Praying for Rain Ch. 02


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"It took six months to completely break the addiction. Early on, she got bad enough that she tried to break her way out of the room. She broke a window and lacerated her left hand pretty badly and carries the scars to this day. When I showed up to find out what was going on she threw herself at me to try and get out the door. When I finally restrained her she was in tears and begged me to tie her to the bed. She said if I didn't, she would end up damaging the house, or me, or herself again trying to escape. I did as she asked and then I called the doctor for an emergency visit. He bandaged up her hand easily enough and while he considered the restraints unorthodox, it was acceptable once he talked to her and confirmed she had requested it. This was at the peak of her withdrawal and when I tried to leave she wailed at me to stay, saying she couldn't bear to be alone. Her voice... I had never heard such... despair... so I stayed. I sat in that room all night and heard a woman I didn't know bare her soul to me. Her entire life, every joy, every struggle, every mistake. I'm no psychologist, so all I could do was listen for the most part. When she finally ran out of life to recount, she babbled and cried and struggled against the restraints. When she exhausted herself doing that she finally fell asleep."

"The next day I went down to the college to check on her schedule and status and to make the dean aware of what was going on. This was back when I didn't have the pull down there that I do now, so all I could manage was to not get her expelled. She lost all federal aid, grants, and scholarships but she could return if and when she was recovered. She tried to leave when she was somewhat better, and I refused, threatening to restrain her again if she didn't stay. She agreed quickly enough, but then she had nowhere else to go. I was glad I forced the issue because depression set in shortly after that and she probably would have relapsed to the drugs at that point. After nine months, the spring semester was starting and she claimed she was ready to be on her own. I paid for the next two semesters of her school, her final year before law school if she could pass all of her classes, and I insisted she live in the house. I lived there much of the time myself to keep an eye on her. I got her a phone and hooked it to a GPS tracking program on my computer and showed it to her. I had her watch as I set the software to send my phone an alarm if she wandered into certain areas of town. I also searched her and her room regularly. She was a bright girl, and she stayed away from the drugs and the wrong guys. I also paid to have her enrolled in a self-defense class so that the abuse would not happen again."

"Halfway through her final semester she found out I had paid for her to finish school. I had done a decent job of hiding it, but, as I said, she was a smart girl and eventually learned the truth. When she said she had no way to pay me back, I pointed out that I didn't expect or want to be. She never believed she was worth the rescue and even after her recovery, she didn't believe she deserved the help. I told her I didn't believe it was in me to not help, when I easily could. I said if she wanted to pay me back, she needed to finish law school and provide me legal services whenever I needed them. She argued a bit, but finally agreed and dropped any further argument. The next night she offered herself to me for the second time. Not in payment, she said, but in thanks, and since her body was the only thing she had left, she offered that. Of course, she was embarrassed and didn't come right out and say that, and I was a bit too thick headed to realize what she was saying. She cried as she stripped and apologized that she wasn't offering something more attractive. The sight of her, the tears, the words, I was simultaneously awed and shamed by it all. Any psychologist would have told me to refuse and give her back her clothes and reassure her that it was not necessary. But I felt then, that it would have been crueler to refuse her. I believed something else inside her would have broken at that point. So I accepted. I was the first man she had been with since the original abusive ex. It was a... difficult experience... for both of us. It took several nights of failures before she finally recovered that part of her old self. She called it her "sex therapy" and it..." I finally stopped and sighed heavily.

"So, you're plagued by your own inner turmoil caused by trying to do the right thing and succumbing to your own carnal desires," Kelly said. I felt my eyes narrow and my forehead crease, as that comment was dangerously close to being on target. "Who knew young adult fiction would prove so useful," she said with a smile and my scowl deepened when I felt she was making fun of me. "You let them choose you said, because you offer them the good deed first and the sex part only comes later and only if they want it. But this is a really big cock," she smirked as she ground down on me tightly, "so, really, how many of them are going to say 'no' later, right?"

"I'm starting to miss the flirty Hooter's girl I met a few days ago," I said angrily.

"Of course you are, because she's looking past the façade... ha, façade, you like that?... anyway, she's looking past that and catching a glimpse of the real you. You see, she actually got the sex part first, and she really likes that big cock... and who wouldn't... but she really, really likes you." Kelly started to move her hips faster and was actually doing her best to tighten herself around me. "She's considering signing up for the toybox for one reason, and one reason only... *you*... and I'm guessing that scares you a little, because that's against the rules, it's not allowed, and it's definitely not in the contract, right? But what should really terrify you, what will really haunt you when you get home from vacation while you wait to find out what school I choose, is that maybe... just maybe... she likes the real you underneath there." She was forcing long and hard thrusts in and out of her now. "But we'll stop talking about that now because I don't want you running off just yet. Because now, I want you fight me. I want you to *not* cum."

"But..." I tried to interrupt.

"This is to my benefit, so I'm sure you can do it," she said as her tone turned condescending.

"I... maybe... but if you keep doing... that."

"Doing what," she chided as she continued slamming down onto me. "Resist me," she said.

"No... I..."

"You what?"

"I don't want to," I said through gritted teeth.

"I don't care, resist me, exert that inhuman control of yours so I can cum."

"I... Christ," I cursed as she squeezed down on me at a new angle. I tried to shut my eyes and focus, but Kelly slapped me.

"I'm your beautiful girl, don't you want to look at me," she pouted.

I looked and my cock twitched inside her as I watched her writhe on top of me like a serpent. "I... I..."

"You what? So talkative and now you can't get out more than one syllable?"

"I can't," I whispered in frustration. She had battered aside every erected barrier and attempt at control and driven me steadily toward an orgasm I suddenly couldn't stop.

"Can't what," she said with a squeeze.

"Resist you," I whispered at last and came as she descended on me forcefully one last time.

"I bet that's against the rules too, huh," she said playfully as she lay down on top of me. I made no reply and simply wrapped my arms around her. When I finally went soft and slipped out of her, she sat back on my legs so she could reach my cock in front of her. "I hope you aren't done yet," she said as she began stroking me back to life. It took several minutes and she simply sat there looking at me and smiling happily the entire time. When I was hard again, she lay back down on me and asked, "is that hunger still there or did I take care of all of it?"

"Still there," I whispered and kissed her hard. I grabbed her hair and rained kisses on all the parts of her neck I could reach.

"Stop teasing me baby and stop coddling me."

"What are you saying," I asked.

"I'm good and broken in now. Fuck me, take me, do whatever it is that hunger has been craving to do."

"You aren't... I can't... are you sure," I said losing the inner battle with myself.

She turned my head and looked in my eyes and said, "I've never been more sure about anything."

I flipped her over on her back, jumped up and grabbed the tie I had been wearing earlier, and then roughly grabbed Kelly into my arms and carried her to the front porch of the cabin. I set her down on her feet and held her hands above her head against one of the support beams.

"Last chance to change your mind," I said ominously.

She turned her head toward me and said, "do it, I want all of you."

I tied her hands together and then tied them to the post. She had some range of movement, but not enough to do much. I showed her how the loops holding her hands were actually loose and she could slip out of them at any time she wanted. I nestled my erection in the crack of her ass and ran my hands up her sides and around to her breasts. Kelly moaned softly and at that exact moment, the rain re-appeared, blowing toward us, slowly coating both of us in moon-sparkled droplets. I ran my fingers across her nipples several times, pinching, pulling and tugging, eliciting frequent sighs and moans. Then I ran a hand over her stomach and down between her legs, merely brushing past her clit, and over her entire mound. I pulled up slowly, lifting her onto her toes before moving my hand up and away.

I teased her and myself for several minutes, and then I stepped back and slapped one side of her ass hard. She didn't flinch or yelp, instead she groaned and actually stepped back so she could thrust her ass back toward me, inviting me to continue. I rained another half dozen blows on her ass and then stepped close and grabbed her hair pulling her head back toward me.

"You're a very naughty girl," I whispered in her ear.

"As naughty as you want," Kelly said quickly.

I quickly slapped her ass again. "You aren't supposed to be naughty, you're supposed to be a good girl."

"No, not with you, with you I want to be very naughty."

I slapped the other side of her ass and said, "you should not want that."

"Don't care. Whatever you want, do it."

I ground my cock against her ass pushing her against the post. "And if I decide I want your ass?"

"I don't... that would... you'll hurt me... but ok... if that's what you want."

"You can't mean that," I said a little incredulously as I pulled on her hair.

"I do. I'm your naughty girl to do with as you please."

I was very much tempted to take what I wanted then, she was pushing buttons I didn't know I had. I stepped back and ran my hand down her, over here ass, and up under it so I could cup her pussy from behind. I lifted my hand again and she bore down on it and groaned loudly.

"You know you've already made me cum twice today," I pointed out.

"Mmmm, and I took great pleasure in it," she said as I lifted my hand higher and her heels came up off the porch.

"It's going to take quite a while before I cum a third time," I growled as I raised my hand higher still and she hung in the air on my hand and I could feel her heat and wetness.

"I will try to stay... to not... pass out... this time," she said and she moaned deeply as her legs twitched in the air.

I set her back down and pushed my thumb into her pussy. I quickly located her g spot and pressed down while my middle finger rubbed roughly against her clit. It took only a few seconds before she shuddered into an orgasm and went limp against the post.

"So quick," I chided, "are you really so excited?"

"I... not sure... don't understand," she babbled.

"You like being helpless and at my mercy?"

"Um... yes... maybe," she said completely unsure.

"You like being tied up?"

"No... well not... maybe, with you," she said sounding no more certain.

"I guess we'll have to work that out later," I said. I bent at the knees so I could line my cock up with her entrance. I stood slowly, but was still hunched when I was lodged fully within her, but I continued to stand.

"What... oh god..." said Kelly as her heels left the porch. When her toes left the ground she moaned and her head lolled forward on her chest. I let her dangle there with her toes an inch or so off the ground for a moment. Her arms were taught on the tie as I set her back down. I let her rest a moment and then I repeated the maneuver. By the fifth repetition she was babbling and begging incoherently.

I ran my hands over her body again, relishing in the feel of her wet skin, and she writhed in my arms. Instead of going back to my slow torture I finally started fucking her, beginning with slow, long strokes in and out of her. I kept my knees bent and her feet on the ground for the time being. I ruthlessly increased my pace and drove her steadily toward an orgasm, just as she had with me on the bed. When she finally came, I stood far enough to raise her heels and she thrashed violently while I reveled in the feeling of the deepest part of her massaging the tip of my cock.

"Not good enough Kelly," I said in her ear.

"What... do... anything... please... tell me," she panted as her orgasm faded.

"I want to hear you scream again."

I re-entered her viciously and resumed fucking her ruthlessly. She tried to thrust back at me, but her efforts hindered me more than anything else. I wrapped my hands around her waist and picked her up off the porch as I increased my speed. At first she babbled as she recovered from her previous orgasm, but eventually, she found her voice.

"Fuck yes," Kelly shrieked. "Fuck me, fuck that pussy, fuck me with everything!" She managed to get her legs wrapped around my thighs, but I knew she probably wouldn't be able to keep them there long. I did exactly as she asked and began to hammer away at her with everything I had. "Yes, harder goddamnit," she screamed, "punish your naughty little girl! She's a dirty little slut and she wants to be punished!" Her talk was doing a good job of driving me past the point of restraint, and she felt absolutely fucking wonderful. "Ruin me, baby," she wailed, "ruin me for any man but you." Her talk shocked me and my mind went blank with need and lust. In the ten-year history of the so-called 'toybox', no one had ever surrendered so completely to me like this. For the first time in a decade I lost control. A few seconds later, Kelly belted out a scream and came, and while it wasn't nearly so haunting as that first one on the beach, it served its purpose and I erupted within her with my own shout.

True to her word, she did not pass out, but when I released her, she slipped from the loops around her wrists and huddled at the base of the post in a curled up ball. When I reached for her, she flinched away from me and I was immediately alarmed.

"Are you ok," I asked with concern.

"She warned me... what have I done... how does anyone leave," she whispered with wide eyes and a tone of despair. Her entire body started shivering all at once and I could hear her teeth chattering.

"What are you talking about? Kelly, I'm sorry... I've never... no one has ever... please talk to me," I rambled

Kelly took a shuddering breath and started to uncurl herself. Bit by bit she recovered until she was back to a normal sitting position.

"Please," I said, "I need to know if you are hurt."

The look in her eyes when she glanced at me was sad, but it passed quickly as she took another ragged breath. "Ok," she croaked. "Just take me inside, dry me off, I need sleep." She didn't flinch this time when I reached for her and I did as she asked. It was difficult to dry her as she didn't seem able to stand on her own for long. Once we were in bed, she curled up tightly on her side in my arms facing me. I wanted to stay awake, to reassure her and make sure she was ok, but I passed out almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. I never noticed her sobs or felt her tears on my chest.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Almost reaching bottom. Next one will be One star...

I gave the first chapter a harsh review but wanted to see where this went. Predictable drivel. The whole idea of story telling is to suspend disbelief. So this "man" finds mentally compromised females who "willingly" provide sex for rent. LMFAO. This thing is a farce.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Kelly is not your stereotypical Hooters girl is she?

Wow, I never would have predicted the scene on the porch or the end of the chapter. Nice writing, nice job in keeping readers in suspense. I don't envy your task of making the next chapter(s) as good or better. This story could end here or could go in so many different directions. As a writer trying to top chapter 2, I could see myself with 4 or 5 starts and getting frustrated every time. I wish you clarity in your writing vision.

HTW2HTW2almost 8 years ago

Definitely look forward to the next chapter. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

He's trying to exorcising whatever demons are chasing him by plowing her. Sadly, she will wear out and be fed up before he achieves salvation. Many promising relationships have ended this way. Hope she is able to enlighten and save him from himself before he crushes her spirit. :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I can't wait for the next chapter!

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 8 years ago
Yummy 2

So well done! Thank you!

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