Realms of Eden: A Warrior Rises


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The daily news-vids showed the fighting that sometimes occurred at sea where strange craft resembling giant floating pineapples attempted to penetrate our borders and then self-destructed when approached by border patrols in high-speed hovercraft. The bodies recovered from the wrecks were unidentifiable as human though doctors and scientists had assured the population that they were but mutated beyond ordinary recognition.

Oceania's emissaries had flown around the world locating and conferencing with the new governments that were forming in the lands beyond its own. Many were resentful just because Oceania survived. Others considered themselves superior and made demands for tribute and conversion to strange religions where surreal idols were worshipped. Some had managed to create an environment similar to Oceania's own and these proved to most deadly.

That was not to say that the entire world outside of United Oceania was hostile. Several expeditions had reported on friendly peoples in the old areas of northern Asia and South America and trade took place with them. The rest of Asia was populated with a mixture and for the most part the area was avoided, Sydney theorised that this was probably due to a mixture of history and some of the exaggerated reports of mutations that had floated on the vid casts and other media sources.

Sydney remembered the reports that started several years ago of a so-called Messiah that had risen in one of these countries and he had a simple message, "Worship me and live free!" His followers were called the "Triangles" because of the tattoo that they wore with pride on their faces that was the shape of triangle with its base across their foreheads and the apex at their chin. Part of their worship and greeting ritual was to pass their thumbs from the centre of their foreheads along the tattoo and down to their chin.

They had once been allowed to come to Oceania to preach their message but people soon discovered that any disagreement with the doctrine of the Messiah was met with a murderous rage that saw several dozen people bashed and beaten to death. The government had no choice but to deport them.

On delivery of the followers back to their homeland, the crew and other passengers on the hover jet that carried them back were murdered by an explosive device planted in cargo that was supposed to contain a letter of apology and compensation for the murder victims. The cargo, delivered by so-called government officials, was to be transported back to Oceania. The jet exploded in mid-flight over the Indian Ocean and vids were jammed with the smiling face of the Messiah for several hours after the incident, leaving no doubt as to who was the culprit.

Since then security around United Oceania had been tightened and many patriotic men and women had swelled the numbers of the armed forces to ensure that no menace would invade their homes and lives.

Still reports were broadcast of attacks on travellers; attempts at destruction at plants and factories around the region and any captured terrorists all wore the same brown triangle on their faces.

These detainees were never around for very long as any that did not manage to kill themselves whilst in custody were quickly dropped off on a deserted island far into the Indian Ocean and left to fend for themselves.

There were rumours that many were sent there in remote controlled cargo hovers that mysteriously blew up before they reached their destination.

The satellite link that was used to jam Oceania's broadcast stations was found and disrupted. Rumours say that the link has been reversed and various propaganda movies of freedom, modern living and peaceful endeavour are broadcast continuously back to the source.

Someone once suggested to Sydney that they also send pornographic movies back there to show them what they can do with themselves and laughed hysterically. It was only recently that he finally got that joke.

It was also rumoured that the smiling face of the Messiah was being broadcast back with the caption "Worship me or Die!"

Sydney did not see how a skinny fella like him was going to make any difference.

Chapter 7 – Bonnie and Paul

Bonnie and Paul were frequent visitors to Sydney in the afternoons, both noisily telling him about happenings at school as each fished out discs from their bags that were recordings of his class lectures and homework assignments.

Paul wasn't in all the same classes as Sydney was and so Bonnie arranged for others to record his classes. Some of the teachers did it automatically and simply handed Paul or Bonnie a copy of the disc at one of the breaks during the day.

Sydney was grateful to them all and even more thankful that they cared enough about him to help him get through some of this difficult time.

Mrs Kendrick, the school principal, in conjunction with Kelsey Gilroy, arranged for the education of the young man to continue at a challenging pace. Pauline Kendrick was amazed at the enthusiasm of Kelsey Gilroy, the woman was the best mother that she ever got along with of any of her pupils and considering that Kelsey's only daughter was just attending prep school, her attention to Bonnie's and Sydney's schooling was amazing. They had already discussed Sydney's outstanding work in the previous years, Kelsey was the only person outside of the school and Sydney's parents who knew that Sydney had been the junior dux of the school.

The subject material that they included on the recordings for Bonnie and Paul were at levels far beyond what Paul, in the same year as Sydney, was learning. The two women were seeing if their pupil was ready to move on to university, where Pauline Kendrick believed he should have been at least a year ago.

For his part, Paul remained blissfully ignorant of the extra work that Sydney was doing, he hadn't noticed the differences in his lessons and the recordings he gave to Sydney. Paul already had Sydney opening the batting in the summer and even though he didn't play he was a keen follower of the game and often turned up to score for the team on weekend matches. He was very keen on statistics and constantly updated Sydney on his rivals in the team and declared that his friend would still be team captain based on the lack of brains these others have got.

Paul was a good friend and the discussions that Sydney had had with Mr and Mrs Gilroy assured him that he would be welcome to come and visit at home anytime. Home, it was a lovely word and Sydney was really looking forward to getting out of the hospital but that prospect was still at least a month or more away. It would almost be spring then and he would have missed most of the soccer season.

At that home Kelsey Gilroy was preparing for her boy, she referred to him as that now, lover, friend, whatever, she would always consider him her boy. She realised how deeply she loved him, not just as a woman but as someone who deeply cared about another person, ever since he had turned up at her home with his bloody nose and swollen eye.

The three friends would sit diligently doing home assignments and Sydney would review the notes that the teachers also handed out. Bonnie had secured a voice input interface from the school library to compensate for Sydney's limited typing ability and she would listen as he softly dictated his work to the computer above his bed, her eyes bright with mischief and gentle love. Paul would always smile at her as she did, teasing her later when they were out of Sydney's earshot with how she would actually have to go home and do her homework instead of playing with herself. Bonnie always made sure that Paul knew that she would be able to do both.

The physical interaction of the friends have been decided as better therapy for Sydney rather than just dumping the contents of the subjects to his computer terminal. Kelsey and Jo were aware of how much the younger people loved the young man and having a friend to talk with and a pretty girl to look at were definitely better than having the young man sit alone. Jo did encourage the young man to study other subjects that she found for him on the net, many based on strategic game play and war scenarios. Sydney got a good grounding in battlefield tactics, logistics and command protocols. The little node inside his head hummed in approval.

Sydney's sense of humour rose to the surface the first time Paul appeared after the shooting and guards had been stationed in and around the hospital. Keith Richardson was standing guard duty at Sydney's door, ostensibly to give him the opportunity chat to the likeable brown haired nurse that had playfully sat on his lap and hurriedly drew his hard cock into her wet confines in the evening after the president had presented them with medals. He liked Jo's healthy attitude to sex and though he knew it was never going to be a lasting relationship he was quite happy to see her when she could find the time.

Keith had popped his head around the doorway announcing, "An individual with a rather dubious background is coming to see you Sydney. Should I let him in?"

Sydney knew who it was when he heard Paul's voice say, "Come on Syd, tell this oaf to let me in! I'm your best mate."

Grinning he told the Sergeant that he was sure that he was of honest character but just in case he should search him first. Paul's indignant face and squeaks as the guard patted him down almost had Keith and Sydney in stitches and Paul told Sydney it served him right when he finally came up to the bed and his friend was holding his ribs in some discomfort.

Like most boys that were close friends, Paul and Sydney told each other everything, well almost everything, Sydney had not told him about Bonnie yet. Paul scolded Sydney often about not telling anyone about his father belting him and always stood guard at the locker rooms after games so that no one would come in while he was having a shower.

Unfortunately the two only saw each other at school or at matches; Sydney's parents never allowed him to come to their house, nor was Sydney allowed to go to his. Considering that they lived almost 20 kilometres apart it was not possible for them to sneak out.

The prospect of seeing him outside of school and the fact that he had turned up at the hospital was for both of them a new experience and they plotted various outings and parties that they would go to now that it seemed that Sydney would have a new freedom.

Sydney confided in Paul about his education with Jo and the young man enviously told him that it was about time he had his mind opened up, he also confided in Sydney some of the mischief that he and some of his girls had gotten into lately. Sydney found himself listening in half envy, half confusion as Paul told him of getting his first blow job from a shy girl that Sydney had never thought would think of such things let alone perform them at the back of the bushland behind Sydney's old home. Paul and the girl had made the secret tryst when Paul had told her that he was staying with Bonnie to be able to see Sydney at hospital while his parents were away.

Sydney's envy was at the easy way Paul interacted with and accepted the activity with the girl, the confusion was that his mind was trying to tell him that the girl was obviously a slut and would be going to hell. He knew the girl, she was a shy, very quiet girl, there was no way that such a lovely person was going to hell just because she had sucked his friend's cock. The warring factions in his head gave him a headache.

Sydney finally told Paul about kissing Bonnie, his friend told him that he was a very lucky man to have someone as sweet as her to look after him. Paul knew from the tearful conversations that he and Bonnie had late at night as they cuddled in Bonnie's bed that she wanted to do more than just kiss the boy, Paul was always sympathetic and simply held the little woman as she wept her frustrations, finally falling asleep against him.

Bonnie often wondered why he did not go further than cuddling her in bed, there were times when she would have acted out her wants with him but Paulie was always firm in his refusal to do anything more than the occasional soft kiss and pet her hair.

Her Aunt had told her that Paul was Sydney's best mate, he had stood with him through a lot of pain and Paul felt very guilty about not telling anyone what he knew. There was no way that he was going to add to that guilt by doing something that they would both later regret with the woman he knew his friend loved quite a lot.

Publicly Paul treated Bonnie and Kelsey with utmost respect, when he was alone with Sydney he made suggestive comments about their dress, the way the woman displayed their cleavage or the way their bottoms were clearly defined in the tight jeans or pant suits they wore. He watched Sydney's shy smiles and would give him a gently nudge and say, "You'll know how nice they are soon!"

Thelma, over peeping his dreams, would smile and thank the boy for his help in doing his little bit to help his friend grow.

Sydney would find that his best mate was often the subject of much banter and joshing with the staff and patients, a particularly hot encounter between an older woman, Julie, who had come to visit him from one of the rooms further up the wards and Paul left Sydney speechless. The pair had almost told each other that they were going to fuck each other right there in front of him!

Paul had been sincere in his compliments of the woman's body, he especially made a reference to her hair style that he told her would feel lovely in his hands. The woman was very flirtatious and the young man's good looks, honest, if somewhat innocent appraisal of her body in a gown and nightdress had made her glow. Before she had fully realised how young the boy was she had hotly kissed him and told him that when she got her stitches out he was quite welcome to come and visit her to feel just how nice it could be. The woman swished off with a flick of her hair leaving the young men breathless, the blonde one with a huge grin on his face.

Sydney, wide eyed as he watched the woman walk off, told Paul that he made him sick. Paul, aroused and very aware of the woman's kiss still on his lips replied, "Well someday she might want a strapping young buck rather than the cold old hands waiting at home."

Paul had raced home and masturbated furiously over the encounter for many days afterwards. Unfortunately the woman left, rushed away by her husband and children before she could see him again to give him her phone number and address.

Sergeant Richardson had been contacted by his supreme commander and finally given the clearance to stand his men down. A single guard would be the only thing needed to watch the boy from now on. He was now being posted to the Solomon's under the command of one of his father's old friends, James Lachlan. Making his way into see the boys in Sydney's room he said, "Right lads! Just called into tell you that I'm off babysitting duties and heading to the Solomon's to get that lot into shape."

The lads beamed at him and wished him the best of luck as he shook Sydney's hand vigorously and did the same to Paul. "Now, Sydney, you keep your wits about you and stay out of trouble, OK?" he admonished.

"Yes Sergeant!" Sydney had learnt to call him sergeant when he had come to see him one evening after the shooting and Sydney told him that he would salute except he couldn't move his arms.

He pointed to his shoulders and asked, "Are there any epaulettes up here son?"

"No, Sir!"

He then shook his head and said, "Didn't your fath...Didn't they teach you at school that only commissioned officers are saluted and called Sir?"

Sydney shook his head.

"Well now you know," he grinned, "it's plain old Sergeant or it's Sergeant Richardson." He then winked conspiratorially at the boy saying, "And if no one else is around you can call me Keith."

He turned to leave after promising he would send them some vids of the local girls who, he assured the boys, were very pretty.

Keith Richardson was not prepared for the question Sydney asked him when he called him back, "Sergeant Richardson, who ordered you to come and rescue me?"

"I can't tell you that, mate. Just a guardian angel."

"Was it Cue Ball?"

The Sergeant stopped, shock crossed his face then he quickly schooled his features to his normal happy smile, "Who told you that name?"

The boy shrugged, "I just heard it somewhere."

"Hmm. Well it is an interesting name, don't you think, but one I haven't heard of." His tone suggested otherwise but before Sydney could press any further Jo appeared at the door.

"I heard you were leaving, weren't you going to come and see me before you left?"

He grabbed her in a big bear hug and kissed her hard on the mouth. "Of course! I just wanted to say goodbye to the lads first," planting another kiss on her mouth.

Paul and Sydney had grins from ear to ear as Sergeant Richardson's rough handling of Nurse Jepson made her uniform ride up high on her thighs, Paul whistled and they both "whoo hoo'ed" as he spun her around.

"Put me down you big brute!" she exclaimed giggling.

Adjusting her uniform said to him, "Allow me to escort you to the door," and with a final wave he and Jo walked out with his arm around her waist.

The node in Sydney's head was startled, how could the brain know about Cue Ball? She furiously checked her connections that the nano-bots were very carefully repairing and seeing nothing amiss decided that he had only used the name her contact had used in the president's hover and ceased to worry about it. It was way too early for the boy to know of his other self yet.

Chapter 8 - Revelation and new friends

Kelsey Gilroy watched her child drawing pictures across the blank paper that she had carefully arranged across the table on the back veranda of their home. It was a fine, if somewhat cool morning, promising the start of spring to be not far away. Jenny's little face was scrunched up in concentration as her pencils made sweeping marks across the paper and as Kelsey watched in amazement the girl drew a large gum tree and carefully labelled it 'Syddy'. With childish accuracy she placed what looked like kangaroos, possums, birds and lizards in the branches and on the ground around the tree. "What is that Jenny?" she asked peering over the little girl's red curly haired head.

The little girl either didn't hear her, or was unable to tell her, but as she labelled the creatures with names, Mummy, Daddy, Bon Bon, Felma, Jenny and Paulie she noted that some did not have labels. She asked her daughter again what it was, the little girl looked shyly at her mother and said, "Yours and Syddy's family, Mummy." Kelsey couldn't stop the tears in her eyes as she hugged the little girl tightly to her.

In the computer system that ran most of the hospital's medical and administration facilities a piece of software hummed to itself. The program had been created hundreds of years ago as a helper program for the then struggling doctors and nurses that often found themselves with hospitals full of patients that suffered anything from deformed limbs, mutations of old diseases to the common complaints of influenza, pregnancy and accidents.

The intention of the original builders had been for the software to offer assistance, advice and to provide speedy diagnosis, for the overworked medical staff. Jealous junior doctors had perverted the design and turned it into an obnoxious, pedantic analysis tool that would pop up on monitors above patients' beds as an old wizened green faced man and make rude remarks about their illnesses. Telling startled patients that they were too fat, ugly, chronic masturbators and the like, it became a disruptive and negative program, a virus.
