Ready Maid Family Bk. 02


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"That's fine. But if you want the truth, I was thinkin' more about people smellin' you. You might make a better impression with Junior smellin' like ya do now. He gets right randy when I'm all sweaty around him." Sara laughed as she got to her feet. "I'll meet ya downstairs, I wanna get some coffee."

* * * * *

Gage sat as carefully as he could on the side of the bed, trying not to disturb Julie as she slept. He just sat for moment looking at her, then grasped the sheet in his fingers and pulled it down slowly. He started to smile as she rolled onto her back, and the rich, fluffy mounds of her breasts came into view.

Letting go of the sheet, he laid his hand on the gentle swell of her belly, stroking lightly over the soft smooth expanse. His eyes moved up and down over her, lingering on the full, soft mounds of her breasts, their weight making them hang off to each side.

He looked down between her legs, smiling as he saw the rich growth of her pubic hair nestled between the thick columns of her thighs. Moving his hand down, he ran his fingertips through the soft hairs, stopping when she stirred in her sleep, mumbling under her breath.

He waited a moment, then eased his fingers down. Her thighs opened wider as his fingers slid over the hairlined outer lips of her pussy, and he ran them up and down for a moment, then slipped his fingers between them.

Watching her face as he dragged his fingers up between the moist inner lips of her pussy, he brought them up and stroked them over her clit, making her gasp in her sleep. Not wanting to wake her too soon, he moved his fingers down slowly, pinching the swollen inner lips gently, tugging at them as they blossomed open under his gentle touch. He could feel her slick, warm juices coating his fingers as he moved them.

Julie moaned in her sleep, and her hand came down between her legs. He waited until her fingers were almost touching his before he moved them. She smiled as she touched herself, her hips arching up to meet her fingers.

She started breathing harder as her fingers worked faster between her legs.

"Are you going to just sit there and watch?" She asked, not looking at him. "Or are you going to put a baby in me, like I asked you earlier?"

"I'm going to put our baby in you." He said softly as he slid over between her legs. "This may take a while, I don't think you're completely awake yet."

"Mmmmmmm, take your time." She purred as she felt the thick head of his cock pressing against her. "I can't think of a more delightful way to wake up..."

* * * * *

"He's beautiful." Sylvia said as she ran her hand gently over Junior's back. She backed away as he turned his head, rubbing it against her side.

"Relax sweetie." Sara laughed as she came around, taking his head in her hands and turning him toward her. "He's trying to tell you he likes you. I was worried about that. He's kinda picky about who he wants around him."

She lifted his head and slipped a bit between his teeth, then got it seated and put the bridle over his head. Taking the reins in her hand, she turned him and led him out of the barn.

Sylvia followed them, watching as Sara grabbed the strap on the side of the bridle, talking softly to him as she walked him around the yard.

"I'm gettin' us a nice little piece o' land not far from here baby, and I'm gonna build us a house and a barn like the one back home, with a big ass ring fer you to run around in." She told him softly. "There's some woods for ya to walk in, and some big grassy fields for you to graze on. Yer gonna love it baby, I promise."

She led him back and forth across the yard, reaching over to stroke his head every so often.

After about fifteen minutes, she led him back over to the barn. She wrapped the reins over a pipe, and looked over at Sylvia.

Smiling slyly, she took off her boots.

"You wanna ride him with me?" She asked as started she unbuttoning her shirt.

"Sure, can we both ride him?" Sylvia asked. "Don't we need a saddle or something like that?"

"Not today. Today we ride him bareback and bare assed." Sara grinned. "So strip down, and get nekkid. C'mon, get a move on."

"Are you serious?" Sylvia gasped, staring at her as she watched her push her jeans down over her hips along with her panties.

"Serious as a heart attack." Sara laughed as she kicked her pants off, folding them neatly and laying them just inside the barn. "He likes it when I ride him bareback, and I like bein' bare assed when I do it. So c'mon, git yer clothes off, we ain't waitin' ferever."

"Okay." Sylvia smiled, pulling her t-shirt, then her sports bra over her head. She popped the button on her jeans and pushed them down as she looked over at Sara. "Can uh...can I leave my und..."

"Nope, git 'em off. Yer first ride is gonna be like god intended." Sara laughed. "Just you and me butt nekkid on one o' his most beautiful creatures. Yer gonna love it, I promise."

Sylvia nodded and kicked her shoes off, then pushed her jeans and panties down. She pulled them off and laid her clothes on a box in the barn.

"Now what?" She asked as she stepped over next to them.

"Now you put your left foot here..." She said, bending over and clasping her fingers together. "Then throw yer other leg over his back when I lift you up. Put yer hand on his neck to steady yerself, but don't grab it, or you'll spook him.

"Okay." She said as she put her foot in her hands, then bounced once on her foot and threw her leg over his back as Sara lifted her.

"Wow, this is kewl." Sylvia said as Sara untied the reins and led him out into the yard.

"It gets better." Sara laughed, handing her the reins, then walking around behind him.

"Hey! Where the hell are you going? I don't know wh..."

"Relax, I'm just gettin' on. Junior knows what's comin', so you just hold the reins and stay still for a minute." Sara told her as she stopped about six feet behind him.

She took three quick steps, then put her hands on his rump and vaulted up onto his back, landing neatly behind Sylvia. Reaching around, she took the reins and kicked him lightly with her heels.

Junior started walking slowly, and Sara wrapped her arms around Sylvia's waist, laying her head on her back. She kicked her heels into his sides again, and he started moving faster.

"So whatta ya think, darlin'? You havin' fun yet?" She laughed softly.

"Yeah, but we have to go this fast?" Sylvia asked, reaching down and putting her hands on his neck.

"Oh we're just gettin' started sweetie." Sara laughed, resting her head on her shoulder. "Junior's been cooped up all mornin', and he ain't had a good run in weeks. We're gonna get him a little exercise, and help him relax a little."

"I know yer nervous hon, but it's gonna be alright." She said softly. "Just squeeze yer legs against his sides, but don't kick. Keep yer hands on his neck if ya want, and let your body follow him movements. Move with him, and you'll be fine. I'm here, and I'll guide you through it, okay?"

Sylvia just nodded as Sara kicked her heels in again, and the horse broke into a trot.

* * * * *

"Wanna see something kewl?" Gage asked from the living room door.

"Sure, what have you got?" Julie asked, turning on the couch to look at him.

"You gotta come out back." He said, holding his hand out to her.

"Okay." She laughed as she got up and walked over to him. She took his hand and let him lead her toward the back of the house.

"Close your eyes." He said as he put his hand on the doorknob.

"What is this, you got another surprise for me? Oh shit! You didn't get me another car did you?" She asked as she closed her eyes.

"No, nothing like that." He laughed as he opened the door and led her outside. They walked across the porch, and he guided her so they were sitting on the top step. "You can open your eyes now."

She started to look at him, but a movement near the barn caught her eye. She gasped as she saw Junior come galloping around the barn with Sara and Sylvia naked on his back. Sylvia had her arms thrown out, her head back, laughing happily as she leaned back into Sara.

Sara was looking over her shoulder, one arm around Sylvia's waist, the reins in the other hand. She pulled the reins sharply, and they made a tight turn around a tree, then came charging toward the house.

Sylvia grinned and waved as they made another tight turn and raced along the back of the house. They made another turn as they reached the end of the porch, and Julie could see Sara pulling back on the reins, slowing them so they came to a stop in front of them.

"Hop off sweetie." Sara said, moving the reins out of her way. "I wanna run him for a few more minutes, then walk him back to the barn and rub him down. I'll meet you over there in a little bit."

"Do I have to?" Sylvia asked, looking back at her over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I can't do what I wanna do with both of us on him." Sara said softly. "He's still got some left in him, and I wanna spend some time with him, just the two of us."

"Okay." Sylvia said, lifting her leg and sliding off. She dropped to the ground and stepped up onto the porch, leaning on the rail. She smiled as she watched Sara lean down, talking quietly in Junior's ear.

"Watch this." Gage said as Sara tugged the reins to one side, kicking her heels into Junior's sides. The horse took off at a gallop, and Sara leaned over his neck, her legs pressing into his sides as he raced across the yard.

They did a racing turn around a tree, then ran headlong toward a stack of crates near the barn. Junior leapt them easily, and Sara jerked the reins, bringing him around for another pass.

"Wow." Sylvia breathed, her heart pounding as she watched her putting the horse through his paces.

"Yeah, she's a natural horsewoman." Gage said, glancing over at her. "She didn't start till she was in her early twenties. I thought she was nuts when she said she wanted to start a ranch. But she took to it like a duck takes to water."

"They're so beautiful together." Julie said, taking Gage's hand. "She's not riding him, she's a part of him. They move like they're one incredible animal."

"Yeah, he loves her like nothing I've ever seen." Gage said. "She got him six years ago. Someone had botched his gelding, and his owner was gonna put him down. Sara bought him and brought him home, then fixed what she could. She slept in his stall with him for almost two weeks while she nursed him back to health."

Sara was walking him back and forth across the yard a hundred feet away, and she waved, pointing at the barn. Sylvia waved back, then went down the steps and started walking in that direction.

"She looked like she was having a good time." Julie said, watching her walk away.

"Yeah, she was in good hands, and she knew it." Gage laughed. "But she looked like a fuckin' amazon with her arms thrown out like that. They were moving at a full gallop when they came around the barn. Not many people can do that."

"You think she might be a..."

"If she is, Sara will bring it out." He said as he got to his feet, pulling her up behind him. "I think she is, and I think this is gonna be good for her."

"You wanna go talk to them, or you got something else going?" Julie asked.

"I'm hungry." He laughed, turning and walking across the porch. "I was thinking about trying to find something to eat."

"That sounds like a good idea. Syl usually cooks, but whatta ya say we whip something up for them for a change?"

"That sounds like a plan. If nothing else, we can always order pizza." He laughed.

"If you want pizza, I wanna go to Mama Lucy's." Julie laughed. "They got the only pizza worth eating around here."

* * * * *

"I think I'm falling in love again." Sylvia said as she ran a brush briskly over Junior's coat. "I mean, he's so beautiful, and he felt so good between my legs."

"He likes you too." Sara grinned, pulling her back and pointing between his rear legs.

Junior's cock had extended from it's leathery sheath, dangling like a fleshy pipe beneath him.

"I'm just messin' with you hon." Sara laughed when she saw the expression on her face. "It does that after a good workout. If he still had balls, I'd have to jerk him off, but since he don't, it'll go down on it's own in a little bit."

"He still likes me, I can feel it." Sylvia said, walking around in front of him. She took his head in her hands and leaned forward, rubbing her breasts over his nose, then up over his long face.

Junior's tongue came out, licking at her belly, and she lifted his head, letting him nuzzle her breasts.

"Yeah, you like feeling my titties on your head, don't you baby?" She giggled as his tongue swept over her breasts. "Yeah, that's a good boy. Your mama never did this with her tiny titties, did she? No, she didn't. But you love having her body laying on you, don't you? That's why you respond to her like you do, isn't it? You want to feel her pressing against you while you run, don't you pretty baby?"

"You sure you never been around horses, Syl?" Sara asked. She was putting the brushes into a bag hanging from the wall. "I expected you to be scared, or at least nervous, but you're just so relaxed around him."

"I was a little nervous at first." Sylvia said, cradling his head in her hands. "But once I saw how he responded to you, I started to relax. Then when I touched him, he didn't shy away, he was just so calm, ya know?"

"He's not like that with most people." Sara said as she walked to the door and gathered up her clothes. "I was worried about how you were gonna respond to him. But I could see right off that you were gonna be okay around him. I'm glad you like him as much as he likes you. I think you're gonna get along just fine."

"I'm not worried about it." Sylvia laughed as she came out of the stall, closing the gate behind her. She walked over to the door and picked up her clothes, then stepped outside with Sara. "We're gonna get along just fine, and if I have to shovel some turds to be able to hang around with him, it'll be worth it."

* * * * *

"This is the best damn pizza I had in years." Sara laughed as she pulled another piece onto her plate. She took a quick sip of her beer, then took a huge bite out of the pizza. "All you can get back home is the name brands, they don't have little mom'n pop places like this. This here is the way pizza's supposed to taste."

"Thank you dear, that's what we like to hear." A woman behind her said, turning in her seat to look at them. She smiled as they turned toward her.

"You run this place?" Sara asked, turning and holding out her hand. "I'm Sara Dawson, and this here is Gage, Julie, and Sylvia. We live on the other side of town, but yer food is worth the trip."

"I'm Lucille Bennetti, Mama Lucy, and yes, I own this place. At least for now." She smiled. "There's no pop, just me and the kids, but we think of ourselves as a mom and pop operation."

"What did you mean, at least for now?" Gage asked.

"Business just isn't what it used to be." Lucille said, shaking her head. "We don't get the families coming in like we used to. Nobody wants to go out for pizza anymore, they want to order it off the internet and have it delivered, even if it tastes awful. When people think about going out for dinner, pizza usually isn't on the list."

"It's on ours." Sylvia said. "We've been coming here for a couple months now, and I haven't had anything I didn't like. You have a great selection of beers too, that's one of the reasons we come here."

"I was actually thinking about giving up the liquor license." Lucille said, looking over at her. "What we sell in beer hasn't been covering the cost of having it. We just don't get enough dine-in customers anymore."

"Do you advertise? If you do what..." Gage asked

"We put ads in the local paper, and we used to put coupons in mailers, but that got to be too expensive." Lucille said.

Sara turned and looked at Gage, and he nodded.

She looked back at Lucille, a smile spreading across her face.

"Me and Gage are business consultants, but we usually don't work on an operation this small. But I tell ya what, we'll take ya on, and cover your advertising costs for the first year, but you gotta guarantee the quality of the food ain't gonna go down." She said. "After that, if you're still havin' problems, we can look at other options. How's that sound to ya?"

"Why would you do something like that?" Lucille asked, getting up and moving her chair over to their table. She turned and looked toward the counter and said, "Billy, put one of my specials in the oven, and load it up. Then bring another round of beers over here. Bring me that German dark I like."

"Okay, granma." the boy said, then disappeared through the door into the kitchen.

"I already said why, Lucille." Sara laughed. "This is best damn pizza I had in years, and it's worth it to me to invest a little time and money into makin' sure I can have it when I want it. I'm not offerin' charity, I expect a return on my investment. So if you don't think you can live up to your end of the bargain, just say so, and we can just talk and eat as friends."

"No, you got my attention, but I want to hear more before I commit to anything." Lucille laughed, leaning back in her chair. "How involved would you want to be, and what kind of advertising did you have in mind?"

"First thing I'd wanna do is throw up a big ass billboard on either end of town." Sara said. "Just a couple pizzas with all the beers you carry lined up behind 'em with your name, address and phone number in big letters. Keep it simple, but make 'em hungry just lookin' at it."

"There's other advertising options, and a web site is one that we can talk about, but you asked about how involved we'd want to be." Gage said. "I own a half interest in The Daisy diner over on route twelve. I..."

"You're the guy that went in with Bob Wilson a few years back?" She asked, smiling at him. "I went to high school with Bob. He told me how you bailed him out, got a manager to come in, and turned the place around. He's living the high life in Florida now, to hear him tell it."

"Yeah, that's me." Gage said, blushing slightly. "But I didn't bail him out, I bought a half interest in the place. I found a good manager and worked out some deals with some local suppliers, and now we both take home a couple grand a week after taxes. You need to keep in mind that The Daisy is open twenty-four hours a day, and gets alot of truck traffic. I can't guarantee that kind of income here."

"I'm not interested in a partner, this is a family business, and I want to keep it that way." Lucille said. She turned in her chair as her grandson came up and she took the bottle he held out to her. She watched as he emptied the tray, then picked up their empties and went back to the kitchen.

"But you've got roots in the community, and you helped someone I know." She said, holding her hand up to silence him as he started to speak. "It doesn't matter if you profited from what you did. Like Sara said, you should be able to expect a return on your investment."

"What kind of return would you expect from us?" She asked, turning to look at Sara. "And what about you, you're not from around here missy. What's your story?"

"If you want a number, let's say five percent of receipts or whatever we put out for advertising, whichever is greater, for the next year." Sara said. "And I'm gonna be settin' up a ranch on the other side of town soon. I'm buyin' thirty thousand acres from a client, and it's perfect for horses. I already got a place in Texas, but I wanna be closer to my family, so I'm settin' up an operation here. That's where I'm thinkin' we put one o' those billboards."

"How about you two?" she asked, looking over at Julie and Sylvia.

"We work for him." Julie grinned. "We're his housekeepers."