Quaranteam: Remote Work Ch. 06

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Debate. Meet Callie, and trying to make it work.
3.6k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/12/2024
Created 09/03/2023
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The Quaranteam Universe is the creation of CorruptingPower, used with permission. Also a big shout out to the RAPIDLY expanding Quaranteam Universe! You should check them out if you get the chance.


Chapter 6: Debate

8 August 2020

Shocked, Adam and Shannon looked out of their bedroom door, towards the front of the apartment. The knock came again, and Adam found his body moving. No time to clean up properly, he started pulling on underwear and a pair of pajamas that would be at least somewhat presentable. "I'm coming! One sec!" As he got to the bedroom door, he looked back at the still-dazed Shannon. "Take your time. I'll talk to the Oracle people."

She nodded but was silent. Stumbling and cursing slightly, yet rather thankful that they hadn't come five minutes earlier, Adam made his way to the front door. He barely remembered to grab a spare mask before looking through the peephole. Standing outside were at least two people. Hard to tell from that point of view, though the distinct shape of HAZMAT gear was visible... as was a shock of bright red hair not covered by that gear. His heart rate had been coming down slightly from the immediate post-orgasmic haze, but Adam now felt it picking back up. He opened the door.

It turned out there were two people in HAZMAT behind door number one, both in the camouflage colors that the Army had been using, and both carrying rank insignia that Adam recognized as being very junior soldiers. Not much to go on for what was under the protective gear, other than the fact that they were both fairly tall. To the left, a name tape that read "Evans." To the right, "Nichols." The masks were heavily used, but the filters on them were shiny, without nearly the dust and grime the rest of the mask had picked up. It was like they had been swapped out very recently. Standing between them was, presumably, the woman they were here to deliver.

And, she was certainly something. Taller than Adam by perhaps an inch, she was probably at least twice as wide and rather bottom-heavy. She was stuffing a long-sleeved shirt quite full, with pants and a cloth mask providing some extra safety. Pale and acne-scarred skin was visible around her neck and face. Her hair was bright enough red to look like her head was on fire, pulled back into a straight and slightly greasy ponytail, her green eyes very slightly bulging. Beside her was a wheeled suitcase, plain black but locked.

Adam looked between them for a second or two. "I'd ask if I could help you, but I think I know what's up. Come in, come in!"

The one on the left... Evans... shook her head. "Can't take that much time, sir, and in any case being in your place isn't all that comfy if I can't take my gear off. And I can't. Specialist Nichols, you have the forms, right?"

The other one unslung a backpack Adam had previously failed to notice, kneeled down, and started digging through it. Remarkable how well camouflage patterns work when placed on a background of the same exact camouflage pattern. While she was digging, Adam turned to the third woman. "I assume you're coming to join my Team?" She nodded. "I'm Adam Jeffries, happy to meet you."

The large woman raised one eyebrow. "They didn't even tell you my name?" Her voice was smooth and at odds with the rest of her, slightly higher than her size would have led one to expect, and carrying with it an odd blend of accents Adam couldn't quite place. "You can call me Callie."

"They didn't even call ahead to warn me you were coming. Granted, it's not like I could be at a Seahawks game or anything, but still."

Her eyebrows furrowed thunderously. "You two didn't even tell him he had a new permanent addition to his household on the way?"

Specialist Nichols stood from the ground, holding two manilla folders. "We didn't even know we were going to be on this detail until two hours ago, ma'am." She opened one of them up, folded it over, and handed it to Callie along with a pen. "Please sign here, center block."

Callie took the folder and pen, but did not sign immediately. Instead, her eyes roamed over the sheet. "Dated August 2020? New revision?"

"Yes, ma'am, we just got these yesterday. Included an NDA segment boilerplate up top."

Callie nodded and went back to looking over the document. After a few moments she seemed satisfied, leaning the folder against a wall for leverage before writing something into the block Nichols had told her about. She handed it over to Adam, who glanced over it as well. Ah, yes, the DA 6969-R. Same as with Shannon... other than the extra information block at the top. "Calliope Ekecheiria? Greek?"

She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a half-screaming sound from inside the apartment. If Adam hadn't been quite so familiar with it, he'd have been concerned. Instead, he got to idly wonder how Shannon was having an especially intense orgasm when he wasn't there to assist with it. Callie's mouth snapped shut as she seemed to figure out what the sound was... but not how it could possibly have happened.

It was harder to see their faces, but by body language both of the escorts also shared in this thought process. Adam took the chance to look down at the signature blocks. Once again, two of three complete. Callie was one, Specialist Nichols of the National Guard. He saw an opportunity to distract them from Shannon's sudden outburst, though. "Nichols? One question. I'm not sure, but I don't think the abbreviation of the Washington Army National Guard is supposed to be WANG."

They went from shock to laughter in half of a heartbeat. "Oh, I would apologize for that one, but I'm not sorry. Ah, I needed that. Two Nasty Girls of the WANG, here to help!"

Evans, the other soldier, proved that certain things were universal. Despite shaking with laughter, her rubber-gloved hand came to her mask-clad forehead in a combination of frustration and incredulity. "It won't affect things. We care a lot more about your block and your new teammate."

"I won't keep you, then." Adam wrote his own information down in his own block and handed it back... or tried to. Callie intercepted it as the soldiers tried to grab the folder, holding it in front of her for one last look before pulling out her phone and snapping pictures of it.

"There we go. Now it's preserved on our side." She handed the folder back, they shoved it in the backpack, and the troops left. Some seconds later, Callie turned back to Adam. "Mind if I come in? You already signed the paper and everything."

"Sure, sure. Welcome to my home. Not much of a home, and we have a lot to figure out, but it works. Take a seat."

"It'll keep the rain out, I guess." Callie closed the door on the way in. "And to answer your question from earlier, Dad's Greek. He named me to honor the muse and mother of Orpheus. Mom's Irish. When she woke up and found out what he'd named me, she got up out of her recovery bed and punched him across the jaw. Mind if I drop a layer or two? Kind of hot to be bundled up." Without waiting for a response, she removed her mask and started peeling off the long-sleeved shirt.

Adam, thankfully, was in the middle of saying yes when she did so. The doughy flesh of her arms and shoulders that emerged were painfully pale and pockmarked with signs of old acne, her camisole undershirt straining to contain her belly. Her breath came a bit hard at the end of it, reminding Adam heavily of when he got out of his recent hospital stay. She didn't seem lazy or indulgent. Something was keeping her away from her health. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, thanks for asking. Bunch of things not quite right in my body, but I had pneumonia as a kid and Covid three months ago, so my lungs like me about as much as the paralegals I worked with. Mind if I flop on the big chair?"

"Go right ahead, I bought it to sit on after all. You do legal work?"

Callie smirked a bit as she took her seat. "You could say that. I'm a lawyer, public defender for the State of Washington. Pay might not be too great, but man does it feel good when..." As it turns out, Adam was not the only one subject to being interrupted by doors.

The sound of the bedroom door closing announced the arrival of his roommate. He turned to look at Shannon and immediately understood why Callie had lost her voice and train of thought. Shannon had taken a moment to get cleaned up, and was dressed in pajamas. The shorts came barely below her butt. The top was a camisole much like Callie was wearing, but it had been one of her smaller ones she'd brought. Now, it was holding on for dear life as it struggled to contain Shannon's expansive and expanding breasts, the bottom leaving a good two inches of firm, dark skin exposed.

Even more than the revealing clothes, though, was her attitude. Her afterglow was still intense, her smile warm and broad. Even her posture was straighter, which made her chest look that much bigger as her boobs found themselves pushed forward. Despite the incredible orgasm they had shared less than fifteen minutes prior, Adam found his own body reacting to her presence.

Callie was openly staring. Shaking her head to get control of herself had the effect of making her hair wave like flame, and she looked back at Adam with a new scrutiny. "What the... she is your previous teammate? Who ARE you, Adam? I looked at your profile, top block for my rare matches, and did as much more research on you as I could. NOTHING said you were the type to be pulling supermodels and influencers!"

Shannon stopped in her tracks. "I'm neither. Freelance artist, thanks."

"Girl, have you looked in a mirror? Ever? I've seen less attractive faces on magazine covers!"

Shannon had... but had obviously been a bit distracted recently. Slowly, she turned to the small mirror on the wall. It reflected her face for her to see. Her fine bone structure. Smooth, unblemished skin. Lustrous hair. Wide eyes. All things that were simply not there two weeks prior, miles from the damage she had lived with for years. All things that she simply had not noticed had changed while she was distracted by a different growing issue.

Callie wasn't about to wait for a response, though. Adam vaguely noticed the injection site bandaged on her upper arm as her expression changed from shocked to determined. "Alright. I see what I'm up against."

Adam held his hands up. "It's not a competition, Calliope..."

"Please don't call me that unless you're ready to fight."

"Alright. Callie, I don't think you missed it in the paperwork, but we're all going to have to work together. This is permanent, I promised to do the best I can, by both of you."

"You know what comes next, Adam, I'm not your first Teammate, but nobody likes being in second by that much. The details can wait for later." She stood and walked over to him, looking Shannon in the face. "I'll save you some time and guesswork. Yes, I'm direct. Yes, I can be competitive. Yes, I had to learn this part to keep boyfriends around." Without further warning, she dropped to her knees with a heavy thud and yanked down Adam's pajama pants and underwear to expose her goal.

It wasn't even hard yet, the sudden and surreal situation conspiring with the fact that he'd had a very satisfying orgasm not long ago to slow things down. The explosion of pleasurable sensation suddenly reporting from what felt like every nerve in the region, though, promised to cut that time quite short. Moments later her eyes flew open, her scream of pleasure muffled on Adam's dick.

He looked at Shannon, who shrugged. She'd experienced it once, herself.

Callie came up for air, gasping, her hand slowly stroking Adam to keep him hard. "I know they said this would happen, but I didn't believe them. I have to see if the rest is true." With a renewed will, she drove her face back onto him, swallowing him to the hilt and humming to increase the sensation, sucking hard any time she pulled back to breathe..

Despite everything, he found he could not last long. The woman knew what she was doing, and in his admittedly-limited experience no blow job had ever come close to what was now happening. Significantly faster than he'd ever managed to reload in the past, he found himself firing straight down Callie's eager throat.

Much like Shannon, her reaction was intense. A full body contraction took her with enormous force as she once again muffled a scream on the source of her pleasure. At the height of it all, though, she suddenly passed out. With a thud, she hit the ground hard. Under her breath, the sleeping Callie began to mutter "imprinting... imprinting..."

Shannon walked over to her, eyebrows furrowed. "Okay, that's a bit creepy. Did I do that the first time, too?"

It was Adam's turn to shrug, once his pants were no longer around his ankles. "No clue. I was asleep about two seconds after you were. Really, I'm just glad you told me about this and gave me a lot of demonstrations of Serum orgasms, or I'd have thought she just had a seizure." He looked up at the clock. "Good grief, that's it? Barely past five? Feels like today's been two separate chapters of our life squished together."

Shannon nodded back. "I'm starving, don't know about you, but what are we going to do about... what did you say her name was?"

"Callie. Mentioned she was a lawyer, public defender, no clue how that's going to work here."

"I get it, and that's something to talk about tomorrow. You know, when she's awake to give input. One problem between us and dinner."

"What's that?"

Shannon looked down at Callie's unconscious form. "I don't think you want to leave her on the living room floor."

Adam looked down as well. "Um. Good point. Help me get her into the recliner?"

As it turned out, this was not nearly as simple an operation as they thought it would be. Shannon had never been a very strong woman, not in terms of physical force. Adam was... well, still recovering from playing hopscotch on the line between life and death. The two of them, struggling and sweating, could not get Callie's large and unconscious form more than a few inches off the ground.

In the end, after an embarrassingly high number of attempts, Adam remembered that they did in fact have an option lower to the ground. Fervently thanking Frat Boy Adam of years past, they managed to drag Callie over to the bean bag chair and slide enough of it under her to hopefully make the latter half of her sleep be comfortable. A fluffy quilt over her completed the picture. He stood and stretched a bit. "That should do it. I hope. Not sure I can get her any further."

"Me either." Shannon was, if anything, breathing harder than Adam. Given the effect this had on her boobs, she had his attention even more than usual. This time, though, when she noticed she didn't get mad. "If you cook up some bacon, I'll cut up some tomatoes and toast the bread for BLTs?"

"I did mention I love you, right?" The two moved over to the kitchen, casually working together to take care of one another. Toast. Bacon, nice and crispy. Some sliced tomatoes. Bit of lettuce. Adam put some mayo on his, and wondered where Shannon had ever gotten the idea to put guacamole on hers. Sounded good, if not quite his thing. He took a blissful bite, deciding there that this was probably his new favorite sandwich as long as Shannon helped make it. "So. Our new guest. Teammate. What do you think, Shannon?"

"She's... um. Direct. You looked like you were enjoying yourself, anyway."

"I will fully admit that she is very good at what she was doing, yes. Kind of glad the Serum lets me cheat and give her orgasms that way."

"And that she looked like she was enjoying herself, too, right?" Shannon's own eyebrow was devastating.

"Yep, and that." The best defense against an eyebrow was for Adam to feel no shame about it. "Now, what do you think about her other than fellatio?"

Shannon shrugged a bit. "I didn't get too much of a chance to talk to her. Was she serious about me, though?"

He nodded back at her. "She absolutely was. We kind of got distracted by other... developments... but you look incredible. Whatever kickstarted your boobs again convinced your body to fix up all the other damage that crash did to you. And, well, if this is what your face looked like then, your boobs were not the only things drawing attention. I'll count myself as lucky I got you before any of them realized what they were really missing."

Shannon blushed. Opened her mouth to say something. Closed it again, thought for a moment, then took another bite of her sandwich, licking guacamole off of her fingers. While blushing.

Then Adam noticed something. "You still haven't actually answered my question, though. Stop dodging it, I do need to know the answer. What. Do. You. Think. Of. Her?"

Shannon's mouth pressed closed into a tight line. She'd been caught, and knew it. "You keep on reading me way too well. How do you keep doing that?"

"Practice dealing with students who keep trying to dodge questions. You know, like you just tried to do again." It was Adam's turn to fix her with a Look, the likes of which had more than once caused students to spill personal information like he injected them with a truth serum.

This time was no different. She looked down. "Fine. Do you have any idea what it's like to have someone look you in the eye, tell you she's going to beat you at sex, drop your boyfriend's pants, then perform the one thing you can't and draw out the strategic cum reserves MINUTES after you thought you drained him?"

"You know, I can't say I have any direct experience with that point of view, no."

Despite herself, Shannon had to laugh at Adam's bone-dry response. He took the opportunity to take another bite of BLT. She settled, eventually. "So, there you have it. Happy?"

"That you were willing to tell me? Yes. That you think for one second a blow job, no matter how effective, is going to change my feelings for you? Not as much, and I hope you understand that."

"I... I guess. This is all so new, Adam. How the heck am I supposed to know where it's all going?"

Adam sighed. "Wish I could tell you. Thing is? Like it or not, she's a part of the family now. I read those pamphlets, looked up all I can, and if we kick her out now then we just doom her to slow insanity by overwhelming horniness. At best. So yes, I will need to be dropping orgasms into her at least semi-regularly for the foreseeable future. It's... it isn't apples and oranges. It's blueberries and watermelon. Completely different despite still being kind of the same thing."

"You did seem to like my melons, yes." Two could play at the deadpan game, as it turned out.

"That is absolutely correct. Gold star for a perfect answer. Now take some wild guesses at how much energy I have left after hauling laundry... which we still need to put away..., a big emotional fight, two rather powerful orgasms, hauling an unconscious person the size of us two put together, and then dinner?"

"Probably more than when I first met you, fresh out of the hospital, but only a little."

"Another gold star. It's early, but I think it's about time to call it a night. Let's get the dishes done and get to bed. Laundry can wait for tomorrow, since we might have to do some reorganizing anyway. Sound good to you?"

"I usually do like your plans. Heck, I think you actually got enough exercise for today, so I'm not going to make you dodge virtual walls again. At least not until tomorrow."

"Gee, thanks. Speaking of, did you do your back exercises today?"


"Call it a truce, then, as long as you tell me one thing."

"What do you want to know?"

"I know I heard you orgasm, loudly, while I was talking to the Oracle people. Care to explain?"

"Oh. That. Uh, you left me kind of splattered with your cum, and I was wondering if tasting more would keep giving more orgasms. Took a big scoop on a finger and tried it. As it turns out, the answer is yes."