Private Dancer


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"Layne, I know better than anyone else what a fuck up I am. I realize that I'm drawn to the wrong men and I make the wrong choices. What you got wrong is that it's me using them and treating them like shit. I'm not proud of myself for my behavior. It's something I've been working on. I've made some changes and have grown up a lot. I guess that's part of why I'm asking you if you would take me in. Don't make me beg," said Valerie.

"Alright Val, you can stay with me for a couple months. That should be enough time for you to earn some money and figure out your next move," Layne said as he started to get up from the booth.

"But Layne, you have to promise me something." Valerie paused and looked deeply into her brother's eyes before she continued, "Nothing can happen between us. I don't want to mislead you about my intentions, Layne. I need to feel safe. I need my brother, not another lover."

Chapter 3

Valerie was speechless as she set her bags down in the entryway of Layne's loft and looked around Layne's spacious home. It was obviously designed and decorated by professionals. The former industrial space looked like it could have been featured in 'Architectural Digest.' The open space had a high ceiling with trendy exposed duct work and electrical piping. The brick walls of the loft displayed large ostentatious pieces of original modern art. On the far wall were generous banks of windows, from floor to ceiling, which offered a panoramic view of the city. A large sectional couch and rug separated the living room from the kitchen and the rest of the loft consisting of two bedrooms, two baths, a spa and gym. The place was immaculate and didn't look lived in.

"I've got someone who comes in and cleans. I'll show you to the guest room where you'll be staying," Layne said.

"You've done well for yourself, Layne. I'm duly impressed," said Valerie as she followed her brother.

Several weeks passed and Valerie and Layne hadn't seen much of each other. They were purposely staying out of each other's way, and operating on different schedules. During the week Layne was up early and gone during the day whereas Valerie worked evenings, waitressing at the Diner. By the time Valerie got home, Layne was usually already in bed and asleep. Except for that one Friday evening, when Valerie got in tired from an overtime shift. Layne was sitting on the sofa in the dark, with a bottle of scotch and only the lights of the city behind him illuminating the loft.

"Layne? Is that you?" Valerie asked of the silhouette she saw sitting there, "Can I turn on a light?"

"No. I prefer the dark. Can't you see I'm commiserating with myself?" Layne said slurring his speech. "Grab yourself a glass from the kitchen and come sit with me and join me in this 21 year old scotch."

"I don't drink," Valerie said. "Gave it up. Turns out I was allergic and did some questionable things when I drank."

"Questionable things, huh? Like the night of Mom's funeral, you mean? Was that what caused you to swear off drinking?" Layne asked sarcastically.

"Of course not, Layne. I actually started drinking even more after that evening, if you must know. I don't think we should be having this conversation right now. You're drunk and I'm exhausted." Valerie responded soberly.

"Is there ever a good time to talk about it?" Layne asked rhetorically, then changing the subject. "How's the job going? I imagine it must be difficult having a job where you have to keep your clothes on while you're working."

"Layne! Enough!" Valerie said exasperated. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Don't go Val. I'm sorry. Please stay and keep me company. I promise I'll be good." Layne pleaded as he patted the sofa next to him.

"What's going on Layne? Why are you sitting here by yourself in the dark getting drunk?" Valerie asked as she sat down next to Layne.

"It's been really good seeing you again, Val. But in case you couldn't tell, I've been avoiding you for the most part." Layne confessed. "I was thinking that maybe we should try something else. I want you to stay here with me for as long as you want. I've got plenty of room. I would leave you alone. I won't bother you or try anything. I know I'm a smart ass, and I was upset with you for the longest time. But I understand why you've been avoiding me."

"I don't think you do Layne. What happened between us was..." Val trailed off, "...oh Layne, you don't understand. Yes, I have been avoiding you, but not for the reason you think. Okay? I needed to get my shit together. I have nothing to offer to you Layne, but trouble." Valerie stood up and kissed her brother on his forehead. "Goodnight Layne. I've got to get some sleep. If you're going to be around for breakfast tomorrow morning, how about I get up and get us some bagels and coffee for breakfast. Sound good?"

Layne nodded and passed out on the sofa as he watched his sister walk away from him once again.

Chapter 4

"Hi. I'm Valerie and I'm an alcoholic and addict."

"Hi Valerie," came the response from the AA group.

"I've been coming to these meetings for a little bit and thought I might share tonight. I was a real promiscuous gal in high school. Drinking had a way of loosening me up, making me the life of the party. Guys thought I was a slut because I was never satisfied with one man. I admit that I made for a poor girlfriend as I was inevitably bound to stray on you. I've been through a lot of men, but I was just having fun, you know? Until that thing with my brother happened. That's when things really started going south.

"My brother and I are 4 years apart in age. That made for a big difference in our relationship. He was a senior in high school when I was a freshman. Then he moved away to university, so I didn't see him very much after that, and because of that we weren't as close as I imagine some brothers and sisters are. When I turned 18, my mother thought I might want to attend the same university as my brother, and allowed me to visit him occasionally on weekends to see what it might be like.

"I had fun, mostly because Layne was in a fraternity and there was usually a party happening. It was there I met Rob, one of his fraternity brothers. Layne wasn't happy about it, but I started seeing Rob, which meant I was now visiting every weekend. Layne was none too pleased with Rob sleeping with me. At the time, I didn't think my brother was jealous, just looking out for his little sister. Anyhow, most weekends we mostly just partied and hung out at the frat house. We had some wild times. One time, Rob and I, and my brother and his girlfriend, and two other frat brothers and their dates did some mushrooms. We all got pretty fucked up on those and things got a bit out of hand. Even for us.

"The eight of us were hanging out in one of the rooms in the frat house and we were all pretty high. We had music playing and candles lit, and everybody started making out with their dates. Rob and I started making out and the next thing I knew, everyone in the room was naked and having sex. I looked around the room, when I saw my brother and his girlfriend. She was sucking his cock. I was mesmerized and couldn't take my eyes off of them. I mean, I couldn't take my eyes off my brother's cock. It was hard and beautiful and I was getting even more turned on realizing that I was looking at my brother's cock. At the same time, I was sucking Rob's cock, and..." Valerie paused and looked sheepishly around the room and saw the look of shock in some of the group member's eyes.

"I'm sorry if I'm getting too graphic. I can't believe I'm telling you all this." Valerie said.

"It's alright sweetie. That's what we're here for," A group member said, speaking up with words of encouragement for Valerie, who took a sip from her water bottle and continued.

"We held eye contact with each other for the longest time as we watched each other have sex with our partners. It was kinky and I got off on it. I felt closer to my brother for the first time than I had in a long time. We all eventually ended up on the floor in various positions with various partners. It turned into a full blown orgy. We were just a bunch of writhing, tangled naked bodies. It was primal. At some point that evening I felt someone going down on me. I reached down to stroke that person's hair and I saw that it was my brother!

"Maybe it was the shrooms, or maybe just because it felt so good, but I didn't stop him and he sure as hell didn't stop himself. In fact, knowing it was my brother providing me such pleasure, made it even more intense. I wanted to pleasure him as well, so I took him in my mouth and we formed a 69. We kept at it for what felt like, honestly, forever. He and I were in our own world. Then Layne fucked me and I didn't even try to resist him. Somebody pointed out to the group what my brother and I were doing, but we just ignored them. My brother made love to me until we both came.

"I had no regrets, but the nature of our relationship changed after that. I guess I should have expected that. Rob obviously witnessed what happened and got weirded out that I would have sex with my own brother. I blamed it on the drugs, but Rob couldn't get over it and broke up with me. As a result, I stopped visiting on weekends. Layne was thrilled Rob broke up with me and hounded me for the longest time to come visit him. He wanted to see more of me again all of a sudden.

One weekend when I came to visit Layne, he took me to dinner and a movie. Something we had never done before. He held my hand during part of the movie, which he also had never done before. It felt like a date and he even kissed me at the end of the evening. He asked me to sleep with him that night and I succumbed. We made love several times that night. It was enjoyable, and the sex was some of the best I ever had, but he told me he was falling in love with me and I started having serious feelings towards him as well. I felt like I could easily fall in love with him, which is silly because he's my brother, and we both knew it was wrong. So I avoided him after that. I always had some excuse why I couldn't come visit. It was a long time until I saw Layne again. He knew I was avoiding him and I think I broke his heart.

"The next time I saw Layne was when our mother died several years later. We were both staying at Mom's house following the funeral. It was the house in which we had both grown up in as kids. Layne and I drank a lot that evening and we ended up sleeping together. Well, we actually did very little sleeping. We consoled and comforted each other throughout the night. Like I said, sex with my brother was easily the best I ever had. It was nothing short of amazing.

The next morning, Layne professed his love for me and asked me to move in with him. I could have easily fallen in love with my brother. What am I saying? I absolutely was in love with him. He's funny, attractive and sexy and he's a great lover! I could have easily given in and loved him back, but I knew it was wrong. Not because it was morally wrong. I don't give a shit about what society thinks, obviously. It was wrong because I knew that I would only end up hurting him, just like I do to all of the men in my life. I love my brother far too much to do that to him. So I told him we could never be together. I broke his heart and I've pretty much been avoiding him ever since.

"Until recently, that is, when I got desperate and had nowhere else to go. I had no choice but to move in with my brother. I'm worried because I'm getting weak and I think I'm falling in love with him all over again. In truth, I never stopped loving him, no matter how hard I tried. And I tried hard, but I'm tired of running. God help me, I've fallen in love with my brother."

Chapter 5

Over the course of several weeks, Layne and Valerie were becoming more comfortable with each other and closer than ever. Val would wake up early just so she could see her brother first thing in the morning and make him breakfast. Layne took Valerie to lunch in return. Layne even made the effort to visit his sister at the Diner so they could have dinner together the nights she worked. They would watch television together at night on Valerie's nights off. They shopped and played racquetball together. Valerie was pleasantly surprised to find out her brother was actually a real gentleman. He continued to tease her but she slowly realized that was Layne's way of showing affection. He respected her space and never attempted to make a move on her. Which honestly, kind of disappointed her. She realized that she would have to make the first move.

That opportunity presented itself when the siblings were watching a movie one night called "The Wrestler." In that movie, Marissa Tomei portrayed a stripper.

"Do you miss that life Val? Taking your clothes off for strangers for money?" Layne asked sincerely.

"Not really! But I guess I should start thinking about it again, since I've probably saved enough money to move to Florida soon and take that stripping job, assuming the job's still open. I haven't spoken to my friend in a while, but..." Val said hesitantly.

"Seriously? You're going back to that life?" Layne asked.

"I guess. I've had fun, but I can't stay here forever, Layne. It was just supposed to be for a couple months, remember?" Val said remorsefully.

"I'm not going to ask you to stay if you can't, but I want you to know that I don't want you to leave, Val." Layne said. "I don't want you to leave... me."

Val looked over at her brother and saw how sad he looked. They've both come so far. It must have taken a lot for him to say that, she thought to herself. Truth is she didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay with her brother forever. An idea occurred to her.

"I better start practicing, don't you think?" Valerie said as she got up from the sofa.

"What are you doing?" Her brother asked as he started to get up off the sofa after her.

Valerie pushed her brother back down on the sofa. She didn't say a word. She turned off the television and choose a slow sexy song on her cell phone that started blasting music through the expensive Bluetooth speakers in the loft.

"You don't have to do this Val!" Layne assured Valerie.

Valerie put her finger to her lips to shush him. She started dancing slowly in front of her brother, swaying her hips. This time, she was just Valerie, his sister, not Tina the Tiger. This was no performance or routine. This was for real.

Valerie slowly unbuttoned her blouse and unsnapped her jeans discarding them on the floor as Layne looked on. She turned her back on him and slowly unsnapped her bra as she looked back at him. Her bra soon joined her other clothes on the ground. With her back still to her brother, Valerie slowly bent over and pulled down her panties, giving her brother a good look at her naked ass and her vulva peeking out between her cheeks and thighs.

"Do I still have it brother? Do I still turn you on?" She said, turning to face him.

Layne nodded silently. He was speechless.

Valerie turned around and sat on her brother's lap facing him. Her pussy was already moist and left a wet stain on his pants. She leaned in and kissed her brother fully on the lips. He returned his sister's kisses, their tongues darting in and out of their mouths. He wrapped his arms around her naked back and pulled her into him. Valerie could feel the bulge in her brother's pants teasing her clitoris.

"Is that for me?" She cooed as she lifted herself off of Layne and kneeled down at his feet. She slowly unbuckled his belt and unhooked his trousers. She pulled down his zipper and yanked off his pants and underwear. His cock sprang to attention.

"I missed this cock," Valerie confessed as she tightly grasped the circumference of his thick raging hard on. His cock was more than ample, just as she remembered it. She licked up and down the shaft and played with the tip of Layne's cock before taking it into her mouth, gradually easing it in inch by inch with each successive downward motion. Soon, her lips and nose were pressed against his body as she engulfed his cock down her throat.

Valerie pulled her attention away from her brother's cock which was now slick with her spit and his pre-cum and climbed back up onto the sofa and straddled his face. She lowered her dripping pussy onto his hungry waiting mouth. Layne didn't say anything as his tongue and lips worked their magic on her labia and swollen clit.

"Mmmm..." Valerie moaned as she rode his face. "Nobody has ever eaten my pussy as good as you do Layne. No one has ever come close."

Valerie's whole being shuddered and her knees got weak as she slowly lowered herself down onto her brother's waiting lap. She rubbed her wet pussy back and forth over his erect cock, further lubricating it. Her brother's cock found its own way into her expectant vagina, deeper and deeper until she felt him hit the back of her cervix. Valerie's pussy had accommodated many a man's cock in her years, but not one of them had ever filled her up and satisfied her quite like her own brother's.

Not a word was said between them as Valerie rode up and down on Layne's lap. She lifted herself up off his lap so that only the tip of his cock was inside her. Then she slowly lowered herself back down, feeling the warmth of his cock stretch her pussy walls, over and over, again and again. She suddenly shifted gears and as if in a trance, ground her pussy back and forth, rocking herself on Layne's cock buried in her to the hilt. She grabbed his head and pushed his face against her luscious breasts as she came once again.

Layne lifted his sister up of the sofa with his cock still buried deep inside her and carried her to his bedroom. There, he laid her on the edge of the bed and fucked her hard. Valerie and Layne both cried out in ecstasy as Layne filled his sister's pussy full of his cum.

Layne pulled out of his sister's quim and fell down onto the bed next to her. Brother and sister both laid there perspiring, her brother's cum slowly leaking out of Valerie's swollen and reddened pussy. They crawled into bed together and slept together that night for the first time in years. They fucked again in the middle of the night and once again in the morning.

"Val, I was secretly hoping that you could stay here with me for as long as you want. That is, if you want to," Layne suggested as they laid in bed, Valerie's head resting on his chest. "No pressure."

"Are you trying to make an honest woman of me?" Valerie laughed.

"An honest woman? I don't believe I've ever met one of those before." Layne said facetiously as he and Valerie laughed. "I just think you should take some time and think about it. I'm not asking you to stay forever and I won't try to stop you if you want to go. I'm offering you my home and you don't even have to sleep with me if you don't want to."

"You don't understand Layne. I've already thought it over. I'm done running away and denying my love for you. I want you to ask me to me to stay. I want you to try and stop me if I ever tried to leave. I want nothing more than to sleep with you and share your bed. I want only to be your private dancer. Forever."

And she was.

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Summer1987Summer198711 months ago

Would love another part!

Robinius1Robinius1over 3 years ago

I liked your story but thought the part where she told her AA meeting about how she and her brother got started was a bit too short on details. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Brilliant Mike

Wow! I didn't know all that after reading this. Thanks Dr Mike! Besides his comments, good story. Interesting variation of the bro/sis stories. I enjoyed it a lot. I do wish it was a bit longer tho. Perhaps a sequel?

3 stars



RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 3 years ago
Damaged Goods.

Valerie seems like the typical damaged goods,always choosing assoles and pricks to be with,but her brother Layne was the only one to treat her with respect,but Val was scared of loving Layne because of their blood ties.

But finally Val found courage to just say Fuck the world and declare her love for Layne,and even tho this is fiction,it also has real life aspects like it really is no one's business but their own and people should keep their opinions to themselves cause they should live their lives the way they want without criticism or judgement.Great story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
It’s very good

I’ve been in love with my sister forever.... thank you for writing this.

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