Queen Seilna's Pride

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Selina is over her initial shock of her legacy.
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Selina huffed deeply, both her lengths buried in some sloppy hole. She could feel the person starting to change. The fur fading away, bright turquoise scales taking over as their legs started to meld together. It never seemed to cause any pain and in fact, the person was always riding what sounded and felt like a really killer orgasm as they changed. She gripped their hips and started pounding harder, riding her own way closer to release but after dozens of these occurrences, she had grown to get more pleasure out of watching them change than in getting her rocks off.

Not that she didn't like that part. She was addicted to that too. She could barely go two days without finding someone to fuck and it was getting easier and easier every time. She huffed oud grunted a few more times and then, in a deep guttural groan, she painted their insides with her potent seed. Her last few twitches of her cocks, she pulled out and plastered their back with it before she reached over and picked her cigarette back up from the ashtray. She took a drag and wiped her lengths on the silk panties she had pulled aside on her latest prize before walking out.

She closed the door to the office she had been in, some language professor shrieking and blabbering in confusion. She had stopped explaining things to people after the fourth or fifth time she'd made a new Naga and knew they would get used to it eventually. Besides, if they weren't keeping up on the latest news, that was hardly her fault.

It had been six months since that afternoon when she had turned Mary into a Naga and since then word had spread. She was working her way around town and slowly repopulating her race. She didn't know why, but since that first time, since her first time having sex, since the first time she'd made someone hers, it was all she cared about.

She hadn't even been home since that day. What was there for her? Her parents might have been Naga too, but they were nothing like her. Generations and centuries had passed since there was anyone like her. She took a drag on her cigarette and tossed it aside, shouldering her way out the side door of the faculty building of her campus. There were a few of her children moving around the quad that gave her soft nods. She didn't ask anything from them, she was not some sort of egotist that made them worship her.

The worship came from the act. The energy and strength she seemed to gain from each new life. She chuckled to herself, remembering the note her mother had left her about making new friends as she headed across to the cafeteria. It was a warm day and while the sun used to make her tired, nothing did anymore. She could feel her needs growing again already. Each time it seemed like she needed less and less time to catch her breath, as it were.

Walking into the cafeteria she looked around. This was a commuter campus with no dorms, so it wasn't all that crowded. Maybe a couple dozen people. She flicked her tongue out and licked her lips, like she was choosing lunch from a buffet. So many people. She wasn't picky. She'd changed boys, she'd changed girls, she'd changed herms. She was surprised about that last one. Her fantasies had always felt like just that, dreams that were unattainable. She was one but despite all the porn she was consuming, it felt like she must be one in a million. While she was special, she had found, she wasn't nearly as unique as she thought in that regard.

Today she felt like indulging in that, her favorite meal, someone like her that had cravings. Someone that never felt satisfied. She could smell them now. She could always smell the ones that were the best to change. She slithered between tables slowly, sniffing the air. A couple jocks sitting at one table, a gaggle of bubbly 18 year old girls. She knew she probably still reeked of sex but she didn't care. It even helped sometimes. The scent drew them out too.

Suddenly, she caught a whiff. Her head swiveled to what could have been her six months ago, if she was a pudgy little rabbit. Unkempt, clearly sleep deprived, a pile of books beside her, closed and unattended as she stared at her phone. She wasn't wearing a hoodie, but otherwise this was the lapine version of Selina. An absolute waste of space, a slob, no prospects. God, she was perfect.

She slithered up and licked her lips again as she towered over the rabbit girl. That was also new. She towered now. She had not changed in size at all. She was just carrying herself with pride and respect. She smiled down at the girl and just waited for her to look up from her phone. It wouldn't be long. She loved this part. After about a minute, the girl blinked in confusion as if she was forgetting something. She looked up and up and gasped softly as she met Selina's eyes. She had the cutest little overbite that was only exaggerated even more as she bit her lower lip.

Selina smiled warmly and extended a hand, "Selina...I see you have professor Hopkins..." She said as she tapped the book on top. She couldn't help but chuckle quietly to herself as she had just left professor Hopkins quite confused and exhausted. "I just saw her. She had to cancel classes for the next couple days. Something came up."

The rabbit blinked a few times, shaking her head as if trying to clear it, "She...canc....what?" She looked between the book at the Naga a few times before finally shaking the proffered hand, "Oh...uh...thanks. I'm Rebecca. Or Becky. Or Becks. Whatever..." She was rambling a bit and in Selina's experience, it's because she had no idea why she was the horniest she'd ever been in her life. This was probably particularly impressive, if the stereotypes were true. The rabbit shifted in her seat a bit and suddenly felt the need to cross her legs carefully, "Uh....sorry...." she said shyly, followed by a nervous giggle.

Selina smiled, tongue flicking out again as she did, "No problem. You want to get out of here?" She leaned forward, keeping her eyes locked to the rabbit's. "You look like you could use a break." She kept hold of that handshake firmly and the rabbit didn't even try to pull back. There was a tension filling up the air between them.

"Oh, uh, I was going to....uhh....what was I going to do?" She shook her head again and look down at her books, "Oh. I guess I don't have to....go to...class? No, I have other classes today..." She said in a voice that sounded like she was trying to convince herself.

"No no, all your classes were canceled today, remember? You just told me you wanted me to show you how to get to that place?" She tilted her head to the side, all the while keeping eyes locked. Her inner eyelids blinked but she never looked away. She was setting the hook and about to reel.

"Oh! Yes! I wanted to...see...the....gymnasium?" She said, unsure of herself. She looked even more confused and started to look away. Selina reached out and quickly placed two fingertips under the rabbit's chin, keeping her locked in.

"No, that doesn't sound right. Way too public. Not enough of us for that yet. Soon, though, I am sure. What about the, oh, let's say, the theater?" She leaned forward and flicked her tongue again, just barely short of licking her prize's nose.

Five minutes later and she was sprawled out on the stage of the theater, a hand on the back of the head of the rabbit, reveling in the wet sounds of one of her cocks being devoured greedily. The girl was exactly as she predicted. She barely needed any direction at all before she was pulling her pants down and freeing her own length from her panties. She had one hand on her own cock and the other one Selina's second length. She had ripped her shirt open at one point and was writhing before the Naga. She smeared pre and the residue of her professor across her face and moaned. The sound caused a pleasant vibration across Selina's length and she moaned as well.

Her first few times after Mary had been the same. A needy ache that she couldn't keep herself from attending to. There was no enjoying it, only the desperate race to release. At first she thought she had ruined herself with years of edging herself but she soon came to realize she was not in a hurry. She would build her people back up and enjoy doing it. She would reel in her prizes and she would make them hers completely. They all were surprised but none of them complained after the initial shock.

She groaned and bucked her hips a bit as the girl swirled her tongue on the underside of her cock, drawing back before plunging forward again. She sighed in pleasure as that overbite gently dragged over her skin, a tickling sensation that rewarded the girl with a fresh spurt of pre that she greedily swallowed.

In her experimentation, she had learned that it wasn't any sort of thing where she needed to cum inside them somehow. Once she had gotten a handjob from a beautiful little otter twink and delightedly watched him change as she basted his face with her seed. It was the acceptance that did it. When they knew they needed her, when they knew they had to worship her is when she became their queen and they her subject.

She pulled the girl's head off her length and leaned forward to sloppily kiss her, smearing saliva and pre between them, leaving strands that clung between them as she pulled free. "Mmm, Becky, you are so beautiful. You don't have to be shy. What do you want?" She smiled and reached forward to squeeze at the rabbit's exposed chest, hefting the nice mounds and pinching one black nipple and being rewarded with a gasp.

The rabbit slowly stood up and, cock hard and twitching, she said through panting breaths. "W...will you...can you....fit...both...in me?" She said quietly, still a shy little thing despite the fouled and smeared fur on her face. She reached down and, cupping her soft orbs, hefted them up and placed a leg up on the edge of the stage couch so that Selina could see the swollen, dripping lips hidden there. Her inner thighs were just as messy as her face and the Naga hummed softly, reaching out to place hands on either side of the girl's hips.

"If I can't, I will still be very happy to try. I won't leave you hanging." She said as she coaxed the girl forward to straddle her at her hips. She coiled her tail more so she could support the rabbit better, using hands and coil to lift her up until she was on tiptoes over Selina's drooling lengths. Once she was straddled she reached down and wrapped a hand around both her lengths, shuddering as she rubbed both cocks together. She dragged the tapered tips along the underside of Becky's own length, shivering a bit as they dragged over the soft fur of her balls and finally nestled them in the warm folds between the rabbit's legs. She closed softly, "You're so warm, baby....you ready?"

The girl nodded and without any other prompting she slowly began squatting. The first couple inches of Selina's lengths were easy to guide in, between the tapered ends and the prodigious lubrication between the two of them. Selina was no monster, so she let the girl go at her own pace. There was plenty of time to really see how much could fit. They always wanted more. Her hand pulled free and she slid both along those hips to cup and squeeze at the rabbit's backside, chuckling lightly as the little poofball tail there twitched. The chuckle cut off as her breath caught in her throat, the girl surprising her as she practically impaled herself to the halfway point. Selina had to grab on tighter as the girl threw herself at those cocks, grunting loudly as she revealed just how alike the two of them were. This girl clearly had experience taking care of herself. She had started off saying she had never been with anyone, but there were certainly a lot of things one could do by themselves in lieu of face to face experience, as Selina was intimately aware. Her life before this was a blur of every manner of toy she could ever get her hands on, a life of edging and seeing how much she could fill herself and what she could manage on her own.

The thoughts of those time flickered over her mind for an instant before she was brought back by the warm heat that continued to wrap around more and more of her lengths. She could tell her new prize wouldn't be satisfied with half-measures so she started to help. She pushed her hips upwards while pulling down, fingers pressing in against the rabbit's lower back. The grunting and moaning above her rising in volume as the rabbit was filled more and more. Her hands went to her own breasts, massaging them and tugging on her nipples as she made wonderful noises through a back and forth of clenched teeth and open-mouthed panting.

Selina was impressed when she felt that hard length lay flat on her stomach, the rabbit holding still once full of snake cocks. She held there for a moment but barely a moment as she leaned forward, her own cock leaving smears of pre all over the Naga's scales as she started hopping like a good bunny should. She started showing how strong her legs were as the muscles tightened, thick thighs clenching as she rose up and slammed back down, a throaty exhale escaping her as she dropped her full weight down.

Selina had the breath taken out of her in that drop, caught off guard by the chubby girl's needy plummet. She was growing in need herself as she clearly had someone on her hands that not only could handle both of her dicks, but needed both of them. She bucked her hips up to meet the following drop and was rewarded with a delightful shuddering groan from the rabbit. She squeezed at the girl's ass once more as she rose up, her snake body making it easy for her to bring her face up to the girl's and go back to kissing her, the two of them hungrily devouring each other.

The girl's chest heaved as they shared breath, hot air blowing over Selina's face each time the rabbit exhaled. They pressed together and, in this position, Rebecca started to grind and bounce in shorter motions. She had buried to the hilt and was looking for more than just depth now. She rolled her hips and arched her back, fat ass bouncing in rhythm in Selina's hands.

It took so little time before the Naga felt the spasming pressure on her cocks, the belly of one dragging over the top of the other as they moved together. Her new prize may be getting what she wanted but Selina wasn't ready to give up yet. She reached down and, taking a chance on what she suspected might be part of this girl's desires, clamped down hard at the base of the rabbit's cock, denying her the other release. The girl whined into the kiss but only writhed more. She didn't try to pull away. Her hands moved to the back of her lover and her nails dug into Selina's shoulders. If anything, that rabbit pussy clamped down even harder and made it difficult for either of them to move.

After several moments of Selina cruelly keeping her fingers clamped hard at the base of that cock, the rabbit roughly pulled free of the kiss, gasping for air and resting her forehead on the Naga's shoulder, heaving hot air over both their chests as she grunted, "God, please, please please give it to me...i want to cum together..." And as if in desperation started grinding even harder. They both could see how angry and red and throbbing the girl's cock was between them as they panted and Selina found herself entranced by the stark contrast of the red, slimy, twitching flesh and the matted white fur behind it. She did not let go though as she switched from passive grinding to hammering upwards, working herself over that plateau she had been reveling in all this time, diving head first over the edge and letting go of the girl's cock at the same time.

They both cried out, they both practically sobbed in release as they crossed over their respective edges. The Naga felt hot bunny cream plastering her stomach, splattering her under the chin to only add to the pungent mess they had made. The rabbit felt her insides sprayed with hot seed, her fingers digging in even hard at her lover's shoulder blades. Now she did sob, openly, her whole body shaking as she leaned back, held there by the impaled snake-cocks and hands on her lower back. Her cock throbbed and twitched, the last few jets still heavy with seed as the girl passed out. She fell backwards and, expecting this, Selina caught her and lowered her to the ground with her tail. As the girl spasmed involuntarily from her climax, Selina reveled in watching the fur fall away and scales take their place. She wrapped her now free hands over her still throbbing cocks and stroked her final jets of cum over the girl's form as her legs melded together and she became the latest in the queen's glorious new race.

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