Preacher's Wife Rides with Tommy Ch. 06

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Tommy gets caught watching her.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/23/2017
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This is part 6 of the series with Tommy and Mrs. Pearson, the preacher's wife. Thank you to a few people who sent some ideas and others who just wrote to tell me what they liked.


Tommy was lying on the couch thinking about what had just happened. Earlier he had sex with Mrs. Pearson. She kept saying he should call her Karen but in his mind she was still Mrs. Pearson, the wife of their preacher. And he had never had sex with anyone before. He didn't know what to say when they finished. When she said, "that's one way a date can end," he didn't say anything.

She had gotten out from under him and gotten up, brought him a towel "to freshen up" she said and then gone away for a few minutes. "Tommy, that was a very nice date and I think it was helpful in showing you how the end of a date goes sometimes. But I don't think you should drive home this late so here's a pillow and blanket for the couch. I think we had a good session tonight. I want to thank you for a nice night." Then she went away, upstairs.

So now he was lying in the dark on the couch thinking about the amazing night and wondering what to do next. What he didn't know was that she was upstairs lying in her bed, feeling a little guilty but also very good. She was telling herself that it was a natural part of the teaching and counseling process and that she was doing it for Tommy, to help him, to make sure he knew things he would never learn from his mom.

In the morning, she made breakfast for them and she was acting just like nothing had happened. Tommy wanted to say something but he didn't know what to say. Mrs. Pearson kept talking about her husband who was off visiting his friend the Deacon with Tommy's mom. She told Tommy she had to cover a meeting for her husband with two older ladies in the church. "I might start counseling one of them. She's been upset since her husband died and I need more counseling experience. We can keep working later but we might not have a lot of time if you and I have to go get my husband and your mom. Now hurry along so my next client feels comfortable and private."

When he drove back to his own house, Tommy realized he hadn't really said anything much that morning and he felt like he'd been rushed away. He tried not to think about it and ended up doing a few chores his mom had left for him.

Late in the afternoon, after he was done and was just relaxing and doing nothing, he got a call on his cell phone from Mrs. Pearson. "Tommy, I can't explain right now but I need to pick you up and we have to get up there to see your mom and my husband. I'm almost at your house. Be ready to go. Bye."

She sounded urgent and Tommy was surprised. He thought everyone would come home by themselves. Mrs. Pearson pulled in and he went out to the car and got in. He didn't have luggage because he assumed they would drive up and back and get home late.

She didn't seem as odd as she sounded on the phone but she didn't speak for the first fifteen minutes so finally he asked her, "Is everything okay, Mrs. Pearson? Did something happen?"

She looked and smiled. "Everything's fine. What could be wrong? And I thought we had agreed that you would call me Karen. After all, we are both adults, just the same as each other, adults. And I call you Tommy and you call me Karen. All my clients will call me Karen. You don't think Mrs. Johnson called me anything except Karen do you? That would be strange and it would be strange if you didn't call me Karen."

Tommy felt better but still not sure what was going on. But he knew he needed to say something. "Oh, okay Karen. I will make sure I do. So, uh, was your counseling good? I mean did it go well or how it was supposed to I mean?"

Karen was feeling more relaxed. "Tommy, thank you for taking an interest in my work and my day. That's a nice thing to do. And it did go very well. I won't say too much about Mrs. Johnson because that's confidential but I felt like I was able to help her and she was able to open up. Counseling is more effective when you share feelings and it was hard for her. Being a widow can be hard and I think it can be hard for her to be attracted to a man she shouldn't be. That's hard for anyone especially a woman who's married or I mean widowed. And it can be hard to admit to a therapist or yourself who you have thoughts about. I think if you don't talk to anyone you might act out on those ideas or explore them or experiment. But with a therapist maybe she can have release just being able to express her ideas and share her dreams and fantasies and know that they are not strange no matter how unusual they are. Maybe by telling me, I mean when someone talks to a therapist they can figure out a little what's not strange and share and know that maybe a lot of people have thoughts that are unusual and that they often keep private. I want to be the kind of therapist that a client can tell anything and even if she doesn't use names and I can figure out who she really means that it's okay that I won't care no matter who it is she's talking about and what she fantasizes about doing to him. After all fantasies are fine. And even when a therapist experiences an emotional sharing, there's nothing wrong with the way she feels too. It happens all the time. So yes it was a good session. For her I mean."

Tommy was surprised at how much she said and a lot of it made him think but he also knew he should keep talking to and not just think. "I think that's great Karen. It must be good for her to talk to someone so understanding. I think you are really helping people like her and she probably feels a lot better. I think therapy helps a lot of people and it must be better with an understanding person like you as a therapist. I thought therapy was weird at first but then I met you and I bet Mrs. Johnson is the same way. I don't know how many clients you have but I bet a lot of them change a lot after the first visit or two."

Karen looked thrilled. She reached over and patted Tommy on the thigh while she drove. "You're very understanding too Tommy. You really get this. She was different after the first couple meetings. She got so open. The woman today is someone you wouldn't even recognize almost. By the end it was very emotional and some of the things she said were amazing. Oh, I don't want to talk about them because they were private of course and I'm not judging anyone's fantasies. I hope some of my other clients will start to open up soon even if their fantasy life is less kinky. But it just reminds me that we all can understand each other and you never know. I've only had two clients open up a lot. Well two if you count her and you. I think you're open aren't you? I feel like I understand you even if you haven't told me directly in all those words about what's on your mind. Do you feel open, Tommy?"

Tommy fidgeted. "Yeah, sure, I'm open. Pretty open."

"Okay, Tommy. Let's try questions. I'll go deep but no judgment at all. Short answers are fine. This is like word association at first. Quick, without thinking. Were you a virgin last week?"

"Um, um, yeah I guess." It was getting darker so she didn't see him turning red a little.

"Who is more likely to be in a fantasy dream of yours, Tina at the Coffee Shop or me?"

"Well, you are."

"Now word association. Very quickly, the first word you think of. And go." With that she asked very quickly, not letting him think.

Warm? Night.

Dark? Sky.

Hot? Cold.

Under? Wear.

Lace? Panties.

Panties? Black.

Satin? Blouse.

Warm? Breath.

Counseling? Private.

Girl? Friend.

Date? Night.

Husband? Boring.

Mom? Crazy.

Karen? Hot.

Hot? Breath.

Fantasy? Night.

Silk? Panties.

Bra? Cup.

"I'm going to stop, Tommy. But you can see how we could keep going and learn a lot. I don't want to reverse it right now but once you do a few, the other person can't help themselves and it would be the same if you asked me. I think it shows you that you can be open with me about any thoughts."

Tommy was trying to remember all his answers. "I hope nothing was weird that I said but yeah I don't think I'd play that with anyone else."

"That's just it, Tommy. Nothing is weird. Everything is okay in a game or an exercise where you trust. If you're open, it can free you. For the other person, it is like watching. For me listening to you, it's like looking through an open window and learning and seeing you without curtains or without something hiding you. I could tell by your answers that you were really just answering. All of them make sense and reveal you to me. If we kept going another twenty questions, it would be very deep. I want to do that soon but we're close to the Deacon's house and I don't want to talk to them about this. You might not want to see your mom but something maybe with Mrs. Johnson told me to go see my husband. We can leave tomorrow again."

In a few minutes they got there. It was weird for Tommy. His mom said all the right things and acted happy to see them but she seemed a little annoyed. And the Deacon too didn't seem happy. He seemed suspicious of Karen and ignored Tommy. Only the pastor felt normal.

After dinner, his mom made up the couch in the den. She had a bedroom on one side of the house. It was the Deacon's side where the was a bedroom and living room and then a kitchen and hallway. But the den was on the other side and the Pastor's room was between him and the bathroom. Karen slept with the pastor which made sense made Tommy feel sort of left out but that was stupid.

He heard them talking when he was finishing in the bathroom and also noticed that the bedroom door was a little bit open. He hoped nobody snored. He heard them laughing quietly a while later while he was trying to fall asleep. He walked back to try and hear. He didn't hear the pastor at all but Karen was saying things he couldn't hear. It was dark in the hall so he snuck a peek in the door.

He didn't see much at first but he noticed some small amount of moonlight over the curtain top gave a little light. Once his eyes adjusted he could see that Karen was on top of the pastor kissing him and laughing but more kissing than laughing. The angle made it hard to see but when she sat up a little, Tommy figured out that there were doing something. She saw Karen fidgeting and adjusting something under her and then start bouncing on him and then let out a moan. The pastor wasn't doing anything. From the angle, the pastor's head was hidden by the top part of the bed but because Karen was sitting and bouncing he could see her, not perfectly but enough to see her rubbing her chest while she bounced and know she wasn't looking at the door exactly.

He knew he should leave but he didn't. He didn't move much but got a clearer view. He watched for a long time and even touched himself a little. It was really amazingly erotic to watch his counselor doing her husband. She was really into it too even if the pastor didn't seem to move much.

Finally, after what seemed like a really long time he watched her sit up straighter, stop bouncing, arch her back and throw her head back. She sort of moaned and screamed except really quietly but loud enough for him to hear since he was that close. Then for just a second or two she turned her head and looked straight at the doorway where he was standing then looked away and he knew he'd been caught.

He quickly went back to bed on the couch. He got up early so she didn't seem him and then made sure he wasn't alone with her at any point through breakfast. At breakfast, Karen announced that she wanted to stay but she really just brought some things up, talked to her husband, and really needed to get back so if no one minded she and Tommy would leave right after breakfast. Then she looked at Tommy's mom, "unless you need him to stay?"

Tommy's mom seemed happier than she had seemed before but she also answered very quickly, "No, of course not, I don't want to disrupt Tommy's schedule. You two should go and I can take care of everyone's needs here."

Fifteen minutes later, they were in the car driving and Tommy started waiting for Karen to yell at him about spying. He waited and was very nervous when they stopped for coffee before the highway and then when he started driving the car at the highway and she was looking at him without talking.

"Tommy, I saw you last night."

They were most of the way home and she finally said it. And started apologizing and talking and talking, finally saying, "I can't believe I did that. I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad. Please let me make it up to you."

She seemed to be smiling. "Tommy, stop. It's okay. If I was mad I would have gotten up and closed the door a half hour before I smiled at you or not left it open to start. It's okay. I don't want just anyone to see me do things but we talked about being comfortable with someone and open and revealing. We went up there for that. I don't mean to be watched but my counseling with Mrs. Johnson made me need to see my husband. She told me she fantasizes about him. It surprised me and made me wonder about the three people up there. I know Deacon and he is very...well, never mind. But my husband doesn't notice things and isn't a naughty boy that way but it made me feel better to do that. I let you see because I trust you and I'm counseling you and all you saw was a woman being with the man she should be with. Now he's good for weeks and I'm sure he won't do anything he shouldn't with anyone he shouldn't."

"Wow, okay, so you don't want him to, you know. But you did some, I mean you sometimes, I mean what would he think about you know, other stuff?"

Karen spoke sharply. "Tommy, this is important. There is no other stuff. Nothing at all. Maybe you mean counseling like when I showed you the way to kiss a girl on a date or things like that. Teaching and counseling is what you're thinking of, that's all. It's counseling and it is confidential and it is perfectly normal. I know you know that and you know that being open is a part of counseling. You understand that don't you? I'm sure you can see exactly what I mean."

Tommy was a little confused but it made sense he thought because she said it did and she knew because she was the counselor. "Yeah, okay. I get that."

Karen smiled as they pulled into their town. "Okay, drive to my house first. Now because we are open and honest and sharing, tell me how you felt last night. Were you excited or shocked or nervous?"

Tommy thought as he drove. "Um, well I was curious about the noise and then I wasn't sure what I was seeing because I couldn't see well. Then I wasn't shocked but I couldn't look away and was frozen until you looked and I felt caught."

Karen patted his knee. "Good, tell me more. Is this the first time you were a voyeur and saw two people having sex? I need to know if it excited you? Clinically, do you know if it made you hard? And did you feel any jealousy?"

Tommy pulled in her driveway and was surprised they were talking about this but maybe it was real adult or just a kind of counseling. "I never saw anything before in person or whatever. Oh except one time I saw Kim Johnson in the backseat with her boyfriend and she was giving him a, you know, some uh, well she was orally in his lap." Tommy was bright red because he was trying not to say the word blowjob and Karen knew it and didn't smile but liked his nervousness.

Tommy quickly moved on. "And no I wasn't jealous. I mean maybe I was hard and stuff and I thought it looked fun, I mean interesting, and I didn't see him moving much and I thought I bet I could do that and I'd be better or at least different or I bet I could have helped that person. I mean the woman. You know, you. I mean I wasn't thinking like that like it was you and maybe I wanted to be there but I'm not sure jealous is right. It was just interesting or whatever. Anyway, we're here."

He got out of the car quick and went to the backseat to get a bag but it was a small one but he acted like it needed carrying and took it to the house and waited for her to let them in.

She came in smiling and told him to "take the bag and put it on my bed upstairs" and then waited for him to go up and followed him thirty seconds later.

He was standing looking awkward in the master bedroom when she came in and just started talking. "Okay, Tommy. That's a kind of jealousy maybe of the event, oh go ahead and empty the bag by the hamper over there. It's jealousy really maybe not of the person but the act but it doesn't matter which. Did you think to yourself that you wanted the pleasure one of the people was having or you wanted to do something or touch something? Answer me but I need you to unzip my dress for me while you talk."

She had turned and he tried to talk and tried to unzip but struggled. Finally he got the zipper down but she had to urge him to go lower. "I did touch my own um self while I watched but what was really the big thing was the look on your face as you, I mean while you, or when you know things happened."

As he unzipped he saw bra straps and then the top of pantyhose which made it harder to talk. Then when he stopped talking she pushed the dress off to the floor and then picked it up and put it on a hanger.

She turned to him wearing a pretty white bra that covered a lot but was pretty not dirty. And she acted like she was dressed normal even though she was standing wearing mostly sheer pantyhose but with a deep blue pair of panties very obvious through them. It wasn't erotic like in a dirty magazine but he thought it was incredibly sexy and couldn't talk anymore even though she acted totally natural.

Karen looked at him. "Clinically, you were jealous of my orgasm. You liked my orgasm and you wanted one too. Maybe you needed an orgasm. I think also voyeurism was there. Some people find a secret view like peeking around a door very thrilling. Other people get excited on the other side. You see, sweetie, a voyeur is the person watching. Maybe he's excited by what he sees and because he knows he shouldn't be watching and because what he's watching is intimate. He stands there with his hand rubbing up and down his pants like this." She rubbed her own hand up and down her pantyhose and panties.

She looked at him and then looked down to his pants. "I think you might be excited remembering it. Watch how my hand rubs up and down my panties. That's what you were doing I think. You weren't rubbing panties but you touched your penis, didn't you? You penis was hard and you rubbed your penis and it made your penis excited. Voyeurism is natural."

Tommy was very nervous. He didn't know what to do next. She was talking to him and turning him too much by remembering. He was embarrassed that he was hard and she seemed to be able to notice. Also she was in her underwear in her bedroom and he knew he should leave. "I should leave, Mrs. Pearson, um, I mean Karen. You're not wearing things and I should probably just leave you to get dressed and things."

Karen quickly said, very firmly, "No! Tommy, no I won't let you leave. You want to run away but this is counseling, nothing more. You don't want to run because I'm undressed. I'm wearing a lot and all we did was that you removed my dress. You unzipped me and then helped me take off my dress. I think I need to stay like this. It's okay. We are in my bedroom not in public. There are no people to explain too. That's counseling. You're feeling vulnerable. Well, I opening myself to your vulnerability. I don't think you want to run and give me privacy. Think about it. What made you nervous? We were talking about your penis and how your penis was last night. Your penis was hard because you were watching a woman in a private moment with her husband. Maybe you thought about your penis being there instead. But you touched your penis. You stayed and watched. And thinking about it today made your penis hard again because I was showing you what I knew you did with your penis. And you're embarrassed because I said you're a voyeur. But it's okay. I want you to hear me say this. I'm okay with you being a voyeur. I don't mind that you watched me. You are okay and we are okay. We are friends and that's okay."