Queen Bitch Part 1


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"er…. Yeah I knew that but I need a phone." Jordan sighed, starting to feel bad.

The nurse looked down at her chart, "Well, Mrs. Brooke, you are Mrs. Brooke right?"

"Yes I am she." Jordan said, wiping her glasses off. "I am here to have the doctor take a look at me and make sure that my baby is alright. I'm getting close to my delivery date, only a month or two away."

"You don't know exactly how long do you? You haven't been here in ages…"she rolled her eyes and held out a pen for Jordan to sign the release form with. She picked up Jordan's cellphone and put it into the stand by mode. "I see girls like you all the time in here. Talk on the cellphone all day and don't think about the consequences to your baby." The nurse lowered her mouth to Jordan's ear, "Just spread your legs for a guy and pop out a kid every few years and live off the government. Come with me.. the doctor will see you now."

Jordan wasn't shocked at the woman's attitude, the whole hospital was a very unfriendly place to be. She wanted to sit down and cry as she walked down the hall hearing other women talking about their babies as she walked by. She was led down the hall to a room with small table with white walls covered with diagrams of developing babies. She sat up on the table on the white paper that they put down for sanitary reasons, her soft butt on the cold paper. She carefully removed her panties and sat with her coochie ready and willing to be examined by the doctor.

The door slowly opened and the doctor came in with an assistant, an intern that was taking internship at the hospital. Jordan cringed, realizing that an intern meant that she would be used for a learning experience between teacher and pupil. She smiled at them both as they entered the room, the doctor with his clipboard and the assistant with their long white coats and instruments hanging from their clothes.

"I'll want you to do this, I'll walk you through it." The large black doctor said, his deep voice echoing through the walls as he shut the door. "Mrs. Brooke, do you mind if my assistant does the exam today?"

Jordan looked up at him, a stern balding black man with well defined muscles. She had never thought of black men before, as a man the thought of a white woman with a black man repulsed her. But this time it was different, his strong muscles that obviously hinted of the large black cock that was waiting to rip from his pants. She wanted him to mount her and spew his strong black seed in her womb impregnating her, then pulling out with it dripping from her wide hole. He was a beautiful black man, so strong and yet so demanding of attention. She gave him a sexy smile, though her legs were up and her stomach stuck out like a balloon. "No I don't mind. But if she doesn't know what she's doing, I'd be willing to let you explore all you want."

He shook his head and looked at her chart. "You have never had a sonogram. We'll have to definitely do that.. Mrs. Brooke." He looked over to his skinny blonde assistant, a fine looking girl who seemed somewhat hesitant to touch another woman. "Go ahead and put in the spacers and tell me how it looks."

Jordan leaned back and closed her eyes and allowed the doctors to check her body out. She knew that when it came to having privacy, she would not have very much when it came time for the doctors to deliver the baby. She blocked it all out and did what she knew best, lean back and spread her legs and stare up at the large black man.

After the exam, Jordan walked out into the lobby and smiled at her belly, gently rubbing it as she picked up her cellphone. She slowly dialed Monty's number and held the phone up to her head.

"Monty?" she whispered, opening the doors to the parking garage. The phone continued to ring in. "Come on Monty answer." She moaned.

"Yes?" Monty said on the other end. He seemed to be surprised to be getting a phone call from her. "What do you want?"

She took a deep sigh, "Did you go pick up Nick yet? I am done at the doctor and I am coming to pick you both up. I don't think anybody will be home and we can figure out what motel we are going to keep him in."

"I'm waiting for him now. His train should be in about ten minutes. But you know …." He sighed, "how did the exam go?"

She looked around to be sure nobody was listening, "Well… I'll get to that in a moment. You be sure that he knows that I'll meet you two at the Holiday Inn. It will be great." She continued, "As for the doctor… he was a huge black man .. oh… wow. He had the hottest ASS! I wanted… oh but his assistant probed my pooter. Now I want to be fucked so bad!"

"You and your libido. I swear I've never seen a woman like you before. All you want to do is fuck."

"I know." She giggled, "And that's what got me into this predicament. It's crazy. I mean… I was getting all… hehe wet.. heheh and the assistant was getting grossed out cause she had her fingers up inside of me. She's probably going to go home and barf."

"This call is going to use up your time. Having Nick come by and the calls are going to really kill the money you've been holding away." Monty reminded her.

"Ok." She cooed. "I'll keep it short for my well hung honey."

"Well first tell me about what they said about the baby.."

Jordan opened her car door and got inside, her seat far back to brace her belly, "My pussy still works. I'm ALL woman."

"No.. the baby. Come one." He said aggravated.

She giggled through the other end of the phone, her hand on her belly starting the ignition for the car. "Baby? You mean babies! Yes…. Monty.. we're having twins." A soft sad smile formed on her face, "And healthy twins at that, from what I understand."

"TWINS!" Monty exclaimed mutely on the other end. "That means you'll be giving birth twice. Shit. I didn't know I was so potent."

Meanwhile, a few hundred miles away, the real Jordan in Mike's body closed her eyes as she lie on the couch in the family living room. The fan kicked on to the air conditioner and he let out a calm pleased grunt. He smiled even more when Febe walked into the room and sat on the edge of the couch.

"What's up my baby?" he asked her.

She took out a piece of paper and bent down to softly kiss the side of his cheek, her hair hanging down to her collar. Her entire mood seemed to be calm and justified by the relationship with this wonderful man who had become such a great lover. "Nothing. I wanted to tell you that I'm going to the store and you're gonna finally get some time alone." She giggled and kissed him again, this time on the lips, "Being that our son went on that train trip for school."

"Where did he go again?" he mumbled, almost half asleep now. This new huge body had become so burdensome to the once weary housewife.

"I think it was… oh that town up north of here. I have it written down… in the kitchen." She said, a long drawn out sentence and she sat up, going to give her husband time to rest. "And I'll be back shortly."

"Ok be careful." He muttered. In the back of his mind, Mike knew that Nick had gone to visit his former father. The idea had been on the boy's mind for quite some time. It was only natural, but would be to no avail to solving the problem of the body switch. For it was Jordan and Jordan to stay, a secret whisper of a spell cast on the once great man to steal his body. Mike leaned back content that Nick and nobody else was on to him, and would simply take it as an electrical malfunction. "Be careful."

Back in Seattle there was little change to the situation. Jordan had made her way to the Holiday Inn ahead of time, according to schedule, and checked in a room for Nick. She knew that there would be little hassle with the staff as long as she introduced herself as his teacher, who was reserving a room for one of her students. It was so simple and went according to plan that Jordan was sitting in her room alone in five minutes.

Jordan folded the sheets back on the bed and looked outside as Monty's trucked pulled in. Both Nick and Monty seemed to be on much better terms this time, and had most likely been discussing the events that led to Jordan's current situation.

"I better leave them in." she whispered to herself as they walked over to look for the room. Then she yelled out of the room when the door was open. "Over here guys!"

Both the men were situated in the room shortly, with Monty's first step in the door to walk over to Jordan and give her a big hug. He held her tightly, yet gentle as to not hurt the baby, "Dooonnnnna…sweet…Donnnnaaaa… are we really having twins? Shit. I had to tell him the good news. I'm gonna be a daddy to you twice."

"Does that make me a big brother or just an innocent bystander?" Nick chuckled, looking at her and walking over towards their hug. "And where do I fit into this picture?"

She pulled away from Monty and walked over to her son, the one who had been with her, her one true friend in this world. She had never thought of him as a friend before, but he was now in fact not really even her flesh and blood. "Well he is the man who I lost my… well you know." She opened her arms and gestured for her son to hug her.

"Nah.." Nick sighed, looking at the new extensions to her belly and larger more perky breasts, "I think I'll pass for now."

She looked him in the eyes and put both hands on his face, puckering her lips, "It's not like I'm gonna kiss you. You know I'm still your father. And it's ok you won't hurt the babies."

Nick nodded and looked down at her, "It's just so big. I can't imagine you… well you know."

She nodded and walked over to Monty, "I figured this would happen." She whispered to him, "I know you just got here but he is my son and you are an outsider to him. Could you do me a big favor and let us be alone so that I can talk to him?"

"Yeah well I understand. No hard feelings Nick." Monty sighed, leaning towards Jordan and planting a passionate kiss on her, although she was not anxious to receive the kiss. Her face seemed to tighten then, looked at both of the men that she loved, "This is what you should be doing anyways. This is not something that is normal for two guys, and you'll always be that way to me. I love you both so much and I want you both to catch up on lost time."

She looked up at him, a tear in her eyes, "Yeah Monty. I… I…"

Nick walked forward and handed Monty his old dirty baseball cap, "You are the father of her children and lover of my father but I… damn that sounds sick." He smiled, "But I never intended to leave to begin with. It was hell for us to be apart. No hard feelings at all."

"I'm no saint, and I'm sorry." Monty said, and that was all that he said before leaving and getting in his truck. His gaunt was sad and somewhat defeated from the thrill of doing what he knew was right for the woman that he loved. It was his daughter-in-law and nobody else, his son's own wife, and the one man who he alone had taken advantage of and ejaculated his seed into. He wished that he never would have done it.

"He's a great guy once you get to know him." Jordan cooed, watching Monty pull away in his truck through the window.

"So I see. You two must have really gotten close over the past few months. I can't imagine what it's like." Nick said to her while sitting on the bed, the sheets drawn back.

"No you can't imagine. He's there for me when I need him. Donnie doesn't want to do anything around the house with the kids or anything. He is such a stupid fucker! I swear I'll never know what she saw in him. And he'll never add up to his dad." She continued.

"And you're pregnant with twins. I remember the day you called."

She walked over and smiled at him, "I need that hug now." And with open arms she welcomed him to her breast. He marveled at the belly and the huge milkers that had grown over the past few months from having a good time with Monty. "I wish your mother was here. I need her."

"She's too busy to realize what is going on." He sighed, "She would never notice a difference between you and him. She wanted a vacation and you got it. So when are you due?"

"In a few weeks." She said with a sad smile, "Then I'll have two babies to feed other than the past two." She put her hands up to her forehead while he was still hugging her. "This is so unreal. And all for a good fuck."

"I figured you were drunk."

She laughed sarcastically, "no… no… I was very sober. And very horny. Let me tell you it felt wonderful until… until this. And then last week…. Hell." She walked over to her purse and began to dig through it.

"Last week?" he sighed, "what was last week?"

"Last week.." she giggled, making a gesture in the air with her hand, "Now that was when I finally learnt to accept my fate as a woman." She saw the look of disgust on his face from her saying that. "But not like that. I mean that… ok…"

He shook his head, "Well, if you're just out to give up while I've been looking for a cure for your problem. I don't see the use of me being here."

She walked over to him with a vhs tape, looking at the label and smiling. "Turn it on channel three while I put this in the vcr. I want you to see this, then it will all make sense. I have accepted the fact that I'm a woman and that I'll be responsible for a baby… two babies in a few weeks. Otherwise they won't have a mother and will die."

"So that was what happened last week?" he sighed.

She turned the tv on and hit 'play' on the tape, "No, that's not what happened. But I am beginning to have this body grow on me. I am a grown woman. I want you to watch this tape while I go in the bathroom and change clothes. I want you to see how sick these people are. This all happened before I took this body, but let me tell you it isn't easy for me to watch." She walked over to him, after taking a brush out of her bag to work with her hair in the bathroom, and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "I missed you son. We're gonna do a lot of things together. I don't want to be in here when you watch this. I'm sorry."

He seemed to follow her to the bathroom door as she closed it, looking out from behind a small open crack in the door. Her eyes were sad and beginning to fill with tears. "Dad… you'll always be my dad. And I missed you too."

Nick walked into the room and watched what he saw on the screen. It was the typical Christmas morning, the children opening their toys, then suddenly it switched over to Jordan lying naked on the floor with two men standing over her.

("Like them baby?" Donnie's voice asked from behind the camera.

"Oh… fuck yes. So hard… so… hard. Fuck." She turned to the men and spread her legs. The one man getting her from the front right in her pussy. He began to go at her like an animal. And like two animals they groaned. "oh….. you fucker!"

The second man walked over to the camera and held his hand on his dick, "In her mouth or where?" he asked.

Donnie zoomed in on Jordan's spasms. "She needs one up the ass. She's been anal lately anyways." He said, then raising his voice to her, "Isn't that right you slut?"

Jordan smiled up at him as they helped the other man position himself to her ass. "Oh that's right. Up my little ass. Rip me open baby. AHHH AHHHHHHHHH" She screamed as he began to fuck her, now taking a dick in her pussy and up her ass. "ohhhh hohhh oohhhh" The camera showed both men's dicks in her pumping furiously, and a sickeningly lustful smiled on Jordan's face.)

"Holy shit is this really you?" Nick sighed, hitting the volume to turn it down on the television, "I hope this is before you took your body. I never would have thought." He sat down the television remote and walked over to the bathroom door.

Jordan moved around inside, trying to hide the fact that she had tears running down her face, now an emotional wreck from the pregnancy. "Yes that was before I took this body."

"You don't need to go in there. I still love you no matter what happened before, it wasn't you."

Jordan opened the door wearing a long robe tied in the middle with a long lacy rope, her long hair hung wet from her head. She had cleaned herself off and put on the robe just for him, so that he would know that she still felt at home around him. "Baby…" she sighed, taking his hand and leading him into the other room, "Lets go watch this movie. I may cry because it is sick for me to see, but I want you to realize the caliber of the person who used to have this body. And I want you to know what I have to live up to."

He followed her into the room and sat with her on the bed, holding her hands in his hands. Looking down at the long painted fingernails he left out a quiet sigh, following her arms up to see the silhouette of her motherly body. "I still can't believe that you're my father. When you woke up that day… I saw.. I couldn't believe it. She seemed to accept it a lot better than you."

Jordan took her son's hand and placed it on her belly to feel her baby kick. She looked down between his legs to see a whopping erection forming and a soft smile formed on her face. She took the other hand and leaned his head back against her breast, just enough so he could continue to watch the scene. "I love you so much. Daddy loves his boy. His big boy." She sighed, "Be my boy and relax with me cause I'm all that your father is and more. She was content with my body because she didn't have to wake up with boobs and a…" she tingled the final word out of her mouth seductively, although not intending to be seductive, ".. pussy."

Nick shook his head as he looked at the television and saw Jordan screaming in passion and then looking back to see the same woman being his father. It was so strange to him. "I can't imagine what it must have been like. And now to be pregnant."

She held him tighter to him, "Feel my baby kick?"

"Yeah it is so… I mean."

"You've always wanted to do her and it bothers you to see the woman you love and your father the same person. I understand, that's why I sent Monty away. He does whatever I say because I'm a good lay and I do sexual favors for him." She left out a sad sarcastic smile, "Yeah old Monty.. some friend he is. I'm a woman for less than a month and he's seducing me. Stuck the old pecker to me. Felt like a fucking slut and got me addicted to it. I can't help it though, "she broke down, "It's the truth that he calls me his little 'fuck buddy."

He turned around and hugged her tightly, wrapping both arms around her, "Yes I've always wanted this woman in bed. It's horrible! When I saw you there… in her body.. and her in your body… shit. I freaked. I didn't want to leave you dad. Monty will have to pay for what he did for you, and then Jordan for doing this to you."

"No.. no.. sweetie pie…" Jordan said, patting her son's back, "You're a brave boy and a real… well…" she blushed and gave him a quick kiss on the forehead, "stud… a real stud. Monty has been an ally for me these past few weeks and will be there for me when you leave. I don't want you doing anything to him ok?"

He leaned against her in the bed as they watched the television where she was wrapping her lips around a huge dick and sucking it. She was also taking one up her pussy, and moaning in between burst and thrusts of the man's dick.

("So is this a good present or what?" Donnie smiled at her, zooming in on her with the camera. "I know you've always liked him."

"And she finally gets it. Fuck I'm gonna cum." The man with the dick in her mouth laughed.

She closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide as he pulled out of her and shot hot sperm all over her face. She gulped away, matching his every movement, her mouth moving like a soft machine. His hard cock softened as he left her dripping wet, white juice glued to her nose and lips.

"Oh fuck… that was.." she panted, licking the juice from her lips, "creamy… but bring more boys next time… hon.")

"I can't believe that is your body." Nick sighed, holding her head against his chest. "It must be a nightmare to you to see that."
