Radiance Ch. 55


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"Fucking yes!! This is what I want!! This is what I need!!" she yelled throwing her head back as her large hands came down on his chest and she pinned him to the bed, each and every single movement passion-filled and very deliberate though he could also feel that grip on her control slipping away as the pleasure began to burn through her just as it did him as well, though he was losing his own grip on his control as well.

The wet slaps of her flesh on his were incredible and it was only overshadowed by each and every moan and snarl that escaped from the pair of them, the grip of her thighs had relaxed somewhat which had allowed his sweat-soaked flesh to slip between them and to allow him to thrust into her boiling hot silken depths with as much passion as her force on him allowed him to exude and oh boy was it enough to push them both into overdrive, "Yes that's it my human!! Everything!! Give me everything that you are!!" she yelled and with a quick and sharp movement she snatched him up into a sitting position which allowed her to push his head between her massive breasts as she smacked her pelvis against his with just enough force for him to know he was going to have one hell of a bruise there later, not that he cared a single shit because right now he was lost in ecstasy so pure he lost his mind between the explosions of it.

His hot seed shot from him like an eruption of purest joy filling her to the brim, jet after jet of it pouring into her fertile womb with one mission in mind, to create new life, to seek out her eggs where ever they were hiding in her depths and to fertilize them so that a new form of life may be brought into this world and by the way, her womanhood had the grip of a vice made of silken flesh was milking him it appeared her flesh had exactly the same plan and outcome in mind, though given that she was once human and was now mutant, it may well take quite a few injections for the body to adapt and to remember what it once was and to find a way to allow them to combine, but in the meantime, his little swimmers were going to try their absolute damnedest to carry out their mission.

They lay together on the bed panting hard their breaths exploding out of them in ragged gasps, Timothy's mind was fragmented, his thoughts were like little ships on the seas of a storm swell, thrown around and clinging on so that they may be heard, just like he himself was clinging to her core with all the force he could muster.

But even as vulnerable and unsure of himself as he felt and having found this new part of himself that he'd never known existed he had no idea that Shauna was feeling the same way as he, though there was one universal truth that they were both feeling, they loved each other with every fibre of their beings.

"P-P-Please tell me that you love me, Timothy, please tell me that I was not too much for you, that I didn't hurt you or scare you," Shauna said in an incredibly small sounding voice which coming from a woman of her size and strength was actually quite shocking.

He lifted his head to look into her amazing eyes and gone was the passion and the power that had lit them before, now replacing it was worry, fear, shame and guilt, emotions he had prayed never to see in those beautiful jewels ever again, but there was also an incredible vulnerability, at this moment she was completely open to him.

Before he could answer she began to speak again, "I-I-I was too aggressive wasn't I? Too dominant, I felt it but I couldn't stop myself, I just fucking wanted you so fucking badly, I needed you like nothing I have ever wanted or needed before, I was like a suffocating woman desperate to breathe and you, you were my air, I needed you in every single way, hell if i could have forced you into my very pores themselves I would have, I have never felt such powerful emotions and needs, but you lit a fire inside me that the beast came out to warm herself besides only she picked it up and ran off carrying it, spreading it through my entire soul like brush fire and I know you probably hate me right now because I promised you and I broke it, but I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart and soul and if this night is the only one I ever get to spend with you it was the best one of my life" she said her voice sounding lost and forlorn and laden with guilt and what sounded like shame and now it was his turn to have a wild fire lit in his soul, his woman needed saving and protecting, from herself.

Timothy leapt up with such surprising speed that he startled even himself let alone her and it was obvious by the look on her face that the last thing she expected him to do was to throw his arms around her neck or to cling on like his life depended on it.

"I-I-I don't understand, I-I-I broke my word....." she began and he cut her off with a kiss and tears in his eyes.

"You didn't break your word to me, Shauna, you didn't hurt me, or scare me," he said softly and she pushed him away just enough so she could look right into his eyes.

"You don't have to lie to me Timothy, my sense of smell is much more powerful than yours, I could smell it on you, I just couldn't stop myself or do anything about it, it kinda Ummm acted like an aphrodisiac to me, it lit my blood on fire as much as I didn't want it to," she said in that small guilt-laden voice again and he reached up and lifted her chin so she was forced to look him in the eye.

"You didn't hurt me, Shauna, yes ok I admit it I was a little scared here and there but who wouldn't be and to be fair it wasn't just for the reason you think, it was because I was scared of not being enough, of you figuring out that I am not man enough for you, that I am weak, yes I was scared of you but it was a good scared, like the scare you get from a thrill ride or doing something dangerous but fun and yes before you ask, you are dangerous but you are also fun, very fun and I love you Shauna and I see it clear as day now so don't you dare doubt yourself Shauna, my Shauna" he planting a series of kisses all over her face and ending on her lips.

"B-B-But I took your first time from you, you had no control if you hadn't have given yourself up I-I-I fear I would have taken you regardless, I dominated you and I didn't want to, I wanted it to be equal, I wanted us to be equal, I did not want to be in charge but it was like I couldn't control it, I had to have you the way I wanted you, exactly how I wanted you," Shauna said.

"And I loved it, to be wanted like that, to be desired like that, trust me when I say its a powerful thing to a man's ego, to see with your own eyes how far someone is willing to go to simply have a taste of you, to feel you in a such a primal way, it's more exciting than I ever imagined possible, I guess I kinda always knew that I had submissive tendencies but until you lit them up like a christmas tree, I always imagined that as a man I'd always have to be in charge, to be the one to lead, so you have no idea how refreshing it was to simply let myself go and to let your desire for me take the lead and consume me like pure fire, now don't get me wrong, I will never be submissive to you in any other way, or to anyone else, if being among you people has taught me anything it is to fight for what I believe in with the fury of a claw, win or lose it is better to stand tall and to fight and to die as a proud free being, than to cower and snivel so never again will I stand in someone else's shadow, because you people have shown me what i need to be, but here just between us, I can let my control go, I can release it to you as long as you promise me one thing, one very important thing" he said with more fire in his voice than he'd ever imagined possible.

"Anything name it," Shauna said desperately clutching at his body and his face as her eyes searched his for any sign of deception.

"Afterwards always remind me of who I am and that I am still a worthy man to you because I give this submission as my gift to you and only to you and the second you do not respect that or remind me of it, I will know I am no longer worthy," he said.

Shauna broke into floods of tears and clung to him, "Shhhh now, shhh it's ok my beautiful one, you are not a monster, you are not the monster you think you are, you are beautiful, you are wonderful and you are mine every bit as I am yours" he said.

"T-T-Thank you Timothy, thank you so so much, I love you so so so much," Shauna said.

They clung together for a good long while until she suddenly spoke up, "May I make a slight alteration to this deal we seem to have struck between us my love?" she asked and he cocked his head curiously.

"What kind of alteration?" he asked.

"I want to be your equal Timothy nothing more, nothing less, your equal and yes i know this beast inside me will rear its head a lot when we make love and you have no idea how much it means to me that you not only accept it but are willing to indulge it to love me, but i want there to be times when I am the one who gives in to your desires as well, i do NOT want this to be about what I want, I want it to be about what WE want, so i will forfill the need you have to submit when I have the need to dominate but I want you to promise me that when I wish to bask in your desire you will indulge me the same way, that you will give me the very same, even if it may be few and far between as the beast is a hard thing to tame and to sate, but when those times are avalible I want you to promise me you will seize them and me and ravish me in a way that I yearn to be, please Timothy please promise me this" she said and Timothy's heart soared so high it felt like it had escaped the clouds and was swimming in sunlight.

"I have never been so happy to make an unbreakable promise in my life, but I gladly make it and your words fill me with more joy than you can ever know because it means my heart, my faith and my love were spot on when they all believed in you," he said and the hug she locked him in very nearly crushed him, but if he had died, he'd have done so smiling right into the breast of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life.


"I found him, Sheila, do you see? I found the love of our lives and I swear I will love this beautiful radiant man enough for both of us, he will never want for a single thing ever again" she whispered silently into the room and just for the briefest of moments she swore she could have seen a big green figure in the shadow of the room and to Shauna's hopeful eye she could have sworn it was smiling the most joyful smile she has ever seen in her life, now all she had to do was keep this promise she had made, no not promise, that word was too weak, this scared vow to the man she loved and adored.

While she drew breath he was protected, while she drew breath he was guarded, while she drew breath he was loved in every single way that a woman could love a man and upon looking into his bright beautiful eyes and seeing those vows mirrored right back at her swimming in the most beautiful love she had ever imagined seeing, she knew that she was afforded those exact same joys, here in the arms of this man, she was safe, she was happy and most important of all she was equal and loved, always.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The story line is good. Please stick to the story, the sex scenes just take up space. This chapter I just skipped waiting for story to pick up again.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderheralmost 2 years ago
Well, that was a waste of time

And a waste of a chapter. I'm glad I scanned it and didn't bother reading it. Dude, when you are writing sex scenes that take up 2 pages with made up creatures nobody is getting turned on. These sex scenes are all similar and like many of the things in this story, overly repetitive and redundant.

At this point, stick mainly to the plot of the story and don't bother going into long details of the sex between all the members of the group. It's boring and a waste of time.

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