Prissy Krissy Pt. 05

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Corrupting my chaste, Christian crush girl.
4.9k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/18/2023
Created 09/09/2023
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Like I said, I grew up in a tiny town.

On its own, that was a recipe for boredom. But our little borough was particularly bad thanks to some self-inflicted wounds. It was a de facto dry town; no liquor licenses were given out to anyone. Arcade machines and comic book sales were banned. When I told one of my college friends about where I grew up, he said it sounded like 'the real-life town from Footloose' and he wasn't wrong.

The only things to do were go to church (Yes, we were the only Jewish family in town. No, I don't know what the hell my parents were thinking), get your hair done, or rent a movie. Thus, my Blockbuster Video was the hottest place to be. In a town with a population of a little over ten thousand, we led the entire country in store earnings per square foot.

Working the front on a Friday night was like standing under a typhoon with nothing between me and destruction except a scanner gun. At the end of the day, the entire system would be broken down -- candy strewn everywhere, shelves almost sideways, returns piling behind the counter till they threatened to avalanche over us. Closing the store often took hours just to make the place look like we hadn't been hosting a rave. Or the apocalypse.

I was so busy -- scanning movies, helping customers, doing returns, fighting for air -- I didn't have time to think about my relationship with Krissy. My mind didn't wander to her because there was never a moment for it to escape.

When the evening was over, I was so exhausted I could barely see. I stumbled out of the store. It was one in the morning. The downtown strip mall was completely quiet; dark except for a few flickering streetlights in the distance.

But to my surprise, standing there in the parking lot and waiting for me by my car, was Krissy herself. The blonde girl looked like a beacon in a storm. Her golden hair seemed to glow with its own, internal luminescence.

She was wearing her usual jeans, but she had on a white t-shirt (Camp for Christ, with a crude sketch of a tent and a crucifix) and a light coat. Apparently, it had started to drizzle while I was inside. Krissy gave me a short, shy wave. My other coworkers filed past her, grunting out tired goodbyes. Fortunately, the only person who would have made a big deal of Krissy, Steve, wasn't working that night.

"Hey!" I called out and raced over to Krissy, embarrassingly happy she was there. "Everything OK?"

Like I said, I wasn't expecting to see Krissy after work, or for the entire weekend. For her to be standing there in a deserted parking lot after midnight, she was either epically horny or truly upset.

Krissy shook her head, then gave me a game smile.

"Want to go for a drive?"

Krissy nodded. I unlocked my car, and we climbed in. I drove a used Saturn, a little cranberry sedan with tan seats and those seatbelts that would try to strangle you when you closed the door.

I fired up the engine and drove off. I switched on the radio and set it to 95.5 (I was more of a K-ROCK guy, but I figured Krissy would prefer PLJ). The rain got heavier, and we watched the water drip down the windshield. There was nowhere to go, really. Nothing to do. Even the town diner closed at 11pm. So, I meandered aimlessly.

Eventually, the storm settled and dried. I turned us down a quiet road that had a park at the end of it. Mostly, it was just a clearing surrounded by a thicket of tall trees. But it was at the end of an empty street, almost forgotten. My high school friends and I had used it a few times to smoke weed. It seemed like as good a place as any.

Krissy and I got out of the car and found a dryish picnic table near the back of the park, by the towering pine trees. I lay back on the table and Krissy joined me. Our shoulders touched as we stared up at the greyish sky.

"My parents got me a job at some dumb Christian camp," Krissy said, talking up to the darkness. She pointed at her own t-shirt. "Weekdays from six to two dealing with a bunch of snotty little kids."

"That doesn't sound too bad," I said. Krissy gave me a withering look.

"It's supposed to be good for my character," she said, "Whatever that means. They're punishing me, I swear."

"I'm sorry," I said.

I have to admit, I was impressed with Krissy's parents' solution. All this time I'd thought there was nothing they could do about my relationship with Krissy and so I'd discounted them. I'd clearly made a massive tactical error. Getting her a job was a masterstroke.

"I'm sorry too," Krissy said.

She kissed my cheek and it occurred to me that the aloof blonde wasn't confiding in me -- she was dumping me. After all, what was our relationship without afternoon make out sessions? I felt my heart sink far harder than I'd expected it to. I didn't know what this was, what we were, but I realized I didn't want it to end.

It's not like I actually liked Krissy. Or enjoyed her company. No more than in the basic biological sense that moving towards mating with a beautiful woman is always enjoyable. I guess some part of me knew that once Krissy was gone, that meant I had to start addressing my actual life. And I didn't have a lot of solutions for that. Wasn't it easier to fool around with this strange, serious girl and pretend that tomorrow would always stay one day away?

"It's not fair!" Krissy slapped her leg. "I always have to be so good, but it's never good enough. My grades. My chores. My 'behavior.' I do whatever they ask with a pretty little smile. It's like they want me to be a nun."

Again, it was so surprising to hear her get frustrated at her family. I won't lie, some part of me started to wonder if I was doing something wrong to Krissy. Breaking her in some way. She'd been a little frustrated when she'd been in Blockbuster that first time, but she'd been happy. Loving and loved. She had a clear path and the people to help support her on it. Now, it seemed that her central relationship was splitting at the seams. I couldn't help but feel responsible. Bad enough that I was already broken, was I ripping this poor girl apart along with me?

"I don't care anymore," Krissy said, "I really don't. They can't watch me every second, especially once I'm back at school in September. I'm a grown woman. I'll do what I want."

"We could still hang out," I said, "For now. If you want. It doesn't have to be serious. Just fun."

"Just fun," Krissy repeated.

"Right," I said, "I mean, if you don't want to upset your parents, I understand."

A little, wicked grin formed on Krissy's face. I'd said the magic words.

"Camp ends early enough," Krissy said, "I could go to your place after."

"Definitely," I said.

"We'll have to figure it out. I'll have to hide where I'm going but..." Krissy's eyes glassed over. I could tell she was thinking of the previous afternoon, in my bedroom. Picturing the peak I'd brought her to. "Yeah. That works."

I rolled to my side and kissed Krissy, tenderly. My fingers at her chin. We made out on the table for a while. It was weirdly electric. Our illicit plan, being outdoors, all of it.

I let my hand drift lower down Krissy's shirt, but she stopped me. The trance was broken. Apparently, that was as far as Krissy was willing to go in public. Instead, we rolled off the table and limped back to my car.


So, we started meeting up in secret. I changed my work schedule to maximize my time with Krissy. It wasn't perfect -- opting out of Fridays and Saturdays wasn't an option for me, and Krissy's Sundays were spoken for -- but that gave us four solid afternoons a week to do what we wished.

We didn't always fool around. Sometimes it was safer to go out and do other things. Plus, I guess we felt like we'd committed to some kind of relationship, so we tried to act like one existed. It was awkward, like putting on a performance only for each other, but we did it anyway.

We went to the Short Hills Mall and walked around, holding hands. I tried like crazy to get Krissy into Victoria's Secret, but she wouldn't even stop by the windows, let alone look inside. We got a sundae at the Friendly's instead and shared it like something out of Archie Comics.

I took her to the multiplex off Route 22 and we watched a couple middling movies. We sat in the back and kissed, kind of like being back in Krissy's basement. But unlike then, Krissy had strict boundaries about what she was willing to do, and it stopped at lips and tongue.

We tried playing tennis once. There were courts at a park walking distance from the Blockbuster. Krissy had the whole setup -- the fancy racket, the special shoes, all of it. She brought me stuff to borrow, I'm pretty sure it was her dad's.

At first it was fun. Watching the gorgeous blonde was enough on its own. The way her amazing body filled that all-white tennis dress. The easy flow of her pink legs as she ran across the court. Her arms flexing with every ground stroke.

Then I made the mistake of advancing on net and slapping one past her (I'd taken tennis at summer camp as a kid. I wasn't good, but I carried a couple moves). Krissy stormed right off the court. Eventually she forgave me, but it took a couple days.

Mostly, though, Krissy and I spent the afternoons in my bedroom getting hot and heavy. It was what we were best at. All the awkwardness of our other engagements was overwhelmed by how well we made things work there.

We'd strip down to our underwear and make out till our lips hurt. I'd heft and suckle her breasts. She'd tickle and tease at my chest. Eventually, I'd work my way under Krissy's panties and rub her off. She came so beautifully. Her pretty face distended with illicit pleasure.

Then, we'd break apart.


"Rub yourself for me," I said.

Krissy gaped, her face a mix of anger and shock.

"I want to watch," I said.

Once again, some divine inspiration had grabbed hold of me. I don't know where these ideas originated, how the courage came through. But I kept finding myself making these bold demands to Krissy.

It was a Thursday afternoon, and we were back in my bedroom. The house was empty. We were in the middle of our usual session, about at the point where I'd be slipping my fingers into Krissy's underwear. And for some reason, this idea popped into my head. It was out in the world before I could stop it.

Krissy sat back on my bed, looking at me like I'd betrayed her.

"I don't do that," she said, biting her lip. "You know. With myself."

"So?" My detailed, dialectic was clearly at its most convincing.

Again, I waited for Krissy to push back. She was not a demure woman. She would say 'no' and I would let it go. But somehow that didn't happen. Something about being with me in the bedroom turned her strangely submissive.

Krissy didn't say anything, but she lowered her lids, and I knew that she'd agreed. My heart raced, pounding with surprise and anticipation. The beautiful blonde woman leaned back against my pillows and spread her thin, lovely legs.

Krissy dipped her fingers under the waistband of her canary yellow panties. Pink fingernails perfectly complimented by the color of her underwear. She stared down at herself, like she couldn't bear to look at me. As if she could simply wish me away.

I knew Krissy's digits had reached the magical spot when her mouth twisted slightly.

"Take them off," I said.

Krissy's eyes flashed up at me again. Damn, she did angry so well. But she pulled her hand off her pussy and slid her underwear down her pinstick thighs.

And there it was. I'd waited all this time to see Krissy completely naked. The build-up had all been worth it.

Krissy's pussy was amazing. Plump and pursed with a thin opening for her inner lips. It was different than I'd seen on other women -- a trim tulip where I was used to seeing more of a blossoming rose. But the thing that struck me hardest (and, being honest, turned me on the most) was how hairy Krissy's sex was.

I'd felt her pubes before, of course. But seeing them was something different altogether. Krissy had thick blonde curls that covered not only her pubis but sprouted fully all the way down to her vaginal lips and even further. It was wild. Unkempt. There was something so wonderfully primal about that massive patch of hair.

Krissy saw me staring at her vagina and blushed so hard, I thought she might pop. She went red from the top of her chest all the way up to her cheeks. Almost more like hives.

"Gorgeous," I said. She dipped her head, but I saw that one word had made her settle.

"It's OK?" Krissy asked.

I wasn't used to her being so self-conscious about her body. Even when she'd bared herself before, she'd done it with an assured certainty, like she knew what she had was amazing. Now, though, Krissy squirmed under my attention. As if the idea that she even had a vagina was embarrassing to her -- like she was revealing some long-guarded, disgraceful secret.

"Way more than OK," I said, "You're fucking beautiful."

Krissy did this weird thing where she flinched at the curse word while smiling at the compliment. She knew I'd had other girlfriends, had seen their naked bodies. I guess, as far as she was concerned, I was the expert on all things vagina. If I said hers was amazing (and fuck me, it really was) then that was seal of approval enough. The blonde woman was still blushing, but it was more of a flush of pride than shame.

For the first time, my crush girl was completely exposed. Her chin buried in her neck. Legs crossed almost defiantly.


On my bed. In my bedroom. Like an extraplanetary being, a fantasy formed true, and appearing oh-so-casually in my banal reality. Bare and fucking beautiful. I'd have sworn I was dreaming except for the driving, throbbing ache in my balls.

"Go ahead," I said.

Krissy tried to glare at me, but I watched it fall apart the moment she tried to put it together. Instead, she dutifully spread her legs, and dragged her hand down to her sex.

She started slow. I know it sounds weird, but I think Krissy was doing what I'd taught her, rather than following any ritual she'd established for herself. I believed her when she said she'd never truly touched herself. That just made this all the more exciting.

Krissy lowered her eyelids about halfway. She let her mouth fall open. She swallowed; a little gulp. She began exploring herself, deliberately. I could tell she was literally feeling her way. Blonde hair splayed back on my pillow.

She glanced down at herself, then looked away. Staring off into the distance. Eyes empty. She let out a little gasp. Another. Mouth now gaping open. A little sigh escaped her lips. Her fingers probed, rubbing slowly at her clit. Little wet sounds as she stroked herself.

Krissy's eyes fluttered and, for a moment, focused on mine. I can't exactly describe her expression. There was shame for sure. But also desire. Wonder. Even a bit of confusion. Like she couldn't exactly figure out why she was suddenly feeling so good.

Her grip tightened. Fingers faster. Eyes hung half shut again, staring past me. Eyebrows slightly arching. Breaths coming in short, sharp pants. For a moment, she risked looking down at herself. She let out a sigh and leaned back.

Breaths coming even fast now. Krissy's nostrils flared. As her chest rose and fell, her breasts shook wonderfully. Slight little shakes -- still fantastic. Her pink nipples so sharp, they looked painful. I couldn't help but notice that simple, gold cross in the hollow of her throat trembling slightly as well.

I couldn't control myself anymore. I reached under the waistband of my boxers and grabbed my cock. It felt huge in my hands. I stroked myself as wantonly as I dared. Krissy caught what I was doing, and her eyes widened. But then she lowered her lids again.

Krissy was rubbing herself hard now. Her cute, pink fingernails a blur on her clit. I could see only the whites of her eyes under her lids. Pupils pressed back into her head, hard.

Her breaths turned into little sighs. "Oh. Oh. Oh." Krissy's eyes snapped open. She stared right at me. At my eyes. At my hand on my cock.

"Take it out," Krissy said. Her words surprisingly clear. "I want to see him."

I was so shocked by her request, by the naked need of it, I didn't even pause. Rather than pull of my boxers, I simply pulled the one leg of cloth up, exposing my dick. It stood up straight and hard, flushed and full. Towering. I'd never felt bigger than in that moment. My cock throbbing, angry, with my heartbeat.

I don't know what reaction I expected. Krissy had seemed so nervous about my dick till now, never even touching it through my underwear. I guess I thought maybe she was disgusted by the idea of it.

The look on her face now though was nothing but full-on, flat-out desire. Her tongue tasted at her lips. Her sapphire pupils went so wide, I thought they were about to pop out of her head. Her fingers only redoubled at her efforts.

"Oh my God," Krissy said.

Her eyebrows arched again. Nostrils flared wider. Breath came in hard, fast gulps. Each its own, pleading sigh. My dick waved at the sight of her. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, but biology took over. I gripped my dick and stroked it up and down. Krissy's expression only grew more desirous.

Krissy kept stroking her clit, but now she dipped a finger into her pussy. A second. She hissed, like pain, for a second. Then settled. Eyes lolled shut. Mouth hung open. Her gasps grew higher in pitch. The sounds of her rubbing, of moisture on skin, loud and totally lewd.

Finally, her eyebrows raised. Her face took on a look that I can only describe as surprise. Her upper lip went up in that perfect, signature sneer.

"Oh. OH!" Krissy cried out. "YES! Oh... Oh yes!"

She let out a series of sharp, gasping sobs. Her shoulders rose and fell. Her whole body tremored. Her face went straight to purple. Her toes curled back. Krissy keened, an almost mournful "Ohhhhhhhhhh..."

Krissy fell back to the bed. Her body splayed out like I'd shot her. Eyes closed. A strange, peaceful look on her face. A bit of a smile still playing on her lips.

I was right on the edge of cumming with her, but I stopped myself. Somehow, I knew that she needed that barrier. Instead, I took a deep breath. I squeezed my dick hard as I could to hold the orgasm back. If I'd thought my nuts hurt before, this took the pain to whole new place. My testicles felt like overfilled balloons.

By the time Krissy's eyes popped open again, my dick was safely tucked away in my underwear. She looked at me, shyly. She couldn't stop herself from grinning, she was so awash in endorphins.

Then she seemed to realize what she'd done, and she looked away.

"That was beautiful," I said, "You're beautiful."

Krissy nodded. I saw her eyes wet and, for a moment, I thought she was about to cry. I reached over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight. She sat up and hugged me. Buried her head in the crook of my neck, though careful to keep her pink legs closed.

"OK?" I asked, once she let go.

Krissy gave me a quick nod. A shy smile.

"OK," she said.


I thought we'd made some amazing breakthrough, that Thursday afternoon. I spent the following weekend sure that we were going to do something amazing as soon as we could get back together. But when we met again on Monday, Krissy seemed as demure as ever.

We kissed on my bed, so familiar. She took off her sweater and bra. I took the risk of suckling on her tits, and she let me. Her sweet little strawberries stiffened wonderfully under my tongue.

But when I reached for her panties, Krissy shuffled back. She shook her head.

"Nuh-uh," she said.

I'm sure my face showed my disappointment. My exasperation. I tried to be respectful of Krissy's boundaries, but I was still a horny college boy with a hot blonde in his bedroom (and a serious case of blue balls). Self-control was clearly not coming along for the ride.