Raised the Texas Way Pt. 02

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The Dillard family story concludes
19.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 02/20/2024
Created 02/14/2024
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Author's Note: This one got a little away from me, ending up at 20K words. I thought about splitting it but didn't see a good point to do so. I thought about cutting some sex scenes but didn't want to read the complaints that decision would generate. Anyway, if y'all are up for a long read, I hope you enjoy this conclusion to the Dillard's story.

Chapter 5: Negotiating the Deal

Susie Rose Dillard lay in her queen-size bed. She was exhausted but right now she was far too freaked-out for sleep. Instead of closing her eyes and drifting off, Susie looked up at her bedroom ceiling as her mind tried to process everything that happened over the past twelve hours. She looked up as if the creamy white ceiling contained all the answers she needed. Or maybe she was praying.

Tonight, it seemed hard to tell where the ceiling ended and Heaven began.

Next February she would be nineteen. That was only seven months away. She would be nineteen and in her first year at Texas A&M University, home of the Aggies. She would be three hours away from her home. No—wait. Mama was going to sell the house and move somewhere else. So, the truth was she didn't know exactly how far away from Mama she'd be when she was away at college. All Susie knew right now was that she would be living in College Station, which was pretty much smack dab in the middle of the triangle created by Dallas, Austin, and Houston.

Where would Mama be living? Susie didn't know and the not knowing bothered her. She felt unsettled—as if she was cast adrift in the middle of an ocean, lost, far out of sight of any land.

A lot of things were bothering her right now. The not knowing where Mama was going to live—where the new family home would be—was probably not even in the top three list of things that were loudly line-dancing right now on her mind and keeping her from sleep. Other things were more far vexing tonight.

First and foremost, she had just caught her brother, Bobby, in bed having sex with Mama. They were for sure fucking each other, and they'd been loud about it. They must have been good fucking.

Susie knew a little bit about sex. Not that she was a slut—nope. No way! But she'd let the Varsity wide receiver—Jeffrey Davis—take her virginity in a cheap motel room after the Winter Formal. That had been about five months ago, right after she turned eighteen. That night had been her first time but not his. It hadn't hurt at all! He fucked her pretty good that night. She hadn't cum from his dick being in her pussy, but when he used his fingers and tongue—yeah. That part had been really good. He made her cum when he did that to her. She fucked him once again after the Spring Formal, but then they broke up. The second time had been even better. She did a blowjob but he didn't cum. He used his tongue and fingers again—and she came pretty hard. Twice. Then he stuck his cock into her pussy from behind and lasted almost five minutes before he grunted and came into the rubber. And that was that. Susie thought that if Jeffrey could have lasted another minute or two, she might have had her first-ever orgasm from a penis being in her pussy.

There'd been two other boys who tried to fuck her before the school year ended. Neither of them had been in Jeffrey's league, as far as sexual expertise went. Both of them were disappointing, to put things in the kindest way—the way Mama taught her to do. Bless their hearts! They tried so hard to give her an orgasm, but nothing had happened. They didn't even try to use their tongues! Each of them came about thirty seconds after they stuck their dicks into her pussy. Then it had been over. Those had not been good fucks.

So, Susie knew a little bit about sex, even though she wasn't yet nineteen. At least she knew how to tell a good fuck from a bad fuck. Based on what she heard earlier, it was pretty clear that Mama and Bobby ... what they were doing to each other ... that had been a good fuck. Mama had actually screamed when she came; Susie had heard that scream clear as a bell through the closed bedroom door.

The problem was that Mama was Mama and Bobby was her God darn son! Didn't matter whether what they'd done was a good fuck or a bad fuck; the problem was the two of them shouldn't have been fucking at all. What in the name of Lord Jesus Almighty was she going to say tomorrow morning when she saw them at breakfast? How in the Hell was that gonna go?

Okay, maybe she would sleep through breakfast, because it was already after four in the morning and she hadn't slept hardly a wink yet. But sooner or later, she was going to see one or both of them; what in the world was she going to say?

"Hey Bobby—nice cock! How long is that thing anyway?"

Nope. No, no, no. No way.

"How many positions did you guys do? How many times did you cum?"

"That's a good question! Maybe I could learn some—" Oh, Hell no! That's just sick!

"Did he lick your pussy, Mama? Did he suck on your clit? Is that why you screamed out loud?"

Of course he did! Bobby probably licked her pussy for an hour, the way she'd screamed! Bobby must really be a stud in—

STOP it now Susie girl! Don't you dare go there!

"Did she suck your cock, Bobby? Did she swallow your cum?"

"Mama, what did Bobby's cum taste like? Was it salty? Sweet? Bitter? Tell me...."

Jesus Christ above! She was so sick! So perverted! How could she even have such thoughts? But the thing of it was ... she was pretty sure that thinking about Bobby and Mama fucking each other was turning her on.

Susie shook head at her sick mind's perverted pictures, the ones that were making her horny, before she wrestled her incestual thoughts over to another vexing problem: her parent's divorce. They were getting divorced! Daddy had already moved out of the house! Their perfect family was shattered, in ruins. Daddy couldn't keep his pants zipped and so they were divorcing.

Where is Daddy going to live?

He was living at the Omni now—she knew that much. But for how long? Where was he going to go? He would still need to be around Dallas for his work but, since most of his work involved traveling and doing deals, he probably didn't even need a house of his own. Maybe he'd get himself a corporate apartment—one just big enough for a king-size bed where he could fuck his girlfriends.

The divorce.

The divorce was why she had gone to Daddy yesterday afternoon. She'd gone to try to talk some sense into him, to get him to see that his love for Mama and his children was more important that getting the freedom to have sex with some young girls whenever he wanted to. He didn't need to leave them all if that was the reason—it wasn't like Mama ever called him out on his little flings. Mama closed her innocent green eyes to what he was doing; she let him have his fun. For years, he had fucked around on her—and Mama knew about it. She knew about his side action, but she hadn't said a damn thing to stop him.

What did Mama say to her just a few short hours ago, when they talked together on the sofa? Before she caught Bobby and Mama in bed together?

That was our deal from before you were even born, sugar. I knew I wasn't going to be his only lover from before we were even married. We talked about it. We agreed. And for twenty years, it worked.

He didn't need to leave them so screw around, so that meant his screwing around wasn't the real cause of their divorce. Susie had gone over to the Omni yesterday to hear the real reason why, straight from the horse's mouth.

Before the night was over, her Daddy had fucked her twice and she'd cum four times.


They had an early dinner together at the grill in the hotel. Just the two of them. It was kind of like a date. He had a rib-eye and she had a petite filet, with some vegetables on the side. Daddy ordered red wine and poured her a couple of glasses to drink. Nobody asked her how old she was. They both passed on desert, but Daddy ordered an after-dinner bourbon and gave her a couple of tastes from his glass. How can he drink that stuff? It tasted like gasoline, as far as she was concerned.

During dinner Susie tried to get the truth out of him.

"Why, Daddy? Why? Don't you love her anymore?"

"Well, little darlin', the truth is that things just ain't the way they used to be between us. We had us a good run, but now it's over. Twenty years is a long time for people to stay married these days."

"Tell me straight, Daddy. What's really going on?"

He sighed and looked away before he brought his deep blue eyes—the same color as hers—back to her face. He hummed for a while before he said, "I guess I just don't want to get old. You know what I mean? I'm fifty-five; almost fifty-six. Your Mama's fixin' to be forty but it feels like she's older than I am. She wants us to give up our parties and go off together, live in some little cottage in the middle of a forest where we're gonna ... gonna what? What're we gonna do together, stuck in a little cottage in the middle of BumFuck, Egypt? We're gonna get bored. I'm gonna get bored." He sighed again. "We're gonna be hatin' on each other within two months—you mark my words, young lady. You mark my words. If we don't get divorced now, we'll be divorced in another year. It's inevitable. All I'm doing now is rippin' off the bandaid."

Susie shook her head. "But you love each other ... don't you?"

He nodded. "Sure. We do love each other. But that and fifty cents won't even buy you a cup of coffee these days. You know what a cup of coffee costs at Starbucks? Them with their fancy names for cup sizes! No 'small,' 'medium,' or 'large' for them—no Ma'am! They got themselves ... what do you call 'em? 'Venti' and 'Grande'—right? What the Hell is the difference between a 'Venti' and a 'Grande'? And they got themselves all those fancy drinks now: you need a Master's Degree in Coffee-ology just to make some of those fancy drinks—I swear!"

"You're trying to change the subject, Daddy."

He smiled slightly, showing his crow's feet; his blue eyes twinkled for a second. "Oh, you caught that, huh? Guess you got some of my smarts, after all."

Susie nodded. "I sure did, which is why I'm going off to A&M in a few weeks. I'd like to understand what's going on before I go. All I know right now from what you've told me is that you're divorcing Mama because you don't want to make any changes in your life but Mama does. To be honest with you, divorcing her seems like a helluva big change to me."

Her daddy hummed a bit. Then he nodded. "Look, Susie. You're an adult girl now. Let me lay my cards on the table for you, okay? Your Mama and me ... well, the spark between us kind of dried up a bit, you know what I'm sayin' here? We used to have us a real fun time in bed ... but things ain't been that way for a while. Too long. We just need to be honest about what's goin' on between us. I'm too young to give up what I like doing—you hear me on that?"

"I hear you that your sex life isn't what you want it to be. Have you talked to Mama about that?"

He shook his head. "Nope. That's not really somethin' you talk to people about."

"Oh! You mean—" Susie gestured in the general direction of her Daddy's crotch.

"No! Not that! Not ever that! It's just ... we done all the things two people can do to each other without one making the other one throw up in disgust. I ... uh, I kind of like plowing new fields, is what I'm trying to say."

Susie nodded. "You want to keep cheating on her."

"Nope. It's not cheating if she agrees to it as part of the deal." Bob sat back and took a deep drink of his bourbon, believing the discussion was over.

However, as far as Susie was concerned, the discussion was most definitely not over. "I'm not really sure what I'm hearing, Daddy, but I don't really care at the moment. It sounds like what you're saying is that you want to keep having sex with young girls and Mama is in the way."

Bob Dillard looked uncomfortable for a moment. He looked away again, before he brought his eyes back to focus on his daughter's eyes. Then he nodded slightly.

Susie sipped the rest of her wine. It wasn't too bad; beer was better, though. She thought about the situation, thought about what she could do to help her parents get back together. What she might could do to save her family from destruction.

How important is my family? she asked herself. What would I do to keep my family together? What price would I pay? What sacrifices would I make?

Susie slowly came to the realization that her family was the most important thing in her life. Family was everything—and she would do anything to keep it together. Anything. Pay any price. Make any sacrifice.

Sitting in a hotel restaurant in downtown Dallas after finishing two glasses of wine, Susie was pretty sure she had the makings of a plan.

She reached out her hand and her Daddy—Bob—took it. She pulled him forward across the table so that she could whisper really quietly but he would still hear what she had to say.

"Daddy," she said, "I want to make a deal with you. If you agree to stick with Mama, to try to make a family with her again ... then you can plow my field."


They held hands as they went up in the elevator to his room. Susie felt closer to her father at that moment than she had in years. Right now, he wasn't her father: he was a man—an older man—who wanted her body. She found she wanted to give him her body.

When they were inside his suite, they hugged tightly. Daddy tilted her head up and planted a kiss right on her lips.

"We have a deal, right?" she asked when the kiss was done.

He nodded. "I promise to try, to give her another shot. I mean, the divorce is already happening, but I'll move back in and tell her she's the one for me. I'll be the man of the house—be there for y'all. But this here tonight can't just be a one-time thing, Susie Rose. I'm gonna need a bit more than one night. I'll need a little sweetener, as we say in bidness."

She cocked her head. "But I'm going away to college. There won't be any more opportunities for fuckin' around with each other after that."

"You're gonna have breaks, right? Bobby comes home for Christmas and Easter, doesn't he?"

"But Mama's gonna be right there!"

"She'll understand. If we do this right, she'll understand."

"All right. Okay. If you can get her to understand and not get all freaked-out by you and me fuckin' each other, then yes. You can have me again on the breaks—but only when I'm home for them. If I don't come home—like maybe I go to Florida or someplace like that—then you can't get all angry with me. And if I find myself a serious boyfriend, then the deal's off. Period. All done. If I find myself a boyfriend then you can't be plowin' into me anymore. Okay?"

He nodded. "You're a good negotiator, Susie Rose. I know where you got that from. I accept your terms."

"Now that we have our deal settled, kiss me again, Daddy. And make it a good one this time."


Susie Rose Dillard lay in her bed, back in her Highland Park home. Some might call it a mansion. Certainly, it was bigger than most of the other places in the neighborhood. Daddy had done pretty well by his family—at least financially. He could have been there more; he could have been home with his family more instead of traveling all the time. That would have been better. But as far as taking care of his family financially, he'd done pretty darn well.

That wasn't the only thing he'd done pretty darn well. As she lay there, Susie recalled what had happened after that kiss in the hotel room.

Her Daddy was a good kisser. While he was kissing her, he was taking off her top and running his hands over her breasts. Susie knew she didn't have her Mama's big breasts; hers were smaller. Size thirty-three B. Daddy caressed her breasts over her sheer black bra until her pink nipples were all hard. She didn't have much in the way of areolae but her nipples were long and, when they were hard, they stuck out like pencil erasers.

Daddy kissed her and played with her breasts until the pencil erasers were sticking out against her bra.

Meanwhile, Susie was kissing him back with everything she had. Their tongues were moving against each other, exploring each other's mouths. She pulled back and then nipped his lower lip before soothing it with her tongue. When she did that, Daddy groaned.

Susie reached down between them. Yep! He was rarin' to go! She squeezed his cock and rubbed it until he pulled back, breathing heavily.

"You keep doin' that to me, I'm gonna embarrass myself."

"We don't want that to happen, do we?" she asked, smiling. She was breathing pretty heavily herself at the moment.

"Take off your clothes, honey. I want to see you in all your glory."

"You, too."

They each got undressed and stood next to the suite's king-size bed, naked. They stood there and looked at each other for a long minute.

"Damn, little lady! Damn! You are a fine-lookin' filly!"

Susie smiled again, looking at her daddy's seven-inch thickness, which pointed up at a steep angle. She thought it might be the prettiest thing she'd ever seen—especially the tip of it, which was a dark red color somewhere between burgundy and purple, and which was already leaking a bit.

She pushed Daddy down on the edge of the bed, and knelt down before him. He opened his legs for her; she swooped down on his cock, taking the tip of him into her mouth and swirling her tongue over it as she sucked gently.

His hands cupped the back of her head and pushed her closer to him. Now she had about half of that thick thing in her mouth; she was bobbing on him and sucking hard; she was swirling her tongue.

Susie had only done a blowjob once before tonight, but she brought everything she knew to her efforts. The main issue was what to do about the balls. She never really knew what to do with those sensitive things. Tonight, she brought a hand over and gently massaged them without any squeezing. She squeezed Jeffrey's balls too hard that one time and he'd squealed like a stuck pig. Maybe that was why he broke up with her a few days later....

Bob's head rocked backwards as he groaned with the pleasure of his daughter's mouth on his hard dick. The pleasure soon grew to be almost too much for him.

"Best you stop now, Susie Rose," he finally said, pushing her away. "If you keep goin' like that, I'm gonna pop."

She looked up at him, staring into his eyes. At this moment, his eyes were deepest blue she'd ever seen. The blue was closer to black. They were like endless pools of blue into which she could sink forever. Susie suddenly realized why her Daddy was so popular with the ladies. With eyes like his, any woman would jump into bed with him.

"I want you to finish, Daddy," she said. "Cum in my mouth. I want to swallow you down."

"I'd like that, I really would, Susie Rose. And I s'pose I'll do that, one day. But not tonight." He paused. "Tell me—you on The Pill?"

She shook her head in the negative.

"That's okay. I got me snipped a long time ago. No worries about getting pregnant. So ... I wanna cum inside your pussy, girl! Not in your mouth. Not tonight, at least."

"What about STDs?"

"Ain't got none. I mostly use a rubber and I get tested pretty regularly, just to be sure. So, we good, baby girl?"

Susie stood up. "We're good, Daddy." Then she pushed him down on the bed and settled over him. She took his rigid cock—now slippery with precum and her saliva—and rubbed it against her pussy lips. She was already wet, just from sucking her Daddy's cock, but she got wetter in a hurry as she felt his thick tip rub against her lips.