Read your Contracts 04.1

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Succubi, Incubi, and "Other"- continued.
10.1k words

Part 5 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/16/2023
Created 02/21/2021
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(Pt4 contains, eventually, debatable and non-debatable NC, anal, both male and female gay sex, gender transformation, femdom, pegging, bondage, urophagia, and incest. Reader discretion is appreciated. Thank you for your interest.)

Chapter 01


Things were tight.

"That's it, right there master," Memi the slender, albino succubus said.

"No fair, I want him too!" Satilli, the willowy, pink-haired incubus whined.

"Hehe, as long as I'm in here somewhere, I guess," Laura, the voluptuous, blonde human said.

When Harry had first bought the bed, it was intended for one not so tall person to sleep on comfortably. Then Memi came into his life and although the bed was still only designed for the one, she tended to glom closely enough all night that the two of them only took up slightly more space than one. And when Laura had come over to spend time with them, she and Harry had managed, with difficulty, to sandwich Memirellin into a delighted jelly between them, but someone's ass was destined to hang out into the air.

And only now were they contending with the addition of Satilli to the whole. In fact, this twin-sized mattress had been capable of taking in any three of them, but now Memi and Satilli were made to squirm for the dubious honor of lying directly atop Harry's chest.

"Master would like me in his arms, know your place and be contented snuggling up to her breasts," Memi said, grabbing one of Laura's tits over the woman's negligee and jiggling her to some pleased squealing but no protest. "You need not return each night either, or has my mother ceased providing board for her apprentices?"

Satilli pouted, snuggling her fluffy, pink head deeper into the pit of Harry's shoulder where she could not be pried out. "This is the place of the girlfriend, is it not? Why don't you instead take your place curled up at the foot of the bed like a proper familiar? Shouldn't you be content to warm your belly with your master's feet?"

"Guys, please..." Harry said and was ardently ignored by all but Laura, who shrugged.

"Better yet," Memi snarled, "why not take this opportunity to walk the streets for prey, as your kind do? Haven't you been shirking your training to come here and suck up to my master?"

"I'll have you know that I haven't let anyone but him and you use my pussy!" Satilli said a little too loudly; hopefully the neighbors were already asleep. "And I've only been fucking other people with my penis. And I even brush my teeth before I come to see my boyfriend, so it's not even an issue. Mistress even said it was alright."

"I'm fine with going home for the night if it's going to be a problem," Laura said.

Fed up, Harry rose to a sitting position, dumping the arguing women onto their asses at the foot of the bed. "No, it's too late to ask you to do that. Memi, Satilli, find a way to agree with one another on this in the next five minutes or I'm going to sleep on the couch for the night, and neither of you are allowed to come with."

"Nonsense, this is your bed, master," Memi said.

"No fair! We haven't even had sex yet today, so you owe me some cuddling!" Satilli said.

"Am I allowed to join you?" Laura, surprisingly, said.

Harry scratched his head. Life never used to throw up scenarios like this unless he was playing one of his dating games, something which hadn't successfully prepared him for the real thing. And why would it? How many people in the modern world had to manage balancing a harem of all things!? "What do you mean we haven't, Satilli? That was you this morning, right, in the shower?"

She rolled her eyes. "That hardly counts. All I did was rub one out of you for breakfast, and then Memirellin stole half of it from me!"

"Wait, that was why you two were kissing afterward?"

Memi cocked her head. "This sneak thief was trying to get away with swallowing the first load of the day all by herself. I was lucky she chose to savor it on her tongue or it would have taken more than a kiss to get it back. So don't you think I deserve this spot more than she does?"

Laura said, "I mean, it's not like I'm not in the mood to get some before bed..."

"No, I've got finals for the term coming up, so I really have to sleep." Harry Threw his head back into his pillow and pointedly clamped his eyes shut. "Just do rock-paper-scissors, alright? No, you know what, that's an order, Memi."

If she was disappointed by the resolution, she didn't show it. "As you wish, my master."

Half a minute later, Harry had in his arms the slight of frame Satilli and Memi had taken the less favorable position clinging to his back. Then there was Laura, who had balanced herself against the wall so she could hold Memi back into her squishy curves. The constant risk of losing Satilli and having her crash to the floor didn't make for a very restful sleep, but Harry was exhausted enough from the tests he had already spent days taking that he was able to rest his chin on top of the girl's soft, pink head and eventually drifted off to sleep.


And then he was poolside in trunks and sunglasses, warm sun on his skin and a fluorescent, blue drink in his hand. There was the sound of sloshing to his side, people enjoying this wonderful summer day to its fullest, as well as the yelps and squeals of some girls who had thought to bring a beach ball and were bouncing it between themselves just out of view. That wasn't the only thing bouncing just on the edge of vision, lots of small, tight fabric barely concealing soft, squishy flesh, but Harry sat back in his pool chair and stared up into the sky; there would always be more time to ogle later.

His view of the blue sky was darkened and bright pink replaced it, Satilli's smiling face lowering down to give him a chaste smooch on the cheek before coming around and taking the chair beside his. She went into a feline stretch in the sun, bowing the expanse of taut belly between her bright red bikini top and the flower-patterned sarong tied around her slender waist. Her yawn gave a peek at tiny, cute fangs and she lay on her side, glistening eyes regarding Harry with expectation.

"Isn't this nice, just the two of us? All the time in the world to relax, talk, do some flirting~" she said, reaching across the distance between them to stroke his arm with her fingertips, sending tingles up his spine.

"You bet," Harry said, then downed the remainder of his sour, fruity drink. The warm headiness of alcohol spread from his stomach, infusing his feeling of the day with wistful enjoyment. "But I think you're biding your time for the hotel room later. Am I right?"

Again, Satilli showed fang in her smile and she licked her lips. "You are my boyfriend after all... Say the word and we can start whenever."

He laughed a little, felt his eyes drawn to linger across her smooth, pale, pink-white skin with the knowledge that beneath that near gossamer layer of fabric she wore was a pair of firm, swollen nipples just begging to be teased. The male reflex was prodding his mind, the tip of his cock pressing more and more firmly into the lining of his trunks, but this wasn't really the time or the place to indulge. But the feeling was insistent and before long he had taken Satilli by the hand and drawn her to sit in his lap, her knee spreading his legs apart, her soft, sun-warmed thigh pressing against his hardening cock, and her slender body conforming to his.

"I wanna do it right here," Satilli whispered into his neck, punctuating her desire with a nibble and a roll of her hips, dragging her thigh up and down against his groin.

"Hon, there are people right over there," he said, but his fingers were already in the process of undoing the knot of her sarong, letting it fall off her hips and revealing the other half of her g-string bikini. With the knots he felt on each thigh, he knew right away it would only take a few not so firm tugs to have a nude girl in his arms. She'd always intended to devour him at the earliest moment he allowed her.

Satilli cupped his cheeks in her hands, came in for a deeper kiss. She parted his lips with her tongue, moved hungrily against him, her entire body rolling against him with each surge of her lips. When she did come off, she had a dreamy look in her eyes and a trickle of their intermixed drool dripping from the corner of her mouth. One hand behind her back, she deftly undid the knot holding her top on and let it fall from her small, firm breasts.

"I don't care," she said. "Let them watch and see what love is."

Mildly out of breath, Harry sat up forcefully with Satilli held tight in his arms, kissed her nipples before putting one of the little, pink candies between his teeth and nibbling her. Moans from above encouraged him almost as much as her hips did, Satilli threw her legs around his waist and slowly went up and down his ready, throbbing shaft. Her pleasured moans were music to his ears as he ground his teeth against her nipple, taking the other between two fingers so it wouldn't feel left out of the fun.

Her back arched and Harry could feel her heart racing against his cheek. He only wished he had chosen a method of teasing which would let him see her expression of being drunk with pleasure. With his free hand, he reached around to pet her fluffy, pink head, then began the long, slow journey trailing his fingertips along her spine, the tickling sensation doing almost as much to her as his nibbling, down and down her arched back to her pert ass, given a little smack, and at last to the knot of her bottoms.

One tug later, Satilli's puffy, shaved mound emerged from behind the inadequate cloth.

She felt so hot in the palm of his hand as he reached in between her thighs, flitting a fingertip across her shy clit and sipping her tiny moan from their kiss. She was already becoming slick, of course the lusty girl was, and she humped herself against his hand, spreading her juices along his skin.

Satilli paused their kiss to trail the tip of her tongue across his cheek and kiss his earlobe. "Is this good enough for you?" she said, taking his hand from between her thighs and bringing it up between them, bending in to suck her own taste off his fingers and play her tongue along his palm. "Don't you wanna get those stupid trunks off and eat the main course?"

Harry closed his eyes and smiled, thoroughly enjoying the leadup of her bare naked lips sliding up and down his throbbing bulge. She was so soft and light, it was like hugging an oversized plush doll, ready and willing to be manhandled; her body nearly begged to be used up and cuddled to sleep. Her little gasps and moans as she slid against him were musical, tingled in his ears in the most delightful way.

There were some people watching around the pool now, and all the better Harry thought. He hugged Satilli to his bare chest and stood with her legs wrapped around his waist as she squealed happily. His trunks hit the ground and were kicked away to be forgotten, and he walked with her to the edge of the pool where he sat with his legs in the water. With his naked cock pressed against her slit, she lifted herself up and reached between them to guide his head inside her.

She sank with a sigh of satisfaction into his lap, his hard cock probing her tight depths, and she rained down kisses on his face and neck. With the sound of splashing waters around them, Satilli rolled her hips into Harry's lap, stirring herself deeply with grateful, lusty moans added to the quiet squish of her plush wetness. "I love you~" she said, spine bowed and her small breasts pressed against his chest, heat stoked in her chest and pouring into his.

"I love you too," Harry said, taking her pert ass in his hands and aiding her motions against him, raising and lowering her by inches onto his cock. It was amazing, tight and warm, Satilli squeezing him in pulses as she humped, her heart thrumming against his skin. "You know they're all saying to themselves, 'I sure wish she was mine' right now."

"Want to rent me out a little?" Satilli kissed his cheek and grinned. It was a joke, he thought, but how much of one?

Harry lightly smacked her ass. "Of course not, snugglebug. Don't you remember you're mine and mine alone? This is my pussy," he said, thrusting up into her with a delighted yelp in response.

"I want you to mess me up inside~" Satilli said. "I want you to fill me up with your hot cum. I'm so tired of waiting~"

With her slender arms wrapped around his chest, her fingers latched together, Satilli threw back her head and put them both off balance, toppling their embrace down into the shallow water where she continued bouncing against his lap while his ass settled on the bottom. She put herself totally into it, lips pressed fervently against his in a breath-stealing kiss, excitedly nibbling his lip once or twice by accident. Her supple skin shone with wetness, pink locks matted against her head, threw off droplets of water as she bounced. The water rippled around them with the force of their love, Satilli rising until Harry's cock threatened to fall out of her and dropping herself deeply into his lap again and again.

All Harry could do was keep up, tension in his lower body to keep himself from exploding within her right away, hands preoccupied in turn cupping and squeezing one cheek while the other held her head. The splashing, the pleasured mewling passing between their tight-pressed lips added up to a deep, primal urge to finish this and hold her tight until his cum had infused her all the way. The water was so cold but Satilli so hot that he didn't have goosebumps holding himself to her.

He could feel as her mood changed, as carnal pleasure molded into something more. Their kiss slowed to a crawl, Satilli bowing her head in toward Harry's collar, cheeks burning, panting. Her frantic humping became a slow, sensual roll of her hips, taking Harry as deeply as she could go, locking her legs around his hips to pull herself just that little bit tighter when it wasn't enough. Her belly undulated, her whole body dedicated to this motion, rubbing the tip of Harry's cock against her core.

"Please," she panted against his chest. "Please cum inside me."

"Of course, honey," Harry said.

So he wrapped his arms around her waist, rose off the bottom of the pool, and laid her down on the edge with her legs over the side, clenched to him. And he reeled back, slammed his cock inside her to wide-eyed, lip-biting surprise; a cute fang appeared to press on the soft pink of her lip as she squirmed under Harry's movements.

Harder, harder he rammed himself into her, heat building between them as the climax came closer. Her chest rapidly rose and fell with hurried breaths, shameless moans, back arched against the stonework, belly rippling with the force of Harry's thrusts.

"Fuck, Harry, I love you!" Satilli cried.

And she came, her pussy pulsating around Harry's cock, milking his hot semen, her legs tightening around him to ensure he wouldn't be able to pull out, as if he would want to. He held her, pressed as deeply as their bodies would allow, as spurts of cum splashed around within her, the smallest trickle dribbling down the curve of her butt and into the water.

Satilli had gone limp from pleasure, simply rose up and hung her arms off Harry's neck, letting him hang back and float the two of them on his back. Still intertwined, the two of them basked in the sun and the attention...

"It should be like this all the time," she whispered into his ear. "It should just be you and me, just you and me, you and me floating like this together all the time, forever and forever~ Just you and me, just you and me. We don't need anybody else to be happy, nobody else, nobody else... Isn't it great, you and me, isn't it great? I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!


Chapter 02


In the morning, someone was licking a nocturnal emission from Harry's boxers... He just pretended he didn't notice, seeing that it had barely been a couple hours, and soon enough they stopped so he could go back to sleep.

In the morning, later, he awoke to the new strangeness of being alone in bed. However, the reason was obvious enough. Having no tests today, he'd turned off his alarm to sleep in, and had done so. It was nearly eleven when Harry finally got up, the smell of sizzling bacon coming up from under the door and more disconcertingly the sounds of moaning explained where everyone else had gone.

Out of the bedroom, the apartment was so small that the morning's events were put into sharp relief right as soon as Harry opened the door.

Strangely, Satilli was the most dressed one in the room, wearing a set of Laura's old pink pajamas which fit on her like a tent. Memi had opinions on wearing clothing in one's own home, that being that it was optional and undesirable, so she was as nude as the day she was born(hatched? He'd have to ask someone later). Then there was Laura, whose taste in negligees bordered on exhibitionist, but who had tastefully added an apron since she was the one who'd thought to make human food for breakfast.

Memi and Satilli didn't seem to notice Harry's emergence, as they were more concerned with one another, knelt into a hug and a luscious, smacking kiss.

"The man of the hour," Laura said. "I was beginning to wonder if I'd have to make leftovers for you. Sounded like you slept all right enough; I've got a bit of a kink in my neck, but you know."

Harry came to the kitchen island, buttoning his shirt as he went and wondering why he bothered with clothes at home anymore. "So, they seem to be getting along better this morning."

"Don't look at me, they were going at it when I got up too. I think it might be something like 'see,we get along' because look, you can see Memi's peeking over here."

"I'll bet, it was like watching cats fighting last night."

"Not quite fair when you're the one who set them off?" Laura said, setting a portion of breakfast out for him. The two glasses with sticky, white residue next to the sink made it clear that both Memi and Satilli had already eaten, drank, their breakfast. Harry, with wisdom born of experience, did not ask what specific type of semen they were drinking today.

But Laura sure was a sight to behold first thing in the morning, coming around the kitchen island to sit close enough for Harry to feel the heat radiating off of her. A morning shower had left her long, blonde hair damp and a gentle aroma of borrowed soap came off with the steam. He caught himself looking at her bare thigh as she settled onto the stool, squishing the lovely curve of her ass, and she smiled when he looked away, hoping to avoid popping a boner since he knew that would spark an argument over who would relieve it.

Everyone here was out of his league, and so he was eternally mystified as to how he'd become the center of the relationship, or part of it in any way.

The bacon was good, too." If you want to keep coming over, maybe you'd be willing to help fund a larger bed?" he said.

"You could always come to my place instead," Laura said. "I have a king-sized bed, so we could probably fit in two or three more people in if we wanted."

He laughed. "I kinda have my hands full as it is."

Silently, the demons broke up their makeout session and sneaked in on the outer radius of conversation.

"Look at you, party boy, complaining about having too many options to choose from." Laura waved a piece of crispy bacon at him chidingly and had to act fast to catch it when it broke off in her pinched fingers. "But yeah, once you get started makin' babies, you're going to want a lot more space. One bedroom just isn't going to cut it."

"Tell me about it."

"I could just give you one of my dad's vacation homes," she said.

Harry waited a second for her to laugh, but no.