Purty Prison Guard


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"I'm going to arrange your baby doll so that it isn't all bunched up, so just relax," she informed me.

'Wow, this nurse has a great bedside manor. Hey, let's see if this button really will give me an extra shot of painkiller,' I thought to myself as I pressed the button.

A warm rush of well-being, started to wash over me. I couldn't voice my pleasure in any other way except to moan, and somewhere far off it sounded to me like a girl moaning, 'Damn, this is some good shit,' I thought as another warm wave washed over me and I lost consciousness.


"Well doctor, how is our patient coming along?" Ms. Sterndackle asked, sitting behind her desk, nervously drumming a pencil on the desktop.

"Warden, Harry is progressing faster than I had anticipated. Of course, I didn't have the facilities that you have made available to me, before. It's funny that the thing that sent me to prison, is being used to rehabilitate a scumbag like Harry," Dr. Callie Mannatter replied, sitting in the leather chair across the desk from the warden. "He has discovered his morphine button and unlike those set up in hospitals, this one has been set at a very high dosage, and Harry is using it generously. He is staying so stoned that I think I will start in on his other side without sending him back to his cell. By the end of the month, he should be completely addicted to the morphine. I should have both of his hands done and his feet. His pelvis is mending quite well and the vocal cords are so tight that the next time he speaks you won't be able to hear him unless you are a member of the Canine Family. Additionally, there is no way you will ever see an Adams apple on that throat. I have taken three inches out of his legs and he is missing three ribs now. The over all shrinking of his skeletal structure is on schedule as well. When I have finished with him, his bones will be lighter and smaller."

"You will, be able to get me the transplant materials that I requested, won't you warden?" Callie asked.

"Yes, like you said, we can't request the exact parts we want but you can harvest them directly by declaring a radiation victim with multiple needs. We can then have the whole donor sent here on minimal support and you can take what you want," Ms. Sterndackle admitted. "The unauthorized research that you were charged with, you're certain that you can actually, do it again?"

"I've done it twice so far. Never on a mentally alert person though, I used a couple of coma patients. If they ever wake up, they might die from the shock of finding themselves so radically different," Dr. Callie tittered at her own joke, "I just hope that a donor is sent to us fairly soon."

"How are the subliminals going?" the warden wondered, as she stood up and walked over to her coffee pot.

"The hypnotics are being pumped in with the morphine, he can't put up any resistance to the tapes we run, while he isn't fully conscious. Katie says that he has even, become comfortable in his baby dolls," Dr. Callie let out a self-satisfied snicker. "He has been trying to speak along with the tapes as they command him, even though his jaw is wired. Have you thought of what name you plan to give him, we should start adding that to the tapes right away. You don't want him to be able to tell anyone his name, do you?"

The warden sat in reflection for a short while and stated, "Horatia Harlie Hoard, that will be her new name. Befitting her rap sheet, which we are in the process of producing, don't you think?"

Callie giggled, with her hand over her mouth, "I like it. I'll get started with her programming right away. You, are sure that you want the whole treatment?"

"I want even more than you did to the others. I want your imagination to get to work on everything that you can do, to maximize our goals. I want you to make sure that no matter if she has been sleeping in a gutter, she looks absolutely gorgeous. I want everyman that sees her to immediately have an erection and start drooling. Do you think that you can accomplish that?"

Dr. Callie gave her a diabolical grin saying, "I think so. Now, here is what I need you to set up for me..."


'Oh man,' I thought, 'time for another push of the magic button.'

I pressed it and waited for the warm elation to wash over me and take my pain with it. I didn't even think about why the pains I am now experiencing, were now in different places. How my pain seemed to lessen in my right foot, only to reappear in my left one. It didn't even bother me that the push button became bigger, when one day it appeared in my left hand after being in my right for so long.

I was a little alarmed when I heard, "Hello there Horatia, how are you feeling this morning?"

'Who in the hell is Horatia?' I thought, but for some reason I knew she was taking to me.

"Pretty darn good, I'll bet. Well, this is Dr. Mannatter speaking, and I thought I would prepare you personally for your next surgery. This is going to be the last one, so don't fret any. You have the easy job today, but for me, it is going to be a long one. I'll see you in a couple weeks again, after your recovery."

I felt a poke far off in my butt, although it barely registered in my drugged haze, as I drifted off to oblivion.


"Alright nurse Goodbody, let's get her into the operating room. The donors organs aren't going to wait much longer," Dr. Mannatter told her.

"Oh Dr. Callie, she should be so grateful for the wonderful job you have done, although I'm certain she won't appreciate it for some time, if she ever does at all. (Giggle)," nurse Goodbody praised the doctor, as she helped push the gurney towards the surgery.

Dr. Callie giggled as well, "We sure got lucky with the donors. I never expected to be provided with three of them all at once. I'm going to be able to do something special with this one."

"I hope you'll let me massage the kinks out of your back after all of this intense surgery. Maybe after that, (giggle) you will enjoy having me tongue fuck you too," nurse Goodbody licked her luscious lips seductively.

"If you don't quit that Katie, I'll forget all about Harry and do you right here, you vixen," Dr. Callie threatened, "Anyway we're going into the operating room and the other nurses will be jealous, so keep your motor running on idle till later, alright baby?"

Nurse Goodbody gave her a quick peck on the lips, "It's a date!"


I came swimming up slowly from a long strange dream. I became aware that I was wearing a pair of headphones, which someone removed almost immediately.

I was feeling kind of sick and tried to press the button that should be in my hand, but wasn't.

"No more morphine pump for you, Missy. It's time for you to get up out of that bed and get on with your training," I heard Mistress Callie, tell me.

I opened my eyes to see the doctor's smiling face right in front of my eyes. I could see nurse Katie Goodbody standing off to one side.

"Now just to prove to me that you are once again awake Harry, tell me your name?" she sweetly asked, still grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"Sure, my name is Horatia," I replied, "No that's not right, my name is Horatia! Wait, wha... my... name... is... Horatia! What in the fudge?" I quit with my mouth hanging open in shock.

I heard Katie titter in the background, while Callie laughed in my face. A devilish look came across her face and she pulled away a little and said, "Not long ago, you would have done almost anything to get your hands on these," as she removed her blouse and bra, pressing those beautiful breasts almost against my lips, "You should be sporting a rock hard woody about now."

She was right, I should be. My heart was pounding, my breath was short, and I was definitely excited, but no hard on. I concentrated on the area between my legs and it only felt as if I had wet myself, instead of the rigid meat I should be feeling.

'Did all of that morphine make me sterile? Had the drugs chemically castrated me?' I fretted.

"Oh, poor Horatia, she looks so frightened, doctor Callie. Maybe you should tell her why she doesn't have an erection," Katie Goodbody said in a rather condescending voice, grinning all the while.

"What a good idea Katie. Well Horatia, the reason you are not sporting a woody is simply that you no longer have the wood," as impossible as it might have seemed to me, she smiled even wider knowing the effect that this information would have on me.

"What? You, castrated me? You can't do this. It's illegal! Nooooooo," I screamed then fainted.


"Now don't you faint on me again Horatia. You need to realize, that you were not, castrated. Now if you will stop this sissy fainting routine and listen, I have more to tell you," Mistress Callie told me, as I regained consciousness for the fourth time after she told me that my cock was no longer, my own.

"That's better. Now you relax Missy, that is an order from your Mistress," she ordered shaking her finger in my face.

Completely against my will, I found an intense blanket of calm descend over me.

"Good girl. Now, if you stay conscious for a few more minutes you may hear the rest, and get on with the rest of your life," she sounded exasperated as she ordered me to listen.

Katie was holding my hand and patting it, "Callie remember, she is still weak from all of the time in bed..."

"Right, I'll lighten up sweetens, but only for you. I don't give one whit what this scumbag is feeling," Callie exclaimed.

"Horatia, you need to thank your lucky stars for Katie here. She has been the only person in this whole prison who has tried to keep some very nasty things from happening to you," Callie said, as she walked a little ways away, "I have an idea, Katie, why don't you tell her about her new situation? I have better things to do." With that Callie spun on her heals and left my room.

"Ughn, why do I feel so sick?" I moaned as every nerve in my body complained, and the room was doing flip-flops.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Your suffering withdrawals from the morphine you were on for so long. Here, let me give you a little shot to just help you over the hump a little... but first will you do some thing for me?" she asked so smoothly and convincingly I would have been hard for me to think something was up, even if I had all of my wits about me.

"Anything, if you can make me feel a little better," I smiled up at her as best as I could manage. I saw her take out a syringe and fill it from a little bottle.

"Well, this favor should be easy for you. All I want is that you, please, please try not to do anything to make Doctor Callie any madder. It is really hard on me to keep the others from doing things to you in retaliation for any little thing that you do. So please promise me that you will try, so that I can keep taking care of you. They have talked about using one of the other inmates as your nurse, but I think they will find someone who doesn't really care about her patients, and that makes me feel sad for you. Do you think that you can try hard, for me?" she finished in an, oh so caring voice.

I got a tear in my eye and said, "Thank you for helping me," I could hold back no longer... the hopelessness of my situation, and everything I had been told to this point came crashing in and I started weeping. Not your ordinary basic cry mind you, but the whole body wracking all out kind.

Katie hugged me while I sobbed, and dried my tears, saying soothing things while I had lost it entirely.

When I had started to calm down, I felt the sting of the injection as she poked me in the buttocks with the needle. Mere moments later I had a smile on my face and was in a warm floating blissful high.

"Do you feel better now baby?" Katie asked, while she held me sitting on my bed.

"Yes... I feel all warm and floaty. You are my best friend Katie. I know that I don't deserve you, but knowing you are here for me, makes my heart soar," I rambled, in the haze of the drug. Had I been a little straighter, I would have wanted to gag at the effeminate things I had just said to her.

"That's alright baby, Katie is here for you..." she held me and rocked back and forth as I became ever so much more placid.


As the trio reviewed the tape, Katie said, "Can you believe that turd is buying this drivel? I had to work so hard not to retch when I said it!"

"Was it that bad? She looks so different from Harry that it's hard for me to think of her as the same person," Ms. Sterndackle admitted, sitting in one of the office chairs next to the other two women, reviewing the tape of Horatia's first awakening.

Dr. Mannatter piped in with, "Well since we were the ones who did the actual alterations, it probably is a little easier for us, to know that underneath that beautiful exterior, lays the disgusting and fetid mind of a rapist and blackmailer."

"I have to admit that you did a splendid job on her, Callie. You two had better get back there, she should be coming around soon," Ms. Sterndackle reminded them.

"Yes warden, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to prove my theories, and to save the other women incarcerated here from that pig," Callie shook the warden's hand as she stood to leave.

Katie, being the more emotional of the ladies, threw herself around the warden's neck, hugging and kissing her, "Thank you warden. You are doing a wonderful thing for women everywhere!"

"Sometimes I have my doubts about that. Luckily, all I have to do is review Harry's file, and I am once again totally convinced that we are doing what must be done," Ms. Sterndackle sighed deeply shaking her head, "I just wish we didn't have to."

"Bye warden, we'll keep you informed on how things are going, even though it is mostly Katie's job for now," Dr. Mannatter left with her nurse to check on Horatia.


I came to, still feeling good and seeing the lovely face of my only friend, Katie.

"Hi, welcome back sweetie. Are you ready to take your first walk to the bathroom now? Come on, get that cute little tush out of the bed," she said as she pulled me gently to the edge and I expected she was going to help me to my feet.

As my torso came more to a vertical posture, I felt... something I never in my life, expected that I would feel. My chest slid into my lap, "Oh god! What was that?"

Katie giggled, "Don't be a silly girl. That is just your bosom's natural motion, when you are not wearing your brassiere."

I was shocked. Yet for some reason, I knew it was natural for a girl like me. My head was spinning trying to get a grip on why I would think it was natural. Then I unconsciously stood up. Well that's not entirely correct, I tried to stand up and wound up having Katie steadying me. She helped me to my toes.

Try as I might I could not relax my foot to stand on the floor. I tried to take a step on point, but my feet just weren't strong enough and I was forced to sit back down on the bed.

"What is wrong with my feet Katie?" I asked in astonishment.

"Oh Horatia, you know you need special corrective shoes to walk in, ever since your accident," she chided me.

"I wish you would stop calling me that," I asked her, as she bent down to place my feet into a pair of shoes from underneath the bed.

"What would you like me to call you sweetheart?" she asked, as she slipped my strangely tiny feet, into a pair of radically high heals.

"Please call me by my real name. Horatia," I asked then tried to correct what I had said, "I mean the name I was born with, Horatia."

Katie giggled a disarming titter and said, "That's what I have been calling you dear."

"Oh piffle! I give up! Call me Horatia then," I said, even though I really wanted to use much stronger language.

"I sure will honey. Do you remember the rest of your name?" Katie bated me, as she did up the little strap across the top of my feet.

"My whole name is, Horatia Harlie Hoard. Oh dear lord, that's even worse than my real name, Horatia Harlie Hoard!" I was so frustrated that even feeling as nice as the drugs were making me feel, I started to tear up.

"Now don't you go, getting all emotional dearie, this is just going to be a quick sissy, and then it's right back into bed," she scolded me, as she finished putting my shoes on.

At least I think she put shoes on my feet, I could feel them, but it was impossible for me to see them with those giant bulges in my way, "I can't see my feet," I complained.

"Well I can tell you that you are missing a beautiful sight. These are two of the prettiest feet I have ever seen," I could feel her gently caressing the top of my foot, which sent a sensuous shiver up my spine, making me quiver, "Now that's enough stalling, come along, Horatia." She pulled me over to the edge of the bed.

That's when I realized that this couldn't be, the Katie that I knew. This woman is an Amazon! She must be six foot or taller. Even her hands were bigger than mine are. Not to mention she was one strong girl, pulling me as easily as she was.

She tugged one last time, and my bottom slid from the bed as I dropped the short distance to the floor, and her strong arms kept me from falling over. I felt my chest pulling heavily downward in front of me, while it bounced and jiggled all over. My legs were weak and my knees felt like warm gelatin, as she slowly walked me to the water closet, as if I was eighty years old or something.

When we finally arrived, she turned me around facing away from the toilet?

'Wait a minute,' I thought, 'I only have to go pee, why turn me around? Maybe I'm so weak that it's safer to do it this way, so I won't fall down if my knees go.'

Satisfied with that reasoning I suddenly felt Katie drop my baby doll panties to my ankles for me, and then she held up the top so I wouldn't soil it when I sat down.

'Well I guess it's not so strange... she is a nurse and has seen lot's of people naked before,' I rationalized as I sat down on the seat.

'It sure feels like my butt is covering more of the seat than usual,' I casually observed, 'I'm going to have to get to the gym when I get out of here.'

I relaxed the usual muscles and I nearly fainted. It felt like I was peeing out of my butt. My piss was spraying all over my ass too.

Katie must have seen all the blood drain out of my face because she asked, "What's the matter, Horatia? Your face just turned really pale."

"It felt like I was peeing out of my butt," I almost screeched, having finished my sissy.

"Of course it did, that's how we girls pee Horatia. It's no big deal is it? Are you done now?" she queried with a matter of fact expression on her face.

I started to stand up and her strong gentle hands stopped me, "Horatia, you must be really out of it girl. Don't forget to wipe yourself," she chided with a little giggle.

I snatched a wad of toilet tissue and reached between my legs, and when I wiped my smooth creased gash, I screamed, and fainted dead away.


When next I awoke, I felt myself floating in a strange unshakable state, I heard Mistress Callie say, "There that should keep her awake long enough for us to get her past the basic hurdles. She's on enough Prozac to mellow out Richard Simons. She's alright now, aren't you sweetie?"

I felt Mistress Callie pinch my face to purse my lips with her hand.

"Hi gorgeous, didn't I fuck you a while back?" I asked stoned out of my head, sitting up in my hospital bed and smiling.

"Actually no, I fucked you, and I fucked you real good," she patted my cheek smiling at me.

"Aw that's nice... cause I like you a lot. I always did like a lady with big boobies. Do you want to fuck me again? You can fuck me as good as you want, pretty lady," I blathered, barely able to form words as stoned as I was.
