Pure Moonlight Ch. 08

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The dream.
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Part 8 of the 16 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 04/14/2011
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Hi Everyone!

Sooner than expected- this is the dream scene! I finished writing it and am so happy! It is 2,600 words (about the same length as the first chapter and half the last one). I was just so excited and I wanted to share it ASAP. I implored my twitter followers (37 and counting 0.o) - and Donalde replied: in the immortal words of rocky go for it.

So here I am- Going for it!!!

So this chapter is for you Donalde-

Hope you and all my readers enjoy it and get tingles like I did writing it ^_^

<3 Shadowsung


Ally wandered through the forest, looking calmly at the trees that surrounded her. She felt at home; like this is where she was meant to be. Her body was covered with a simple cotton shift, no dye, no flash; just simple...natural. With a start she realised she had no underwear on.

After a moment, she looked around and saw no real reason for concern; after all, there wasn't anyone around to judge. Her troubles and fears seemed to blow away with the playful breeze that wound between the trees. The sounds of the jungle layered over itself, creating acapella music which she found relaxing and delightful. The sun was bright, but the leaves of the canopy filtered its rays into a lovely green hue. Everything around her felt so natural and real.

Birds called to her overhead, making her smile.

She wandered aimlessly, enjoying her surroundings and the peace that settled into her soul. She paused for a second, frowning at the sensation of being pulled somewhere to her right. It was so light she hadn't fully felt it until she stopped. It was insistent and her curiosity peaked. She moved towards the pull, her footsteps silent despite the leaf litter and twigs around her. Slowly she melted through the dense forest like fog.

Gradually the trees started to dissipate. She stepped out from behind a large tree and found herself in a clearing awash with the glorious hues of nature. Wildflowers of all colours grew in spades, causing a chaotic cacophony of colours. A figure sat on a large stump in the centre. There were no flowers in a perfect circle around him, like the eye of a vibrantly colourful storm. She slowly floated through the field of flowers and stopped on the grass that surrounded the stump. It felt luxurious under her feet and between her toes.

"I've been waiting for you," the figure said quietly. Ally jumped; she had almost forgotten the man on the stump. The voice was familiar. A warm glow rose up inside.

"Zac?" she asked, moving around to see his face. The log was at her waist and he was perched, sitting cross-legged on top. His eyes were closed and his hands held loosely in his lap. He was meditating and seemed to be as much at peace as she was. With a squeal of delight she launched herself at him, her heart singing in happiness. He gave a little choke as the wind was knocked from his lungs, but he chuckled and said, "I missed you too."

Encased in his arms she felt safe. Pulling away, Ally looked up into his crystal blue eyes. "I'm sorry I left. I just had to go home and get my stuff in order. My cat wasn't happy with me," she explained. "She missed me as much as I miss you."

"Shhhh," he said, kissing her forehead, "I know; it's ok... I love you." He felt her stiffen in his arms and his heart stopped. He hadn't meant to say it so soon! He was afraid she would run. After a second, she relaxed, "I love you too," she whispered, surprised. It was so quiet he nearly missed it. He held her close and felt he could almost fly away.

"My angel," he whispered into her hair, stroking her gently, "You fell into my lap from the heavens and I don't ever want to let you go."

She cuddled into him further, feeling so comfortable and safe. "Zac?" she said after a minute, "where are we?"

"We are in the forest that surrounds my home. I grew up exploring these woods and I have always felt at peace here. I brought you here because there is a discussion we need to have."


"I have a secret that has been passed down for generations in my family. I want you to be a part of my world, but you have to know and accept the truth before you can. Do you trust me?"

Ally hesitated, wondering what on earth could be so big a secret. The pleading look in his eyes made her heart melt. She could no sooner deny him than cut off her own hand. She smiled at him and took his hand, "with my life," she replied calmly.

His smile made her heart leap for joy as she felt her lips mirror his.

He took a deep breath and hopped down from his perch. He picked her up and sat her in his stead. He stood between her legs, his hands on her thighs just for the contact.

"Ally, I am not entirely human. What you see is only half of my being. I am a Werewolf, in the flesh and blood. It is not like the Hollywood version; I am of no danger to you." He paused and watched her perfectly calm face, waiting for a reaction.

Ally's mind went numb. -Impossible, her mind said, -This has to be a dream!

She heard his words repeated in her mind and the look on his face that told her he believed this to be the truth. "I.... I don't understand," she said simply.

He breathed a sigh; she hadn't denied anything. "Werewolves and other supernatural creatures have been part of every culture since the history of time. There is evidence splattered across every continent, every settlement, and every culture. It has been so long since we publicly acknowledged ourselves that we fell into myth and folklore, but we are still in the pages of history and we are still here today- hiding in plain sight."

He took a deep breath, "Humans all have a second spirit within them, called their Spirit Guide, feral nature, gut feeling or instincts. This takes the shape of an animal that reflects the wild and untamed part of our true nature. Normal humans have evolved to push down this being and in most people it goes almost completely unnoticed their entire lives. There is a special type of person whose family has never relinquished the bond between our two selves. We can communicate with it, and we can unleash and let it choose our forms. It is completely upon the will of the individual."

"so... you're saying... you have- a wolf inside you?"

"A wolf spirit that is the second half of my nature, yes. We are two halves of the one whole. Humans are merely half of their whole being, but because they never know and barely feel their other half, they never realise they are without. Ying and Yang, the traditional symbol of balance is based on our true nature- two halves of one whole in perfect balance."

"You said it can choose your form?"

"Yes. The human half of me has dominant control over my form, resulting in the man you see before you. My wolf can also take charge and form his shape with my flesh, resulting in a wolf. We can also meld ourselves together and create a hybrid of sorts, but that is only in strong shifters."

Zac was trying not to breathe too heavily and give away his nerves. She was silent and still, what was she thinking? It looked as though she was processing the information, which was good, right? She had made no move to accept or deny.

Ally paused; he still believed what he was saying. She looked at him closely and saw he was watching her. She decided to test this truth; there was no way he could fake what he was telling her he could do.

"Can I see it?" she asked quietly. Zac was startled. He hadn't expected her to actually want to see him shift; he thought he would have to show her. Being asked was a good sign to him.

"Of course," he said, "but you have to stay exactly where you are and trust that I am in no way any danger to you. I wasn't planning on shifting for you just yet, but I will always be happy to oblige your wishes. Are you sure you want to see my other half?"

Ally thought about it for a second before nodding.

Zac pulled off his tunic top and shimmied out of his pants, both were of the same material as what Ally wore. Ally caught herself looking at his manhood and blushed, looking away bashfully. Zac caught the movement and moved closer, using his hand to make her look at him, "You have seen every inch of me as I have you, my love," he said grinning, "Why look away now?" he pressed himself into her.

She blushed even deeper and shrugged wordlessly. Zac chuckled warmly and gave her a kiss before stepping back.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Zac controlled himself, allowing the change to occur slowly. Ally was mesmerised as she watched his muscles ripple beneath his skin.

At first the changes were so small she almost missed them. The air that surrounded his form grew hazy, like the horizon in the desert. Through the rippling air the man she had given her body shifted. Fur broke out across his skin like a wave. His form lowered and lengthened as limbs silently reshaped themselves. Hands morphed into paws and a tail sprang out from his arched back. She stared in shock as the air around the new beast eased back to normalcy, revealing Zac to her. In place of the man stood a tall and proud wolf, its midnight fur glistening in the sunlight that gently poured into the clearing. Ally frowned slightly; she could have sworn she had seen this beast before...

It shook out its body and stretched before sniffing the air and looking at her. Ally felt fear rising in her stomach. She bit back a scream. The two beings stared at each other, the silence stretching between them both. --You asked him to, her mind told her sarcastically, - it turns out there was truth in his words.

The wolf's molten eyes never left hers as he watched her for any sign of anything. He smelt her fear spike when he had first shifted, but now there was almost nothing. It was as if he had overloaded her capacity for new information.

The need to be accepted surged through his being. His wolf wanted- needed her to accept both of them. Very slowly he lowered himself to the ground and inched his way closer to the stump.

Her fear spiked again, but he let out a small whine and looked at her with hurt in his eyes.

Ally was still trying to process the possibilities when the wolf dropped and came closer to her. She wasn't ready for the movement and flinched. The wolf stopped its slow progress to whine and stare at her with those uncanny and un-animal-like stares. Even in this form she could see hurt etched across his features. Guilt stabbed at her heart as she watched him withdraw dejectedly.

Carefully she got down from the stump, putting it between them so she could approach him on her terms. When she peeked out, he had not moved; his golden eyes trained on her. She carefully stepped around; reminding herself of his final words.

She shuffled a stepped closer; a short distance between them. She could feel the energy and tension radiating through the air.

Another step; she could make out his dark whiskers that sprinkled his snout.

Another step; she could make out the individual hairs of his fur along the length of his body. His tail wagged slowly; eyes pleading.

Just one metre separated them. Ally felt a familiarity with those eyes that regarded her so carefully.

Ally knelt in the grass and held out her hand.

Zac raised his head. She was holding out her hand for him... He sniffed her politely... She reached closer...

He felt the warmth of her hand on his snout. He closed his eyes, wanting to howl in triumph...


"Wake up, My Alpha!" called the jubilant Theta carrying a silver tray. She had a smile from ear to ear as she set down her burden on the dresser ane opened the curtains before returning to fiddle with the tray arrangement. Satisfied, she turned around with the tray and found her alpha in front of her growling. Her smile faltered.

"How dare you wake me!" he growled furiously, "I left a note for Keith to say that I was not to be disturbed!"

"But Sir," she stammered, "I received no notice from him- I never realised my orders had been changed!"

"Get out," he growled low.

She looked frightened until she spotted his morning glory. "I could help you with that, Sir. Please, allow me the chance to... atone... for my indiscretion?" With a pretty smile she gently rubbed her hand over his need.

He was aching with the sexual tension he felt without his mate nearby. He froze when she touched him, torn between the offer of release and his mate. She coolly noted his indecision and decided for him. She got to her knees and released him from his pants. Her mouth settled over him as she expertly used her tongue down his length. Inside her mouth, his primal instinct took over.

It didn't take long; his mind whirling with images of his mate in the woman's place. With a growl he came down her throat, feeling her gulp everything he offered. She pulled up with a smile as she used a finger to trail her tingling lips for missed globs before licking it sensually, sickening Zac to his stomach. She moved back over to the tray, her back to him for a second before she bowed and left the room.

Zac was so clouded with guilt he didn't see her pocketing a small red vial into her chest pocket as she made her exit.


Ally felt his whiskers tickling her palm and smiled. The wolf closed its eyes... and disappeared.

With a start Ally looked around. The forest around her was dissolving. There was a moment of darkness before reality started to focus. She was hovering above a dark and dingy alleyway. She could smell the dumpster, mould and other foul things. Music pumped through the walls, a steady heartbeat in the otherwise silent night. The heavy door opened; the music growing louder before the loud bang reduced it back to its muffled beat. A woman had exited the door, breathing in air quickly as she held the graffitied wall for support. She was pale white and frowning. With a start Ally realised she was looking at herself and a feeling of Déjà vu swept through her. She watched the scene of her past; hovering above it.

A growl from the bushes; a nose sticking out; her offering jerky.

Men advancing menacingly; fighting them fiercely. Pain.

Captured; held. Paul!

Ally watched as Paul moved towards her old self, remembering the fear that had coursed through her body.

The beast from the bushes returning with friends; growling, snarling, biting, pouncing.

Paul whirling around hissing; his eyes glowing a demonic red.

Ally watched her prone body collapse onto the cold, hard ground. Her befriended beast returned, his friends still chasing. He lay down next to her, his whole body alert. He nudged her gently with a whimper.

He looked up and made eye contact with the real her. With a start she recognised his eyes...

the man...

the beast...

Her lover.

I love you, his gorgeous voice whispered meltingly into her ear.


"I love you too," she mumbled into her pillow. Her gentle snores filled the room once more.

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Katatude4LifeKatatude4Lifealmost 9 years ago
Yep, I call BULLSHIT on that as well

The wolf-mate-for-life thing, the only one woman/man and so deeply in love, the Mating Pull....

this garbage must be written by a man, cause no woman, wolf or human would put up with that shit, not ready anymore, has already been difficult enough with the discrepancies, and guess what, animals don't need a necklace to tell who they are and their names, they already know and they know by scent

phoenixeyephoenixeyeabout 9 years ago

"He froze when she touched him, torn between the offer of release and his mate. She coolly noted his indecision and decided for him." "Oh! I'm sorry honey. I didn't mean to cheat on you. It's just that you were away for a day and we didn't have sex and I was so desperately trying to contact you while sleeping that, when some whore offered to suck/lick me I was torn between indecisiveness so he/ she made the decision for me. It wasn't really my fault" said some whore... Ohhh you poor baby... Save your guilt honey. We don't need that shit.

I mean he wasn't even drugged or under a spell or something... Just a horny arsehole!

You lost me as a reader. Good luck

sherrylee1015sherrylee1015almost 12 years ago
Like the Stories

It seems that the two stories are connected. I really want to read more of both. I was also dismayed at the lack of control he had. The other woman seems way to easy for your story. I expected the Shadow to have a more devious plan to get the girl away from her Alpha.

Just some thoughts.


canndcanndover 12 years ago
Job well done!

You really did an excellent job on this chapter. I think it was maybe the best. I was a little pissed at his lack of control in letting her get him off, but the rest was great. It was a creative way to have him reveal himself. The idea of the elders helping and doing it in a dream sequence. Really great choice for it! I also think you're doing a great/mean job of keeping us on edge not knowing what will happen when he has this crap get in his system that the 'shadow' made.

The only thing that didn't carry for me was actually in the last chapter which I didn't comment on. It was him not realizing he never saw Keith that day and that he'd not at least have sought him out to see how she was when he dropped her off if he didn't look for his 2nd all day. I guess he could have been absorbed in his job and then excited for the dream...I personally would think it'd have worked if he asked about Keith and was told he was still out or something and he'd assumed he was just running an errand. I also didn't get how the wolves wouldn't have searched the area and found his Iydam (sp?) which would help get him identified. Those were the only tiny things that I may have recommended by tweaked. And they're small details. Tell the bf the Iydam was a good idea. What was done to Keith by that monster and the fact that he's in the shape he's in is awful. I can't imagine what was done to him by that thing. I hope he heals. Maybe he'll even find his mate!

Congrats on finishing school. Keep writing!!!

ShadowsungShadowsungover 12 years agoAuthor
New Chapter Submitted

Hi guys and gals! Just submitted a new chapter- should be up by Friday with any luck. Hope everyone is well, and enjoying the tale :)


katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
It's getting very interesting

What exactly happened to Keith? I think the wolves sent to the scene were sloppy to not find his Idyam. They should have thoroughly sniffed the area. Your dream scene seemed to work out, but I guess we won't really know how well until she wakes up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Awww please

tell me he isn't going to eat the food she left him. I don't really want to read what happens with that. That bitch! Oh here let me suck your cock, I would like to see her die, slowwly.But wait, does that mean she can't die because the blood promise, or she can't be killed by the guy she made the blood promise with?

But I do like the story and you're a really good author. I think you should keep writing it did not go downhill. Ignore them. Happy Holidays!

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 12 years ago
Nice one!

Looking forward to more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I get that its your story and just a story i know that but when you write a story its so you can be taking away all im saying is i love wolf stories i think i read them all but in all them never will a wolf cheat on his mate when he knows he found her i mean come on they have a full relationship i just dont get it i get thats their more to come rhis is like the middle of the story were no matter he suppose to be there for her if this would of happen in the begain of the story i would of forgave saying he was bum and didnt wast to realize her as his mate but it didnt . For now i dont know if i want to read the next chapter who knows i might i did really love this story up till now. Ps i also read story with wolives have other panters but thats with their mates knowning about it. Please keep writing u r very good at what you do if not i woyldnt be writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Ahh whyy

I mean i like the story a lot and all but their mates, mates never cheat on either sigh... shouldn't be part of it but who am i to say

ShadowsungShadowsungover 12 years agoAuthor

Thanks for all the comments- I know this chapter isn't a nice topic for some.

To the last two Anons- The story isn't finished yet!

I understand that it probably doesn't sit well with many, but it was done deliberately as part of the bigger plotline. Not everything that happens in a story (or real life, for that matter) can be good, nice and heartwarming... If it were in this story then you'd be jumping down my throat that it's boring.

I get your upset, I get that a few probably won't want to read it, I get that a few more are REALLY not going to like future chapters (^_~ spoiler)...

But they are just that- They are CHAPTERS in a fictional story that I have written- This is not even close to the end of this story. I have already promised a happy ending, but hey. I can't force you to read this story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
idk about this

I'm a bit disappointed with this turn. Don't know if I'll continue reading. .. it started out so good though. Just went downhill at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Im sorry

You lost me as a reader it makes no sense its not like he don't know that'd his martyr he cheated plain in simple there no way his would would have been satisfied with anyone other then his mate I don't care if it was a bj or hand jib out just plain sex with anal what he did was wrong. Im fine reading this and I hope you continue for others who wants to read this story

targetdronetargetdroneover 12 years ago

he cant be too attached to ally if the first thing after communicating with her through a dream is to take some hussy .... under these circumstances its better for ally to resist the bond... guess having a manwhore wouldnt be her kind of thing....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

didn't really like how easily he let some other chick get him off??? if he was her real mate, no one else would do, only her

SizzlinSisSizzlinSisover 12 years ago

Really sinking my teeth into this one!

What a wonderful way to enlighten Ally! I found it interesting that even in the dream real there were nerves, fear and the dread of possible rejection!

Now I'm wondering if Paul is the evil dark figure in this story! And what of Keith? I know I shouldn't feel for the poor Omega, being used as she is by the evil dark thing, but I do! What turmoil she must be feeling knowing her actions are going to mean harm to her Alpha!

Can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

LOVE IT!!!!!!! Can't wait for more!

donaldedonaldeover 12 years ago
excellent chapter

i can hardly wait to see how this turns out in the next chapter was very enjoyable . i am glad you went for it

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

great story ... hate that Zac could do that with someone else... i don't know if i can cheer him on anymore

i can't wait for you to add more !!! keep writing

Whiteboy75Whiteboy75over 12 years ago

wonderful dream but need more!! can't wait to see what happens now that she knows.

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