All Comments on 'Quaranteam - AU Ch. 11'

by SilverRyden

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alsithalsithabout 1 month ago

Dangers ALL those womens middle name. :)

smythiesmythieabout 1 month ago

Going on his own was more stupid than wandering blindfolded through a minefield.

Great installment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I'm sure the worries about Indonesia and New Guinea don't mean Ty will get some women from there too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thank you again for the work you put into the character list at the front of each chapter! It is so helpful for those of us reading along "live" as the chapters come out. I wish more authors of longer series on Lit would follow your example!

Also, thank you for the update about how you're expecting the future installments to be coming out. I'm sure I'm not the only one who starts to worry if their favorite authors go for long periods with no new chapters!

Love this series, thanks for all you are doing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Is there a chinese glyph that, with one slash means 'woman', with two slashes means 'women', and with three slashes means 'trouble'? Can we agree that a glyph with twelve slashes would mean 'torture'? Please continue!!!!!

unrealtimeunrealtimeabout 1 month ago

Same ol’, same ol’. Another 5⭐️ effort with the emphasis this episode on the apocalyptic nature of the times and without a single carnal scene. Also sheds further light on the bonding process. Clearly not merely between partners since it’s already known among partners as well. Trying to remember if that is universal in all QT tales and if not, what are the exceptions. I know that efforts are made through Oracle to predispose a harmonious group. There is mention of the bonding process between the principal and a partner overcoming significant incompatibility. To what extent does that apply among all partners?

Clearly a concern to the partners here in light of Ty’s status as an important target for purposes of political and strategic alliance. Also interesting to speculate as to what extent the bonding affects the production and mutual care of the group’s offspring. In other words, is the desire for children enhanced by the bond with the principal (that seems to be an easy yes) but perhaps also by the bonding with other partners? And is the acceptance of other partner’s offspring similarly promoted?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Awesome chapter. Love what you are building with Marshall/ Valiant. More red heads please. Looking forward to your other work.

Thanks again

SlofredSlofredabout 1 month ago

Thank you for another great chapter. Please do not fret about life getting in the way of this amazing tale. IF it takes a bit longer to get a chapter out we all realize you have to do what is best for you for the best quality product go be developed. 5 Stars for this much appreciated effort.

BruceWoBruceWoabout 1 month ago

Probably your best chapter ever.

Raphael76Raphael76about 1 month ago

I am enjoying all of the “Quaranteam” spinoffs, but your’s especially. I wish the rating allowed an occasional sixth star for REALLY great stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

What amazes me is that with as many stories and authors that has put their imprint on this universe, there hasn’t been one clunker. Every author has brought their own take, yet every story has been a fun read. I have envisioned this universe being turned into a television series. I hope one day to see that.

Carnes8004Carnes8004about 1 month ago

Really enjoying your stories, keep up the good work. And, as always STAY SAFE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Another great chapter. This is the first I did not immediately read. It arrived on the day I go to Branson. So here I am finishing at 10:30PM. I drive to Branson which is 55 miles from my house if I take a mountain road. Get a taste of civilization before returning home. And do all my shopping. I am sure you have places like my home in the outback of Australia. Counting the towns, 20 people per square mile

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I'm not crazy about the Shiek's "crimes" and having him tortured for weeks and publicized online would be an appropriate justice, but I understand why they won't do it. I would have liked less of the Shiek's behavior in the. Just too much. Still, I enjoy the overall story and anxiously await the next chapter.

SorchakSorchakabout 1 month ago

Personally, I don't get their inability to want to put the Sheik down. He was a monster, they all agreed. Monsters, especially HIS type of monster, need to be destroyed. Sorry to use an over-used example, but you don't let a rabid dog roam free, you put them down to prevent them from causing biting someone and passing on the infection. It is NOT inhumane to put a bullet through his head (the Sheik) . It is Justice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Killing him during the attack wouldn't have been an issue. But first capturing him, then dragging him all the way over to Australia, and only afterwards killing him, that's something quite different.

The difference can be summed up as "killing versus murder".

And, to make it even clearer: the question is not one of killing or letting him roam free. It is of either killing a helpless prisoner in cold blood or locking him up for the rest of his life in an institution for the criminally insane. Where, what with Duo Halo and all, his life expectancy probably wouldn't be all that good anyway.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

"Addie looked thoughtful. "What about New Zealand?""

hoo boy... I know we're about a month out, timeline-wise, from the big reveal from QT2, but that gave me chills

Ravey19Ravey1917 days ago

What do you do with a problem like a mad sheikh? New Zealand - I must admit I thought the 2 neighbours would be co-operating or at least exchanging information? Although aware of how CP has brought NZ into his own story.

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One of the boys. Usually a lurker, ideas and momentum compelled me to put pen to paper once again. I hope you enjoy. 22/5/24 - So. About knocking things out by X date. Yeah, the only thing nearly getting knocked out is me. Had a major car crash (not badly inured, but a pretty...