Quaranteam: Blake's Seven Ch. 02


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"Well let's get lunch," Ruairi suggested. "How does grilled cheese on toast sound?"

Fifteen minutes later, all three were sat around the small kitchen table eating their lunch. While Ruairi had made two rounds each for himself and Rebecca, he'd made an extra one for Ciara.

"Have you seen many famous people at the vaccination centre?" Rebecca enquired.

"Not many," Ciara replied. "The few that you'd recognise have mostly been politicians, while there have also been businesswomen and some from the military plus a few academics."

"No juicy stories, then?" Rebecca pushed.

"Not really," Ciara said, shaking her head slightly. "Well, maybe there is one that's interesting. You remember that after you were vaccinated, we had to keep you there for a while before you could be delivered to Ruairi."

Rebecca nodded.

"That was to see whether you had an adverse reaction to the vaccine. I've not seen one, but I've heard of a couple. Anyway, during that period I like to chat to the women to get a sense as to how they are coping with the new world order that the vaccine is forcing upon us." Ciara stopped to take a bite of her lunch.

"I decided to talk to a woman in her late-thirties that I vaguely recognised from the news. I asked her how she thought the vaccine would affect her. I was shocked when she told me that it would hopefully save her marriage. I didn't know what to say, so she continued to explain that she thought her husband would have left her already if not for the lockdown. They'd met after university when they both started working for the same company, her on the business side and him in engineering. She left the company to do an MBA while he supported them both and afterwards, she found a job in a smaller but more politically influential company. While he has never left their original employer, slowly working his way up to middle management, she has been very focused on her career and she conceded that, unfortunately, their marriage has taken second place. She admitted that their sex life had suffered as well. About seven or eight years ago, she found out that her husband was having an affair with his secretary and her feelings were of happiness that he was finding release and that would mean more time for her to dedicate to her career. They still had sex occasionally and it didn't stop her husband asking when they would start a family, but then three years ago he'd stopped asking. She knew he was still seeing the same woman, so wondered what had changed."

Ciara took the opportunity to take another bite of her lunch. "I asked her who else was going to be joining her and her husband. Her answer told me a lot about the woman. She told me that for the last few years, they've had a live-in housekeeper, now in her late-twenties, who does all the cooking for them; she'd been trained as a chef but not liked the hours or the job insecurity working in a restaurant. She thought that her husband was now having sex with the housekeeper, but that this had only started since the beginning of the lockdown. The businesswoman had let their housekeeper know that she'd be joining them in the new arrangement. A second woman who was joining them was the businesswoman's PA, again she'd probably just been told."

"She was just telling them? Didn't they have a choice?" Ruairi enquired.

"Apparently not. I understand that the important people have some sway over things. If you remember, on the Oracle system you can put someone down as a partner and they automatically pair you up. One of the other options allows a request pairing, but for that you need to know the other person's Oracle Identity Code, not just their name."

"So by doing that, it allows the woman to request being paired with the man, but only if he's given her his Identity Code?" Rebecca asked.

"Or someone else has," Ciara answered. "I'm sure it would have been the businesswoman who gave the others her husband's code."

"Was it just the two other women, then?" Rebecca probed.

"No," Ciara responded. "She told me that for quite a while, her and her husband would go out for meals with another couple. This was her company's CEO and his younger wife. The CEO was in his late forties, but his wife was a year or two younger than herself. The CEO was her mentor in the company, but he died a few years ago after a short illness with cancer. When they went out, she'd spend all the time talking to the CEO and her husband would talk with his wife. Of course, the Businesswoman became CEO when he died. They went out, just the three of them, a few times afterwards, but she said it was hard for her because of how easily her husband and the widow chatted and how hard she found it to join in their conversations which weren't business-related. Anyway, she made an offer to the widow that was accepted."

"So she's basically dictated all the women that he'll be with," Rebecca noted, while finishing the last of her lunch and taking a drink.

"Well, maybe," Ciara acquiesced, making the words sound longer.

"Why do you say that?" Ruairi enquired.

"The businesswoman was still worried about her husband leaving her, should a way to unbond them be developed," Ciara continued. "I did suggest an answer to that issue."

"What did you suggest?" Rebecca said, leaning forward in her seat.

"Her worry was that her husband would leave her for his secretary, so I suggested that she should request the secretary to join them," Ciara explained.

"That's one hell of a solution," Ruairi expressed, leaning back and letting out a long breath.

"It is. But we received the request the following day, probably after she'd woken from her imprinting sleep. Anyway," Ciara continued, "Two days after the businesswoman was vaccinated, the housekeeper arrived at the vaccination centre. She was to be the second one vaccinated as she lived in the same house and we like to schedule vaccinations at least two days apart to allow each new member of the household to settle in. As I said, the housekeeper turned up but she wasn't alone. As she didn't have her own transport, the businesswoman had arranged for her PA to bring her, but the PA wasn't due for vaccination for another four days. As they'd arrived together, we brought them both in and after a short discussion, agreed to vaccinate them both. The housekeeper was looking a little agitated and after the standard blood test we do for all women arriving to be vaccinated, the reason was discovered; she had antibodies in her blood, but hadn't been vaccinated. It transpires that after his wife was safely imprinting, the husband had sex a number of times with the housekeeper."

"Could that be dangerous?" Rebecca asked.

"We don't think so," Ciara informed them. "We've had no information on this, though. We don't believe that she gained much immunity that way, if any. What the long-term effect of this would could have been, had she not been vaccinated, are uncertain though. As it was, the vaccination went without any problems and we sent them both on their way. I gave them both my number and asked them to send me an update to confirm that their imprinting went without a hitch."

"So did either of them get back to you?" Ruairi asked, after draining his mug.

Ciara scrolled through her phone and found the message she wanted, handing it to Rebecca so they could read it, Rebecca holding it where both herself and Ruairi would be able to see it. The message read:

"I awoke in my small room feeling a peace I'd not felt before. I showered and dressed in my best underwear and went to find my Master and Mistress. I found them in their bedroom. I knelt by their bed and waited until they had finished. When they noticed me, I offered them the collar that I'd bought many years before but never found the right person to present it to. While my Master fastened it around my neck, my Mistress searched the internet and made a purchase. I don't know what they have bought, but I can hope."

"Scroll down to the photograph," Ciara suggested. "It arrived a few days' later."

Rebecca did, finding a photograph of the housekeeper wearing her collar, on which they could clearly see two heart-shaped padlocks. Underneath was another message, which read:

"The silver lock has my Master's name engraved on the back while the gold lock has my Mistress's. I feel complete. The only time I feel more complete is when my head is between my Mistress's legs and my Master is balls' deep inside me. I've been instructed to stop taking my contraceptive and can't wait until I'm pregnant."

"Wow," exclaimed Ruairi, who'd finished reading the message first. "So she's a submissive. Are those the only messages you received?"

"No," Ciara replied. "I didn't receive anything from the PA but, for some reason, the businesswoman has sent me a number of messages." Taking her phone back, she quickly navigated to the messages before passing her phone back to Rebecca. So far, there were four messages. The first one read:

"My PA said we can send you messages about how the vaccine has affected us. I awoke after imprinting feeling energised. I don't believe I've undergone a regeneration, well not a conventional one anyway. Usually, it takes me over half of the day to answer all the emails I receive for work, making decisions and placing actions as necessary. The day after, I went to my computer late and, of course, had two days' worth of emails. I cleared them all before 11:00. I believe I made better decisions and delegated many things to others that I'd usually try to answer myself. In other news, our housekeeper is a Sub! I'd not even suspected it, although she often kept her eyes down and would ask myself or my husband to make decisions. It feels odd, but I feel a need to be her Mistress. We have instructed her to stop taking her contraceptive."

Once they had finished, Rebecca scrolled down to the second message that was dated one day later, which was shorter.

"My friend arrived today. She has informed me that as she wasn't able to have children with her husband before he died, she is going to have children with mine! We'll need to rearrange the house to make a nursery, but won't need it for a while."

The third wasn't much longer, but was a whole lot more interesting.

"My husband's secretary arrived today, quite a surprise for him. I was just as surprised, though, when a two-year-old boy ran to my husband shouting 'Daddy'. To say that plans for the nursery have moved forward drastically is an understatement. I've decided to stop taking my contraceptive as I won't be the only woman in the house not having a child with my husband!"

"You knew about the son?" Rebecca enquired.

"Yeah, our security team tipped us off after they did their review," Ciara stated. "Also, we have a crèche in the vaccination centre, as quite a few of the women coming through have younger children with them. When I talked to her, she was feeling anxious but was at the same time extremely happy to be joining the father of her son."

By now, everyone had finished eating and drinking. Rebecca scrolled down to the final message dated a few days after the previous one, which read:

"It seems a strange thing to say, but since the arrival of my husband's secretary and their son, my life feels more balanced and complete in ways I never could have expected."

"I've wondered just what she meant by that last statement ever since I received her message," Ciara stated, as Ruairi stood up and started to clear away their lunch plates.

"I think I know," Rebecca said, standing up and moving to stand beside Ciara. "Just wait until you're bonded to Ruairi, I'm sure you'll feel something of that too."

Taking Ciara's hand, Rebecca encouraged the taller woman to stand up before wrapping her up in a big hug.

"I love all of our old gang, Kee," Rebecca continued, "But I always loved you more. As we're the first two with Ruairi, it feels so special."

Bending just enough, Ciara kissed Rebecca, locking lips and turning up the gas. Ruairi just stood and stared as the two friends made out in his small kitchen. Eventually, they broke apart.

"Why do you think you were first?" Ciara enquired.

"Just lucky, I guess," Rebecca stated, still hugging Ciara tightly.

"You were first so I can be second," Ciara replied, answering her own question. "I needed you here to look after Ruairi, should he go into a long regen while I was required to go into work. As an additional two doctors have just joined our vaccination team, though, I don't need to be going to work that soon, but the order had been set. And I wanted it to be just the three of us to start with," she explained, giving Rebecca another quick kiss, after which they rested their foreheads together.

Something passed between Ciara and Rebecca and, when they broke apart, the two women advanced on Ruairi, one going each side of the small kitchen table. They both arrived at the same time, coming to stand beside each other in front of him.

"It's time, Ruairi," Ciara purred, putting a hand on his chest, before taking hold of the front of his tee shirt and pulling him forward into a kiss.

Meanwhile, Rebecca had looped an arm around his and was trying to pull him towards the bedroom. "Come on Ruairi," she exclaimed, "it's not good to keep a girl waiting."

With both of them pulling on him, it took the three of them a while to extricate themselves from the small kitchen, but as soon as they were free, the two women dragged Ruairi to his bedroom. Ciara was soon out of her clothes, quickly followed by Rebecca and then the two women worked together to divest Ruairi of his attire. Ruairi hadn't been wearing that much, just his tee shirt, boxers and shorts and it was Ciara who knelt before him to pull his boxers down, pulling out the waist band to clear his cock.

"Oh wow!" she exclaimed, when his engorged manhood was revealed in all its glory. Looking back at Rebecca, she added "I think we got lucky," before giving a little laugh.

"Yeah, it's not a battering ram, but the girth really stretches me out," Rebeca commented. "Added to which the foreskin isn't long and floppy. It feels perfect inside me and will inside you too."

By now, Rebecca was kneeling beside Ciara as they enjoyed examining Ruairi's cock. Ciara took it in her grip and started slowly sliding her hand up and down, watching as Ruairi's foreskin rolled back and forth, her other hand resting on the side of his thigh. As she continued manipulating it, a small droplet of precum exuded from the tip. Seeing this, Ciara leaned forward and swiped it with her tongue.

The effect was instantaneous. The muscles of her core all started to spasm and she let out a long guttural moan. As she was already leaning forward, Ciara pitched further forward and, having released her hold on Ruairi's cock, took it fully into her mouth and down her throat. Her head impacted Ruairi's abdomen, causing him to take a small step backward before falling onto the bed, dragging his cock out of Ciara's throat and mouth.

"Fuuuuuck," Ciara moaned, once she'd recovered somewhat. "That was intense. I've seen all the literature but you just can't prepare for that."

Looking up and seeing Ruairi sprawled on the bed, she added "Sorry," before giving a little laugh.

Ruairi was starting to sit up, but Ciara stood up first and motioned for him to lie down. Ruairi arranged the pillows behind him and scooted backwards up the bed, positioning himself with his cock pointed up to the ceiling. Ciara knee-walked up the bed straddling him and took his cock in her right hand before positioning it at her sopping entrance and slowly sinking down to impale herself on it.

"Feck, it feels good to have a cock in me after so long," Ciara exclaimed. "And a really good cock at that."

"It is, isn't it," Rebecca agreed with the taller woman. "Ruairi has a fecking good cock."

Ruairi had expected Ciara to start sliding up and down his cock, but instead she began rocking backwards and forwards, rotating her pelvis to grind her clit against his pubic bone when she was leaning over him. Also, she was exercising her kegels, gripping his cock rhythmically.

Ruairi reached up and started manhandling her breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples when they were in reach, watching how Ciara responded to his ministrations. Meanwhile, Rebecca was standing beside the bed, occasionally running her hands up and down Ciara's back.

"If you want to get involved, then get over here," Ciara informed her. "I don't want to hurt Ruairi when I pass out, so you'll need to support me, anyway."

Rebecca jumped up onto the bed and, at Ciara's insistence, straddled Ruairi's face, lowering her womanhood to his mouth while locking lips with Ciara. Ruairi latched on to Rebecca's small inner lips and started to suck before pushing his tongue as far as he could inside her, drinking down the juices that she was copiously producing.

Ciara started moving vertically on Ruairi's cock, helped in some measure by Rebecca's arms around her, and Ruairi was soon close to exploding, his tongue still trying to come to terms with Rebecca's inverted pussy. Rebecca moved slightly and Ruairi found her clit against his mouth. He latched on with his lips and swiped her clit with the tip of his tongue. Rebecca went off like the proverbial rocket, flooding Ruairi's mouth with her juices. Ruairi, who was close anyway, followed her seconds later, flooding Ciara's pussy with his seed. Ciara's orgasm hit with Ruairi's first spurt, leaving her convulsing in Rebecca's arms while her long guttural moan was captured by Rebecca's lips. Ruairi's hips were still forcefully bucking up into Ciara as he sent spurt after spurt into her.

The girls were still pulsating as Ruairi collapsed back onto the bed, feeling totally spent. Rebecca had moved and was sitting on his chest while his slowly deflating cock was still lodged in Ciara's pussy, her head resting on Rebecca's shoulder murmuring "Imprinting ... imprinting ... imprinting" into her ear.

Ruairi was brought back to his senses when Rebecca started talking to him.

"Right, Ruairi. I'm going to lift my leg, so if you can roll to your left." Ruairi felt Rebecca's weight move and one of her legs lift up, so started rolling in that direction, taking Ciara with him. Eventually, Ciara was lying beside Ruairi as Rebecca hopped off the bed on wobbly legs, heading to the bathroom. "Don't move, I'll be back with something to clean her up," she shouted back at him from the doorway.

"Rebecca was soon back, pushing a wadded-up hand towel between Ciara's legs. "OK Ruairi, you can pull out now," she advised him when the towel was in position. Ruairi withdrew his cock, which was followed by a large dollop of their combined juices. Rebecca quickly wiped Ciara's pussy and then crawled up the bed to deal with Ruairi's cock which, to her surprise, was soon back to full mast. Winking at Ruairi, she dropped her head to his organ and started licking it like a lollypop, cleaning it of the bulk of the secretions before taking it between her lips to clean off the residue, a shiver running through her body as she did so.

Rebecca was intent on getting Ruairi's cock inside her, but he let her know that although he was erect, the gun wasn't loaded. Instead, they manoeuvred Ciara into a better position under the duvet before going for a shower. They spent the rest of the day talking, refuelling and, both generally and literally, fucking around the apartment.

= = = = = = =

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Please continue the story, I look forward to the next chapters

NursesNurses13 days ago

I am waiting anxiously for another chapter. I honestly like Ruairi better than Tim. My kind of guy. Want to see him progress

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

What Falstaff60 said. Ruairi is just the luckiest guy in the country. His career possibilities aside, he doesn't seem to have any drive or direction. It isn't that he is just not looking a gift horse in the mouth (Now there's an image for you), he seems to be just kicking back and accepting whatever happens to him. It may be that circumstances necessarily dictate his passivity, but it feels like details are missing. Having said that, it is not a major flaw in the story. There is plenty of time left to fill in gaps and add details. Please continue!!!!!

Falstaff60Falstaff603 months ago

Just my impression but it seems Ruairi is way too passive in the relationship. Feels like these two women are in control and he's just along for the ride. Doesn't feel like his character had enough development. No personality to speak of. Hope that comes out soon.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The American government is not going to let the government of Ireland takeover American owned businesses/ companies in Ireland after giving them access to the vaccine. The US government is not a charity. Even though some Democratics treat it as one. In the original Quaranteam, Phil mentions that America's debts were being cancelled by foreign countries all over the world for access to the vaccine. Other countries are offering the US government anything they want for access to the vaccine. So, the Irish government should/will not be gaining control of US backed companies/businesses that are located in Ireland.

alsithalsith3 months ago

Great addition to the ongoing :)

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Thank you for a great 2nd installment. You are doing a really nice job and I’m looking forward to seeing your storyline develop further. 5/5!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I really enjoyed Ciara's perspective. Learning more about Rebecca was great especially the forensic accounting angle.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Please continue!!!!!

cindyp1976cindyp19763 months ago

Loving this one just as much as your other quaranteam story and can't wait for more of both of them.

NursesNurses3 months ago

I love all the Quaranteam stories. I also love The Bunker by one of you. And I still say you should have Ruairi playing games with the Garda lady since she is a gamer. She might end up being number 8.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I skipped a lot of the sexual intercourse. I am mainly interested in the story moving forward - and it scarcely did. Eating, taking a shower, and cleaning does not move the story forward either. Yawn.

Please introduce some conflict. Whatever. Have a comet impact next door.

laad4e08laad4e083 months ago

I really enjoy the Quaranteam universe. Thank you for another chapter of this story. It is fun to see what the different authors do with the framework and how they present what it looks like in other parts of the world.

CurrentParameterCurrentParameter3 months ago

nice. keep them coming.

Carnes8004Carnes80043 months ago

Enjoyed the installment, please don't wait 2 two months till the next one. Stay safe.

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