Realms of Eden: Book 5: Hyak Anali


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The room erupted into cheers and soon the happy group made its way down to the players' bar to mingle with the Islander team. Big George congratulated Simon on his knock and whistled appreciatively at the glowing woman towering over him as she smiled with delight at his wicked grin and playful jab at Simon commenting that he won more than the respect of the opposition.

Sydney sat watching the room, his mind was a million miles away. More correctly a million years away, as he searched his memory for a time he could compare to the happy feelings that pervaded the room. It had been so long since he had felt that there was a kind of peaceful loving in such a large group, combatants on the field of play, but here they were all of one family, one mind.

Kelsey and Thelma sat with Robert, Sandy, Annie and Jason watching him. "Why is he grinning like an idiot?" asked Annie.

"Because he is this side of the line," said Robert. Kelsey, Thelma and Jason nodded in agreement.

Sydney found Suzy O'Dowd waiting for him in his bed after he had arrived back at his room as Ian Creighton had called time at 9:00 pm. He was at first confused, he had expected Kelsey to be waiting for him as she had told him she would see him later when the group split up after dinner.

"I am Mum tonight," was the woman's simple explanation as he slid, naked, in between the sheets the equally as naked woman held open for him. She snuggled him into her breasts and stroked his hair as he fell asleep very quickly.

As the sun peeped over the horizon Sydney sucked the large nipple that he found next to his mouth as he awoke and was very happy at the soft moan that his teeth caused as he bit softly. "Can I play now Mummy?" he asked in a soft boyish voice as he slowly kissed down the flat stomach of the half-awake woman in his bed.

Sydney felt strong, alive and as he slid his hard, thick cock into Suzy's well ready pussy she smothered him with kisses. She licked her juices from his face from when he suckled her clit and chewed her meaty pussy flaps causing her to clasp his face tightly between her thighs. Her body responded in ways that she hadn't realised that she had missed with the man above her staring into her wide open eyes as she grunted and panted through a series of minor orgasms. "I love you, Sydney," she whispered and she saw his love for her reflected back in his intense dark-blue eyes.

As he wriggled and thrust against her she felt it building in her, all the guilt, the worry, the grief gathering within her and in one explosive scream she let it out. Clamping her pelvic muscles hard on his rigid cock allowing her fluids to rush around it and splash against his heavy balls as he held himself deep within her, hugging her tightly. Suzy screamed again as he slowly withdrew and plunged into her again and again. Desperately she clawed at him, "Please Sydney come with me, make me feel it!" she gasped.

The man moaned into her mouth and let his seed erupt into her wet channel, the spurts against her sensitive walls enhancing her final explosion. They rolled together onto their sides facing each other. "I was supposed to just comfort you," she whispered, "I guess I didn't know how much comforting I needed as well." Her tears flowed as Sydney held her tightly, safe and secure against his chest.

When the tall amazon and Sydney emerged from the pool, Lima, who had been watching the pair, ran towards the big woman. To the delight of her husband Aniki, who was drying himself after his early morning dip, welcomed the smiling woman and shyly reached up to rub her nose. Suzy found the experience quite sexual and gently rubbed back, her nipples, already crinkled from the coolish water, hardened to points in her bikini top. "You come with me and stay tonight, yes?" asked the motel manager. Suzy softly exhaled against the woman's face and nodded.

Aniki and Sydney smiled at each other and with a jerk of his head indicated to Sydney to follow him back up to the dining room for breakfast. "Lima will keep Suzy busy all day I think, I hope she likes to cook."

"She is the chef on our boat, Ani, I hope you have a big bed at home." He grinned as the man responded that he had the biggest damned bed on the whole island.

Arriving at the grounds Sydney got the general feeling that something had to happen today or the battle on the field would fail to capture the hearts of the big crowd making their way through the gates. He saw Ian and Peter Bond chatting together and raised his eyebrows in question as they beckoned him over. "Sydney we think there needs to be some fireworks today, else people are going to be bored witless. I know that it was a good scoring day yesterday, but there is no spark here," said Ian.

"Got that feeling as I was coming into the grounds," replied Sydney. "Maybe a whirlwind should come through followed by the little typhoon?"

Jason Williams grinned as he heard the nickname that Jerome Adeane had given him in the last couple of matches on the New Zealand tour. Sydney beckoned him over to the group. "What do you reckon Jason? Shall we liven things up this morning and after lunch and see what happens?"

"Might as well," grumped Kelsey as she joined the discussion. "Otherwise this is going to be a boring draw."

The unexpected assault by Sydney on the Islander bowlers left Simon fuming! "You could have told me we were going to go for it Whirlwind!" he complained as the man brought up his 300 with a smash over long on off Brendan Stewart's fourth ball of the first over. The little spinner had watched two of his last three deliveries be similarly despatched.

Sydney grinned. "Just hold up your end matey," he suggested, "and watch the winds blow!"

For the crowd it was a huge surprise and they happily cheered and sang as the ball suddenly seemed to be ending up amongst them more times than it was on the field. Sydney reached his 350 just after the first drinks break but in trying to smash Aniki back over his head for the third time in a row fell a few metres short and Brendan yelled in delight as he held the catch.

An hour later the Islanders were extremely concerned as the new batsman, Jason Williams just carried on in the same vein and they had passed the Islander's score with only one wicket down. After lunch Simon joined in on the act and Peter Bond called a halt when they had established a lead of 120 with Simon reaching his 200, with a single, in the same over that Jason Williams crashed a third successive six to bring up his hundred.

The drums and whistles of the happy crowd were going full tilt when the Australians resumed the field and the noise was deafening. The Islander openers were a little fearful of the noise, never having experienced such a vocal crowd on day four of a test match. George said to his opening partner on their way to the centre, "Never had a crowd like this on a first day!"

Whether it was nerves or just the fact that a spin bowler had the new ball in his hand instead of the fearsome pace of the Caveman or Gareth Peterson, but Lou Johnson claimed Glen Shields for a first ball duck. When Samuel Alahei tried to flog Lou's last ball back over the fence and was easily claimed by Dean Paulsen in the deep, big George Rahnti knew that the game had well and truly swung back to the opposition and steadfastly he decided to do something about it.

When he took centre from the umpire and looked up to see Sydney Whirlwind Douglas pass his cap to the umpire he couldn't believe his eyes. Nor could the crowd, many knew that Whirlwind had only ever bowled three balls in his entire life in a fixture. One had barely made the stumps. They hummed in anticipation of the slaughter that their captain was going to hand out.

Sydney grinned at the big batsman at the other end and off his three step run up he bowled the ball up and laughed delightedly as George over swung at the ball trying to despatch it into the ocean on the eastern side of the ground and missed it. The rattle of the stumps behind the batsman caused him to curse as he tucked his bat under his armpit and walked off the field.

The crowd was quietly contemplating this change in events, the home side was now three down for four runs and they knew that the rest of the batting line up was very brittle after their top three batsmen were gone. Whirlwind's remaining five balls were played cautiously by the new batsman, Pedro Taylor, though a couple of times his eyes lit up as Sydney pushed the ball up and at middle stump.

He should have gone for it, thought Sydney, because he is not going to get another chance at me.

Lou Johnson continued at the other end, his spinning deliveries wickedly bouncing past probing bats and smacking into Murray's gloves. Sydney stood tense at first slip waiting for the edge that was surely going to come soon. Peter Bond, however, was the recipient of the catch as the frustrated batsman tried to cut a ball he was sure was going to spin away from him, but found it hiss back at him from the pitch and being committed to the stroke could do nothing but watch it dolly to the gully fieldsman.

The crowd began to chant, "Whirlwind! Whirlwind!" at the end of Lou's over and Peter threw him the ball as the crowd cheered mightily. He pretended to remove his cap in preparation to bowl but instead stood and chatted to Barry 'Caveman' Crawford before passing him the ball and running to his position at first slip.

Barry's first ball almost took the batsman's head off as he expressed his displeasure at not being given the new ball first up. The shaky batsman played all around the next delivery that just missed his stumps and when the next ball came in short he was almost on the ground before it whistled overhead. Sydney was not surprised that the next ball flew from the man's tentatively pushed out bat and found the edge and into his waiting hands.

They stood in a circle off the side of the pitch and Barry Crawford grinned as Sydney patted his back. Gareth Peterson was beside himself in anger. "You two," and he pointed at Sydney and Peter Bond, "better have a good explanation for all of this tonight!" he growled. "At this rate I won't even get to bowl!"

At the end of the day the Islanders were 7 down for 124, as their wicket keeper, Clarry van Spink and surprisingly, Aniki Trewalli, mounted a rear-guard action that thwarted all of the bowlers for the last hour of the day.

Gareth Peterson and Barry Crawford lifted their beers up to the sky and toasted the tactics of mistake that Peter, Ian and Sydney outlined to them. As Sydney explained to the Australian team members in the closed off dressing room, everyone else had been excluded except for Ian Creighton, "It was a case of doing something that nobody expected. Me bowling to big George for example."

"His eyes were as big as doughnuts!" exclaimed Barry. "He was going to belt that first piece of crap you bowled out into the Pacific Ocean."

"And swung at it like an opening batsman expecting something a bit quicker than my pace," laughed Sydney.

"You, Mr Douglas," came Dean Paulsen's voice, "are a wicked, devious, big bastard! Thank goodness you are on our side!"

A heartfelt cheer swept the room and laughingly they toasted the blushing batsman. "But we won't be able to do it again," said Ian as the room quietened. "We shall have to devise a few other surprises for the rest of the tour."

"I am sure that a few of you are as devious as me," smiled Sydney. "We will think of something else when we need it."

The players grinned and Sydney, Ian and Peter noted that a few twinkles were in the eyes around them and nodded in delight. Whirlwind is rubbing off on all of them, thought Peter, might be time for this old warhorse to pass over the reins.

"Not yet matey," said Sydney giving his captain a soft punch on the shoulder, "After Fiji."

Peter was startled by his vice-captain's remarks and a quick glance at Ian confirmed that he had also heard the man's comment and gave him a small shrug and a nod.

That night Sydney was accompanied by Ronnie Kelleher to his room and he protested that Ian would not be happy at her sharing his bed. The diminutive woman shushed him with her fingers, "Ian knows I am here and besides, he shares Kelsey's worries, as we all do. If he was so inclined I am sure that he would be here with you instead of me. Now quit fussing and get undressed."

Ronnie it seemed, was not content to just hold him and sooth his mind with her soft words and gently stroking fingers. Her soft caresses of his manhood and warm breasts against his side as she kissed his chest gained his undivided attention. Slowly and easily she sat upon his swollen member, allowing her soft buttocks to enclose around him as she guided him into her tight back passage.

In the soft lighting of the room she allowed him to watch her love him, telling him how much she had wanted to have him in her 30/40 hole. With a soft giggle that turned into a hiss of pleasure as Sydney's fingers gently rubbed her clit. They came together, a quiet release of their emotions as Ronnie rapidly rode him then fell forward letting his seed coat her cheeks and in between as she called out softly as she came.

They lay like that for a couple of hours until Ronnie woke him as she softly cleaned him with a warm cloth she had brought back after her shower. She snuggled against the big man and drifted to sleep as he stroked her hair and murmured that he loved her too.

Ronnie Kelleher cried in her sleep. Sydney at first did not know what the noise was, but listening quietly in the dark hours before dawn he heard her little whimpers and sniffles. Fearing she was awake he turned gently towards her but her eyes were closed and he could see the rapid movements of them under her lids indicating deep sleep. He over peeped her dreams and saw her reliving the battles of the wolverines, the deadly sharks and finally the massive worms that chased her in her dreams.

He entered them, appearing as the shining knight slaying her demons and rescuing her, carrying her aloft on his bright red coloured steed. Laying her down in the dream realm, he made love to her passionately and tenderly, he made her laugh with his silly antics and boyish compliments about her breasts and tight pussy.

She giggled as he sat her on his cock whilst on his horse and galloped across the plains jiggling her delightfully upon him. The horse played with his passengers by jumping unseen obstacles, causing sudden thrusts of his rider's weapon deep into his passenger as they rode across the landscape.

As her body calmed, her fears forgotten she awoke to find herself alone and she smiled at the wonderful gift the man had given of himself to her. No longer did the nightmare images of the monsters they had encountered cause her to cringe and whimper, her worry over the man, she had come to love most dearly, being taken by them, gone.

Sydney's swim in the pool, alone, had not gone unnoticed by Lima and she was worried that the man had been left alone as she dallied with the beautiful woman she had taken to bed with her last night. Suzy had proven to be a delightful lover with an appetite more than matching hers and Aniki's, though it was Lima and not Suzy who was first awake this morning and bustling around ready for work.

She watched the dark haired man emerge from the pool and she held his big fluffy towel for him and helped dry him off in the morning sun. The numbers of spectators were fewer this morning, no doubt, she thought to herself, because he did not have a beautiful companion with him. "Did you sleep alone, warrior?" she asked.

His grin removed that worry and with a gentle nod of his head indicated the soft features of an older woman, elegantly dressed in a floral shirt and white skirt that walked slowly towards them. Lima hugged the man to her tightly, "Warrior you are a true man."

He was puzzled at her statement but with her quick look she sent a message to his mind, "Age nor position does affect your love. Ronnie needed you as much as you needed her, the same as you did for Suzy. Which one have you left behind, my warrior?"

He sent back to her, "There are too many Lima, I do not know where to start."

She patted his bottom as the woman stood beside them and kissed Sydney softly. "Thank you," she whispered, "I have not slept so well in months."

"I think Sydney that you are going to have to start bringing them home one at a time. They all have fears to be banished and need to feel loved by you," Lima mind messaged him as he walked Ronnie back to the motel and up to the dining room for breakfast. He nodded his head and waved his fingers to her in acknowledgement.

Chapter 3 - Final test

There was little for the team to do as they watched the rain tumble down from the sky in a drenching, continuous torrent. George Rahnti shrugged his shoulders as he played cards with Dean, Peter and Tim Robbins. "Rains come, rains go. Not much we can do about them."

Sydney sat reading a novel, Jason was talking softly with Sandy and Robert, Kelsey lay with her head on Sydney's shoulder watching him read. "Want to play?" she asked softly.

"Would love to my lover, shall we go?"

They walked hand in hand towards the exits, telling the team around them that they would return if the game looked like getting back underway in the afternoon. Ian just waved, grinning at the young couple as he sought out his own amusement that he suddenly found was standing in front of him dressed prettily in floral and white.

Sydney and Kelsey walked slowly in the warm rain, the water drenching them. Giggling softly Kel indicated her top and nudged the big man as his eyes noted the firm breasts beneath it very visible as the rain soaked her clothing. A purple light surrounded them and they found themselves back on board the Majestic naked with Bonnie and Jennifer lying spread legged and pouting on their big bed in their stateroom. "We want to play too," whimpered Bonnie her brown eyes half closed as she slid a finger slowly over her clit.

Jennifer watched her mother's face intently, "Mummy," she spoke softly, "I need someone to hold me."

Sydney suddenly saw the little red curls in his mind's eye and wickedly he let his eyes rove over the goddess in front of his wife and said, "I think someone needs a breast to suckle." Kelsey slid into the bed between the two cousins and wrapped her daughter to her chest holding her breast for Jennifer's searching mouth. Contentedly she sighed and allowed the grown up girl to suckle.

Bonnie eyed her cousin and softly leaned into Kelsey's other side capturing the other nipple and as Kelsey cuddled her as well Sydney saw the want in Kelsey's mind for them to be real babies being nourished from her milk filled breasts. "Soon my love," he crooned into her mind, "let us build the haven we need first then you can fill your arms with as many of them as you want." The beautiful woman being nursed upon nodded and began softly singing a lullaby to the two faces that watched her lovingly as they suckled at her nipples.

Strangely the pair at her sides sighed contentedly and after suckling for a few more moments drifted off to sleep wrapped up in their mother's arms. Kelsey herself slowly closed her eyes as well as Sydney quietly exited the room in search of Martha.

He found her as he suspected she would be. In her room crying, a series of photographs crossing the large monitor on the wall of Lucy. The little Tongan had lost more than a team mate, she had lost a kindred spirit and from what Sydney knew, one that loved her as much as she loved her twin, Lissa. Sydney pushed thoughts of the big twin from his mind, she was next on his list of women to comfort, but for now he needed to get the little woman back to herself.

"Martha can I talk to you?" he asked softly.
