Realms of Eden: Book 5: Hyak Anali


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Now they were ready to play the first of three tests against the team ranked number one in the test arena and number two in the one day format of the game after the efforts of New Zealand and Australia in their recent tours. The Australian team was very fit. Gareth and Murray looked fit and healthy, with Murray forcing his way back into the test team in front of the equally as fit Cliff Wilson who was told that they would rotate through the gruelling series of games.

Sydney had made sure to meet the Solomon Island's team, inviting them to a mixed team function, with their management and partners out to the Majestic. The invitation was received in good spirits and the teams met, ate, drank and laughed together. The women on both teams and the entourage on Majestic got on together famously.

Dean Paulsen, Brian Smith and Tim Robbins now all had steady girlfriends and the attractive women swamped Kelsey with their hugs and kisses thanking her for giving them such courteous and attentive men.

Kelsey had no idea what they were talking about and it was Jason Williams that clued her in as he sat with her, Sydney and Sandy late in the night after the teams had retired back to the rooms on board or took the short trip back to the island.

"Kelsey, surely you knew that every member of the team fantasised about you and Sandy on the first New Zealand tour?" he began.

"Yes I knew that, but no-one acted out or made a play for me."

"Tim, Brian and Dean pulled themselves senseless over you. After Randy had given me my reward," he grinned as the dark skinned woman blushed beside him and snuggled closer in to his side. "They suspected that it was you that was making me smile all the time."

Kelsey giggled as she remembered the way that Jason's face simply lit up the whole of the team with his schoolboy grin and shy smiles as he was kidded by the others about getting lucky. "But I didn't! Randy Sandy did and more than once as I recall!" the woman spluttered as she rested against Sydney's chest. She could feel his rumbling laughter as she spoke.

"Nevertheless Kelsey, they thought it was you and I guess that because I was shy and didn't brag about it, which I have never done Sandy," he said to the woman beside him.

"I know you haven't, but I have!" the woman giggled back at him, then gave Kelsey a wicked grin.

Jason's face flushed and Sydney chuckled louder. "Kelsey you brought this boy up correctly didn't you and you only had to embarrass him once," he said giving the woman in his arms a kiss behind her ear.

"No, no! That wasn't what I meant!" protested Jason. "It was because they thought that I got into your bed because I was a quiet and respectful lad that didn't go hitting on every girl he saw. They decided that if they acted more like gentlemen and less like lechers that they would find someone as nice as you two."

He looked at the two women grinning foolishly. "I guess it worked because Tracey, Robin and Kathy are wonderful ladies and they have been good to the three of them," he finished.

"What about you Jason? Have you found someone as well?" asked Sandy quietly.

"Not yet, but then again I haven't really been looking either," the young man admitted averting his eyes from the pair. Sydney and Kelsey could read him without the need to look into his mind. Sandy saw it too and she stood holding out her hand to the young lad.

"Come with me Jason," she whispered softly. He looked at her hand and shook his head.

"No Sandy you will only make it worse. I know that you can never be mine, but one day I will find someone as well. Don't pity me and take me to your bed just because I am a lovesick pup," he said softly his eyes shining brightly in the dim light with his unshed tears.

Sandy knelt before him her eyes blazing into his as she held his chin forcing him to look at her. "Look into my eyes Jason!" she hissed vehemently. "You are not the only one who is a lovesick pup," her whisper was so quiet that Sydney and Kelsey barely heard her.

Sydney scanned her mind, it was true! Not only that, Robert knew and had given her his blessing to continue her relationship with the young man. "Jason, Sandy we will see you tomorrow," said Sydney as he lifted Kelsey up with him and as she giggled in his arms he carried her down the stairs to their bed.

Jason had been bright eyed and bushy tailed ever since as over the next few days at training the dark skinned woman was his constant companion. The athletic female resumed her running battles with not only Kelsey, but Bonnie, Jo, Penny and Xavier who proved to be serious competitors, not only as attractive running mates but also in their speed around the field.

Casey Yowyeh had arrived at their first running session and the big black athlete joshed Robert and Sydney as they followed the scantily clad women around the field along with the entire Australian and Islander squads.

The training, the media and the squads mingled into one continuous party, as the whole country seemed to take on the "We Promise" message and act it out every day. Nothing seemed to be too much trouble for the islanders and Sydney found his heart lifted after the past battles, the world was definitely getting to be a better place.

Five days of cricket battle was just the thing for Sydney and his captain. "This," Peter told him as they walked out onto the field, in their creams, "is what cricket is all about."

Sydney had to agree and even though his team did not have a good first day he was exhilarated by the light hearted banter of the Islander boys after the game as they relaxed with a couple of beers in the player's bar under the grandstands. Solomon Islands were 1 for 309 at the end of the first day.

By lunch on the second day Sydney was beginning to believe that he would never see his bat again as big George Rahnti brought up his double century and his partner in crime, Samuel Alahei smashed everyone around the grounds to bring up firstly his century and then just before lunch his 150. The islanders were 1 for 430.

During the lunchtime break, as the Australians sat pondering their fate, Xavier walked into the quiet team room. Her short skirt replaced with very short pants and as she walked her way around the room giving little whispers to each of the men around the room Sydney saw their spirits lift a little.

He wondered what she was telling them and reached his mind out to listen. "For every hundred these buggers score, the longer our skirts are going to get. For every wicket you take our running shorts will get shorter. If you get them all out we will run naked and slowly, for you. Imagine that!" Then she would turn slowly letting the man see her long legs before she moved to the next one.

He stood and said to the crowd of smiling faces as Xavier reached him and clasped his hand. "There are another ten of her on the boat that might be in that as well. Let's go and see if we can't get a few more wickets out here before they end up running around in skirts to their ankles!"

First ball after lunch Jason Williams got the ball to spin viciously past the edge of big George's advancing bat into Murray's gloves and he whipped the bails off in a flash. The umpire didn't even call for the cameras. It was the start of an improved performance and even though the Australians didn't take all the wickets, the Islander's declared at 9 for 503, there were plenty of smiles.

Kelsey, Sandy and Xavier stood in the dressing room and displayed their bottoms clad in minuscule bikinis as Simon and Sydney padded up to face the awkward little half hour period that was left of the day.

"Kelsey, new country?" asked Jason.

"New pair!" she answered skimming the minuscule bikini bottom down her legs and passing them to him to capture in the little plastic zip lock that he then pressed into Sydney's trouser pocket.

"You too Jason!" squealed Sandy as she slipped her own pair down and handed them to him in front of the stunned players.

She poked her tongue at them all. "See boys you all guessed wrong!" Her happy giggle and the kiss she planted on the stunned boy's face had them all cheering as someone passed him a zip lock bag from his kit bag.

"So who wants mine?" pouted Xavier as she lifted her Whirlwind T-shirt to reveal the tiniest pair of silver bikini briefs. Simon gulped as she saw him staring intently at him. She crooked her finger at him.

The young man, red faced, stood in front of her. "If you take them off they're yours Simon. I promise we won't tell Mandy if you don't," and she glared around the men watching. They nodded solemnly.

He bent slowly and skinned them down as she daintily lifted her feet leaving her T-shirt up for the watching team around her.

Simon grinned. "Thank you Xavier, I hope they bring me batting luck as well!" Her girlish giggle as she dropped her T-shirt to cover herself was answered by sighs from the love struck men around her.

Kelsey coughed into the silence. "As Sydney said, there are ten more like us on the boat I am sure that there are a few that will donate lucky charms if you want." The men chuckled and then outright laughed as a very fit and trim Dr Gwen Lock beckoned Murray King to her side.

"Do you want mine now or when you go out to bat?" she asked him, smilingly lifting her skirt to show the small white knickers that had a crown embroidered on their front.

"Looks like you already own them Murray!" called Peter. "A crown for a king no doubt," as he eyed the wickedly smiling doctor.

"Thank you Dr King I will take them now if you are game!" said Murray reaching for her.

"What!" exclaimed Barry 'Caveman' Crawford, "I thought I was the only one that got married on the last tour!"

Murray spoke from where he sat at his wife's feet retrieving her gift. "Everyone, meet my wife, Dr Gwen King!" He kissed her soft curls as he stood and watched her blush profusely as she let her skirt fall.

Robert roared with laughter as he heard the story at the end of the day. When he encountered the doctor and Murray in the bar heartily congratulated them both telling the onlookers that he had seen Murray patting Gwen on the bum from day one and thought there is always someone for everyone.

Simon and Sydney had argued on their way out to the pitch. They now sat together at the bar toasting each other on surviving the barrage of bouncers and aggressive bowling they had faced. Both sporting bruises on their hips and chests where Aniki Trewalli and Abraham Jefferson had managed to get through their defences.

Wendy confronted the pair. "What were you two arguing about on the way out to bat today?"

The people around them paused to listen as Sydney cried, "This bastard wouldn't let me face! He insisted that this was test cricket and he should face the first ball now!"

"It is my privilege as the senior batsman to decide if I face or not, young Sydney!" retorted Simon his face sporting a huge smile.

"Is that right skipper?" Sydney asked of Peter Bond who was standing close by.

"Yes mate. You are still the junior here. Simon is on his fourth tour and has seniority." His eyes twinkled as he met Wendy's eyes that glowed at Sydney's childishness.

"So how did you resolve it?" asked Barry Crawford.

"I pointed to the scoreboard and asked him whose name had the number one against it," replied Simon.

"So that was what the bat waving was all about it, I thought you were going to hit him with it," giggled Xavier as she sidled in beside Simon and ran her fingers over his collar.

The two men chuckled helplessly and Sydney asked, "Another drink old fella?"

"Yes please youngster. Scotch and coke if you don't mind. Seeing as how I won the other bet, I believe it is your shout for the rest of the night as well," he replied his face a comic mask as his grin broadened across his face.

"Bet? Bet?" asked Sandy, "I love making bets. What did you bet on Sydney?"

"Who would have the most runs on the board at the end of the night!" chortled the triumphant Simon as he accepted his drink from the smiling Sydney.

Australia had finished at none for twelve, with Simon not out 7.

Chapter 2 - Whirlwind makes a stand

As Kelsey left the motel ready to go back to the Majestic with Xavier, Jo and Bonnie, Sydney kissed her passionately and asked her to stay with him for the night. She shook her head slowly. "No lover, you have a big day tomorrow, you actually need to rest. This is not one day cricket. I expect to see you bat all day. None of the girls are staying, just to make sure you have a good sleep."

She noticed his fallen expression and his eyes took on a distinctly lost look and her heart reached out to him. They had decided that he would not tell anyone he had married her, swearing Robert, Annie and Sandy to secrecy over the wedding, now she wondered if he was having the same crisis of mind and heart that afflicted him at Hyak Anali. A young woman at the bar had been making hot eyes at him most of the evening and he had effectively ignored her, the woman had left with her friends quite upset.

"Sydney, what is wrong lover?" she asked breaking from his hot kiss that he seemed to try and convey all of his love into. A kiss that at any other time would have had her naked and writhing beneath him as soon as she could find a place to lie down or bend over.

"I'm scared, I think, Kel," was his honest reply.

Nodding against his chest she realised what he needed, a Mum. She ruffled his hair, flicking the lock from his fringe and grinned into his forlorn face. "Want Mummy to hold you till you go to sleep?"

His hesitant nod filled her heart with love and she walked with him back to his room after wishing the other women a safe trip. Sydney slept peacefully in their bed his head nestled into Kelsey's breast as she rubbed her fingers through his hair and over his neck. Kelsey lay beside him, awake, her mind reviewing the situation and she smiled as she made plans for her little boy for the next few nights.

The next day dawned fine with the hint of it being a stinking hot dry day.

As Kelsey and Sydney swam in the motel's pool they were conscious of a number of motel guests watching them, as well as the members of the team. When they had finished their twenty laps and emerged from the water one of the big Polynesian girls, who had been standing at the end of the pool waiting, presented each of with a small basket of flowers. The petals, pink and white, eliciting the marvellous smell of roses in full bloom.

"Good luck today Whirlwind," the woman smiled as she presented the basket to Sydney and leaning forward rubbed her nose against his. He rubbed back gently and was happy that he had obviously done it right as the big woman's smile threatened to split her face.

"Thank you, Lima," said Sydney, "I think I may need some against your husband's bowling today!"

The woman cackled, "Ani only fierce on the field, warrior. Soft as a kitten off it." She smiled as she went back into the motel to resume her organising of the other 200 guests in her motel.

"Bloody hell Whirlwind," said Peter Bond, "how come you didn't ask her out for dinner?"

"She's married," came Kelsey's reply, her voice was cool and carried a hint of admonishment to the entire team as she raised her voice a little to ensure that they all heard. Whirlwind may be a tom cat, she thought, but he is one with morals. The sooner these boys understand that the better.

The partners' area at the front of the visiting teams' rooms was packed as the entire crew of the Majestic sat wearing Whirlwind T-shirts and hats, waving and clapping along with the songs and announcements over the ground speakers. Sydney gave them all a wave as he and Simon headed back out to the middle to commence day three.

Sydney looked down the wicket after taking guard on middle and leg to see Aniki shining the ball vigorously against his groin and gave the man a smile that the big bowler didn't return. He watched the man sprint in and fling the ball in short outside off stump, then leant towards his back foot and cut it powerfully over the top of point and down to the boundary.

As the bowler continued his run through giving Sydney a fierce glare, Sydney spoke, "Lima wished me luck today, Ani."

The battle between Aniki Trewalli and Whirlwind continued, on and off, throughout the rest of the day. Sydney delighted in calling the man Ani every time he drove, hooked or cut the ball to the boundary. The runs he scored didn't matter to Sydney as he realised that it was a battle between himself and the eleven other players on the field.

Simon Hunter chastised him several times in the morning session for being too cheeky with the big bowlers and pointed to a dint in his helmet where he had worn a well-directed bouncer. "You are getting them too fired up at me you big bastard, cut it out!" Sydney just smiled and suggested that he learn to duck.

At the lunch break Simon Hunter yelled at him in the dressing room in front of everyone. "I don't know what the fuck you are doing out there Douglas, but if you don't stop it I am going to fucking punch you out!"

Peter Bond began to walk over to the shorter man but was stopped by Robert, who stood beside him and whispered, "Do you think Simon would still be out there if he wasn't so stirred up?" Peter Bond shook his head suddenly understanding Sydney's tactics.

The lunch to tea session was a continuation. Bowler after bowler used by George Rahnti, the Islander captain, found themselves being chatted to and smiled at by the big dark haired batsman as he played elegant shots, interspersed with effective defence and brutal blows that sent the ball to all corners of the ground.

The stubborn little batsman at the other end kept up a barrage of abuse at his partner and it appeared as if he played his heart out just to ensure that he could stay out there and continue to harass the big man.

At the end of the day George and Aniki put their arms around Sydney and held him on the field. "You fucking bastard Whirlwind!" cried George, "You played twelve men out here today and he still doesn't realise it!" They watched Simon, still muttering, walk off the field holding his bat aloft, 127 not out.

"Sorry George, Aniki but I don't know what you mean," grinned Sydney and Aniki gave him a playful jab in the ribs as he laughed with his skipper at Sydney's innocent face. The three of them walked together and Sydney lifted his bat to the crowd acknowledging their chants, claps and cheers as he saw his score of 286 against his name. Australia was none for 432.

"Well batted Simon," Sydney said softly to the little batsman that stood with his fists raised ready to swing at him as he walked into the players' room. Simon was red in the face, his temper barely held in check as he watched Sydney coming up the stairs and prepared to physically hand out what he had been verbally giving him all day.

The rest of the team and supporters in the room were quiet and Simon was suddenly conscious that every eye in the room was watching him and, he noted, most of them had smiles on their faces. "You big bastard!" he spat, suddenly deflated as he realised that he had been suckered.

Suckered into playing one of the best innings of his life, all because he was so angry with the man at the other end that he refused to give his wicket away just so he could give him more lip. He dropped his hands and when the big dark haired man wrapped him into his chest it was all he could do to stop himself from blubbering like a baby.

Sydney let him go then Simon found himself wrapped up in the massive bosom of Lissa O'Dowd. This time he did cry as the big amazon hugged him tightly, kissing the top of his head she whispered, "Sometimes you got to be tough to the ones you love."
