Promotion Comes With Strings Attached


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"All of those things could happen without having to sell your body. Maybe not today, but we don't need his perverted fucking ideas."

We were locked in an impasse, staring back at each other. We went down to the kitchen and started making dinner. It was cold, the tension unbearable. I helped out as I usually did, and I could see she wanted to talk, but I wasn't opening that door again.

Dinner came and went without another word said. The dishes were done, and clean up finished, and still nothing. The air was thick with tension. I swear it was so thick it was almost impossible to move through it.

From nowhere, she said in a matter-of-fact voice, "I'm doing it, Darren. I don't know what that means for us, but I'm doing it. You can make your mind up about what that means for you."

I didn't answer straight away; her words were like a slap in the face.

She wasn't finished, though. "When we met, I knew you were the one for me. You had it all, good looking, talented, driven and so damned determined. I mean, you worked your ass off trying to make that damned band work. You were the only thing holding it together. The others were hopeless. You, though, God, the moment I saw you, I wanted you. I loved you from the first moment. I knew it, I felt it."

Her eyes never moved, they stayed locked on mine. "You were everything I had ever wanted. Open minded, prepared to try anything, do anything to try and make your dreams come true. Now I wonder where that person went. I know this is hardly a normal situation, and it's not socially accepted, but nobody would know. You make your mind up about where we go from here, but, here's the bottom line. I'm taking Wyatt's offer. You do what you want."

I didn't respond. All I knew was I couldn't stay in the same room with her. I grabbed my keys and walked out. The bar was dark, people laughing, talking, music playing in the background. I sat at the bar drinking, one after the other, the pain easing with every burning mouthful.

I was pretty smashed when I staggered home. It was closing time, so I knew it was late. At home, I just collapsed fully clothed on the couch and slipped into the comforting embrace of sleep.

I was roused in the morning by Coby rattling around in the kitchen. Checking my phone, I saw the time. I was running late. I jumped up and rushed around getting my work shit together.

"Are we going to talk, Darren?"

"Nope, no need. You made it abundantly clear where I stand last night. I'll decide today what I'm going to do." Rushing for the door, I turned as I swung it open. "It's been nice knowing you, Coby."

She didn't say anything, but I suddenly realized I had made up my mind. My head pounded, I stopped at a diner on the way to work, grabbed a coffee and a sandwich. The day was fucking hard. My headache wasn't going anywhere, and everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

It was a long day, and rather than go straight home, I stopped at the watering hole and got food and a little taste of the hair of the dog. It was about ten when I got home. Coby was in the living room on the couch, working on her laptop.

"Finally decided to come home, have you?" she muttered angrily.

"Goodnight," I snorted as I went to bed.

Slamming the door, I crashed. She came in much later. I saw her starting to get undressed, and snapped, "Don't bother, you're not sleeping with me. I'm not sleeping with his fucking whore. You get the fucking couch."

"Is that how it's going to be?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"Not for much longer. I'm moving out tomorrow. You can have this place. We'll split what's in the joint account. I'll cancel the credit cards. You'll have to organize your own."

"Oh my god... Are you serious?" she gasped. I think she was expecting me to just fold. I knew damned well her statement earlier was a line in the sand challenge.

"Yep, I told you, Coby. You know me well enough to know I don't play games."

She walked over, sat on the edge of the bed reaching for my hand. "Fuck," was all she said. We sat like that for a while before she lay down on top of the blankets fully clothed and snuggled up behind me. That's how we went to sleep.

At least it was Saturday morning, and it gave me a sleep in. When I got up, Coby was walking around aimlessly. Rather than go straight down, I started packing. I had a couple of suitcases piled full, my back pack. Standing in the bedroom, I looked around. The only other thing from the bedroom was my old Telecaster hanging on the wall.

Taking it down, I gave it a little strum and slung it over my back. Walking down the stairs, Coby met me with tear-filled eyes.

"This is how it's going to end?"

I nodded. "Yeah, guess so. It doesn't have to. As long as you haven't slept with him yet, there's still a chance. Give up this stupid shit and we can try to make it work."

She shook her head. "No, I've made my mind up. I just hoped you'd be prepared to support me. I want you by my side. I never envisioned one moment when you wouldn't be there for me."

"Apart from the moments you were in his bed, I guess."

"Jesus, Darren. It's just fucking; he would be getting nothing more than that."

"Bullshit. I know you, Coby. It wouldn't be a quick fuck then go back to your own bed."

"You're focusing on the wrong shit, babe. What does it matter? Think about when I get home. We can do anything we want. You can have your dream studio."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all good for you. You get your romantic breaks away with lover boy. What do I get? Fucking nothing, that's what."

"But what about your studio?" she said in a beaten whimper.

"I'll get it one day. I'm prepared to wait until I've earned it."

I left her standing, mouth agape as I started loading all my gear into my truck. The music gear took up most of the space.

Back inside, she slid into my arms. "Please, Darren, don't let it end like this."

"It's not me, Coby. You are the only one who can change this."

"Christ, why are you being so closed minded, so inflexible? You're not seeing the big picture."

With a final kiss, I walked out. My life was now stacked on the back of my truck. First mission was to find somewhere safe for all my music gear. One of the guys I worked with had mentioned a big storage shed at the back of his place.

Thankfully, he let me load all my gear in and lock it up. He even told me of a friend of theirs who was looking to share a place.

After a quick meeting, Glen let me move into the spare room in his apartment. It wasn't much, but it was cheaper than a hotel.

My phone kept going off throughout the day. Each time I checked, it was Coby. Not ready for more arguments, I just let them go to message bank.

I waited until later, when with the aid of a couple of beers, I felt calmer. Like I could talk.

"Hey, Coby, I missed a couple of calls."

"Darren, this is dumb. I love you, and I want you here with me. Damn it, I miss you already."

"If you're feeling lonely, why not give loverboy a call? Sure he won't mind coming over."

"Don't be a dick. How can we ever know if this would work if you don't give it a try?"

"Hey, I don't need to get run over by a truck to know I ain't gonna like it."

"Darren, be serious, babe. What about this: We give it a try. What do we have to lose? If it doesn't work, then we figure it out or go separate ways, C'mon, what do we have to lose?"

"Oh, I don't know... Dignity, self respect?"

"How the hell can you lose your dignity?"

"My wife having sex with another man. You don't think that causes a loss of esteem?"

"Babe, it's just part of the job. I'll make up for it when I'm home. God, babe, I'll rock your world."

"Yeah, after you finish rocking his. Look, can we stop talking about this? I've had enough. I said no, let's just get on with our lives."

"God, how can you be so god damned calm? I thought you loved me."

"I do. I'm falling apart on the inside. You know I love you. I gave up my dream to be with you."

That's when she started crying. She just kept sobbing. "Coby, I have to go."

"What about all the furniture? It's half yours?"

"Keep it or give it to charity. I don't care."

"What about the personal stuff, photos?"

"Keep them. I'm gonna be doing my best to forget they ever existed. You are now nothing more than a toxic memory I'm gonna work hard to erase."

Sunday, I just walked, nowhere special, I just walked. I was pretty shattered when I got back, but the muscle pain took away the actual pain.

I focused on getting my shit ready for work the next day. It was a strange feeling, waking up alone. Funny, once you've slept with somebody for a couple of years, you adapt to the feel of them, the noises they make, the way they smell, wriggle. Some of them might have been irritating, but they were also what made us who we were.

Work... what can you say? I loved and hated it. Loved the guys, They were a bunch of hard asses who got me through the day. Always playing pranks and throwing shade.

Leaving work that night, I got out to the car park and there was, Coby's fucking boss. He was leaning against my truck, his arms folded, looking... pissed.

When he saw me approaching, he moved off the car, standing tall. This time there was no attempt at politeness, no handshake proffered. He said firmly, "We need to talk."

Walking past him, I flung my gear onto the truck. Trying to ignore him, I unlocked the driver's door and went to step in.

He grabbed my arm, and said again, "We need to talk."

Leaning back against the side, I sighed deeply. "Okay asshole, what now?"

"Coby tells me you've walked out and you're talking about separation, is that true?"

I stared at his face and it was impossible to read, his eyes stayed fixed on mine, his jaw set squarely. "None of your damn business."

"Darren, it is my business. I need to know what your plans are. What's important is what you planning to say to people?"

"I'll probably tell them the truth, that she's fucking her boss for a promotion."

He nodded imperceptibly. "I should have guessed you would behave like a child. Are you filing for divorce?"

"Yes, again, not that it's any of your business. My lawyer tells me I've got a good case for alienation of affection, if I file under adultery and name you. He encouraged me to sue."

"I see. You know that would put an end to Coby's promotion?"

"Don't care, she's no longer my problem. Now she's yours."

He shook his head in total disbelief. "God almighty, you are a fool."

"Is that it, can I leave now?"

"Darren, I came here today hoping we could make a deal. Believe it or not, I want Coby for that position. She's the best I've seen in a long time. She's a real ball buster, a worker. It'll break my heart if I can't offer her that position."

"There's nothing stopping you. If she's good enough, she's good enough."

"Not that simple anymore. I can't do it with a lawsuit hanging over our heads. If you're going to turn this into a big show, it will destroy both our reputations. Her use to me is gone. The board would never approve her promotion with accusations like that hanging over our heads."

I growled viciously, pushing myself off the truck sides. "I don't fucking care. What you do or don't fucking do, it doesn't concern me. Just fuck off. I told you before, stay out of my way."

"Or what?" he sneered. "You are behaving like a spoiled little brat. How much do I have to offer you to just pack up and fuck off?"

"Yeah, typical. You fucking jerk. Money won't save your ass this time."

"Two hundred thousand. Then you can crawl away and drink yourself into oblivion."

"Asshole." I screamed. "You dirty piece of shit. You think you can just fuck up my life and I'm just gonna take it? No, fuck you."

I stood an inch or so taller, maybe weighed an extra twenty pounds, and I worked for my money. I took a shot. I'm no fighter, so it came off as a big roundhouse haymaker. I saw the look of surprise in his eyes, and I thought I had him.

As my fist flew towards his face, he moved, and man, I mean he moved. Fuck knows how he did it, but he had my fist, trapped in a strange grip. He pulled me towards him, twisted my arm and pushed my hand backwards.

There was no escaping it. I fell to one knee to try and alleviate the pain. Every time I tried to move, he twisted a little harder, the pain escalating.

Still holding my hand, he knelt down and glared at me, with fire in his eyes. "You're a fucking dick. Do you think I was born into money, that everything I have was given to me? You're wrong, pal. My mother was am illegal Mexican immigrant. We had nothing. Everything I have today, I worked for. I paid my own way through college."

His gravelly growl deepened as he spat at me. "I worked every shitty job known to mankind. You think you know me? You know squat."

He flung my arm back, and stood up. "Guys like you piss me off. You think you got it so fucking hard. You have a woman who loves you more than life itself, and you throw it away. You're a fuckhead."

"What the fuck would you know about love?" I hissed, as I tried to rub some life back into my wrist.

"You know why I'm so god damned good at my job, Darren? I will tell you: people. I'm great with people. I can assess them immediately. I understand them, find ways to work with them, find out what their passions and dreams are."

He wiped away a few beads of sweat from his brow. "Coby is a special woman. I knew the moment we started working together. She had the X-factor. She was ambitious, driven, determined, and she wanted my job. She was perfect."

When I didn't respond, he carried on. "I wanted her for the CEO's position. That's what I do; our company is growing rapidly. I move in, find the best person to take the company forward and train them, teach them everything I know. Then I move on to the next one. Coby is perfect, so much better than the tired old asshats who have been there for twenty years. She's young and ambitious."

With some blood flowing back into my hand, I shook it off. "I'm not interested. I don't need to know all this."

"Darren, I'm offering you two hundred grand. You can go off and play music producer or whatever the hell it is that you want. All I want is for you to make me a promise that you will keep your mouth shut and not sue. Nobody wins those damn cases, anyway. All that will happen is the lawyers will get rich and you will destroy her reputation."

He glared at me, his nostrils flaring. "You really are a putz, you know? She is one in a million, Darren. Most men would kill to have her in their corner. When I said I know people, she loves you, man, that was so clear to me. I have no doubts in my mind. She fucking loves you."

"Bullshit. I get it, you love this game, stealing another man's wife. Humiliating me. That's the big pay off for you, isn't it? That's what you want."

He shook his head in derision. "I don't care about you, in fact I don't give a fuck about you, actually. I don't want to humiliate you. The reason I choose married women is they are safe and discreet. I don't want anybody to know."

He leaned against the truck beside me. "Darren, you have the wrong idea about what it is I want. I don't want to steal Coby away. I don't want romance from her. I get enough of that elsewhere. I like sex; I like to get it when I want it."

"Then why not just hire hookers?"

"Because of the dangers. I love sex, I enjoy every element of it. I hate condoms. Having my travel companion available for sex whenever I feel like it, well, that's perfect for me."

"You realize you're talking about my wife, right?"

"Yes, I get it. If I was in your position, I would be angry as well. The difference is, I would be open minded enough to consider it. I get to have sex with your wife, a couple of times every other week. Big deal."

I laughed. "Don't trivialize my feelings, don't treat me like an idiot."

"Why not, you're acting like one. How long have you had the dream to own and run your own record label? Most of your adult life I would guess."

I nodded.

"Coby has her dream, as well. She is passionate about that job, which is why I want her to get it. I want the best person for the job. The fact that she is as hot as hell and I get to have sex with her is just a bonus I couldn't turn down."

"You're a cruel fucker. You destroyed our marriage, just so you could fuck her."

"No, I didn't destroy your marriage, don't lay that shit on me. If your marriage fails, that's all on you, my friend. You did that all by yourself. I think you gave up."

"How do you figure that?"

"It goes back to something Coby said to me. She said what pissed her off the most was you wouldn't even try. You just said no. Only a fool doesn't consider a proposition that gives them financial stability for the rest of their life."

"Sorry, but I think only a fool lets another man fuck his wife."

"Darren, how would the fact Coby and I had sex interfere with your life? She's on the road anyway. She wouldn't be home with you. What exactly are you missing out on?"

I couldn't answer, and he nodded. "Thought so. You aren't worried about what you're not getting. You're just jealous because she is getting something extra. Don't you see, my friend? It's just jealousy."

"You're full of shit. The only reason you're trying to sell me on this is it's better for you, and consequently the company."

"Darren, I don't give a fuck about you, or what you do. I came here today to offer you a deal. I'll give you two hundred grand if you walk away quietly. That's all I want. Rule number one... Life's not fair."

"I don't want your money."

He screwed his face into a thoughtful frown. "Darren, you obviously love Coby. Why not give my proposal some thought? It's a win-win situation. If you remove the jealousy aspect, nobody loses. I get what I want. Coby gets what she wants, and you get what you have always wanted. For god's sake, just think about it."

"Fuck you."

"Darren, I want her to get that job. All I'm asking for here today is a guarantee you won't fuck it up. I'm willing to pay."

"Do what you want. I'm just glad to have her out of my life."

He shook his head again. "Have it your way, but thanks."

I was left with a sore wrist, and a problem...

Yeah, it sounds stupid, but his words kept bouncing around my head. Could it be that simple, was it just jealousy on my part?

I started to consider his proposal. He was right in one thing. When I analyzed it, jealousy was at the root of it. She was going to travel the damn country in a private jet. Stay at five star hotels, eat at the best restaurants and to top it off, she got extra sex as well, while I was left at home holding my cock...

Ever since I started listening to records, I had loved music. I loved the different sounds, and every time, I changed stuff in my head. What if they did this, or that? Brought in some horns, a little more distortion on the guitar. Maybe some reverb, or a flanger.

As a guitar player, I fixated on the tone. Certain tones really got my heart racing, and when I listened to other musicians recordings, I superimposed my favorite tones.

It had long been my desire to own my own label. I hated all the modern shit. I loved alternative artists. The mainstream did nothing for me; I hated it. All over-produced crap. I yearned for the raw untouched sounds. When I was a working musician, I saw all these incredible artists who couldn't get any of the major labels to take them seriously.

I used to dream about being in a position to change that. I wanted to make a difference, make the world aware that this music really existed.

The more I thought about it, the more potent the images became. I started thinking about what I could do with a hundred and fifty grand. It wouldn't get a really top-notch studio, but it would make a pretty damn good start.