Quetzalcoatl Ch. 10


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"What, are you fuckin' kidding me?" The question took me by surprise.

"No. I just rescued everyone from the two lower floors and now I'm working on this floor." I said kind of professionally.

"By yourself?"

"Well, there was one woman downstairs who helped, but yeah, mostly by myself."

"Who turned out the lights?" I started to think that this would take all night.

"I did, but you need to go. I can't stand around here. I need to clear the rest of this floor and find Azul."

"Okay," she answered dutifully.

"Is there anyone else in here?"

"No," she answered loudly, and nodded her head to the other bedroom. I nodded back to her.

"I'll be leaving now," I said as I moved deeper into the living room, and then into the kitchen. He could be in one of two places. Either hiding behind something in the room, or splayed across the wall attached to the door.

From hiding he could shoot me as I get in the doorway, but in the best place, along the wall, he could nail me from my blind side as I entered. I bet on the latter and, as I motioned for the woman to get near the front door, I peppered the wall with four shots.

Sure enough, somewhere between the second and third shot I heard a man scream in pain and then the door opened and he came out shooting. But his motion and gun were to the right, and I was in the kitchen to his left. I answered his second shot with three of my own and he went crashing to the floor.

His gun went flying across the room and, in the beam of the flashlight, the woman and I watched him die.

"Oh fuck," he kept saying as he writhed around in agony.

"Oh Jesus," the woman said with her hand over her mouth. "I always wanted him dead, but I can't watch."

And yet she was lucid enough to pick up his gun. She just hid it behind her back, since she had nowhere else to put it.

I kept an eye on her as I watched the guy eventually expire. When she thought I wasn't watching she snuck out the apartment door, but instead of heading toward the stairs, she headed deeper into the hall.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I screamed at her.

"I'm going to get my girls."

"You 're going to get killed."

"I don't care. I'm not going anywhere without my girls," and she headed down the hall. I followed her out the apartment and, for some reason, she skipped a door and went into the third apartment.

I was frozen. I didn't want to have this door behind me, but I wanted to help the woman. Instead I didn't do anything. I didn't clear the apartment and I didn't go to the woman's aid. Five shots rang out and I closed my eyes thinking she was dead.

Finally I broke from my spell and rushed through the door the woman just ran into. I was ready to kill whoever was in the beam of my flashlight, but instead the woman and two young girls standing over the body of another dead man greeted me. I halted in mid flight and flashed the light on the ceiling, bringing the barrel away from them.

The girls, one black and one Hispanic, were no more than fourteen years old. They were also clad in their underwear. My heart went out to them. They were so young and scared, and I couldn't imagine the horrors and indignities they must have endured.

They were a tinge on the skinny side, and their underwear was a little tattered, but they didn't look physically abused, although I couldn't attest for their mental state.

"Are you okay?" I said breathlessly.

"I am now," the woman said as she had her arms around the girls. Just then a figure emerged from one of the bedrooms. It was a man, a little older than I, with his hands in the air in the usual surrender pose.

"Please don't kill me. I'm not one of them. I just came here for the first time tonight," he said obviously scared out of his wits.

"Come here," I said motioning to him with the rifle. He passed the woman and the girls with his hands still in the air, and then I saw the woman release the girls and bring her hand up to the man's head.

"NO!" I screamed, but it was too late. She fired just once, but it caught him right behind the ear. The girls cringed from the noise and the john went down without ever knowing what hit him. I could see the look in her eyes and knew what she was thinking.

"Fuck him," she cursed.

"You can't just shoot people," I lectured.

"Fuck you. Why not?"

"Okay, please stop shooting innocent people."

"He wasn't innocent, and I'll shoot everyone I see."

"Well you only have two bullets left and I'm not giving you anymore, so you better think about who you are shooting."

She didn't say anything, and there was nothing she could say. I headed back out of the apartment, but stopped at the door. The woman and the two girls followed right behind me.

"Why did you pass that door," I said motioning to the one I didn't clear behind us.

"They only use that one for storage and only Azul has the key."

"Okay then, I only have two more doors to clear," I said staring down the hall.

"You only have one door to clear, if you give me more bullets," the woman said quietly. "I can take out the guard on that room on the right. You want Azul? Well he stays in that room on the left."

"This is dangerous work. Are you sure?"

"I still have two more girls in that room, and you'll just get the whole place shot up. It has to be done and I have to do it."

With that, a figure came running down the hall to us. Immediately I recognized it as female, so I lowered my guard.

It was the auburn haired girl, and she looked stunning. She was a major distraction to me and I immediately saw the absurdity in that.

"Abbie," the auburn girl yelled to the woman.

"Lauren. Oh my God girl, you are alive."

"Thanks to your friend here." She grinned at me.

"What are you doing here?" Abbie asked frantically.

"I came to help," and then she looked at me. "But I need you to give me more bullets."

"Of course you do," I grinned at her.

"Yes give us all more bullets," Abbie said with glee.

"Okay," I agreed. "But you have to promise me that you won't kill any more johns."

"Who's killing johns?" Lauren asked.

I didn't answer, but merely looked at Abbie.

"Oh!" Lauren said understanding.

"Okay?" I asked Abbie.

"Okay," she agreed.

"Alright, give me your magazines."

Lauren went right for the magazine release, but Abbie had to watch her to see what she needed to do. I filled both of their magazines and they quickly put them back in their guns. Both of the girls looked comical, as women who have never held guns before are apt to do.

"Okay," I said as soon as everyone seemed ready. "Abbie, how did you unlock that last door?"

"The keys are hanging on a hook by the door. They're not worried about anyone getting in the rooms, they were only worried about one of the girls getting out." That made sense, I thought.

"I'll wait until you guys get in the door before I hit that last room, and be careful."

"You be careful," Abbie retorted. "That guard isn't expecting us to have guns. Azul is expecting you, and he's waiting for you."

"Thanks," I said resigned to that fact.

"Why don't you leave it be," Lauren spoke up. "You've hurt him enough. You've killed most of his men, and taken all of his girls."

"Because this won't be over until he or I are dead."

"Stupid macho bullshit," Abbie lambasted. I was starting to wonder if I liked her or not. Lauren, on the other hand, I was infatuated with already.

"Okay Abbie," I said tersely. "It's your play."

With that she headed for the door on the right, with Lauren quick behind her. The younger girls stayed back with me. Abbie grabbed the keys and she was in the door in no time. I waited two seconds and then I headed for my fate, leaving the young girls behind

I got to the door and found the keys. It took me a few minutes to figure out which key worked the lock and in what position. I finally got the right key in the lock the right way and opened the door, but then I heard the door down the hall open up. It was the very same door that I hadn't cleared.

Abbie's words quickly came back to me. "They only use that one for storage, and only Azul has the key." How could I have been so stupid? I had the mini in my left hand as I was unlocking the door, and the first shot hit me right in that forearm. The second shot hit me in the side just under my ribcage.

I dropped the mini almost immediately, and I was able to stand for about two seconds before the pain overtook me and I slumped to the floor. I lay there helpless and looked down the hall. There, in the light from the flashlight, were two men.

One of them was holding a gun, some kind of rifle, and the other was Azul, holding a knife. I figured that he was going to finish me off the way that he did to poor Cassio. They started to walk toward me with Azul laughing all of the way.

"Ed the zombie hunter, you should never have come here. You can't kill me like some stupid zombie. And now you're going to regret what you have done." The beam of the flashlight caught a glimpse of his left hand and I could see a bandage on it.

"Fuck you Azul," I said through the pain. I tried to reach for the mini, but I couldn't move.

"We shall see. We shall see how brave you are when my men string you up on a light pole out front and I skin you alive for all to see." His smile turned to a sneer of contempt and I had no doubt that he would do what he threatened.

A new bolt of pain shot through me as Azul and his man approached me. I struggled to remain conscious through the pain.

At first I thought that I was hallucinating, but then I caught a glimpse of someone, and he was holding a gun in typical cop shooting pose. Three shots rang out down the hall, and Azul's man went down. Azul himself grimaced and crumbled to the floor.

I could see Luke run to me as my vision and my being went blank and then returned again. I was fading in and out and I saw Luke kneeling beside me. I tried to warn him "Luke make sure Azul is dead," I warned.

"Don't worry man, he's dead."

With that Azul stood up holding himself. "I'm not dead yet motherfucker." He lunged at Luke with that huge knife and stabbed him in the kidneys from behind. Luke arched his back in pain and then slumped down on top of me.

When I came to again Azul was standing over Luke with that knife in his hand, and Luke wasn't moving. Then Abbie and Lauren came out of the other apartment shooting. Azul was running down the hall dodging bullets and Abbie was running after him in her underwear. Lauren stayed with Luke and I.

"Luke, Luke. Talk to me Luke," I screamed at him.

"I'm still here Ed," he said faintly.

"Ah fuck Luke, why did you even come? How did you even find me?"

"That was easy." As he said it, I knew he was fading. "I just followed the death and destruction. Oh God Ed, I don't want to die."

My breaths were fitful and exaggerated and I began to loose consciousness. As I started to black out, I held on to Luke as best I could, but we were both slipping away.

When I awoke I was in a doctor's office. I was alone and I was totally naked except for a sheet over me. I was just glad that it wasn't over my face. I tried to get up, but I wasn't going anywhere.

My left arm was in a cast; there were bandages on my left side and on my right leg. I could feel them, along with a hell of a lot of pain, but I was glad to be alive.

It's funny, but when I entered the building I figured that I had no reasonable belief of surviving, but when I got to the top floor, I was feeling better about my chances. Then after I got shot I thought that I was dead and that I had failed everyone, especially mom. Now I was alive, but I still didn't know how it all came out.

A woman, older that you'd expect, came in dressed in street clothes, and just walked past me, until she realized that I was awake and alive.

"Oh, you are still with us, thank God."

"Yes, I guess I am."

"How are you feeling?"

"In a lot of pain, but I guess I'm lucky to be alive."

"I'd say you are," she said as she scurried around the room. "The doctor had to remove shotgun pellets from your leg and a bullet from your left arm." My God, I thought as she kept on going, this woman is a whirlwind. "It broke the bone, and that's why your arm's in a cast. The bullet that hit you on the side went in and out. Superficial damage really. The bullet in the arm bone gave us the most trouble. That, and for the fact that you lost a lot of blood; we didn't think you were gonna survive."


"Well he's really just a physician's assistant, but he is the best thing we got right now and we're lucky to have him. I'm not really a nurse, but I do what I can."

"Am I here alone?"

"Well you are right now honey, but there's a gaggle of women who come to see you every day. Women of that age are pretty rare. You are a lucky guy to have so many."

"The one with the red hair was the one who donated all of that blood to you. At first we couldn't find a match. Doc figures you're a type B. That's kind of rare, you know. But she must be a type O. They can donate blood to anyone. They call them the universal donors. You learn a lot of shit when you play nurse."

"You have anything for the pain?"

"Oh God yes. Here I am going on and on, and you need a painkiller. We have something for you. I'll be right back and give it to you."

And she walked right out of the room. I really had no idea what the fuck had just happened.

I guess that I waited about twenty minutes, and each minute was worse than the one before, because of the pain. Finally she came in with a Vicodin, and I was able to go back to sleep. Thank God for Vicodin. I know that many people have had problems with the drug, but when I've had serious pain, only Vicodin gave me relief.

When I awoke again Lauren was standing beside me. She had on a striped black and white t-shirt that was very loose at the neck that gave it an off the shoulder look. Her shoulder length auburn hair was a bit windblown and she looked incredible. She smiled at me with her eyes.

"Hey you," she looked happy to see me alive.


"We didn't think you were going to make it."

"They tell me that I have you to thank for that."

"We all helped carry you out. Abbie threatened two johns with that gun you gave her and they carried you out to a car. You had to see her. She was very funny."

"I heard you donated a few pints of blood to me."

"Yeah, I guess a bit of me is flowing through your veins."

"I can't think of a nicer thing than having you inside of me."

"Are you flirting with me?" She started to blush.

"I'm just trying to thank you."

"Yeah right," she said as she looked away embarrassed.

"Where are Abbie and the girls?"

"Abbie is outside having a cigarette and the girls are back at the apartment."

"You've settled into an apartment already?"

"Well, you've been out for a couple of days and we had to sleep somewhere. I wouldn't say we were settled in."

"What about Luke?" I knew the answer already, but I had to ask. Lauren just bit her lip and shook her head no.

"We couldn't save both of you and Luke wasn't breathing. It was only us four girls at first. I'm sorry Ed."

"No. You did everything you could. He was reckless, but I owe him my life, along with you girls."

"And we owe you our freedom."

With that Abbie came in the door and she smelled of cigarettes. "So how are we doing? You are pretty hard to kill."

"I'm like a cat, but I think I'm on my seventh life."

"Tell me about it. I think you have more of Lauren's blood in you than your own."

"So I've been told." I smiled to Lauren and she smiled back. "What ever happened to Azul?"

"Oh that bastard. I shot every bullet in that gun at him, and I hit him once too, but he got away. That bastard is hard to kill too."

"Fuck," I swore. " I came all this way and I didn't finish him."

"I wouldn't worry anymore about Azul," Abbie reassured me. " I don't think he's going to show his face around here again."

"Especially when he finds out that you're still alive," Lauren added, and then she held my hand.

Lauren, Abbie and the girls took me back to Anderson Crossroads when I was well enough to travel. Abbie drove, but Lauren stayed in the back seat with me. They were only going to stay for a couple of days, but mom fell in love with them, and so we convinced them all to stay.

Everyone seemed quite surprised to see me again, including mom, and not very surprised that Azul got away.

Henry was happy to see me. He was saddened, but not surprised, that Luke didn't return.

"I thought the two of you were both being reckless, but I knew that I couldn't hold you back. Young men must do what young men must do, and women and old men must mourn them."

Mom and Abbie became inseparable and they raised those young girls like they were their own. The girls learned to pitch in on the farm and they were a lot of help.

Al Shaba was gone when I got home. Mom said that she woke up one morning and she was gone. Not long after that, while I was taking a nap on the couch, both Jennifer and Al Shaba came to me in a dream.

I didn't understand it at first, because I couldn't differentiate between the two figures and no one said anything in the dream. I just got the feeling that they were saying goodbye.

Summer ended with Lauren nursing me back to health. We spent the evenings talking on the porch as I fell deeply in love with her. It was easy to see why I fell for her, but with her being so beautiful, and the fact that she could have any man in the world, I wondered why me.

Maybe it was that I had rescued her when so many other men had just taken advantage of her, I don't know. How do you ask someone, why is it that they love you. It should be enough that they do.

It's now spring; time for the earth to renew itself. During the winter Lauren and I moved to a place of our own down the road. The farm was just too small for all of us, especially since Lauren is expecting in the fall.

It's been a year since Quetzalcoatl hit. There have been no new cases reported and the disease has seemingly run its course. I guess that the human race is safe for now, or at least until we try to kill ourselves again.

Azul is out there somewhere. No one has seen him, and there have been no reports of him over the radio, but I haven't let my guard down. I know that we still have unfinished business.

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cricketxcricketxover 4 years ago
Another please!

This was a fantastic read. I hope you decide to write another apocalyptic story very soon because this was incredibly interesting with mother and son falling into intimate relations during a zombie apocalypse. Just wonderful!

Joshuad2477sJoshuad2477sabout 5 years ago
Great story

I liked this story and the setting of the story. The only thing I hated was Josie fucking Cass and how she never felt anything more for ed than just fucking. She was a slut and I cared nothing for her as a character after that and felt no sympathy for her or Cass. I was glad he died and even hated that ed felt remorse over his death. I like how you ended Josie and ed relationship and gave him a new love intrest but there was no expansion of their relationship since it was at the end. Overall great but the Josie/Cass part left a bad taste in my mouth and really lost interest after that and finished only for the sake of finishing it. I really wish you would rewrite that whole part and redo the ending but it will never be and this will be a story that will never be read a second time.

redeemerthefallenangelredeemerthefallenangelover 7 years ago
I came here to look for post apocalyptic incest smut....

but ended up finding a bestseller. The language and your style of writing is execptional. The characters are rich and the storytelling is state of the art. Ed and Jossi's adventure was just too addictive and I just kept turning page after page. Their relationship felt true and erotic. I couldn't not put it down until josie begun hitting on cass and I felt so horrible inside of me that I had to let it rest but I was soon on it again. After the end I felt sad and empty and couldn't fall asleep until 3 am. From the bottom of my heart; thank you for writing this.

nightcodernightcoderover 7 years ago
Oh boy, you owe us a chapter 11

It's an amazing story. I read all 10 chapters in a row, I just couldn't stop reading.

But now I feel you owe us a chapter 11, to tell what happened to Pato Azul vs Ed.

Congrats on the great story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Eddie boy and his Mom, Jocasta, eh?

Seems someone is fond of old Greek fables. Which is totally fitting, as they created modern drama, and very few have ever approached their quality. I'm pleased to say that this tale is very high on the scale of current drama, and I especially appreciate the Quetzalcoatl bug angle. I have often wondered in the last 40 years why some such pandemic has not yet been loosed upon the world, and consider it a virtual certainty that one will be. There are far too many people with the expertise to create such, and no few of those persons have sufficient motivation. Truly an excellent tale.

TibxoTibxoalmost 9 years ago
Normally I read a story for the sex...

...but not this one. I had to read it all. In fact, if you took out the incest element (or at least change the relationship status from mother to say mother's friend), this could easily be published.

A brilliant read. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

series,one of the best on this site and it would make a great Movie

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You should make a sequel. Even though their were some plot flaws, overall this story was one of the best written on the site. Rushed the ending a bit but I'm sure you have your reasons.Enjoy your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
not bad

Good start, rushed finish. Main character is kinda incompetent, who doesn't know how to hook a pump (or anything else) to a generator? Run off crying when his bitch fucks some one else? Bullshit, its the end of the world, just kill him. I give the story a 3

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Damn good story.

That was enthralling. Generally post-apocalyptic stories don't appeal to me but you've created this narrative that just demands I keep reading.

The sex is like a supporting role, it's necessary to drive the story on and adds some flavour but it isn't what the story is about. In that sense I think it's perfectly logical that the mother kind of lost interest in her son as a sexual identity and moved on to Cass. I guess some readers didn't like it as they associated more strongly with Ed and felt he was being cheated, but they need to step back and see the whole story. The reduced amount of sex in the last couple of chapters doesn't stand out as those chapters deal with the threat rather than the relationship between Ed and his mother. I can understand why some readers would have an issue with that, but again, if one reads it as a story with some sex in (erotica) rather than a sex scene with a vague plot attached (porn) there's nothing wrong with it.

What's good about the ending is that you haven't got it all tied up nice and neat, there's a level of resolution but it's still messy enough to appear to be plausible.

You should be proud of this.

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