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He began to move his head wildly, jerking it until his neck hurt, but nothing would dislodge her fingers. He stopped and tried to calm down and think of something else, but he couldn't. He held out as long as he could, but finally he opened his mouth wide and began gasping for air. That's when Samantha quickly squeezed the bulb a few times, shooting all the come into his mouth.

Some went into his air pipe and made him start coughing. Some went up his nose and began burning in his nostrils, causing him to sneeze it out. Most of it eventually ended down his throat because he swallowed it as he sucked for air.

He made a lot of noise, and the girls stopped giggling and watched him with wide eyes. As the noise died down to just an occasional gagging sound, Mrs. Roberts spoke again.

"Dickie, you've received the semen like your girlfriends did, without protection. You don't have a vagina, so we used your mouth as a substitute."

"The semen has entered your body. The next lesson is what happens when the sperm meets the egg. But first we have to prepare you."

He watched as Tiffin and Samantha attached some metal devices to the hospital bed. When they removed the restraints from his legs, he tried to move them, but he was still sucking wind and didn't have much energy. They had little trouble lifting his legs into the metal channels and then strapping them in place. The metal devices swiveled, and the girls spread his lifted legs wide apart.

"These are antique birthing stirrups," explained Mrs. Roberts. "They made it easier for the midwife or doctor because the expectant mother was exposed and wide open. The next thing to do is get all the hair out of the way and scrub the area with an antiseptic solution."

She walked out of the room.

As Dickie saw his former girlfriends approach him with a razor, he began struggling wildly again.

"Please hold still, Dickie," said Tiffin in her high-pitched voice. She tried to sound serious, but she couldn't help giggling as she spoke.

"If we cut you, we'll put antiseptic on the cut, but that will burn like crazy. And if you turn the wrong way too quickly, we could accidentally cut something off."

Dickie immediately held his breath and lay perfectly still as the girls lathered him and took turns shaving his pubic hair. They shaved everything below his stomach, including his penis, testicles and all around his anus. Then they washed him off and applied warm wax to get rid of the stubble. They pulled the wax off gently, but it still stung.

When Mrs. Roberts came back to the lab, the girls stepped back from the bed where they had been admiring their work. The nurse grabbed Dickie's penis and testicles and inspected them.

"Nice work, girls," she pronounced. "Smooth as a baby. Now we can see what we're doing."

She leaned over Dickie.

"Paying attention now, are we? It's a good thing you boys don't shower in PE anymore. All you have to do is figure out an explanation for your girlfriends. Sam and Tiff and all the nice girls who work here won't need any explanations should they agree to go out with you. You'll meet some more of them later.

"You're clean on the outside, but we need you clean on the inside, too. That's why Sam is pushing that lubricant into your ass with her finger."

Dickie watched as Tiffin wheeled over a stand with a tube hanging down and carefully pushed the tube into him. He squirmed as it kept going deeper. Then he saw her turn a spigot that was below the bag on the stand and felt his insides being flooded with warm fluid.

"We're filling you up with a lot of soapy liquid Dickie, and then we're going to position this large metal bucket right below your anus and wait," the nurse said.

"There, you're full up. Do you feel like expelling? Take as long as you want. I think you're embarrassed because your friends are watching you.

"They know how humiliated you're feeling, because they've done this lots of times. They love to watch the boys' embarrassment and discomfort, and they don't mind the smell at all. Don't worry. We aren't filming this part."

"After you've expelled everything, they're going to fill you up one more tim. We want to make sure your anus and colon are pristine."

She walked out of the room.


"How are you feeling, Dickie?" Mrs. Roberts asked rhetorically. "I hope you're no longer bored. You look a little tired. Now you know all about the pre-birth shave and enema.

"There's sperm inside you, but there's no baby yet. Samantha is inserting the nozzle into your ass one more time, and we're filling you up again. But this time, it's not soapy water. It's pure clear baby oil.

"We're putting a lot into you. Do you feel your stomach expanding? It almost looks like you're a little pregnant.

"There, that's all of it. You should feel really greasy inside now, but there's still no baby.

"There it is. Tiffin is holding it up for you to see. It's the flat rubber thing. Go ahead, Tiff."

Tiffin pushed all of it into Dickie's slimy ass.

"Now you've got your baby all inside you, except for the little nozzle sticking out of your asshole," Mrs. Roberts said. "It's from the inflatable rubber ball Tiffin impregnated you with. It's time to call the rest of the girls in because they want to watch the progress of your pregnancy. Do you recognize any of them? Some of them know you. They had abortions thanks to some of your friends.

"I call our nurses aide staff cheerleaders, because they're all so cute and sexy. Did you ever imagine you'd be lying naked in a laboratory surrounded by hot young girls watching your pregnancy?

"We don't have nine months, Dickie, so each three minutes is going represent a month. Girls, quiet now! I apologize for the giggling, Dickie. It's not professional, but some of them are seeing this for the first time.

"Watch as Tiffin attaches her little hand pump to the nozzle of the ball. Okay, Tiff, just one little pump."

Dickie's body jerked.

"Did you see that? Dickie's feeling something has changed inside him, but there's not much showing yet. He's probably thinking more than feeling it at this point.

"Okay, it's three minutes. Two pumps this time, Tiffin. He's starting to show as the baby expands inside him. There's a head and a rear now and some fingers. He's feeling queasy in the morning.

"Now three good pumps, Tiffin. Yes, the baby's head is getting close to the size it will be when it comes out. That and the shoulders will be the hardest part for Dickie to deal with. We're at the end of the first trimester, and Dickie is already anxious because the added weight is constantly reminding him of what's growing inside him.

"Three more, Tiffin! You're really starting to expand, Dickie, because the placenta is now involved. We're not going to try to mimic the placenta here, because we'd don't want to damage any internal organs. So you're never going to get as large as the girls here will when they have their babies."

Dickie struggled against his restraints as the ball started to expand. The bigger it got, the less he struggled, because it took all his concentration to deal with the discomfort and the humiliation of the girls watching and giggling.

The girls got so excited that they began kissing each other and rubbing against each other. Some of them took off their clothes and danced around him naked. He saw some of them fingering each other while looking at him.

Despite his embarrassment and the growing pain inside him that made him squirm, he had become hard and his face was flush. The girls drew closer. One of them began pulling at his balls. Another began pumping his cock. She made way for a girl who leaned over and started sucking him. Mrs. Roberts stopped them.

"I know you want to see him come again girls, but it's time for month five. Three more pumps Tiffin. Your baby's about ten inches long now, Dickie, and starting to move around a lot."

Dickie's body seemed to be moving involuntarily, trying to figure out how to expel the growing ball that was tormenting him. Samantha walked up to his face, held up a wrapped condom and tore it open in front of his eyes. She moved down his body and carefully slid it over his hard penis. Then she climbed onto the bed and stood over him, straddling him with her legs and looking into his eyes. Her smile went from ear to ear.

She carefully lowered herself until she squeezed into the narrow space between his inflated belly and his legs, which were held up in the air and spread wide by the stirrups. As she slowly dropped down, Dickie felt himself entering her juicy vagina.

She began riding him, and it felt good at first when she was moving slowly. But she gradually speeded up, and as she came down hard, her thighs smashed into his belly squeezing the ball inside him. That hurt, but what hurt more was when she lifted up and the ball suddenly expanded again.

He began shrieking in rhythm with Samantha's pace, which increased. Then he gave an enormous scream as she slammed her butt down hard and fell forward onto his belly sighing. For a few moments, all was quiet except for the sounds of the girls marveling at what they had just seen. Then Mrs. Roberts spoke again.

"Okay, Sam, don't just lie there smiling. You are such an exhibitionist. Everybody saw how you came, so the show is over. You can get off now.

"Tiffin, month six. Three more pumps. Some babies are born this early Dickie, but I think you're going to full term. Your baby's almost twelve inches long and getting big.

"You didn't come with Samantha, so Holly wants to whack you off to see if she can get you to come despite what you're feeling. No, Tiffin, I know what you want to do, but we'll wait on that. Give him three more pumps of air while Holly pumps his cock.

"It's month seven Dickie, and the baby's more than two pounds and close to fifteen inches. As we can all see, you're starting to have a difficult time handling the growth, and you're getting more impatient for it to come out. But you're also scared about what that will mean.

"She did it. You may not even have felt much, but Holly's hands just got you off, and your condom is full of come. It doesn't look like you enjoyed it that much, but that's how sex is sometimes for a pregnant woman unless the husband is careful.

"Four pumps Tiffin! We're at month eight, when the baby almost doubles in size. It's anxious to be born, and we're anxious, too -- and nervous about the job we have to do. But we watched the birthing videos carefully, so we know how we can help speed the process along.

"Two pumps Tiffin, because the growth slows in month nine. The baby is now about eight pounds and almost two feet long. It's huge for our little bodies -- even your big body, Dickie. You're definitely worn out from carrying it for nine whole months, but you need all your strength now to get it out of you.

"Okay, Dickie, if you paid attention during the movies and when the girls were going over your quiz, you learned some birthing techniques that will make it easier on you. Tell us what they are, and we'll be glad to help you do them.

"You're looking at us and moaning. You don't have anything to say? You didn't attention? That will make it harder for you. Start pushing, just like you do when you go to the bathroom. If you remember the movies, the women did certain things while they were pushing, so you can do those also.

"That was a good push. I saw a little of the baby's head, but you're going to have to do a lot better than that. Yes, it hurts. That big baby has to come out of your little hole. That's impossible unless either the baby shrinks or the hole expands. Guess which one happens?

"Pull yourself together, Dickie. You're sounding just as desperate and frantic as the women in the movies. We'll help you get the baby out. You're not going home like this.

"Sometimes when the baby is stuck, the doctor has to reach inside with her hands or some tools. We're not going to do that, but we will help you another way. Sally loves to do this. She is going to grab the nozzle sticking out and begin pulling.

"She'll do it slowly and steadily, so it's going to hurt for a while. But that's better than ripping the baby out, because that would tear you. I would have to stitch you up, and your ass would hurt for a long time, especially when you go to the bathroom. We don't want that."

Dickie began blubbering. His head and body seemed to be out of control. Both were jerking in all directions as he cried.

"You look like a child who's getting a spanking," Mrs. Roberts said. "This will look wonderful on the video. I think Sam and Tiff are right. Your video is going to be one of the most popular of them all.

"Not only girls from your school, but girls who volunteer here from all over the city will want to watch it. What are you going to say when you meet a cute girl at a party, and she giggles and looks at you funny, and you know she's seen you swallowing your come and giving birth?

"Do you feel Sally pulling? Yes, scream as loud as you want, but push at the same time, Dickie. I see a little more of the baby coming into sight. You're beginning to expand to let it through. Ready? Push again! Oh yes, Sam, I know I promised you. It's all right now."

Samantha rushed to the bed, bent over him and carefully pulled off his condom. She washed off his cock and balls with a damp cloth, dried him with a towel and quickly sucked him into her mouth. He felt her head going up and down and her tongue whipping around his tip as she sucked.

Despite feeling as though he was going to split open as Sally pulled on the ball, he began to respond to her. He tried to concentrate on pushing to get the ball out, but her mouth was distracting him.

"Samantha likes to conduct this experiment whenever a boy is birthing," Mrs. Roberts explained. "She will suck you, and take turns with Tiffin, who will masturbate you with her hands. They want to see if they can make you come while the baby is being born.

"You should try to ignore them and focus on gathering your strength for another push. Otherwise the birthing takes longer. It takes some girls almost twenty-four hours. How would you like to feel like you do now for that long?

"There, I definitely saw movement! You're doing great. The baby is making progress."

Dickie began to yell and curse at Samantha and Tiffin as he struggled to concentrate on pushing. They were bringing him close to coming and then releasing him and frustrating him. It made the pain inside him even more unbearable.

"Yes, yell at Samantha and Tiffin, Dickie," said Mrs. Roberts in an encouraging voice. "Curse them like that! Let it all out! This is a highly charged moment in your life, and they won't hold what you say against you. Now it's time to push again. That was quite a shriek there, but it seems to have helped. The baby's more than half way out. It should only take one or two more pushes.

"If you had paid attention to the movies, you would have been done by now. Doing this on your back is the hardest and most painful way. That's how they did it in the old days.

"The movies showed how you could have stood up and squatted or you could have gotten on your hands and knees. Both ways would have opened you wider and taken advantage of gravity. We were ready to help you get into those positions, but you didn't ask.

"Well, that push almost did it, Dickie. You're screaming at Sam and Tiffin again. You say you can't push while they're working on you. But that's why they're doing it. Come on! They can't stop you!

"Oh! You just came all over yourself. I didn't think you'd have that that much semen left. No wonder you knock up girls so easily.

"Okay, you've had your fun, Dickie. Now let's push one more time. There, keep pushing. I know you're out of breath, but don't give up. If you had learned how to breathe the right way from the movies, you could have done it that time. Take a few deep breaths and now one more push. There it goes!"

There was a loud sound, like a large balloon popping, as the ball came free, and Sally almost fell over backwards. The girls standing around Dickie stared between his legs at the huge opening the ball had made, and they continued to watch as it slowly closed. The only sound was Dickie's sobbing.

Samantha and Tiffin each took a leg, removed it from the stirrups and lowered it to the bed. Then they moved up to his head, bent over him and began stroking and kissing him softly. He felt other hands gently stroking him all over his body and soothing soft voices of comfort. He barely heard Mrs. Roberts over their murmurs.

"The girls are so turned on that they really feel affectionate toward you right now, Dickie. You could have your choice of them. Too bad you're in no shape for anything.

"The ones who want to know you better will give me their phone numbers later, and I'll email the numbers and some sexy photos they've made of themselves to you. If you want to date any of them, you'll probably find them very responsive -- as long as you use protection.

"They will never forget what they saw here. Most of them tell me that whenever they run into one of our patients on the street, they get wet just from remembering what he looked like when he gave birth.

"Okay, girls, enough kissing and caressing. Let's get Dickie cleaned up and dressed so an orderly can take him home. When you get home, your mom will have a hot bath waiting for you. I suggest you soak for an hour or so and then go right to bed.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, so you have the weekend to get better. For a week or so, you're still going to feel pain whenever you walk or do anything that affects the muscles inside your anus.

"In this bag is a year's supply of condoms. Once you feel like seeing girls again, we hope you always have one with you. And remember to make sure that you don't hook up with girls who haven't made a commitment to safety. You can call here and check to see if they are on our approved list.

"I don't think you want to come back here for another treatment. As you heard, none of our patients ever have. But I know that sooner or later, there will be a boy who is stupid enough to take another chance and we'll have our first repeat patient.

"You don't want to be that patient who hears the door bell, opens the door and comes face to face with three large orderlies who bring him back here for another treatment.

"We are still working out what we'd do if that ever happened, because it would have to be a much more memorable lesson than today's. We're thinking about something that might sound scary to you, but it's realistic, too.

"After all, chances are that some of our nurse's aides will one day give birth to twins, and twins are so cute. Don't you think so, Dickie?"

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

lol at all he butthurt men who clicked a noncon story and didn't expect the guy to be on the receiving end and writing their own murder fanfic in the comments

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Another disgusting story by this psychopathic author

Ed definitely needs psycho treatment.

Score 1* (lowest available here)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

So so fully its really tongue in cheek but I wonder if could be done on the NHS?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Idiotic!! MINUS 5*!!!

Only laughable!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Too funny!

Great story, five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
That was fucked up

So when Dickie gets home and semi recovers, his brain snapped and another Jeffrey Dahmer is born. He whacks his mother and father. Then returns to the clinic. Mrs. Roberts asked why he was back. Those were the last words she ever said. Sam and Tiffin giggled when they saw him. Too bad he liked them. 5 down and more to go. Each assistant and everyone else in the clinic except the orderlies. Current football players? Not anymore, he only kneecapped them all. They lived, but would barely be able to walk for the rest of their lives.

Pretty stupid comment right? Same for this fucked up story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This Has To Be

One of the biggest piles of crap written here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Of course Dickie was no fool

He got a copy of the video showing exactly what they had done to him and then led the Police right to their doorstep. Everyone involved was arrested and sent to prison for years and years and years. The Company people went away for the longest times. But all the girls spent 8 to 10 years in prison, thereby ruining the rest of their lives. He sued his parents so that he was granted emancipation. He sued the Company and all the girls and their parents. By the time all the insurance companies paid out, Dickie had millions. He moved across the country to a wonder beach house where he continued to screw girls and women alike, all without protection. You see, when they did what they did to him, they effectively sterilized him. None of his swimmers were making it out into his sperm. So he screwed away without fear of reprecusions. The end to another ridiculously stupid story by Edrider in which the men never seek retribution or revenge and just accept being fucked up. Stop writing this crap Ed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
back story ?

This sounds like it could be the back story behind the Columbine massacre, would sure be a reason for it

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Dickie thought about it.

And an idea came to him. HE got some big black men with huge cocks to kidnap all the girls involved and hold them in a run down house in the projects. They blindfolded the women so they never saw their kidnappers. The men raped the girls repeatedly until they all ended up pregnant. They held them until it was too late for them to have abortions, then they set them loose. Dickie had his revenge.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
great imagination!

I'm going to second Glenn & say I wish this could be required sex ed reading! The thought you put into this is inspiring. I found this to be a riveting story. Not arousing for me personaly, but very absorbing. Great job!

GlennOGlennOabout 10 years ago
Should be required reading for all sex ed classes...

I think you make some really valuable points that a lot of guys would object to, and complain about, and just in general, be jerks about.

I'm a guy, and have been a teacher. I don't think most schools would allow your story into their curriculum, but it should be made required reading for all of those who are "born again" and object to any sort of sex ed!

Keep up the good work.

Aloha from Hawaii,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
More Rape

Is that all you got? How About this? After killing everyone at the clinic you just created another Columbine massacre waiting to happen. Stupid fuck. You don't write stories with underage kids. Even if you tried to justify it with parental permission. Now the parents get to spend time in jail. 1

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