Princess of Everdale Ch. 01

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Talia meets a mysterious stranger.
4.5k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 08/20/2023
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Talia pressed her hand to her mouth to muffle her scream as the orgasm seized her body, her back arching as she pressed her fingers to her clit. She closed her eyes and slumped backwards on her bed with a satisfied sigh, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath.

A knock on the door caused her to start. She sat bolt upright, her heart racing. Surely no one had heard her? There were no guards posted outside her room, she had made sure of that.

The knock came again, louder this time and she leapt from her bed, almost tripping over her panties as she struggled to pull them up under her dress.

"Just a minute!" she called, fianlly getting the panties over her soaking pussy. She wiped her fingers clean on her bedsheets and hurriedly smoothed down her dress before calling, "Enter!"

The door opened and breathed out a sigh of relief as her handmaiden, Melissa, stepped into the room with a set of freshly pressed bedsheets in her amrs.

"Good morning, Princess," she said, curtsying as best she could without dropping the sheets.

"Good morning, Melissa," Talia replied kindly as the young girl set the sheets on the chaise at the end of her bed and began stripping the previous night's linens from the mattress.

"How is your mother?" Talia asked, crossing innocently to the large dressing table opposite the bed and gently dropping onto the velvet stool in front of it.

"She's doing much better this morning, thank you, Princess," Melissa replied with a grateful smile. "The apothecary gave her a new kind of potion that seems to be helping her headaches."

"That's good to hear," Talia replied. "You make sure he send the charge to me."

Melissa's cheeks flushed as she bowed her head. "If you are sure, Princess?"

"Of course I am! I told you I would take care of it."

"Thank you, Princess. My mother and I are truly in your debt."

"Nonsense," Talia said firmly, swinging around on the stool and picking up her hairbrush from the table. Her hair was a mess, no doubt from where she had been writhing on the bed a few moments ago. "If you want to help me with this though, we can call it even," she said.

Melissa smiled as she set down the old sheets and came to stand behind the princess. The handmaiden was a couple of years younger than the elven princess. She was human with dark skin and long black hair that she had pulled into a pony tail that hung over her left shoulder. Her mother had been one of the palace cooks and the two of them had grown up together, their childhood years spent playing hide and seek in the castle grounds, stealing food from the kitchens and sneaking out into the city when no one was watching. Though their relationship had inevitably changed as they had got older and Melissa had taken a job in the palace, Talia still considered her to be one of her closest friends.

"What delights does today have in store for you?" she asked Melissa as she watched her deftly untangle a knot of yellow hair and tuck it neatly behind her pointed ear.

Melissa smirked as she worked. "Oh so much fun," she replied. "After I do your washing its off to the tailors to have that dress you split last week repaired, then I have to talk to your farrier about re-shoeing Amadeus, pick up yesterdays laundry and then choose you an outfit for the welcome dinner tonight and help you prepare for that, all before collecting another batch of potions for mother on my way home!" She hesitated, catching Talia's grin in the mirror befroe adding, "Not that I'm complaining, of course!"

"Of course not," Talia giggled. She reached up and squeezed her friend's hand. "You know I appreciate everything you do, Mel, don't you?"

She nodded. "I know, Princess."

"Eugh, this welcome dinner!" Talia moaned, rubbing her face with her other hand. "I cannot wait for that!"

"Yes, at least I don't have to sit through that as well," Melissa replied with a smirk. "Who's it for anyway?"

Talia shrugged. "My father has appointed a new minister," she replied. "Some boring old fart from the country no doubt."

Melissa snorted, the sound causing Talia's smile to widen. It was rare that they had moments like this these days and she treasured them more than her handmaiden would ever know.

"I'll get the chance to meet him at the Council session this morning," she said. "Father has insisted I sit in on the meeting."

"Try not to drift off this time," Melissa teased.

"Oh that was one time!" Talia shot back.

Her handmaiden laughed as she set the brush down on the table and began to braid her hair. Talia watched in fascination as Melissa wove her a crown from her own hair, the braid circling her head whilst the rest of her hair fell in one neat line straight down her back. She took the Princess' tiara, a small silver circlet designed to look like two intertwining branches, the leaves studded with small emeralds, and placed it on her head, smiling at the finished image.

"There," she said proudly. "At least you will look beautiful for whoever the new minister is!"

Talia laughed as she admired the perfect braid in the mirror, the emeralds of her tiara glinting against her yellow hair. She smoothed the front of her scarlet dress down, adjusting the corseted top to leave a small amount of cleavage on show and looked to Melissa for approval.

"Stunning," she said with a nod of approval. "You best hurry now though. You'll be late for breakfast otherwise."

Talia nodded standing up and giving her friend a quick hug. "Don't have too much fun today," she said with a grin.

"Oh believe me," Melissa called after her. "There's no danger of that."

Talia hurried from her room, lifting her dress up to keep from tripping on the long skirt as she descended the stairs of her tower to the main floor of the royal suites. Two guards were standing at the door of the private dining hall and they both bowed as Talia approached before opening the doors to allow her entrance. She found her parents at the dining table already, her father pouring over a report as her mother sipped her coffee and pointed to a blue kite as the bird soared past the one of the long widows on the far side of the room.

"Talia!" she said, "There you are! We were getting worried."

"Sorry, mother," she replied, taking her seat at the table as a trio of servants hurried out from the kitchen at the far end of the room to throw a serviette over her lap and place a cup of coffee in front of her and a plate of eggs and toast between her waiting cutlery.

"Never mind," her mother said. "Your hair looks beautiful, my dear."

"Thank you, mother," Talia replied, resisting the urge to touch the braid. "Melissa did it."

"She's a good girl, that one," Her mother said with a warm smile. "Dorian! Doesn't your daughter look beautiful?"

The King raised his eyebrows as he looked up from his report. Unlike her mother, the King was dark skinned with a broad face and silver eyes. He had a strong jaw and the same golden coloured hair as Talia. He smiled as he took in his daughters face and said, "The most beautiful woman in the Kingdom!... Ah, except for you, my love," he added as he caught his wife smirking.

"Oh, I see..." Talia replied.

"Ah... I... Er..." the King stammered much to his wife and daughter's amusement.

"I'm kidding!" Talia laughed. "So, when does this Council thing start?"

"In an hour," her mother said before adding in a firm tone, "And no, you can't skip it!"

"Alright, alright!" the Princess replied, holding up her hands. "I was only asking."

"It will be good for you," her mother continued. "You have not met with the ministers for some time. Perhaps you might begin to get to know some of them. I hear Sir Jerron has recently taken up polo..."

"Oh for goodness sake, my love," the King scoffed. "She is young. Stop trying to marry her off to the first man she sees!"

Talia grinned at her father as he flashed her a wink, grateful for his continued support in the matter. She knew she would have to pick a suitor eventually but she was in no rush and her father, knowing her as well as he did, seemed to have realised that pushing her into a choice would only make the matter harder for everyone involved.

"Well..." the Queen said before throwing her hands up. "Just think about it, alright?"

Talia promised her that she would but when it came time for the Council session she could not help but think she would rather marry her horse than any of the politicians that came up and introduced themselves to her. Most were either recently widowed and therefore two or three times her own age or were so dreadfully dull that she could feel herself aging before them. Even Sir Jerrod, who admittedly was quite handsome, managed to make polo, a sport that she was particularly fond of, sound like a reading of someone's eulogy.

"Be seated!" the King called once the final ministers had entered the room.

There was a scuffle of wooden chairs against the stone floor as the ministers took their seats. The Council Chamber was a large rectangular room with small windows set high in the walls and tapestries depicting past glories of Everdale's history draped beneath them. A large u-shaped table occupied the centre of the room, around which were arranged chairs for the various ministers. Opposite the table, raised on a single step dais, was a long table at which sat the King and his chief advisors and today, the Queen and the Princess. Talia settled into her seat beside her father and looked out at the sea of faces and the one empty chair that was the purpose of the meeting.

"As you all know, we were saddened at the death of Sir Alweg last month."

"Here, here," several voices called as goblets were raised to the memory of the former minister.

"Indeed," the King went on. "I have considered his replacement carefully and whilst many of you championed Sir Morren, my head has been turned by another."

Talia raised her eyebrow as she watched the reaction ripple through the chamber; several ministers frowning whilst others whispered in hushed tones to each other.

The King went on, ignoring the murmuring. "Friends, may I present the new Minister for Rural Affairs, Sir Alec of the Vale."

The door opened to permit the new minister into the room and Talia felt her heart skip a beat. Alec was, to put it simply, gorgeous. He was tall with well defined features and a shock of thick black hair. He was dressed in a crimson tunic and dark trousers with knee high riding boots that had been polished to perfection. He bowed deeply at the Council and as he rose for the briefest of moments Talia felt his emerald eyes settle on her face before darting to the King.

"Your majesty, Councillors," he said, his voice strong and confident. "It is an honour to join this noble body. The Vale may only be a small part of this grand kingdom, but I swear to you to do my part for King and Country."

"For King and Country," came the automatic reply of the Council.

"Very good," the King replied, beaming at his new Councillor. "Please, Sir Alec. Take your seat and we will begin the proceedings."

Talia followed Alec as he circled the table to take his seat in the corner opposite her, watching as he smiled at his neighbours and shook hands with them amicably. He looked up and again his eyes locked with hers and she felt her pulse quicken suddenly. What was happening she thought, tearing her eyes away from him. She tried to focus on what her father was saying, to observe the ebb and flow of the meeting and the way the Councillors reacted as was the point of her being there but she could not help but steal glances at Sir Alec every so often and each time she did, she could swear he was looking right back at her. Her heart was racing and she was feeling suddenly hot so was glad when the meeting was finally adjourned and she was able to slip back to her chambers to calm down.

She took lunch in her room and afterwards, confident that she wouldn't be interrupted, had another maid draw her a bath and sank into the warm soapy waters. She washed herself thoroughly before her hand slipped to her crotch, her fingers teasing the lips of her pussy as she closed her eyes and let her mind wander. An image of Alec appeared before her, his strong jaw, those piercing emerald eyes... Her fingers pressed into her pussy, gently massaging her clit as she began to mentally undress the councillor... She slipped under the water, moaning as her orgasm took hold of her, her feet pressing against the end of the tub as waves of pleasure shot through her, Alec's image burned into her mind as she imagined him between her legs...

Melissa dressed her that evening, picking out a layered green dress with a corseted top and the barest hint of shoulder straps. She did her hair again, re-plaiting the braid without complaint and telling her all about her horse, Amadeus, and the farrier whom she had an obvious crush on. Talia nodded politely and laughed at all the right places but struggled to focus on what her friend was saying. For whatever reason, she could not get the image of Alec out of her mind and so when it came time for the welcome dinner she was quick to make her way downstairs and join up with her parents as they entered the grand dining hall.

The dinner was a grand affair to which all the ministers and their families had been invited. the meal included six courses which under normal circumstances Talia would have devoured but tonight she was on her best behaviour and simply nibbled at the food as she smiled and made polite conversation with the daughters of her father's advisors. When the meal was finally over and the tables pushed back to clear the dance floor she slipped away from her parents to seek out Sir Alec. She found him on the corner of the dance floor, smiling and tapping his feet in time with the music.

"Sir Alec," she called.

"Princess," he said, looking a little surprised to find her approaching him.

"You look lonely," she said. "I thought I'd come and rescue you before you get dragged into a political debate."

"Ah," he said coyly. "Then I am afraid you are too late. I have already endured six debates and a full on argument this evening. Alas, the risk of becoming a politician!"

She laughed before glancing around innocently. "I could not see you at dinner? Where is your party?"

"No party," he said coyly. "My parents are too old to travel and the Vale does not have much in the way of political attendants."

She smiled, stealing a glance at his hands. He wore plenty of rings but she saw no marriage band.

"Would you care to dance, Princess?" he asked, gesturing to the dance floor.

Talia smiled and extended her hand. "It would be my pleasure, Sir Alec."

He led her onto the floor as the music changed. His hand was strangely cool in hers but there was no mistaking the strength of his arms as he placed his hand on her waist and led her in their dance. She smiled up at him as they spun and twirled across the floor in time with the music and after a while she was aware of people muttering at pointing in their direction.

"It seems we are causing a stir," Alec said, apparently noticing the same thing.

"They are just jealous," she replied. "I don't often dance with politicians."

"No?" he replied. "I doubt any of these stuffy old farts could keep up with you."

The words stuck with her as he spun her away and snapped her back into his powerful grip. It was a coincidence that he had used the same words as she had earlier that same day, but it was odd nonetheless.

"Thank you, Princess," he said as the music came to an end. "That was a welcome break from the debating arena but I think I best return to my realm before we cause an incident from which I cannot recover."

Talia grinned as he bowed to her and placed a kiss on the back of her hand. "It's been fun, Sir Alec," she said. "I hope to see you again."

He smiled before retreating into the crowd. Talia made her way back to the table, her heart beating a little faster in her chest. She knew half the room was watching her, and that was only because the other half was watching Alec, but for once it didn't bother her. She got back to the head table and met her parent's gaze, her mother practically grinning like a cheshire cat, her father simply giving her a small nod of approval.


When Talia climbed the stairs to her bedchambers she did not flop straight into bed as she usually did. She stood in her dress, spinning in slow circles around the room, imagining Alec's hand on her waist, his grip strong and firm as his breath caressed her neckline. She wasn't sure what she was feeling but she knew she was excited to see him again. She was just considering another session when a knock on her door caused her to stop. She frowned as she walked tot he door. It was strange that the guards outside had not announced the visitor, but perhaps it was her mother, come to pry on what she thought about Alec?

She opened the door and to her surprise, it was Alec who stood waiting for her, a satchel hanging over his shoulder.

"Sir Alec!" she gasped in surprise. "How?... What are you doing here?"

He smiled at her but there was no warmth in his expression as he pushed past her into her bed chambers.

"Close the door, Princess," he growled. "We have a lot to talk about."

She swallowed nervously. "A gentleman does not barge into a lady's room," she said.

"Indeed," Alec replied. "But I only see a whore in front of me."

"Excuse me?" she hissed. She stepped out of the room, looking down the corridor for the guards as her feeling on unease rose inside her.

"They aren't there," Alec replied coldly. "Now get in here and close the door before I make you."

Something in his voice told her he was not joking. Trembling, she stepped slowly back into her bedroom, pulling the doors shut behind her. She looked around to see Alec wandering around the room, picking up her books, her hairbrush and other items and nodding thoughtfully.

"Yes, this will do nicely," he said absentmindedly.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "What do you want from me?"

He looked at her, his eyes cold and hungry. "I want you, Princess," he growled. "You belong to me now."

"I do not," she hissed. "You're crazy. You can't just come in here and say things like that!"

He laughed. "Oh but I think I can."

He reached into his satchel and produced a small glass orb filled with smoke. Talia had seen them before. The seers used them to divine the future but they could also be used for various forms of magic as well. He tossed the ball to her and she caught it awkwardly.

"Look at it," he ordered.

Despite herself she glanced down at the swirling smoke. For a moment nothing happened, then the smoke parted to reveal an image of herself lying on her bed, fingers probing her pussy as she writhed in pleasure. The image faded, replaced instead with her now in the bath, fingering herself again and again.

"How did you get this?" she breathed, her voice breaking.

"There's more," Alec said with a cruel grin.

The image faded and this time was replaced with one that made her heart truly stop. It was from a few weeks ago when she had been feeling particularly low. She had snuck out to a local whorehouse and found a girl that she liked the look of. At first glance it didn't look like her but anyone who looked long enough would recognise the Princess beneath the brown wig and makeup with the other woman's head between her legs.

"Tssk, tssk," Alec said smugly. "Whatever would mother and father say if they saw their little angel like that?"

"How did you get this?" he asked, fighting back tears.

"That doesn't matter," Alec growled. "All you need to worry about is that I have it and that if you don't follow my rules, the whole kingdom will have seen your pretty cunt by tomorrow morning."

"Fuck you," she spat.