Purty Prison Guard


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"Good, I was watching part of it," she admitted, "What is next on the agenda?"

"I believe that Doctor Callie has a show planed for aerobics class and some gang cunnilingus after the show. How many do you think she can satisfy before she passes out?" Darlene giggled cruelly as she asked.

"As many as she can is all I ask for and all the Doctor says will be needed to reinforce her conditioning," the warden replied in a dead flat tone.

"Right you are warden. Sometimes I let myself become caught up in the role, don't worry, I never let it show when it is not supposed to," she assured the warden.

"I know but, I am trying to keep the purpose of this little escapade in focus. This is not for our enjoyment, it is to punish that scum bucket, for what he did," the warden told her, the emotion evident in her voice.

"Yes warden, I understand..." she finished her report.

"Sorry Darlene, I'm just having some issues about what we are doing right now. It's not your fault. You should know I appreciate your help," the warden sighed and closed the intercom.


I had been awakened, bathed, and dressed in my pink exorcise outfit, wearing high heeled pink Reeboks, hobbled and escorted to the Aerobics class by Darlene.

Mistress Callie was again leading the class, "Ah our guest of honor has arrived!"

Darlene removed my shackles and brought me up to Mistress Callie.

"Are we feeling a little anxious this morning?" she prompted.

I nodded.

"Would you like this?" she produced the huge dildo that I had used the day before.

I reached out slowly, trembling all over my entire body, toward it, but waited for her approval before I actually grabbed it.

Mistress Callie proffered it saying, "Go ahead, you can have it."

I snatched it and immediately started working the huge cock like dildo into my sweet face. It took a lot of effort, but I got it past my lips again, and began ramming it down my throat moaning like the slut I am. I was so, caught up in fucking my face I barely noticed the catcalls and whistling the ladies in the class were making.

"Fuck that sweet face baby!"

"Ooh, you are a cock sucking whore!"

"She sure loves that cock!"

"Suck it you slut!"

They called out many more encouraging comments the entire time I was deep throating that monster latex cock.

"Now before she finishes girls, anyone who wants the best tongue fucking of her life, show us your pussy," she encouraged, as she too dropped her own hose.

Even though I was frantically fucking my face, the sight of all those naked cunts, both terrified and thrilled me. The hand that wasn't driving the dildo down my neck, found it's way to my drooling snatch, and started diddling my clit, heightening my orgasmic bliss.

Five minutes after getting that obscene tool in my hand I orgasmed in a huge knee buckling, gushing, mind bending, puddle of femininity.

Luckily, Darlene had anticipated my weakness and caught me before I hit the mat.

When I had recovered enough, the sight of all those naked cunts drove me wild. I attacked Mistress Callie's sweet pussy first. After her cunt exploded all over, my face I went to the next closest slit, and the next, until I finally had a badly distended stomach and fainted from all of the exertion.


"You sure do know how to break up an aerobics class sweetie," was the first thing that graced my ears when I came to.

"Where am I?" I asked Darlene as soon as I could open my eyes and after she gave me a long languid kiss.

"Back in your warm soft bed snuggling with your favorite girlfriend," she answered sexily in my cute shell like ear. "You were bathed, powdered, dressed, and lovingly placed in your bed by moi."

"Oh thank you so much darling. I'm so grateful to have one friend that I can rely on," I kissed her with as much passion as I could muster.

"You are so sweet and so welcome hon.," she said as she cleaned my tonsils with her tongue. "Don't worry about your shots either, I took care of them while you slept."

"Whatever will I do with myself now?" I declared sarcastically.

"Well you need to eat something, and I don't mean my pussy either, and you need to visit the infirmary for a check up," she informed me, as she stopped my hand from diddling her lovely crack.

She helped stabilize my huge tight feeling bosom as I strained to regain my feet, but as she grasped one I felt something strange happen... the front of my baby doll became warm and wet.

"What in the hell," I declared, "was that?"

"I don't know," she stated as she tried to get a better look, "let's find out."

She reached in, scooped one of my enormous fun bags out of my bra, and inspected the nipple. What happened next shocked me more that I can ever say. She placed her lips on my nipple and began to suckle.

I could feel the milk letting down and flowing out of my boob. It came joyously squirting out of my nipple into her warm, soft, lipstick covered, mouth.

"Mmmmm, you taste good lover," she enthused as she continued her feeding.

"Milk?" How can I be lactating?" I asked Darlene in my sweet little voice, lubricating my slit freely, as she continued to nurse at my huge, full breast.

"Whuwd whaoh mnoh," she answered, her mouth, happily full of my big sensitive nipple.

"Wow, it feels great when you do that," I encouraged her, as my panting became louder and my hand found it's way to my hot vagina.

Mistress Callie came into the room and Darlene released her suction long enough to say, "Doc, I hope your thirsty. You take the other one."

Mistress Callie hopped on the bed next to Darlene and latched onto my other boob, I was immediately in stereo ecstasy, and I orgasmed in no time.

That didn't even slow them down. By the time they had drained me I had orgasmed twice more.

As I sat there recovering, mistress Callie stated, "I'm glad you liked that. Especially since you are going to be doing that three times a day for a long, long time. Don't worry we have lots of volunteers to help out and Darlene here can teach you how to use a breast pump for those times no one is thirsty. You might have noticed the refrigerator that we put in here, this morning. It's so you have a place to store your milk where it won't go bad, before we can take it to the cafeteria, where we plan to have a lottery to see who will be the lucky girl that gets your milk! Isn't that exciting?" she asked with an evil grin plastered on her face, caressing my sensitive breast.

I shuddered as much from the stimulation, as from the knowledge that I was now the prison's prize cow.

"Triple sets of mammary glands, and they are greatly enlarged by the drugs that we have been using on you. You should be able to out produce some milk cows in a couple of weeks, after some more injections of course," she caressed, lifted and grasped my nipple, which she used to squirt Darlene with.

"We can have squirt gun fights with these guns," Darlene squealed happily, squirting Mistress Callie back with my other udder.

I know I should feel angry with them... but it felt so good and they were having so much fun, I just couldn't. The two of them couldn't play long, since they had pretty much drained them, there wasn't much left in my swollen mammaries.

Darlene sucked a mouthful from one of my boobs and kissed me on the mouth. I wasn't expecting her to split my lips with her tongue and fill my mouth with my own milk, however. It was swallow or drown. Now, I'm not into drinking much milk, but mine is sweet and tasty, so I didn't mind so much.

"What do you think lover? Do you like how you taste?" she teased, her face four inches away from mine.

While I was formulating an answer, Mistress Callie started sucking and caressing my breast, while Darlene tickled my clit.

"Oh my God!" I squealed.

"She likes her own milk. You know, I don't think that she has orgasmed in ten minutes..." she brought out a large dildo, which I couldn't take my eyes off, and handed it to me.

While they nursed, I fucked my face and orgasmed. It was absolute heaven...


When they were done with me, I was bathed and perfumed, dressed in pink, as a slut again and taken for a walk around the prison compound...

The other inmates seemed to giggle and point when we walked by, but with my big companion, none of them bothered us. I was still scared. Virtually everyone is bigger than I am... It seemed to me that every one of them looked at me hungrily, as I jiggled my way around the prison.

I found myself clinging tighter and tighter to Darlene, the longer we walked, and the more I came to notice the women pointing at my bizarre feet and enormous breasts, my need for having Darlene beside me, growing ever greater as we went along.

"Where are we going Darlene?" I asked her peering up along her arm to her face, as we slowly walked. (Since I can't walk very fast, due to what they did to my feet.)

"Well little one, we are taking you to the infirmary, for a quick check up, it seems you are due for your period soon and the doctor wants to verify all six of your ovaries are working," she stated, smiling down at me giving me a reassuring squeeze on the hand.

When we entered the office we were sent to an examination room in the back by a nurse I didn't recognize, "What happened to Katie? Is she angry at me?" I tried to put on my cutest, hurt puppy look.

"She, um... is busy with other cases, right now. Please, disrobe and put this on," she handed me one of those hospital gowns, the ones that are open in the back, with the exception that this one was pink, "then climb up onto the examination table, and put your feet in the stirrups. The doctor will be with you in a minute."

I stripped, trying to do so seductively in front of Darlene. I wriggled and bent over as far as I could, as I slipped my lacy pink panties down my slender legs, showing my naked bottom to Darlene as I did so.

She lightly patted my big bottom saying, "Careful where you point this thing, my sweet little slut. If one of the male guards came in, you'd get this hot pussy stuffed with man meat." She giggled and stroked my bottom, eliciting a low moan from me.

She slipped the gown around me and easily lifted me onto the table, helping me place my feet into the stirrups, and pulling the gown down to cover my privates, but not before giving me a quick diddle with her finger to rev up my motor.

So that is the way Mistress Callie found me, legs spread, panting like a dog, and sitting in a little puddle of my own pussy juice.

"Good god Girl, I'm here to examine you, not fuck your brains out, so you can just turn off the lubrication for now," Mistress Callie told me, in front of both Darlene and the nurse, as she sopped up the mess I had made.

"Well it looks like I won't have to use the KY Jelly," she promptly slid the speculum into me and spread me wide open. "Hmm, oh my god! Darlene come here you have to see this!"

Darlene moved to where she was working between my legs, "What is it?"

"There's a Buick in there," she told her laughing at the dirty look that Darlene gave her.

Darlene recovered quickly with, "You mean the one parked next to the pickup truck?"

They giggled together at their jokes, and at my huge vagina.

"Come here Darlene, and put these gloves on," I heard the snap of the gloves as she put them on, "now give me your hand. Just let me guide you in... here, do you feel this? Now over here is the same thing. Inside her deeper, that's good, do you feel these?" the doctor asked her as they explored around inside me.

I could feel both of their arms moving around within my body, as well as see my abdomen bulging, and with that bulge moving about on my tummy as they explored.

"Oh my god, I'm inside her up to my elbow!" Darlene exclaimed.

"Be careful here, we are right up against her diaphragm. Watch this, when I push up like this..." she did something inside me and all of the air in my lungs whooshed out, "see, she exhales. If I keep pressure on it, she can't inhale and would pass out," she wouldn't let me breathe, and everything around was turning grey...

"But I won't let her take the easy way out," I could breathe again suddenly, "The inmates would never forgive me. Now see how slimy our arms are, she loves it when anything is, stuffed inside her. Don't you love it Hor?"

"Y... Y... Yes, Mistress I love anything you do to me," I squealed, with my back arched, and my hands with a death grip on the examination table.

"No wonder she's always thirsty. Hey doc, I've got to show you the new bottle I made for her to drink from," she turned and hurried away, only to return a moment later with something she kept out of my view.

"See doc, how do you, like it?" Darlene sounded so proud of herself.

"It's perfect. I'll like it even better when she is drinking out of it all of the time. Go ahead, let's see her use it," Mistress Callie replied gleefully.

Darlene came up to me with a large dildo coming out of her hand. Then I noticed that below her hand was a two-litter bottle of water, which was, attached to the realistic looking cock.

"Here you go sweetheart," she said lovingly, helping to stuff the cock into my mouth, whereupon I started fucking my face with it while I drank.

"We won't even have to compel her to use it, she'll use it, just to fulfill her other programming. How is that water Hor? Do you like, your new baa baa?" she asked, but not without playing with my boobs and diddling my clits.

"Ulllglloog, oommffmm!" I replied not even slowing down my drinking and face fucking.

"Go ahead Darlene, diddle this giant cunt while I milk Miss Moo Cow here," Mistress Callie instructed Darlene who was more than happy to comply! "Tilt her pelvis back first, like this."

My hips swiveled up until I was almost lying on my neck.

'I don't know why they are bothering,' I thought, 'I'll be orgasming any second now anyway.'

They went at me hard and heavy, but I couldn't cum. Finally, after drinking, for five minutes, and with the bottle long empty, I erupted like a geyser. My eyes rolled up into my head and I twitched wildly. This was the most explosive orgasm I could ever remember!

When my twitching subsided, I could feel Mistress Callie and Darlene down at my twat and heard them say, "Can you believe the lake of cunt juice in there?"

"No, way!" Darlene exclaimed, "Good god, not even could I fit my head in there, but I could drown too."

I felt one of them reach inside of me and, heard wet splashing noises as they played in my juice filled cavity.

"Here, let's save it in this bottle, and think up all kinds of disgusting uses for this stuff?" Darlene suggested.

"Sure, get that measuring cup and start baling it into the bottle," Mistress Callie told her while she held the jug for Darlene to pour my cum into it.

I listened to the wet noised as they filled the jug.

"We can let her down now, I think that's all we can get this way," they lowered my hips and I could feel all of the wet lubricant running down the crack of my butt.

"Shit, she had at least another cup left in there," Darlene let out an evil sounding snicker, as the puddle under me spread.

"Oh well Darlene, go ahead and clean her up, we finished the exam before her little drink," Mistress Callie told her, as she snapped the gloves off, washed her arms and hands, just prior to leaving.

Darlene washed and cleaned me with a washcloth and towel, conveniently found in the room. She dressed me in my hooker clothes and walked me back to my cell, in front of all of the catcalls and remarks that the other inmates shouted out when Darlene wasn't looking.

I was waddling due to the fact that my pussy hadn't even come close to closing back to normal, so the only way to walk was with an exaggerated swing of my hips. By the time we arrived at my cell, I had a death grip on Darlene again and was trembling with fear.

"Don't be frightened little one. Darlene is here to protect you. You are my sweet and delicate little flower, and I have to protect someone who is so defenseless. Here why don't you have some maraschino cherries..." she said handing me a jar, "go ahead and open it, while I get a spoon. I know how much you love them," she went into the closet to get a plastic spoon.

I tried to open the jar, with all of my might, but the lid wouldn't budge. I even tried to hold the jar with my thighs and use both of my tiny hands to take the lid off, but to no avail.

Darlene returned to the bed where I was sitting and asked, "What's the matter little one? Is that lid on too tight?"

"I tried Darlene, real hard too. I thing it's stuck. I'll have to go without any cherries," I sighed, wishing that I could have one. I really like them.

She picked up the jar and spun it open like it was, lubricated with Teflon, "Not to worry my weak little pussy girl." She giggled as she scooped out a cherry and fed me as if I were a baby bird. "That's my little girl."

I giggled and said, "Mmmm! I love cherries, and you too Darlene." I smiled up at her adoringly, "I'm so glad that I have a big strong lover like you."

"You can lean on me princess. I'll do all the hard things for my weak little sissy. You won't even have to strain one of your spongy soft little muscles. I will do everything for you. Your job is just to be soft, beautiful, weak, and vulnerable, plus of course have as much sex as your super horny little body can stand," Darlene assured me, and then kissed me passionately, before putting the lid back on the jar.

"I'm going to go potty," Darlene told me and went into the bathroom.

I thought it was the perfect time to sneak another cherry, so I grabbed the jar and tried to take the lid off. It wouldn't even try to move. Even when I put everything I had into it.

"Did my sweetie want another cherry? You should have said so, I'll get you one," she took the jar and the lid spun away even easier that it had the first time. "There you are baby bird," she spoon fed me and giggled.

"I'm so weak! I think a baby bird could beat me up," I sniffed, frightened once again.

Darlene hugged me protectively, "It's just a jar of cherries. No reason for you to cry baby."


These kinds of things happened to me for weeks, even throughout my period. Darlene had cobbled together a fucking machine, to keep my overactive libido satisfied, during that disgusting time.

I was so reliant on Darlene, the warden had another adjoining cell modified to join with mine so we could room together, and she would have a handy place to stay while some of the other inmates would be visiting me and fucking my horny little body.

The four times a day Darlene gave me my shots and my boobs were milk fountains all of the time it seemed. I seemed to become hornier by the day as well. It was as if I had to have something in my cunt or mouth all of the time.


"All right ladies, what is the status of our project?" warden Sterndackle asked in her businesswoman's way, hands clasped together on her desk looking at the other conspirators.

Dr. Callie Mannatter responded with, "Hor is at the point that we can integrate her into Harry now. The mannerisms that we wished to impart to Harry are strongly in place in Hor. Darlene and others have virtually done everything for her for so long now that she is weak as a kitten. We reinforced her mindset of weakness by using many tricks, like what Darlene used with the locking cap on the cherry bottle."

"The warnings, that come with the 'Lady Viagra TM' about not overdosing or using it more that twice in a weeks time due to the permanently increased libido, which will result. We have had her on a placebo for a week without her showing signs that she is any less horny than the week before. She even tried to fuck the edge of the bathtub yesterday. I believe that now she will fuck anything that moves, and many stationary things too."
