Queen Bitch Part 1


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"Are you alright?" he whispered back to her, almost forgetting that she was his daughter-in-law. He had no way of knowing how unusual and uncomfortable the attraction was between Jordan and him, being a man and all. For Jordan it was not true love, but still a love and a way to bypass the pain and loss of Febe, a relationship that seemed impossible now.

"I'm alright… I'm… for being pregnant." She took his hands close to her, "I'm just getting to the stage where the baby is kicking and I feel that my emotions are so intense. When it kicks I just get so turned on and you were there." She felt, breaking back into the reality of who she really was. She held his hands tighter. "What we shared was love. Yeah a lot of it was lust. I moaned like a whore and enjoyed every minute of it."

"I know. You were as tight as a virgin." He mused.

"Well…" she said biting her lip girlishly, something that she knew Jordan did and so she had copied and now had become a habit. "I really am not loved by my husband too often. He never has sex with me, or at least expects me to suck him dry and nothing else. Then you came…" she giggled, "along and bring that monster when I'm sitting there pleasing myself. It was just too tempting. And look what it got me! I'm knocked up by you!"

"But you love me? Not just as a father-in-law… I hope. I have screwed a lot of women but you were different."

"Maybe it was meant to be." She sighed, "And something that I was meant to get the privilege of feeling. From what I understand, growing up on the farm wasn't exactly the most easy thing for me. I remember dad out there with the animals getting it on and that was how I learned about sex." She took a tic tac out of her purse while she was talking and began to suck on it between her fingers. She was turned on by the beautiful man and hoped that it would subdue her feelings.

"I know you're turned on now, but I won't screw you. I'd feel guilty. I act all big and bad sometimes but deep down I want the same thing from Linda. She's not very good in bed either. I was honored and happy to see that making this baby was pure lust and how you tasted our combined juices and got off on it. That was amazing." Monty shook his head as he saw her suck on the tic tac, "You're gonna make it hard on me you know. I'm really sorry my son isn't good in bed, I should have made sure he learnt better."

She smiled back at him, "He needs to take a lesson off of his old man as to what a real man is. A real man would never leave his wife down when she needs him, so she goes other places for loving."

"And a real man." Monty added, "But just a question, since you're always so turned on by.. well you know.. your pussy." He almost blushed. "Have you ever well… had sex with another woman or given a blowjob?"

"Another woman.. er.. blowjob?" She said in shock, afraid that he had caught on to her. She felt extremely uncomfortable and looked as if she would jump out of her chair at the turn of a dime. "Well with a woman I've had one eat me out. It was when Donnie was away a few months ago. I didn't want to but she and a guy were working on my car and had an attraction to me. I was turned on so I didn't argue. I sucked him dry and then she…"

"She what?" Monty encouraged her.

"She licked his cum off of my face and then she began to stick a vibrator in me and eat my own orgasms as I let loose. It was great because it lasted so long."

"I was just wondering." Monty sighed, sitting up in his chair and then walking over to the edge of the porch. "Afterall, Febe must have been good for you and you must miss her a lot. It must be hard to go through whatever happened to you."

Jordan sat up and walked over to him, hearing the mumbling of his words. "H… How do you know that I'm.. Mike?"

He turned to her and held both hands on her shoulders forcefully, "Listen.. Don… Pe…"

"Call me Jordan, it's easier." She groaned.

"Ok Jordan listen… "he continued, "I'm not good at this but I want to know do you miss Febe? I'm not mad at you old buddy. I just want to know how long this has been going on."

Tears formed in her eyes, "Why of course I miss Febe. Her .. Nick… they were the light of my life. This mommy thing is good… but it's not me. It's been since the party this … earlier this year. You hit me at a vulnerable time."

He held her in his arms to comfort her, "Come, lets go inside."

"No. It's stuffy in there." She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips, "I want to be with you out here where we can talk. I can't take being a woman… these sort of things take over. It's starting to take over me and I don't like it." She looked him deep in the eyes, "What gave me away?"

Monty chuckled about the way she was coming on to him, "I'm glad that you're not in your old body. I still can't believe that you let me fuck you… my old drinking buddy."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah and now I'm your 'fuck buddy'… just tell me how you found out."

Monty led her over to the steps and sat down beside her. They were moving around a lot with it being so personal and uncomfortable a subject, "Well," he started, "It happened about two weeks ago when I called up to YOUR house. I wanted to talk to you about coming up and seeing us. We were going to have a party. I said that Jordan can be here for the kids you know she doesn't drink… he.. you… he didn't say much. There was some stupid excuse for not coming up. I told him you were pregnant…"

"No, please tell me you didn't tell him." She whined, "Now I'm going to hear it about how I've turned into the perfect wife. And how.. how Febe is so happy." She began to cry and he comforted her, even tasting her tears.

"He… he said that he wouldn't be around for awhile. It was so unreal hon. It was like Jordan talking in your body. He sure didn't sound like you. Then… and then I put one and one together and figured out why you've been so nice to me lately. It wasn't hard to figure out. He makes a bad you."

Jordan sat with her head against his shoulder sobbing, "I don't want to have this baby or be a loving wife anymore. I want my loving wife and son back. I want my life back. I can't live like this. But I can never be a man again with what I know now about sex as a woman. I really enjoy being fucked… the feeling… the taste and thrill of sucking a dick. Me sucking a dick! Oh fuck what has happened to me Monty? I've turned into an impulsive skank who gives head for a smile… and I swallow every drop… savor it."

"You became a woman and now you have to live with that. It's natural that you'd have her tastes and needs. A woman needs to be loved and feel loved. That's why so many women turn lesbian. Hell, Benny and I fucked enough of them to know how bad they want it. A lot of women will do anything just to be held." He sighed, rubbing her back.

She sighed along with him, "This body is not mine.. but I am becoming used to it. You know I want held, just to have someone to hold me like this. Not fuck me. It's hard cause he is out there with my son and my wife and I am here with two children and a baby in my womb that is not mine. He escaped the responsibility." She turned to Monty and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, "And I'm stuck with this body and you know I enjoy sex lately. I know you want to fuck me. I know this body wants to take you all inside of it. But personally, I'd like to take you in my mouth and … oh…yeah."

"You did that once already. Now it wouldn't seem right." He turned away for a second, then returned his gaze placing his hand on her inner thigh. "You like to eat cum?"

She gave him a sad but somewhat horny smile, the smile of a slut, "I'm a cum slut. You don't realize how good that stuff tastes lately. In this body I swear I could drink it by the gallon."

He took his hand and began to part the material of her clothes which was already wet from her previous masturbating. He knew that she was wet and had been pleasuring herself before he had arrived, the reason why she was so turned on by him. He slowly inserted his finger into her vaginal slit and began to play with her inner folds. "I've never fucked a pregnant woman before." He jested, driving her to lust with his finger.

"oooohh…… harder… ohhhhhhhhhhh.. I want your fucking cock.. right to my mouth. I'll suck it dry."

Monty took his finger out of her and stuck it to her mouth, where she quickly devoured her juices from it, then sitting there panting like an animal on a hot Summer's day. "I really do feel bad for you babe. You've acquired all of her lusts and her libido too. It must be hard because part of you had been fighting it and the other half wants it to no ends." He looked down at her now wet exposed vagina that glistened in the sunlight. "What a hell you must be going through, Mike. I'll call you that now because you are him. This person in your body is not Mike anymore than you are Jordan."

"Just go along with it." She moaned, "Nobody would believe me anyhow."

"I did." He said, his eyes still fixed on her gooey hole. "Otherwise you know I'd just be the 'wam, bam, thank your ma'am' type. You know how I am. But I know something that you don't know."

"And that would be?" she sighed, realizing that he was killing the moment with his talk. She wanted to grab down to his pants and unzip the monster that lived there and take it into her mouth. The last time he fucked her was memorable, and she really didn't mind not being with a woman. He had made her feel things in this body that she never thought were imaginable.

"I know that despite all of this." He said while pointing to her, "All of this.. tits and ass… you're still a man inside who wants to be with his wife. And it wouldn't matter to you what body you have her in, you're still sure that she is the light of your life."

She straightened her panties until they were comfortable beneath her bulging belly, "Yeah you're right. I want to be with her and think about it every day. I want her to make love to me in my old body, with me in it. I have my son, my only son… the other two are great but I never gave birth to them. I hold and cuddle and love them…"

"…But you never had them the way… the way on tape." Monty added.

"Yes. And I'm not content just being somebody's fuck toy. I want to be with Febe and hold her and make love to her as we should be. Nick will find out what happened to me and how to get me back in my body. Until then, I know better than to let Febe know who I am. I'm so afraid, even talking to you. She'd never go lesbian for me anyhow."

"Then we need to get your son up here and talk to him. You're gonna need all of the allies that you can get. With this baby coming along soon and all."

"You have to remind me about 'the baby'. It's OUR baby remember. But he is MY son, and I will do what is best for him. I don't want him to get hurt over it. If he can bond with Mike and have a male role model then I will leave him be." She sighed and opened the patio door to go inside the house.

He blocked her in the doorway, putting both arms around her and holding her as close to him as he could. Her milky breasts and fruitful body found him receptive. "You don't get away that fast… not that.." he started to say, but was blocked by a soft kiss. She put her hands down between his legs and began to unzip his pants.

"Jordan always gets what she wants. Nobody tells me what to do." She spoke between kisses. "And what I want is to make a deal with you. You get him up here without Mike being suspicious and I will give you sex whenever you want it."

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew you wanted him here. You can't fool me." He smiled, backing as she led his by his dick into the kitchen and sat him on a bench.

She slowly got down and unzipped his pants and opened the buckle revealing his hard cock. Softly she opened her mouth and closed it on him, sucking and bobbing her head on his member. His eyes perked up as she rolled her tongue across the end of his penis, "uerr….. Bwel… soo wond an… mouest. Pweeze commmeee? Ohh…."

He held her hair behind her and allowed her to pleasure him, although he had trouble accepting the fact that this was his best friend. "You.. really don't need to do this. I'll bring him here. You don'. Oh fuck.. wow." He tried to complain as she put her hands on his ass cheeks and began to hold herself tightly to him. Every second seemed like an eternity as she held him in her mouth, it was impossible to go down on him anymore, and Monty realized that this was a woman who liked her meat with her potatoes.

A few moments later, being that it was such a short brief encounter, Jordan sat back on the floor looking up and Monty. Her mouth was covered with his semen, at least what was left from the monstrous burst that he left go inside of her to the back of her throat that she swallowed in one unbelievable gulp. She was licking it off of her fingers and hands and lips with her tongue and groaning in pleasure while looking in his eyes.

"She is one sick fuck." Monty jested, "Of all people for you to take over as… shit. You sucked me dry! All the whores in the city couldn't compare to that. I'll be damn sure to get Nick down here."

She smiled back at him with a bit of jizz drooling down her chin, "You know it baby. You know it. I took your sausage and set it on fire like a momma is supposed to do."

"You don't kid around when you say you want to suck. Now how am I going to explain these claw marks on my ass?" he complained.

"Just… say…" she said as she inched closer to him before planting a wet cummy kiss on his lips. "That you found a real pussy that wants to house your big Montyboski salami."

I've got a better idea than that, he said while getting off of the bench and leading her into the other room. "Sit down there and take off your pants and panties."

She gracefully plopped down and began to unbuckle layers of clothing from her body. "Hungry big man? Feel the need to feed?"

He forcefully ripped her close away from her gaping slit and spread her legs far apart with his hands, "You're gonna love this." He grinned as he looked down at her hole. "I see you've taken up a little hedge trimming since I've seen you last."

Jordan giggled as his mouth began to touch her mons and enter her vaginal area, each moment gathering more and more momentum like a hungry dog at a bowl of spaghetti. "Yeah I keep her trimmed better than she did. She was some kind of nature nut. Fuck that.. oh yeah.. I mean FUCK that!"

Monty began to go down on her pussy, first sticking a finger in and out to get her ready and wet, and then he began to stick his tongue in. He pulled off of her after a few quick tastes, like soft kisses, and looked up into her deep brown eyes. "I take it you've never been eaten out by a man before?"

"No.." she said with a soft gasp, "Only that one woman that one time and she wasn't very good. Oh.. fuck… I can't let you do this."

He stuck his mouth down on her and this time began to play with her clit with his tongue, swirling and clicking it like a small light switch. She knew he was good, really good, but she still held back trying not to show too much excitement. Her passion had been building up, but it was the thought of her son that haunted her. She remembered when she had first gone with Nick to the bathroom to inspect this new body, and they had inspected her clit and vagina. She remembered tasting her own juices for the first time and being turned on. "ohhhhh… ohhhhhhhhhhh" she groaned as Monty gave her a tongue lashing. The passion was too much. "ohhhhh… please…. OHHohhhhaoh…. Stt….stopp…. please…." But it only made him lick harder. "ohhhhhhaa ahhhhh fuck…." She began to breathe like she was giving birth. "oh … oh… oh… stop… oh … please… Monty… stop." And then finally she got him to pull away with the help of her hands.

She looked down at his wet face, wet from her gaping slit, which was now as wet as the total front of her nether regions. She looked down at herself, as best as she could with the belly, and it all came back to her even more so. All of the sex and the wild emotions would have to wait, at least for a little while. She had a chance to get her old body back, at least if her son was around to help.

"Why baby…" Monty gasped, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No… that was fucking fabulous. I've never had my clit tasted like that. I wanted to fuck… ahhh son of a bitch!" she looked like she was about to go into a rage, but reached to the table for her glasses and put them on her sweaty face. Her long hair seemed matted and wild. "Look, Monty… I can't do this. If my son sees my like a nympho.. he'll shit. He knows that I'm going to enjoy myself here, but he also knows that I want my old body back."

He moved close to her and kissed her on the cheek, licking her face and tasting her sweet salty sweat, "But I thought I was your 'fuck buddy'? You mean you want to go back to being a man and give all this up? Come on and enjoy it for now. I'm sure you can spare a little bit of time. Or are you only good for sucking dick?"

She laughed, realizing as always that it was just Monty's way. She also realized that nothing in this life was her way of doing things, and that she belonged with her son and wife. She missed Febe and wanted to be held in her arms, even now with somewhat lesbian passion and fantasy of holding her next to her breasts. "No… I'll never be a good cocksucker…. Monty. You've been a cocksucker from time to time but I never held it against you cause I like you." She said with a girlish grin, drawing a smile from him, "The only thing I'm good for is a little lady and my son back home. And I haven't been home in awhile. Lets get him up here… my boy."

A week passed since Jordan had seen Monty. A new energy filled her as she realized that she was no longer alone in her prison. A prison, which was in fact without bars, and most of all without the father of her soon to be child. She had learned to love Monty and care about him, despite how horribly he had raised Donnie, since Donnie never even once asked her if he could get her anything at the store the entire week. Donnie didn't seem to care about her, calling her a "fat hog" who he had absolutely no desire to sleep with or make love to. Even at night he would sleep on the floor and leave her alone in bed. So, even though Donnie and her had made a promise to bring this baby up together, it was Monty who she wanted to be with, and feel his strong arms hold her tight juicy ass.

Finally, Jordan decided to get herself to the hospital to get her prenatal checkup due to the activity that she had been feeling. She had also begun to feel short pains that she assumed were labor. She was sitting alone in the waiting room looking at a copy of Parenting Magazine on a hot July morning. She had on a thin strapped maternity dress that was somewhat revealing, but yet would cover her body enough that nobody would see too much of her breasts. The dress, which she had found at a yard sale, was good at accentuating her belly. Her purse was carefully resting at her side, along with the cellphone that she had bought secretly for keeping in touch with Monty and other close friends. Donnie didn't even know about the cellphone that she had. She smiled at the numbers and played with the keys, recalling phone numbers and trying to avoid contact with the other people in the room. She felt uncomfortable because, above all, she had never really been to the maternity ward that often and was overdue for her checkup.

"You know you shouldn't use a cellphone when pregnant.. er don't you miss?" a nurse said to Jordan, slowly walking up to her with Jordan's stats sheet. She was a pleasant woman with her dark hair tied back, the typical heavyset nurse in a maternity ward. Jordan wondered if it was the same nurse when Febe was in for her kids, they all looked the same.
