Realms of Eden Book 03: Whirlwind


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Greg spoke up, "So what about this 1,00 years to do the disarming. How does that work?"

Sydney raised his hand. "Can I make a guess?"

Cue Ball nodded.

Sydney placed a salt shaker and a pepper mill off to the side of the line. "My guess is that the salt and pepper represent entities in the realms that can take the fork, which has full memory of things beyond our lifetimes, and place it anywhere along the timeline before I was born."

Cue Ball smiled. "Guess we are not as dumb as you look!" and ruffled the younger man's hair proudly.

"Who are the entities? Are they the same ones that sent me off on this crazy fucking quest in the first place?" asked Thelma.

"One is," answered Cue Ball, "but I can't tell you who the second and third ones are. You will just have to wait and see."

"OK now that that's settled on to more important things. Greg you need to get more of the underground city up and running as soon as you can. I know I know," he shushed the administrator's protests. "it is a big job, but you will get some help from some unexpected quarters. Especially from the exiles that everyone seems to have forgotten about at the moment. It is time we started bringing them home people!"

Thelma exhaled her breath. "Big job, it is fucking near impossible. There needs to be a whole administrator group, not just Greg! We need to connect power, water, sewerage and so much other stuff. Currently we have 15,000 people living down there but we barely take up a tenth of the city. To open up more, especially for another two to three hundred thousand people is going to be a fucking nightmare!"

Cue Ball placed a finger against her lips. "T please, your job for the moment is Project BF, get it put to bed. Martha, Greg and Robert will get the ball rolling. Sydney you have a series to play and jam it up the bloody Kiwis."

"Robert?" asked the group almost as one.

Cue Ball smiled at them all and said, "Annie and Sandy, Jesse and Bec as well as Lenore will all be valuable resources. Most of the Angels will come here as well, including the teachers. We don't put our dick into just anyone you know!" then he vanished.

Sydney started laughing, helplessly and it got worse as he looked around the group watching him. "I'm sorry," he said and just as suddenly as his laughter had started he began to sob.

Thelma reached out to the man totally confused by his reactions when just as suddenly Cue Ball reappeared. "Sydney, with me," and reaching out to the sobbing man they disappeared.

Chapter 4 - Future Instruction

Sydney felt a tingling throughout his body as Cue Ball had grabbed his shoulder. His sobs abruptly ceased as the faces of his companions, the room where they were sitting and everything else suddenly disappeared. "Close your eyes matey," came a voice and he did as he was bid.

There was a sensation of weightlessness and rapid movement followed by a soft thud as he felt his feet land on something that gave slightly as they apparently landed. "You can open them now," came the voice again.

Sydney's eyes opened and what he saw made him blink rapidly, not believing what they were showing him. "Nice isn't it," said Cue Ball as he walked into Sydney's field of vision temporarily blocking the view of clothed and naked people dancing, running, playing and resting on luscious green grass under a blue bright sky.

They stood side by side observing the activity happening all around them as Sydney noted that the man beside him was naked as well. His enjoyment of the scene reflected in the man's twinkling dark eyes. He looked down at himself and was not surprised that he was also minus the clothing that Thelma had given him a short time before.

"Where are we?" he asked turning to fully face the man and was disappointed when the man shook his head.

"I can't really explain it," and he held up a finger forestalling the protest that he knew was about to come from his younger self's lips.

"You will find it when you learn more and your powers come to fruition. But Sydney you are not going to get there if you don't stop with this guilt thing. Didn't Bel and Sandy teach you anything!" he finished a little exasperated.

Sydney thought he knew that Cue Ball was exaggerating but when the man looked at him again he saw that he was very concerned. "What?" asked Sydney. "We know that this is all going to happen so why are you so worried?"

"Because if you don't change your attitudes all of this won't happen," the man said softly.

"Sydney the future, your future, my present is not guaranteed. Things don't just happen and whammo there it is. You have to work at it. It isn't like that piece of string. Our lives just aren't lined out straight like that. Many, many things can change it, some of it for the better, some of it... Well let's just say that they can go very bad."

Looking at Sydney he knew that he didn't understand what he was talking about. Racking his brain he desperately searched for something to say or show the man what the consequences were of Sydney not believing him and taking on the lesson.

"Remember this," Cue Ball said as he waved his hands and the scene changed.

He was sitting in the kitchen of his home in Brisbane where Bonnie was struggling with her maths homework. Sydney smiled as he remembered how he had shown Bonnie different ways to look at the problems that eventually led to him being told that his high school days were finished. He watched as his image glanced at Bonnie's work tablet and simply pointed out some errors in her work then resumed its seat concentrating on something else.

The scene fast forwarded to an overhead image of the eastern coastline erupting into small mushroom shaped clouds. Vision of strange creatures roaming the countryside, their muzzles dripping with blood as tattooed men herded women and children in various states of undress towards brightly burning piles of timber. Moans and screams were heard and Sydney watched in horror as a woman was savagely used by two human-like shapes as another one of the creatures held onto a small form that cried, "Mummy!"

"What! That can't be true!" yelled Sydney as the scene faded and a softly glowing sky and rolling hills replaced the nightmare.

"If you didn't love Bonnie so much and wanting her to succeed showed her the maths equations, you wouldn't have got kicked from school. Consequently you wouldn't have been on the shuttles to catch the nuclear bombs," said Cue Ball.

"But I would have showed anyone those equations!" protested Sydney, "Not just Bonnie!"

"Did you show them to Paul?" Cue Ball asked. "You just walked him through them and showed him how they should work. You went all out for her."

Sydney shook his head still not understanding.

"You wanted to make her feel better. You wanted to make her feel special about herself. She needed and you fulfilled her need," the man continued. "I just don't understand how you cannot see the needs that they have now and not try to fulfil them again."

"I can't hurt them," Sydney said softly. "Thelma and last night was necessary. She --"

"Wanted to be fucked like a whore!" Cue Ball interrupted him. "If you had acceded to her request the first time she asked you would not have been so confused and upset last night when you first went there!"

The man glared at him and the scene changed again to where Sydney stood looking down at the blonde's wide spread thighs begging him to fuck her. This time the image of Sydney laughed wickedly, stripped and rammed deep into the woman using her to provide him with carnal delights as he thrust into her.

The two acrobatically fucked in every position they could manage with Thelma finally taking his cock hard and furiously up her arse until he screamed her name cumming deep within her. Afterwards the lovers lay talking softly planning for further exploration of this new experience with others.

A scene showing Sandy, Robert, Thelma and himself engaged in laughing eager play with Thelma's body impaled from either side as Sandy's juices dripped over her wiggling tongue.

"Bit nicer than the jealousy you put yourself through heading back to the motel wondering who was doing T isn't it?" Cue Ball remarked.

"Admit it you let Sandy take you in your motel room as a little bit of revenge."

Sydney hung his head. It was true, the feelings that he experienced leaving Thelma's home after hearing her moaning were jealousy, though he had tried to convince himself otherwise. He lifted his head. "How do you remember it Cue Ball?" he asked.

The scene froze to show Sandy's pussy dripping on Thelma's face. "She is one hell of a woman!" he grinned. "But now that it has happened differently, I have two sets of memories. The one I remembered will fade soon; it is only when I come into the realms that I can see the alternatives. That is what I meant about the string. As you live the string behind you is a single line. In front of you it is sometimes three or more lines diverging from where you are. It can be very hard for me sometimes Sydney, I am not guaranteed of anything. You are in control, it is your life and attitudes that make us who we are!" The man took a deep breath as he clasped a hand to the younger Sydney's shoulder.

"Sydney, we try not to make mistakes but sometimes shit happens. We do the best we can and then we move on. I try to come back to you when something really bad happens. The realms are a weird place at times though we have learned to make the best use of them we can. Keep in your mind though my friend, sometimes the strings run parallel and take sudden vicious curves. Choose carefully, keep trusting your gut not always what others tell you or what your heart says.

"Remember Dale and Hilda?" he asked softly.

Sydney nodded. "In my memory they killed Jo when they got bored of her. Seth was for a few years allowed to run rampant after he found another of our daughters. I didn't trust my instincts about them and allowed Harnesh and Balik to take total control of the bodies. I," the man's voice broke, "ignored the email that came from beyond the curtain as some sort of joke."

The pair contemplated the significance of the revelation. Sydney found himself nodding as he realised that the older man in front of him was extremely serious.

Cue Ball reached his hand out to Sydney again and the tingling returned as he closed his eyes before Cue Ball told him to. This time when he opened his eyes he immediately recognised where he was, having just been here several hours before. Except this time they were in the part of the underground city that was alive, there were people moving between the buildings, lights were on everywhere. Cue Ball and himself were dressed and the man gestured him to follow him down the footpath towards a nearby hotel.

Entering the bar Sydney heard a familiar voice call out a greeting, "Cue Ball, Sydney welcome gentlemen, beer?" Robert's muscular form waved them to take up a couple of bar stools as he turned grabbing cans from the fridges behind him.

"Go on ask him," said Cue Ball smiling as he picked up his can and drank a couple of swallows.

"Ask him what?" Sydney said as he looked between the smiling man behind the bar and the man setting his can back down on the bar top.

Cue Ball lifted his eyebrows as if to indicate that Sydney knew exactly what it was then strangely he did. "Robert do you remember last night?" he asked shyly.

The big man grinned and punched Cue Ball in the arm before he turned to Sydney with a wicked grin. "That Thelma sure knows how to have a good time! Well at least with a couple of willing boys to play with!"

Sydney found himself grinning helplessly at the memory. Robert reached out an arm and put it around him saying, "Annie and Sandy want some of that action too now man! Been badgering me ever since Thelma sent them that vid!"

Robert's face never changed as the two men disappeared in front of him. His smile was as broad as ever remembering the conversation with Cue Ball the day before when the man had dropped into his office to explain his plans.

Annie's hot hand patted against his bum as she came up behind him. "He doesn't know that he has fucked us senseless many times with you baby does he?" she asked softly.

"No honey, but I think he might be a bit more prepared when you finally pop the question the first time!"

"Oh Goody!" the woman giggled as she continued down the bar to serve a group of customers that had just entered in from the street.

"She made a vid!" Sydney exclaimed as Cue Ball returned them to the beach outside of Thelma's house that they were walking slowly back towards.

"She's watched it a thousand times too," the man beside him said. "It was the first time for her and it was with someone that loved her so much that he put aside his misgivings, his self-doubts and trusted his instincts."

Sydney nodded realising that it was true though he had not even thought about it much beyond helping Thelma live out a fantasy.

"It was not just a fantasy for T," said Cue Ball, "it reflects the woman she feels she is inside. A little bit wild and out of control. You have to remember that Thelma was a very conservative and driven woman before you came along. Now she feels that she can grow into something that is more in line with what she always thought she could be. Even when she was the corporate guru sitting at home in opulent loneliness. Despite her aborted attempts to run an army, she is not very good at trying to follow her dreams."

Cue Ball's intense stare at Sydney caused him to back pedal a little. "What?" he asked.

"You would have destroyed her if she had not given up her foolish and misguided leadership of the underground, wouldn't you?" Cue Ball asked.

"In a heartbeat, Cue Ball. The woman has gotten us killed before with her ridiculous delusions," Sydney said softly. He had no regrets about taking the woman away from her role.

"I could never have done it," the older man whispered. He shrugged before adding, "I took away the army but no matter what she did I could never have killed her. Yet I know now that I should have been prepared too. That is what I am talking about. You are the control, you are truly Enyalius."

Sydney stepped away from the man and stared out across the sea. "What about the women, Cue Ball? Why do I still feel as if I am living out someone's fantasy: a continuous stream of sex for some cosmic force to masturbate over?"

The man tapped his temple before he replied. "Now you need to grow up in here a bit more, matey. Nothing in the cosmos is capable of influencing the souls that gather around us. Belinda told you that yesterday. Believe it. Even Elam is going to find that his self imagined complete control of lives is an illusion.

"Let yourself be who you are but don't forget to let them be who they want to be with us either. They're not bed hopping sluts and never will be. Even when opportunity arises they will seek your tacit permission to sleep with someone else, though our girls don't do much sleeping when they get a new toy in their bed."

The big man laughed as Sydney nodded beside him. "Oh speaking of toys I would suggest that you find an adult shop while you are up here and find some presents for T and the rest of the women to keep them happy while you are on tour."

Sydney chuckled. "I am not sure, Cue Ball, that I could do that by myself."

The man looked at him. "Take Jesse and Bec with you," he said quite seriously.

Sydney promised that he would see them tonight and ask.

"Now mate, about why I took you away before you had a mental breakdown."

Sydney looked hard at his older self as he walked higher up the beach and found a dry sandy spot under a tree providing shade as it branched out over the sand from its perch in the solid ground beyond the dune. He sat and beckoning Sydney to sit beside him and stared out to the clear blue waters as the waves rolled quietly up the sand a few metres below them.

"There has only been one bit of direct interference in our life by the residents of the realms and that was in bringing about our birth," he stated firmly.

Sydney was disbelieving and opened his mouth saying, "What about Thelma, Jo and Kel they have all been pushed at me. You say that nothing interferes, can interfere, but in reality they have all been pushed towards me. I am not so sure that they would have so keen to take up with me if no-one made them!" His voice was hard and angry.

"Now you roll names off your tongue and tell me that we don't take people to bed for no reason. So you tell me if I should be sitting back thinking that I am such a hot blooded man that I attract all these people to me just because they want to jump my bones!" He stood up and walked away before Cue Ball could answer him.

A calm voice spoke in his head. "They all love you because of who you are dickhead, not because someone told them to or showed them what you are going to become. I already showed you what some alternatives timelines would be like if you kept suppressing your instincts. I just told you that nothing, and I mean that Sydney, nothing can control their souls.

"Have a good look inside Sydney and tell me if you really believe that Kelsey Gilroy would not have taken us to her bed at some time. She's loved us since we were twelve, long before Thelma started appearing in her dreams. In fact if you remember what Thelma told you she had to make Kelsey stop from jumping your bones before you were legal.

"Jo wanted your big balls in her hands long before her dreams were being subtly used to help her make up her mind to bed someone who was 20 years younger than her."

Cue Ball took a deep breath before he spoke again, softly and with a great deal of pain.

"Thelma was going to kill herself before Jebidiah showed her the despair that would engulf the world if the plans that he and others were trying to bring about with our birth never came to fruition."

The man walking away from him stopped dead in his tracks.

"Her loneliness and sense of worthlessness had driven her to stand on the top of her corporate headquarters ready to jump. She was given visions and a purpose to her life. Suddenly she wanted to live even if it was just to prove to herself that she hadn't lost her mind. Now she's growing and has someone to love her as deeply as she loves him."

Sydney turned back towards the man and shouted, "What about Lenore? You can't tell me that she hasn't been influenced by someone else and her grandmother coming back from beyond to talk to me."

Sydney turned back to head back down the beach and a fist rocked his head back sending him to the sand spluttering and shaking.

"You fucking wimp!" screamed Cue Ball standing over him. "Do you think that Bel used that much energy just to convince her granddaughter to let you between her legs for a bit of fun! She wanted her to be close to you so that she would be part of you and your world! Belinda is the most caring, wonderful human being you will ever meet in your entire miserable life. When you remember properly you will discover that Bel was our first! Ever!

"She has loved us for so long that she has kept herself in the realms far longer than she should have. Only stepping out in the past 5,000 years to give you the help that you needed to get rid of this stupidity in our heads about being unworthy and so fucking scared of ourselves and our emotions!

"Lenore saw the love letters her grandmother wrote! Hell she gave you a copy of one of them to read, the descriptions of the man that she was willing to forsake everything for. When you showed up, sat at her tables and had breakfast with her grandmother's ghost she suddenly knew who she was writing about. She loved her grandmother dearly and misses her so badly.

"To suddenly see her for a little time being so happy with the man that she loved, her heart overruled her head. Lenore wanted you for her grandmother! When you were so attentive to her she followed through with her feelings. Why you thought that she would jump into bed with you at the back of her shop as if she was some cock crazed slut is beyond me! You make sure you apologise to her when you see her tomorrow!"
