Purely Sinful


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Cole had to think. Zafira was waiting for Vince to return inside. Convincing her to spare his life would be a huge undertaking. He thought about leaving, but Zafira would surely find them if they fled. His only option was somehow to convince her to spare him.

"That girl inside, Lillith, she's an old acquaintance of mine. She's... bad news."

"Ohhh, so that's what this is about," Vince said as he turned to go back inside. "Afraid something 'bad' may happen to me because you and her had a falling out? I appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself."

"Vince, I'm serious!" Cole said, grabbing Vince's arm. "Don't go near her!"

"Get off me!" Vince said, freeing his arm. "I'm not passing up a lap dance from her. Whatever your issue with her, that has nothing to do with me. So deal with it!"

Vince pushed inside. Cole trailed behind him. Vince powered his way through the crowd to the entrance of the VIP rooms where Zafira awaited him."

"Ready for your private dance?" she asked with a seductive smile.

"Yes, ma'am!" he replied.

Cole dashed after them. "Zafira! Wait!"

A bouncer of considerable size stepped in Cole's way as Vince and Zafira walked on down the narrow hallway.

"Look, buddy, these rooms are only for those the dancers invite. You'll have to wait out here for your friend. If you want to try anything, you'll get thrown out, understand?"

Cole looked over the large man's shoulder. Vince and Zafira entered the second room on the right. There was no fighting this guy; that much, Cole knew for sure. His only option was to wait.

"Got it," Cole replied to the bouncer.

Cole waited impatiently, his eyes glued to that door. He hoped that Vince would step out unharmed, smiling ear to ear, but two songs had already played. Time was running out.

"How long do those dances last?" Cole asked.

"As long as he keeps paying, sir," the bouncer replied.

"Look, I'm in a bit of a situation here. I don't have time to explain, but I need to go back there." Cole reached into his pocket, "Since money talks around here, and obviously I can't fight past you, you can have all the cash I have if I can just go back there and make sure my friend is okay. One quick peek and I'm back out here."

The bouncer considered Cole's offer. "You've got one minute, then I'm escorting you outside."

"Deal!" Cole said, handing over the wad of cash. He rushed for the room Vince and Zafira entered. As he opened the door, he saw a portal finish closing with Vince and Zafira on the other side.

"Zafira! Wait!"

He was too late. The portal closed before he could rush through it.


Cole sprinted out of the room past the bouncer and through the hormone-drenched crowd. There was still hope! He had Vince's keys. He dashed to Vince's lemon Mustang, started the engine, and then sped off in a banshee scream of squealing tires.


Cole had never driven so fast in his life. He arrived at the underpass Zafira called home after more than a few near-wrecks. He dashed from the car to the familiar concrete wall and brandished the magic crystal Zafira had given him. Her lair's entrance opened. He rushed in, hoping he was not too late.

"Zafira?" he called as he anxiously surveyed her quarters. He saw her nude form across the room, straddling a naked man crying in sexual bliss. Zafira's wings and horns were extended; it would not be long before Vince's soul belonged to her.

Zafira turned her head over her shoulder. "You got here fast. I'm impressed!"

"Zafira, let him go!" Cole demanded.

"And why would I want to do that? Can't you see he's happy? I've taken special care of him because he is your friend. It's a fantastic way for him to die, isn't it? Besides, my hunger cannot wait any longer."

"Wait! He doesn't deserve this! Yeah, he killed an innocent child, but it was an accident. A mistake that he carried on his shoulders most of his life. He truly feels sorry for what he did, and he's tried to make amends."

Zafira kept up her pace, sliding her wet demonic pussy up and down Vince's mortal shaft. "Trying to make 'amends' means nothing in the end. His soul is corrupt, and there's nothing he can do to change that."

Cole raised his voice. "So that's it?! If a person makes a single mistake they're fucked? No hope for redemption?"

"You would be correct," Zafira said coldly.

"Well, that's bullshit! Travis, Gabriel, Antonio, those two thugs; all of them didn't give a shit about anyone other than themselves and their dark desires. Vince isn't like them! Maybe some people don't deserve a second chance, but he does."

Zafira moaned, reveling in her pleasure. "Who are you to decide who is worthy and who is not?"

"Nobody. But I know this: there is good in him, just like there is good in you."

Zafira stopped in mid stroke. "Wha- What did you just say?"

"This morning, after the shower, that kiss we shared. I-I feltsomething. Not just from me, but from you also."

"Are you that clueless?" Zafira laughed. "I was just trying to tempt you some more. You are nothing but a tool to me, a means to an end. At times, you're also an entertaining plaything. Nothing more."

Cole froze her with a smug look. "I call bullshit. You may be able to read minds, but I've made a career out of reading between the lines. You care about me as more than a 'plaything' and that frightens you. You seem to try to seduce me, but I wonder if you'd actually go through with it."

Zafira's eyes glowed red, glaring at Cole with Hell's fury. "Don't you dare stand there and act like you know anything about me! I am a succubus, a consumer of souls. I am incapable of kindness!"

Zafira resumed her sex with Vince, only now a much faster speed. She was angered, an emotion Cole had not seen out of her before. She slammed her pussy hard against Vince's helpless body repeatedly.

"Vince! You have to resist her!" Cole shouted.

It was of no use. Vince was completely entranced, focusing only in driving his cock deep into Zafira's hungry nethers.

Cole had to do something! He knew he could not physically stop her. He had to bargain.

"Zafira, stop! I couldn't save Maria, but I can save Vince."

Zafira once again glared at him. "What makes you think so?"

Cole took a deep breath. "I'll take his place."

Zafira stopped her merciless fucking. "You, a pure soul, want to take the place of one of the corrupt? I don't find you palatable."

"Then corrupt me."

Zafira was dumbfounded. She climbed off Vince's erection, then walked over to Cole. Her demonic presence was in full force. "You believe he deserves a second chance that much?"

"Yes." Cole answered.

"Are you willing to die for that belief? Your soul, your very being, damned for all eternity?"

Cole swallowed hard. By damning his soul, he would not find Maria's killer. At least he would save a life. His decision was made.

"Yes. I offer my soul in exchange for his safety."

Zafira's red glowing eyes glared, staring deep into Cole's. "Take him and get out of my lair," Zafira said through clenched teeth.


"I said, you two, get out!" she growled, "Before I change my mind and kill you both!"

Zafira was truly intimidating when angered. Cole did not waste time. He grabbed his naked friend off the bed and slung him over his shoulder.

"Um, his mind?" Cole asked.

Zafira grumbled. Her hand glowed as she put it on Vince's head.

"Done. Now go!"

Zafira opened the portal leading outside. Cole carried Vince, stepping through and out of her sight. She closed the portal, then stood motionless, collecting her thoughts. She walked to the painting with the blonde girl in the blue dress overlooking a cliff at a burning village.

"You're wrong about me Cole. There is no good in me, not after all I've done. And yet..."


"Honey! I'm home!" Cole shouted as he closed the front door of his house. The sweet aroma of freshly baked brownies entered his nostrils as he sat his portfolio and laptop down on the couch. He entered the empty kitchen and opened the oven to salivate over the delicious dish.

"Honey! The brownies are done!" he shouted again.

He grabbed an oven mitten, pulled the pan of brownies from the oven, and set them on the kitchen counter. They smelled so delicious! He could not wait. He cut a small piece from the corner of the pan and took a bite.

"Ow! Shit! That's hot!" Cole yelled. The brownie's heat did not stop him from finishing it.

"Honey? Where are you?" Cole shouted into the house for the third time. It was not like her to not greet him when he came home, let alone leave the oven unattended.

Cole walked to the staircase by the front door. "Maria?" he called up the stairs. Cole only heard the silence of a seemingly empty house. She should be home. The car was in the driveway. The silence was unnerving.

As Cole went up the stairs, an overpowering sense of deja vu swept over him. It was as if he had been here before. If only he could remember how, or when... This strange feeling added to Cole's increasing paranoia. He knew in his gut that something was horribly wrong.

"Maria?" Cole called out once again as he reached the top of the stairs. Again, no answer. He checked the bathroom; it was empty. Then he poked his head into the guest bedroom; empty as well.

All that remained was the master bedroom. Cole held his ear to the closed door; nothing. Was she asleep? "No," he thought. She would not have left the oven on.

A voice in the back of his mind told him something terrifying awaited him on the other side. A cold chill ran all down his spine. He could not shake the weird feeling that this happened somewhere before. Cole summoned his courage, turned the doorknob, and stepped inside.

Nothing could have prepared Cole for what he saw as he flipped on the lights. He had finally found Maria in bed... sitting serenely, smiling at him. Cole released a deep sigh of relief as he beheld her beauty, her bright blue eyes, and long blonde hair that draped over the top of her white silk nightgown.

"Hi Cole, I've been waiting all day for you to get home," Maria said with a suggestive smile.

Cole's brain switched gears. The fear of something terrible happening morphed into an overwhelming sexual desire as he stared at her.

"I called for you, but you didn't answer," Cole started. "You had me worried there for a second."

"I wanted to surprise you. I wanted us to celebrate having a baby. So, I made your favorite dessert."

"Well, call me surprised!" Cole said enthusiastically.

Maria smiled bashfully. "But that isn't the real surprise, sweetie."

Cole looked at her curiously. "What is, then?"

Maria stood. She slid the nightgown off her shoulders, letting it pile at her feet. Cole's jaw dropped and eyes widened when he saw his wife wearing a white teddy that covered very little of her body. The tight sheer fabric enhanced the curves of her C-cup breasts. Her excited nipples stuck out like two pink daggers under the see-through fabric. The garment also increased the allure of her lovely pussy, barely visible through the thin material. The white thigh high stockings completed her sexy image by drawing attention to her athletic legs, and to what lurked between them. A cutout in the lingerie tauntingly displayed her bare flat stomach and sparkling diamond jewelry that dangled from her navel.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked as she shimmied side-to-side.

Cole smiled. "To say 'yes' would be an understatement and wouldn't do you justice."

"Always the sweet talker," Maria giggled.

Cole walked to Maria and rested his hands on her hips. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a soft kiss.

"I missed you so much today," Cole said. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years."

"I missed you too, Cole," Maria said sincerely. "You're always so busy with work -- we rarely have a chance to be together like this."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm so close to breaking this case! It's going to be a complete shit storm once I get the evidence I need. I have to play my cards right though, and I'm sorry you have to suffer for it."

"Shhh. Let's leave your 'work' at work tonight. We have all the time in the world."

"It sure didn't feel that way today", Cole sighed. "I kept having this feeling that some horrible thing was about to happen. That's why I panicked when I came home and I couldn't find you."

"Aww, I'm sorry!" Maria said, stroking Cole's cheeks. "I didn't mean to make you worry. I'm okay and the baby is okay. I'll always be here for you and you're going to be the best daddy a child could ask for."

Cole smiled, gazing into Maria's sapphire eyes. They leaned into each other. Their lips met halfway; they locked in a lover's embrace. As they kissed, Cole's hands excitedly glided across the small of her back and into her long hair. The kissing became more intense. His hands rubbed up and down her back, over her outfit's lace backing.

Cole hungered for more. He raised Maria off the floor from behind her knees, never breaking their intimate kiss. He laid her gently on the bed and climbed atop her. Both lusted for each other with anxious energy. Their tongues molded together in their mouths as Cole shed his tie and button-down shirt. Maria's hands gripped Cole's marvelous pectorals, his handsome chest making her moist. Cole, in turn, nuzzled his face into her neck. Maria cooed as his stubbly kisses sent goose bumps all down her legs. Her hands left his chest and trailed downward, undoing his belt and the fly of his trousers. Cole's rock hard cock sprang to life to her touch.

Cole stood and quickly disposed of his trousers and boxers. He hungrily leered at her body. "It's a shame I have to strip that off you now."

"Don't worry, I thought ahead," Maria grinned mischievously.

Maria spread her legs wide, her feet flat on the bed. Her left hand pulled the bust of the teddy down and exposed her wonderful tits as her right hand touched her sexy mound. She pulled aside the thin fabric covering her soaked pussy, revealing the hidden slit in the garment to her secret cave. The stretchy material settled on the outer sides of her labia. Maria inserted a finger inside herself, and then another.

"I love how you think," Cole said approvingly.

Cole climbed back atop Maria; their lips melted together. He carefully positioned himself above her. With Maria's helping hand, Cole drove inside her, sinking himself deep into her core. Maria gasped rapturously as her pussy stretched to accommodate his thickness.

"I missed being inside you," Cole groaned.

"I missed you too," Maria whispered.

Cole withdrew and then thrust into her again slowly, passionately, blissfully. He savored the tingly sensation on every slick inch of his cock as he penetrated her. He kept up this slow, tender pace, enjoying how tight her pussy clenched him. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deep into her with every thrust. He took her subtle hint and quickened his pace while tenderly suckling her exposed nipple. She tangled her fingers into his hair, pulling his face harder into her bosom.

They fucked passionately, their breathing heavy, their bodies sweating. The room was filled with the echoing sounds of two lovers having the best sex of their lives.

Maria felt Cole twitch. "Stop!" she said abruptly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"It's my turn," she said with a seductive smile.

Cole rolled onto his back. Maria knelt above and beside him and grasped the base of his cock in her hand. Without hesitation, she took him into her mouth, humming happily as she sucked him clean of her juices.

"Oh my God, Maria!" Cole raved, "you've never tasted yourself on my dick before. That's so fucking hot!"

Maria lifted her head off his cock with a loud 'pop'. "In case you haven't noticed, I'm feeling frisky tonight."

Maria then mounted Cole, stuffing his manhood between her pussy lips. Cole sighed heavily as he sheathed inside her. Maria bounced on Cole's thick cock, rocking her hips, her hair swinging wildly, boobs bobbing and swaying with every movement. Cole took one of her breasts into his mouth and tightly gripped her round ass. They ground into each other in perfect harmony, their pleasure about to boil over.

"Maria! I'm about to-"

"Me too! I want us to cum together!"

As Cole reached the point of no return, the odd sensation he felt earlier in the house returned, triggered by the thick, cloying aroma in the room. It smelled like a mix of lavender, cherry blossom, and cotton candy. He knew this scent from somewhere -- but where?

"Fill me with your cum-"

Cole started to erupt inside her when he realized where he knew that scent. It was the pheromone of a succubus, a demon. Oh, shit!

"And your soul," Maria finished as two horns grew from the top of her head and two large white bat-like wings unfolded behind her. Her eyes glowed red; she was ready to claim her prey.

"No! Ahh!" Cole yelled, sending his cum as well as his soul inside her. He felt is body implode, quickly shriveling into nothingness.


"Ahh!" Cole shouted as he sat up. He hyperventilated -- his heart beating out of his chest, his body drenched in a cold sweat. He observed his surroundings. He was back in his apartment, lying in his regular bed.

Cole took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. It was all only a dream. He had relived the horrific night of Maria's death in his dreams for years now. The dream normally ended with Cole finding Maria brutally murdered in the bed when he opened the door. This new wickedly twisted ending left Cole missing Maria more than ever before. Holding her had felt so real. Damn.

Cole dropped his head to the pillow and looked to the side. To his surprise, Zafira lay beside him in bed, staring back at his face.

"Good morning!"

Startled, Cole let out a loud yelp as he tumbled from bed and to the floor below. Zafira laughed hysterically at his clumsiness.

Cole climbed off the floor. "Don't ever do that again!" he yelled at her.

"I'm sorry," she snickered. "I forget you're easily startled."

"I don't care about that," Cole grumbled. "I'm talking about my dreams. You stay the hell out them!"

Zafira raised an eyebrow. "Whatever are you talking about?"

"That dream -- it was your doing, wasn't it?"

Zafira scowled at him. "I'm beginning to think you never listen when I speak. I told you before; I cannot alter a pure soul's mind. That dream was entirely your doing. I can, however, still view your dreams."

"Is that why you like watching me sleep? So you can watch me suffer over and over again?"

Zafira rolled her eyes. "I'm a demon. I could not care less about your emotional torment. In dreams, I get to see a mortal human's deepest darkest desires, the type of desires they won't even admit to themselves. These are not simply plucked from their brains when I read their thoughts. In their mind, these desires do not exist, buried under layers of denial. But not in dreams. As a bonus, I get to view these desires in full motion, as if I were a stranger peeking through a window."

Zafira shucked the covers off the bed, revealing her perfect naked body as well as a small wet spot on the mattress where Cole had slept. "I do like this new ending to your dream; it would appear you do, as well."

Cole looked at the mattress and then at his underwear. There was a sticky wet spot on the front of his boxers. He had in fact cum, just like in his dream. He watched as Zafira ran her index finger through the wet spot on the mattress, gathering a dollop of his semen and then licking it off her finger like sweet icing.

"What was she like?" Zafira asked.

Cole looked at Zafira with a confused expression. "Who? Maria? Why do you want to know?"

"Curiosity. I wonder what is so special about her that you're willing to go through with the ritual."
