Preacher in Her Garden


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David, trembling at his brothers yelps of pain, hung his own head in defeat and moved into the class without having to be told yet again.

"Did you have a chance to talk to Lynn about helping me organize the Sunday School? I can't manage without her! I know she resigned as secretary, but at least ask her to stay on till you can find a replacement."

Steve turned around sharply at the question. It was the impossibly handsome Chet Haughton, his long blond mane of hair dangling proudly under the aging church chandelier. A front row of squirming teenaged women whispered to each other about his other assets and attributes as they shook his hand and wished him good morning.

"You need me to talk to Lynn I take it?" Steve finally managed. "I haven't posted her old job. I was kind of hoping Lynn would take the post back. I can't see any one in church capable of stepping into her shoes."

"She is usually the one that collaborates with me to help make Sunday School run smooth. She hasn't been doing that lately so I had to ask Miss Smithson to teach the children. Ted's class is going to be triple its normal size this morning and where he insists on teaching, there are not enough seats to handle the crowd. I need another teacher handle the overflow. People are more willing to teach if Lynn asks them. She's always doing favors for them so they're afraid to say no to her. There's a rumor-"

"If you mean the rumor Lynn and I aren't talking like we used to, I know that's true."

Chet was suddenly slack jawed, his now bulging eyes incredulous as to what her withdrawing her participation would mean. "Miss Smithson was counting on Lynn emailing or phoning in the three songs she was to play on the organ this morning. As it stands now, she has no clue what she'll be playing. Also, we don't ever have enough song books to go around so Lynn always had photocopied pages placed in the bench slots so visitors could sing along. If Lynn is not working with you to get those things done, then-"


Steve turned and saw an old frail man hunched over, his lips trembling and his hands shaking. "Any idea what I will be reading this morning pastor?"

Chet watched Steve's face become quizzical and intervened. "This is Mr. Perkins."

"Old Man Perkins," corrected the aging, frail senior. "I never could remember what my first name was since coming to this church. I was dropped on my head as a child. My memory tends to slip on me every now and then. That's how they tagged me with the first name 'Old Man.' But I don't mind it. They use it affectionately."

"Nice to meet you again, sir." Steve stretched out a hand but Perkins refused to shake it.

"Don't feel any ways if I don't shake yer hand. I ain't washed me hands yet. Won't shake hands with man nor beast unless I gets ta wash 'em first. I've bin so darn busy gettin' dressed, I plum forgot to get soap and water on me hands. But once I do, I'll be back to shake yer hand pastor, I promise."

"Well, I'm not sure about what you might read for the day's lesson. I tend not to take my message off that reading anyhow. So I suppose a psalm or a-"

"Miss Lynn always phones me with the chapter the night before, you know, so I kin practice it. But she didn't call and I don't have a clue as to what chapter in the bible I might read."

"Well, pick anything I guess," offered Steve. "I'm sure it will be fine."

"I'm not very good at pickin'," continued Perkins. "Miss Lynn was good at pickin'. She knew exactly what I could manage and what I couldn't. But I 'aven't heard nor seen hide nor tail of her. I'm good at readin' but not at pickin.' One of you gentlemen 'll 've ta pick."

Steve glanced at Chet and shrugged. "Any ideas?"

"Just read the twenty-third psalm," managed Chet. "It's the good old reliable standby and also everyone's favorite."

"Hmmm, okay, I'll look it over right now, but Miss Lynn always had somethin' a little more interesting to read, something less predictable. The twenty-third psalm is so overused as it is, but it'll have to do I guess."


"Hi," offered Steve tentatively, turning in response to the tap on his shoulder, unsure of whose hand it was now outstretched to him. He glanced at Chet for help.

"This is Elder Roland Wiess, one of your committee board members. He is also the Sunday School teacher for the seniors class."

"Ah, pleased to meet you Elder."

"And you as well, pastor. First I want to thank you for teaching my class few weeks back when I was off sick. I know it was your big debut and so I am grateful you would take the time to teach my students for me."

"It was my pleasure."

"I've been hearing rumors today that Miss Lynn is not here and might not ever be secretary again. Most distressing! She was the one that ordered the Sunday School Books. She was also the one that picked them up at the post office and paid for them. The books we have now only went as far as last week. We need the new books. Did Miss Lynn say anything to you about if she had picked them up or not yet, and if she was going to bring them, or if-"

"I'm afraid I haven't heard anything about the books. I can try the post office tomorrow. If she hasn't picked them up yet then I will do that myself."

"But what about today's lesson?"

Steve glanced at Chet for support yet again. Chet didn't disappoint. "Just speak about the sermon on the mount, Matthew chapter five, I think. Oh, and pass the word to the other teachers will you?"

"Talk about the sermon on the mount! Let the other teachers know! Gotcha! But I'm not sure how effective we will be. None of us have had a chance to study and-"

"I'm sure you will all do just fine," sighed Chet, suddenly looking a little worn down, as Elder Roland trotted off.


"Hi, Suzan isn't it? Miss Suzan Cowley, I believe?"

"Cowler," she corrected.

"Everyone's always mixing up her name," offered Jeff in a jovial, tone. Jeff, the tall, ruggedly handsome Native American had also approached to speak to Steve, and now placed a playful hand on Suzan's shoulder. "But you could change all that by marrying Sue here and changing her name to Harkins."

Suzan blushed, but was immediately warmed up to the idea. She took Steve by the hand. "Don't worry 'bout me trying to cozy up to you pastor. Everyone knows your sweet on Lynn. But speaking of Lynn, is it true that she's left the secretary post and is not doing church work anymore? I hope not because she is the one that reimburses me each Sunday for the wings. I got at least two hundred of them baking in the oven right now. I spent fifty dollars on them soooooo I am not sure who to go to after church to get reimbursed. Also Lynn promised to have a key made for me by this morning so I could get into church early to start my baking. She never dropped the key off. Your sermon last week was absolutely amazing and so I want to start baking early enough so I don't miss any of your sermons Steve, er...I mean Pastor."

"Pastor, sorry to interrupt Suzan here, but Miss Lynn was going to type up this Melon ad for me this morning so I could pin it up on the board. Chet here won't let me post it unless it get's typed up."

"Was over six spelling mistakes in your ad," explained Chet. "Miss Lynn had told me she would type up your ad for you with all the necessary corrections, and last I spoke with her she had done just that. But that was weeks ago. She was to bring in your ad to post this morning but I don't see her and my understanding now is that she won't be doing any more secretarial work. You'll have to get someone else to type it."

"That's what I heard exactly," added Tyler Jenson, whose Melon patch was ripe for the picking but without enough pickers. He suddenly turned to Steve. "But your announcement last few weeks from the pulpit about my two for five dollar melons was great," piped up Tyler enthusiastically. "I prit near sold two hundred of them. But if I could post Lynn's ad on the board, then...then...gosh, I hope it's not true about Miss Lynn not helping out here no more. Don't know what this church would do without her as secretary. Oh, no offence Pastor, you're a great preacher 'n all, but Miss Lynn was the one what really run things. Can't see how yer gonna manage without her."

Jeff was suddenly incredulous, his broad, lady stealing shoulders tensed and rippling. "Lynn not secretary no more?"

"Yeah, where you been, Jeff? In a cave? It's all over Forest Grove, how Miss Lynn won the floral contest and has 'the best damn garden in the whole state of Texas,' but will no longer win any contests in the hearts of local parishioners because she resigned her post as church secretary to focus solely on gardening.' That is according to the papers I read. Just quotin' there pastor, don't take no offence at my use of the word damn in the house of God."

"No offence taken," mumbled back Steve.

"We don't hear much news out on the reservation. Both them TV's last week was won by members of my band. Got almost another thirty out this week. There all over me, begging me to ask Lynn when her next TV giveaway might be. Also she promised chocolate bars and some small toys for the children. Have four children with us today, and...and...Lynn not helping out running things? She loved this church, lived and breathed this church, was dedicated totally to this church. I can't believe she would want to ever stop working! What could possibly have made her want" Jeff suddenly turned to Steve. If Lynn had of stopped working then chances were it was out of a broken heart. In Jeff's mind, nothing else could possibly account for her just suddenly running away from her responsibilities to the church townspeople she had grown to love and be with.

"What happened?" Jeff's words were hung in the air like a slap, demanding to know how it was possible that Steve could have upset the most beautiful, thoughtful and helpful woman on the entire planet.

"Don't ask," Steve whispered, uncertain himself of how something so perfect could be turning out so broken. Still, the church had to keep moving on, and if Lynn was being stubborn in not coming back to her post, Steve figured he might try and get at least a temporary replacement to lesson some of the burden until he could figure a way to get her back into her post.

He excused himself and stepped into his office. He printed up a job notice asking for applications for a new church secretary. Next to the post of pastor it was the most important position, and could not just languish any further without being filled. He had delayed posting the vacant position in the desperate hope that Lynn would change her mind and help him run things once more, but she had stubbornly resisted.


His jacket was soaked from the preaching. His twin daughters had gone out on the annual after church picnic down by folly's river. There were sure to be lots of roasted corn, thick juicy burgers, foot long dogs, and barrels of ice filled fruit punch. And yet, nothing seemed to matter to him anymore, now that the realization set in that Lynn would be leaving him high and dry, forcing him to get a replacement for her. In a way he knew he was the architect of his own doom. By nixing anymore kisses for her lips and by attaching claims he might explode in a fit of sexual immorality if she tried to hold him in her arms again, he had effectively scared her off.

He looked at clock. Three thirty. The picnic was undoubtedly in full swing. They had munched on Suzan's wings as usual for their regular after church fellowship, but then ventured down to folly's river for some fun and frolic. He supposed that such a 'good time' picnic would probably run till at least seven. He also knew, that as church pastor, he should be putting in at least a token appearance at the church picnic.

He got up to leave when suddenly there was a knock at his door.

"Come in," he shouted, getting his jacket off the rack. He supposed that Suzan had come for her wing money, but then he remembered she had already gotten it. He now wondered just who the heck it might be. He could have sworn he was all alone, the only one left in the church building. Obviously there was someone else still hanging about!

The door opened and Lynn stepped in.

"Lynn! How wonderful to see you in my office. It's been a month since you've been in here, doing secretarial work. It breaks my heart to have to have to post your old job, but the church is coming apart at the seams without you. Hopefully you'll change your mind and be church secretary once more!"

Lynn shut the door and locked it. Then she walked over to the window and pulled the string that held the drapes open, letting them slide shut.

"I don't have time to be your secretary any more. I've found a way to start up the miracle prayer club without using the church here, and it is now up and running."

"I see," Steve whispered, his heart beating furiously in his chest at her actions, locking the door and closing the drapes. What was she up to? "So that means I'll have to go through with finding a new secretary?"

"Well," Lynn said mischievously, her large, alluring eyes no longer red, but rather bright and sparkling, brimming with hope and sensuality. A lump got stuck in his throat at her plump, fluttering lashes that dared him to come closer. "Actually, I have come here to take on a new job posting."

Steve looked immediately puzzled. "There is no other job posting. I don't understand."

"Don't you Steve? As far as I can tell, there is still the unfilled job opening of a preacher's wife."

Steve's pulse was racing as she came closer, removing her suit jacket.

"Preacher's wife?"

"An opening for a preacher's wife with benefits," if I read the invisible ad correctly, Lynn whispered seductively.

"What ad? There is no ad like that."

"There is in my mind," Lynn insisted, suddenly nose to nose with him and toe to toe. "And I know there is an ad like that also in your heart. You said so yourself, a few weeks back, when you warned me not to kiss you anymore or else you might lose all control."

She reached up and undid the pin in her hair. Then she shook her head until her long, curly, chestnut brown hair flowed sensually over her shoulders. "There is no one in the building by you and I," Lynn teased. "They are all at the church picnic, even your darling twin daughters, daughters I might add, who so desperately need a mommy. Even they've told you that, haven't they Steve?"

"Yes they have," he whispered back, his body trembling with rabid temptation as her long, all natural, red painted nails rested on his shirt, feeling his bulging chest muscles tense underneath. "You like my freshly painted nails?" she teased.

"They're very nice," he spat back, almost panting, a sweat forming over his brow.

"And my lips? I know church secretaries shouldn't use such a sexy, wicked sheen, but then I'm not a church secretary any more, am I? And my lips are really glossy, full and ready to be kissed, wouldn't you say?"

"I guess I would," he answered, his knees knocking furiously.

"Oops, will you just look at all this cleavage showing. I guess when I took off my jacket that was hiding it, I seem to be bursting at the seams."

Steve glanced at her gigantic breasts, half bulging out of her skimpy bra, making his mouth dangle open and his tongue hit the floor.

"Do you like my new shoes, Reverend? I didn't wear them in service, cause they're a little high, and definitely too sexy for a Sunday morning. I had them hidden in my trunk. But I have them on now, what do you think?"

Steve glanced down along the length of her silky smooth legs until he saw the wickedly sexy, super tall pumps, strapped around her pretty ankles. The sight took his breath away, and he felt himself swoon with irrevocable temptation.

"Better not kiss me," he whispered ominously. "I'm about to lose control. I warned you about this before."

"So you did," she crowed. "But I never was a woman that could take a warning. Besides, if you lose all control, you'll liable to do something you'll regret, but something that has been consuming my fantasies each waking moment of each and every day since you arrived in my garden some five weeks ago. I'm convinced it's God's will for us to be together. So I'm not afraid to just leave myself in your arms."

"You'd better be afraid," Steve warned, "cause if I can't stop myself from going all the way, and if you won't stop me, what then? Fornication? One of the biggest sins in the bible."

"Not really. Not when two people are in love and intending to get married. Everybody in the entire town figured you and I were going to get married anyways, so it would be no surprise if we just suddenly up and did. I would only take me a few days to plan a wedding. We could set the date for a month from now. But in the mean time you could wrap your arms around me and I'll just languish there in your heavenly embrace, and let you go as far as you want. I won't stop you Steve, don't mind telling you, I'm really hot and bothered right now."

"We should wait a while," he pleaded, his own turned on eyes dancing and wild. "This is not like you Lynn, so spur of the moment."

"This is exactly like me," Lynn countered. "And it's been ten long years since I've held a man in my arms. So in terms of waiting, I've waited long enough. I've decided to call your bluff, and plant a wet, glossy, long lasting kiss onto that handsome mouth of yours and see what happens."

"You know what will happen!" Steve rose his hands in protest, holding her arms and keeping her at bay. "I won't let you," he pleaded.

She summoned every last ounce of strength she had, and pulled his protesting arms back down to his sides, digging her nails into his skin to hold them there."

"You're not going to stop me now, are you Steve? Not when we're so very close to fulfilling our destiny."

She launched her moist, glossy lips onto his handsome mouth, and pressed her bulging chest hard into his shirt. The she wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders and savored the moment, letting their lips stay locked until he should find the willpower to break free.

His wobbly knees and wonky mind, however, were fresh out of willpower, and he shook like a leaf as her amazing lips now ravished his face with a dozen heart felt kisses.

She could hear him moan softly and yet, his arms still remained at his sides. He was sweating profusely now, feeling an erection stiffen in his pants.

She too felt it become enlarged against her leg and she rubbed it teasingly with fingertips that egged him on. She thought about pulling it out into the open air, but such an act would be humiliating. He was the man. He was supposed to take her to the pleasures of the flesh. He had been the one to say he would never again be able to withstand temptation should her amazing sweet lips ever reach his mouth again, and yet, here she was, standing out on a limb, her arms holding them so close they could hardly breathe! Her gigantic, mouth-watering breasts pressed like heavenly magic against his savagely tempted chest! Her alluring, glossy lips peppering his handsome, vulnerable face! Her long, silky smooth legs perched so sexily upon her elevated spiked heels! Her dangling chestnut brown hair, flowing over jet black shoulders that shimmered under the soft office lighting like the finest Moroccan chocolate.

And yet, he remained like a statue, his flesh on fire and his mind awash with a resistance to her charms that was fading fast. "'d better go...I...I'm not sure I can hold out much longer."

Lynn was suddenly infuriated. What did she have to do, beg? She had never thrown herself at a man in the past! And she certainly had never tried to toss her body into a man's arms before and plead for him to take her to paradise. Her body had not been in a man's arms for ten long years and she was now so turned on, she couldn't possibly stop herself from going all the way. But Steve could, and she was humiliated that he was making her wallow in her own begging. She now quickly analyzed her position, He might succumb to her savage teasing, but then again, he might not. She had her pride. When back on the island of Trinidad, she had island men coming onto her night and day. She never loved any of them. And yet, the first man she ever loved, was now acting as though he could spend all night fending off her advances.
