, she has schoolwork to concentrate on. It's a difficult time in her life already without her finding out about me being like this.'

Tahlia's expression never changed though,

'Tell me Robin, what have Denny and I both been trying to teach you practically from day one? You've even been punished for forgetting it and I've spent time again this week reinforcing it, you have to learn to not question me. You are my submissive. You literally belong to me now. You have to trust me, in every single thing. Trust that I have no intention of hurting you, that I actually quite like you and that by trusting me we will have a good time together. What the fuck do you think today was all about? I arranged all that especially for you. You've been giving a lot lately so I thought it would be nice for you to have a little reward.

I'm not letting you go free Robin. We have a contract for one. Secondly I have spent way too much time on you for me to just set you loose now. Thirdly I told you from the very first day we met that I would take over your life, I warned you about this.'

My mind was reeling and my anxiety was crippling my ability to even think,

'I understand that Tahlia, I really do, I'm not asking for a release. I know you're the only person now that can protect me from the contract I signed, the only person that can protect me from myself really but please, I'm begging you, that we keep this a secret from my family.'

We had made it all the way to my car by now and Tahlia had me trapped between her and the passenger side door of my vehicle. She grabbed me by the cheek with one hand her thumb pressing painfully into one side of my face and her fingers the other. I couldn't speak now even if I wanted to as she controlled me so easily. And yet as I thought of her control over me I could feel the moisture thicken inside my pussy, I will never understand why my body reacts in this way to being bullied so physically by her.

She looked straight into me, her eyes now a mix of determination and lust, exactly the type of look I'd seen many times before when she was physically dominating another person,

'Today was a reward for my puppy, all that prime young pussy for you to service. It was also about the future. You know I do everything for a reason don't you puppy? So today was a casting call as much as anything. I've watched some of the video from your phone to see which girls we can work with again in future and next time with a proper film crew. I actually liked them all in their own ways. A couple of them show some real promise for future videos. But you know who I liked best Robin?'

I knew the question was rhetorical so I didn't even attempt to squeak out an answer.

'That last girl, the virgin. I definitely think you'll be seeing her again. And Flea as well. Shandi told me how you tried to build her confidence, gave her some pointers to make herself pretty. Well unluckily for her I had some different ideas. She is exactly the type of victim I'm always looking for. I think I'm going to turn her into one of my slaves, corner her one day, get her down on her knees, make her beg, undress her, make fun of her, hold her down while Flea straddles her body with those muscular thighs and edges up to sit on her face . . .'

Tahlia licked the side of my face, she could be such an evil bitch at times;

'You know how much it turns me on to think of this virgin loser who you tried to convince otherwise, being forced to eat you out, her hero, my bitch. That's you Robbie. My little bitch.'

I felt her other hand, the one that wasn't squeezing my cheeks together, unbutton my jeans and loosen my fly. Her fingers very quickly found their mark,

'You're wet my little bitch.'

She leant in now so that she could whisper seductively into my ear,

'You love being my bitch' she whispered, 'fucking say it now, out loud. You love being my little bitch.'

She loosened her grip on my cheeks so I could speak. My voice remained unsteady as she expertly manipulated my pussy but I was still horrified about her bullying the virgin, I started to say something to tell her not to, to tell her that I'd find a way to stop her, that she didn't need to bully the poor girl, that . . . but then her fingers were clamped on my cheeks again and I couldn't say a thing. She was angry again now, I could see the brief flash in her eye as she re-gripped my face.

'Don't you fucking listen you dumb cunt? I just finished telling you to trust me. Yet the next words out of your mouth are to question me, I can teach you to fucking obey me the hard way if you want but I know you won't want that, will you? You need to learn to just do as I say. Now we'll start again, tell me you love being my little bitch.'

The fingers loosened on me cheeks again giving me a chance to respond. I knew this was part of my training, I'd read enough about bdsm now to know that, it might be abusive and wrong but this is how Tahlia teaches me to be the good little bitch she wants me to be for her. I didn't want to be punished any further so I quickly repeated her mantra,

'I love being your little bitch Tahlia.'

'There's a good girl Robbie, now thank me for rewarding you today with all that young pussy.'

I mumbled my thank you.

'Thank me for arranging Shandi to meet your husband and give him the fuck you're no longer capable of.'

'Please Tahlia, I'm getting close to an edge, please don't make me. I hate Shandi, I don't want her anywhere near my husband.'

Tahlia now had her thumb brushing my clit while her other fingers had found themselves inside my vagina, I could feel her curl her middle finger up and threaten to pressure my G spot. I gasped for breath and my knees involuntarily buckled as I was that close now, one touch there as well as my clit . . . I hadn't cum all afternoon, even submitting to all those beautiful young Women.

'Fucking thank me or I'll make you cum right here, right now.'

'Thank you for arranging Shandi to meet my husband' I was literally gasping out her words now.

'Beg me to bully the virgin . . .'

'Please Tay. Please bully the virgin.'

'Good girl, now remind me, who do you love more, me? Or that little cunt of a daughter of yours?'

Her thumb continued to strum my clit now as she edged me, just like earlier in the week, except this time it was Tahlia's own hand that manipulated me into betraying my own daughter, rather than my own. So I'm standing trapped outside my car with a young Woman half my age with her hand down my pants, masturbating me in public forcing me to admit to something I knew could never be true but yet the thought of it, oh my god, it was difficult to not let an orgasm consume me right in the middle of this public car park.

'You Tay, you Tay, please stop this, please you know I hate when you make me say it, I love you more than Carly, please stop I'm so worked up, please, if you don't stop I will cum'.

I felt Tahlia ease her thumb off my clit but three other fingers remained firmly lodged in my vagina.

'No fucking cumming bitch. I know what's best for you. I have pledged to look after you. With me days like this will be common, you know once I've had a proper look through the videos we made today, the girls I like most will get to use you again and again? Why would you want to give all this up for that little shrimp dicked old bald, fat, aging husband of yours. Hmm? Is that what you really want, the way you feel now, under my control, on the verge of another one of the greatest cummies of your life, you really want to give this up?'

Tahlia knew what she was doing, she knew that while I am edged like this, she can control me, manipulate me and force me to agree to things that my sane mind would never do in a thousand years.

'So you're going to drive me back to your house, we might even pick up Flea on the way, yeah it's not a school night, we will pick up Flea on the way, and we will have a little demonstration for Carly to prove to her that her Mother is the pushover that Denny says she is'.

I gasped with desire as I was left hanging on the edge of an orgasm as Tahlia took her hand out of my pants before offering me her fingers to suck clean of my cream. The anxiety of what was about to happen was making me feel quite sick but along with that was an anticipation, an anticipation of being forced to submit to my schoolgirl bully in front of my very own daughter. I could never reconcile in my own mind what it was about Tahlia that aroused me so much yet at the same time scared me half to death but in no time we were both in my car and I was driving home to my destiny.

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JcbxJcbxover 2 years ago

Really good Can't wait for the next one!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Any update on the next chapter's release date? I can't wait to read it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Really looking forward to Carly seeing Robbie humiliated. Love Carly to see her on her knees before Shandi. Hope Carly decides to take charge at home. Also want to know the reason for the hair style.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

so looking forward to the next chapter and her family getting involved in her total humiliation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Looking forward to Tahlia meeting the family. Can't wait 😉👍

Bi47Bi47about 3 years ago

I can’t wait to read what happens next😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍excellent work

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