Rachel Ch. 02


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The poly aspect of this life is a bit different and not about sex. To be poly means that you can accept that love isn't a limited commodity and that you are open to loving and being in relationship with more than one person at a time. My husband has the capacity to love and investigate love with others without lessening his love for me. That being said, this aspect of the relationship was the challenge for me. Sex was sex, but Thomas' love, in my mind, was reserved for me. I had to do some serious soul searching to be able to accept the poly aspect of where the three of us seemed to be headed. Only because I, too, loved Rachel, was I able to accept their feelings for one another. I knew that our lives wouldn't be as full and rich if Rachel were not a part of it. Had it not been for my cuckquean/hot husband kink, I don't think I would have been able to open my mind to the polyamorous aspects of their relationship. I like to think of myself as an open person, but accepting the loving aspect would have pushed me had I not been also sexually turned on by their paring. (I'm just being honest in my assessment of our relationship. I know some poly-people may object to this aspect of my writing and I accept their criticism.)

As we all learned and grew, things changed dramatically. Thomas began to accept that he could be in a relationship with more than one woman. Rachel thought she could share him with me because we were so close and I was more turned on as their relationship progressed. We were all much happier. Rachel was very definitely Thomas' girlfriend by this point. When he brought me flowers, Rachel got flowers, too and vice versa. I felt my marriage growing and changing in a way I hadn't even imagined. My husband continued to be as committed to our marriage as always. His relationship with Rachel did not lessen his feelings for me. He often remarked that any man married to a woman like me should count their blessings daily. Trust me, he shows his affection and love in many, many ways.

The first time my husband actually went on a date with his girlfriend, I experienced very mixed emotions. There were many challenges to our lifestyle and we've worked through them one by one. Their first date took place on Rachel's birthday. As a way to cement our new relationship, we discussed the possibility of Thomas sleeping in Rachel's room on this special evening. He had never spent the entire night with her, always returning to our marital bed when they were satisfied that their interlude was complete. We wanted things to be perfect for her on her birthday. Thomas was, obviously, all for it as long as I signed on. Rachel wanted to experience a night with her lover, having expressed this to him several times recently. It was decided that this would be the perfect night to begin the practice. We thought of getting a hotel room for them, but decided against it. If we were to live together in openness, we would have to get comfortable with this new arrangement.

Selecting Rachel's birthday present took on special significance since it became something of a "welcome to our family" gift, too. Together, Thomas and I went online and selected a beautiful gold necklace for Rachel's soft delicate neckline. I knew she would love it. Thomas selected a diamond and emerald pendant that was exquisite. I thought it would be more meaningful if this were a special gift to her from her boyfriend, so I selected a few things to give her on my own. Knowing Rachel as we did, we knew that she would be thrilled with this gesture of love.

Thomas made reservations at Mystique, a very trendy restaurant in our area, for their special evening. This seemed to mark their "coming out" as a couple. He also booked tickets to see her favorite band perform. I can honestly admit that I felt a few pangs of jealousy when I noticed how much it meant to him that this evening be perfect for her; however, when I thought about it, I realized that I wanted them to be happy and all of my reservations vanished. I was completely on board because the happiness of the two people I loved meant the world to me! Throughout this process, Thomas continually checked in with me to ensure that I was doing well. If I showed pangs of doubt, he provided the care I necessary to let me know that his love for Rachel did not lessen his love for me one iota.

As we wrapped gifts, I showed Thomas the very hot outfit I had purchased. I hoped that Rachel would choose to wear the sexy items for Thomas on the evening of their special date, but I would never hold her to that idea. The black leather skirt was very short and super sexy. The top was made of a sheer white material, low cut and meant to be tight fitting. I also selected a white lace deep cut demi-bra with matching lace panties and sheer stockings with garters for the lingerie. The shoes were black Louboutin's. I knew she would love them. Seeing Thomas' grin, I knew he was picturing his tiny, hot girlfriend wearing (and not wearing!) all of these for him later. Knowing they would both be pleased made it worth the rather large expense. I got a rush as I realized that I was truly at peace with their new-found commitment toward one another. I wanted the two of them to experience ecstasy on this special night because I love each of them. I had achieved my goal of compersion as this evening had little to do with my kink and showed that we were actually becoming a poly family!

It had been a busy few weeks between our "big discussion" and the evening of the celebration.

The night of Rachel's birthday finally arrived. Life had settled into a nice comfortable routine for the three of us. The new couple still hadn't consummated their relationship, but there were several evenings when I went to bed early, only to be awoken by her loud moans of pleasure as my husband performed his special brand of oral sex on her. In addition, hearing him gasp in ecstasy when his girlfriend made him explode set my pussy on fire! I wonder who had more orgasms out of the three of us during this period. It was hot and I happily recalled the super-charged feelings I had when Thomas and I were dating and still hadn't taken given in to our passion by screwing our brains out. Their lust was palpable throughout the house!

At Rachel's request, we were having afternoon appetizers and cupcakes at home before their very late dinner at Mystique so I could also join in the birthday celebration. They both initially tried to insist that I join them at dinner, but I was adamant that this be a special evening for the couple. During our little family party, she opened her outfits. It seemed that she couldn't wait to try them on. She grabbed my hand and her red hair flew behind her as she ran toward her room with a lot of laughter.

Watching her try these items on, I was again struck by the flawlessness of her alabaster skin and her perfect shape. Her breasts were far more perfect than mine could ever hope to be (even when I was 22)! It was hard not to imagine my husband sucking on her large pink nipples as she tried on the sheer ultra-sexy bra. She even tried on the sexy panties in front of me and my mind went a little crazy thinking of Thomas enjoying the delectable treat between her legs. She obviously groomed herself very well, as her sweet "v" was bare and smooth. When all was said and done, Rachel looked lovely in her outfit. Her incredible nipples were slightly visible through the sheer shirt and bra, but I knew that this would absolutely drive Thomas wild with lust and it was intentional on my part (I know, I'm evil!).

Thomas was holding onto the necklace to give her at dinner. After we finished delicious pink champagne cupcakes and really expensive champagne, the doorbell chimed. Rachel went to let my sister in and I gingerly walked around, clearing off the remnants of our little party. Thomas left for the restaurant ahead of Rach, as having Selena see the two of them leaving together would have been difficult to explain. They were meeting at Mystique and everyone was bubbling over with excitement about the special evening.

Rachel quickly excused herself and Selena and I set about chatting in our sisterly manner. I admit conversation was a bit strained these days as I wasn't use to keeping secrets from my big sis. As far as Selena knew, Thomas had a business meeting to attend and that's why she was sitting with me on Rachel's birthday.

"Jillian, you must be insane! Why do you have that hot young girl living with you?" asked my sister as we sipped herbal tea on my balcony.

I tried to change the subject. It was easily done; for the rest of Selena's visit we discussed her two year old son and his obvious brilliance. As a proud auntie, it is always easy to point out positive aspects of my darling nephew's development! Whew! I knew I had dodged another bullet. I was not ready to go public with our new-found openness. Even when I am ready, Selena will not be the person I select! She tends to be a tad over-protective of her younger sister and is dealing with some marital issues of her own.

When Rachel walked into the living room, after dressing and carefully putting on her makeup, Selena audibly gasped.

"Rachel, you look beautiful. Who is the lucky guy?" Selena asked. Not waiting for an answer, she continued, "No matter who he is, he would have to be dead not to be captivated by you in that outfit!"

"Thanks, Selena. Your sister bought me everything I'm wearing. It is an extravagant birthday gift and I am over the moon! It's far too much!" replied Rachel.

"Nonsense, Rach. You have done so much for this family in the past few months that you deserve even more. You do look stunning, babe. Now, go out and have the best birthday celebration anyone ever had, love," I chimed in. "You deserve it!"

As soon as Rachel walked out, my sister again chided me for allowing this hot young girl to live in the home with my husband. "After all," my sister stressed, "he's only a man. You know how weak they can be when it comes to hot young things."

Selena was suffering through a brutal divorce. Her husband left her for another, much younger, woman when their son was six months old. I wished that I could have a serious discussion with her about opening herself up to the possibility of sharing, but it was far too soon. She and my former brother-in-law were not speaking and he was living with the girl in apparent bliss. Naturally my sister was not a fan of the situation and worried about me.

I changed the subject every time Selena reminded me how stupid it was to have this hot young girl around my husband. It was a long night and I was happy that I was recovering at a rapid pace. My back was mending nicely and I was confident that I would soon be up and about without requiring a "babysitter". (I do enjoy spending time with my family. I'm just not use to quite so much!) As my sister and I watched a funny old Woody Allen movie, my mind kept drifting to the fact that Rachel and Thomas were out on an official date. They were going to spend the night alone in Rachel's bedroom and that fact had me wet and anxious at the same time. Having Selena over helped me keep the focus off of my throbbing pussy for part of the time, at least.

My squirming caused Selena to ask if I was in pain. I told her that I thought I should take a pain pill and hit the bed, without outright lying to say I was in physical pain. She agreed to leave early as long as I was sleeping. This made me happy because all I wanted to do was use my BOB (battery operated boyfriend) and get off. I was fearful that the scent of my dripping pussy would give me away, but Selena appeared none the wiser when she snuck out about 45 minutes later. She made me promise to tell Thomas that he "just missed her" when he returned.

I looked at the clock as I pulled out my favorite vibrator and began to stroke it over my drenched silky panties. It was only 10:30 pm and I had no idea how long they would be gone. I gently rolled the tip of the vib over my throbbing clit and had a huge orgasm immediately. It calmed me down a bit. I was able to wrap my brain around my new life a little more clearly. I knew that things would be forever changed after this evening. Things had been strictly sexual between Thomas and our Rachel in the beginning. Now they were developing feelings and this delicious torture was killing me, in both good and bad ways.

I must have fallen asleep as I was startled awake by the sound of the front door closing at around midnight. Rachel sent an "all clear?" text about an hour before, to which I had responded in the affirmative. They knew they were now free to come home together and enjoy the remainder of their evening.

The noises coming from the room kept me awake for hours. Prior to his leaving, I made Thomas promise me that he would not stop in my room to even say "goodnight" as I wanted this to be all about Rachel. He kept to his word. This was the very first night that we had gone to bed without giving one another a goodnight kiss. It had started to bother me a little, but I was intrigued by the noise more than the voices inside my head.

I couldn't help myself from listening to their words and sounds. It made me hotter than anything we'd been through yet. I knew that this night was different, that we were at a precipice and had to handle things carefully. Let's face it, after nearly 20 years together, Thomas and I did not fuck like rabbits even before the accident. We were satisfied with sexual contact once a day. It was always lovely to feel him coming down my throat as I sucked his 7 inch cock. He gave me amazing orgasms, both through intercourse and oral sex. But, I had to wonder how all that compared to insane hot new play with an incredibly sexy 22 year old I knew that our relationship was about more than sex, but I couldn't keep myself from experiencing a few moments of self-doubt. There was no turning back now. I swear I could even hear her bed hitting the wall and it had been some time since Thomas showed that type of energy in this bed!

After a few minutes of torture, I smiled to myself. He was probably having the time of his life and he deserved it. There was no comparing Rachel and myself. We each had our own strengths; mine being many years of shared history and a very strong foundation, while some of her strengths were obviously being discovered in the room across the hall. Of course, I had to remind myself that my sex life with Thomas was quite good (and had been excellent prior to the accident). Having fun in bed with another woman didn't mean that our sex life was meaningless.

The next morning could have been awkward, but turned out to be very nice. Thomas got up early and made a lovely breakfast for all of us. The pair skipped their run in lieu of a nice relaxing morning at home. Thomas came in to our room and gave me a huge kiss to thank me for being a great wife and friend. Rachel also hugged and kissed me as I entered the dining area. During a breakfast of pancakes, bacon and good strong coffee, Rachel and Thomas glowed as they told me of their evening. She showed off the beautiful necklace that Thomas put around her neck during their dinner. Seeing them happy erased any lingering doubts that I felt the evening before.

Things returned to our new version of normal and we all lived happily together with a revised set of rules. It seemed that the closer the pair grew, the closer Thomas and I became. Our sex life was improving in leaps and bounds. Having a husband who is attractive to other women makes one truly appreciative of what she's got, it would seem. I began to see him as other women must. I noticed that his boyish blond locks were greying around his temples and it looked good on him. His shirts had always fit nicely over his broad shoulders, but it seemed that his biceps were even larger these days. The blue eyes that twinkle when he smiles shone brighter. I think being in this new relationship has been good for his ego and for that, I felt only gratitude. Maybe I simply look more often these days. I've always known him to be very handsome and sexy, but now I can't keep my hands off of him!

We don't have a set schedule for bedtime, but Thomas will let me know if he wants to sleep with Rachel on a given night. It isn't by any means an even split of time nor does anyone think it should be, with our average being about 70/30, often falling in my favor. Sometimes, she just wants him near her at night. On other nights, we need to be together as husband and wife, sex not playing a factor at all. (Honestly, I think on certain nights, Thomas wishes he had a bedroom all to himself and we are considering putting a bed in the study for "rest breaks" for him!) Their relationship is new and growing; ours has stood the test of time. We have no rules for where this will go, but I know we'll all be flexible as things change. It is even possible that, one day, Rachel may meet a man and decide to leave us. If that happens, and we've discussed it, we will wish her well and send her on her way with nothing but happy memories. If things work out, we might live like this forever. There are guidebooks, but no real rules for this type of thing. Communication is the answer and we do that often. It is generally done in a group setting, but sometimes it's just two of us chatting and then the other is brought in. We are working at not controlling this new thing we've found. We don't have to work at enjoying it!

Letting everyone know about our arrangement will be up for discussion soon. We have lots of family and friends who are beginning to wonder at the apparent closeness between the three of us! : )

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oldtwitoldtwitalmost 2 years ago

Just too many words, you used their names to much as well, but not a bad story

IFAFILHGIFAFILHGalmost 3 years ago

Nice hot cuckqueen story...but would have been 1000% better if she would have watched them have sex..even in her bed with her

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Cuckqueans are to be prized

Enjoyed the story and have been lucky to experience an alternate lifestyle. Hard to find but once you do, its a life changing experience.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Barf .. if this story is true you have only yourself to blame when she convinced your husband to leave you. Sorry

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very nice

Very good foray into a genre that is woefully underrepresented. It was a bit confusing how injured she was. Can't have sex but can handle a vibrator and experience strong orgasms? Can't have sex but can give blowjobs? Can't have sex but can run through the house pulled by Rachel?

Other than that and general lack of details in the bedroom... For example, where are the details of how it went from flirting in the first part to full on non-intercourse sex having been going on for months in the second?! That is one of the best parts of such a process.

I'd personally enjoy seeing this develop more. Seeing how she deals with her need for attention would be good. Also how she deals with them sharing interests that she doesn't... Say he loves history and politics but while Rachel does too, Jillian does not. How does she deal with his desire to pursue those interests with Rachel when Jillian isn't able to?

Good start. Look forward to exploring more of her experience.

hotladyvanessahotladyvanessaabout 8 years agoAuthor
Author agrees with Mad Brown

I have to admit that I wasn't 100% sold on the way this story came out. I agree with the comments and will probably revise it at some point. Honestly, the story seemed to fall in the poly direction and I don't really know much about the poly lifestyle; that was evident in the story. I should have heeded the advice that people always give writers and kept to my own experiences.

Sorry guys! I will do better the next time.

Thank you for the nice ratings, though. I guess it wasn't as bad as I feared.

I really love this audience!

MadBrownMadBrownabout 8 years ago
Nice but something is missing.

Everything is fine as long as the wife is in her "cuckquean" phase but as she drifted into the "polyamorous" phase, she should have also "drifted" into a bit of sapphic sex.

If she could suck hubby's cock, she could also lick the girlfriends pussy. It would help her to not have to rely so heavily on the vibrator and would help sell the Poly story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Good story, figure they will do the poly bedroom thing anytime soon? Seems like a logical next step.

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